path: root/win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx
diff options
authorConstantin Kaplinsky <const@tightvnc.com>2006-05-25 05:12:25 +0000
committerConstantin Kaplinsky <const@tightvnc.com>2006-05-25 05:12:25 +0000
commit729598cb00d791bbdfe23ebe0023d3a1c3962f83 (patch)
treeffe1b87705a0541998b8d7c44ea75dc4702dc515 /win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx
parentb30ae7facbdf8273f34f5d67d3d2e9c81db75576 (diff)
Migrating to new directory structure adopted from the RealVNC's source tree. More changes will follow.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tigervnc/code/trunk@591 3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519
Diffstat (limited to 'win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx b/win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae5d7166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win/vncconfig/Legacy.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <vncconfig/Legacy.h>
+#include <rfb/LogWriter.h>
+#include <rfb/Password.h>
+#include <rfb_win32/CurrentUser.h>
+using namespace rfb;
+using namespace win32;
+static LogWriter vlog("Legacy");
+void LegacyPage::LoadPrefs()
+ {
+ // VNC 3.3.3R3 Preferences Algorithm, as described by vncProperties.cpp
+ // - Load user-specific settings, based on logged-on user name,
+ // from HKLM/Software/ORL/WinVNC3/<user>. If they don't exist,
+ // try again with username "Default".
+ // - Load system-wide settings from HKLM/Software/ORL/WinVNC3.
+ // - If AllowProperties is non-zero then load the user's own
+ // settings from HKCU/Software/ORL/WinVNC3.
+ // Get the name of the current user
+ TCharArray username;
+ try {
+ UserName name;
+ username.buf = name.takeBuf();
+ } catch (rdr::SystemException& e) {
+ if (e.err != ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ON)
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Open and read the WinVNC3 registry key
+ allowProperties = true;
+ RegKey winvnc3;
+ try {
+ winvnc3.openKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\ORL\\WinVNC3"));
+ int debugMode = winvnc3.getInt(_T("DebugMode"), 0);
+ const char* debugTarget = 0;
+ if (debugMode & 2) debugTarget = "file";
+ if (debugMode & 4) debugTarget = "stderr";
+ if (debugTarget) {
+ char logSetting[32];
+ sprintf(logSetting, "*:%s:%d", debugTarget, winvnc3.getInt(_T("DebugLevel"), 0));
+ regKey.setString(_T("Log"), TStr(logSetting));
+ }
+ TCharArray authHosts;
+ authHosts.buf = winvnc3.getString(_T("AuthHosts"), 0);
+ if (authHosts.buf) {
+ CharArray newHosts;
+ newHosts.buf = strDup("");
+ // Reformat AuthHosts to Hosts. Wish I'd left the format the same. :( :( :(
+ try {
+ CharArray tmp = strDup(authHosts.buf);
+ while (tmp.buf) {
+ // Split the AuthHosts string into patterns to match
+ CharArray first;
+ rfb::strSplit(tmp.buf, ':', &first.buf, &tmp.buf);
+ if (strlen(first.buf)) {
+ int bits = 0;
+ CharArray pattern(1+4*4+4);
+ pattern.buf[0] = first.buf[0];
+ pattern.buf[1] = 0;
+ // Split the pattern into IP address parts and process
+ rfb::CharArray address;
+ address.buf = rfb::strDup(&first.buf[1]);
+ while (address.buf) {
+ rfb::CharArray part;
+ rfb::strSplit(address.buf, '.', &part.buf, &address.buf);
+ if (bits)
+ strcat(pattern.buf, ".");
+ if (strlen(part.buf) > 3)
+ throw rdr::Exception("Invalid IP address part");
+ if (strlen(part.buf) > 0) {
+ strcat(pattern.buf, part.buf);
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pad out the address specification if required
+ int addrBits = bits;
+ while (addrBits < 32) {
+ if (addrBits) strcat(pattern.buf, ".");
+ strcat(pattern.buf, "0");
+ addrBits += 8;
+ }
+ // Append the number of bits to match
+ char buf[4];
+ sprintf(buf, "/%d", bits);
+ strcat(pattern.buf, buf);
+ // Append this pattern to the Hosts value
+ int length = strlen(newHosts.buf) + strlen(pattern.buf) + 2;
+ CharArray tmpHosts(length);
+ strcpy(tmpHosts.buf, pattern.buf);
+ if (strlen(newHosts.buf)) {
+ strcat(tmpHosts.buf, ",");
+ strcat(tmpHosts.buf, newHosts.buf);
+ }
+ delete [] newHosts.buf;
+ newHosts.buf = tmpHosts.takeBuf();
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, save the Hosts value
+ regKey.setString(_T("Hosts"), TStr(newHosts.buf));
+ } catch (rdr::Exception) {
+ MsgBox(0, _T("Unable to convert AuthHosts setting to Hosts format."),
+ }
+ } else {
+ regKey.setString(_T("Hosts"), _T("+"));
+ }
+ regKey.setBool(_T("LocalHost"), winvnc3.getBool(_T("LoopbackOnly"), false));
+ // *** check AllowLoopback?
+ if (winvnc3.getBool(_T("AuthRequired"), true))
+ regKey.setString(_T("SecurityTypes"), _T("VncAuth"));
+ else
+ regKey.setString(_T("SecurityTypes"), _T("None"));
+ int connectPriority = winvnc3.getInt(_T("ConnectPriority"), 0);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("DisconnectClients"), connectPriority == 0);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("AlwaysShared"), connectPriority == 1);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("NeverShared"), connectPriority == 2);
+ } catch(rdr::Exception) {
+ }
+ // Open the local, default-user settings
+ allowProperties = true;
+ try {
+ RegKey userKey;
+ userKey.openKey(winvnc3, _T("Default"));
+ vlog.info("loading Default prefs");
+ LoadUserPrefs(userKey);
+ } catch(rdr::Exception& e) {
+ vlog.error("error reading Default settings:%s", e.str());
+ }
+ // Open the local, user-specific settings
+ if (userSettings && username.buf) {
+ try {
+ RegKey userKey;
+ userKey.openKey(winvnc3, username.buf);
+ vlog.info("loading local User prefs");
+ LoadUserPrefs(userKey);
+ } catch(rdr::Exception& e) {
+ vlog.error("error reading local User settings:%s", e.str());
+ }
+ // Open the user's own settings
+ if (allowProperties) {
+ try {
+ RegKey userKey;
+ userKey.openKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\ORL\\WinVNC3"));
+ vlog.info("loading global User prefs");
+ LoadUserPrefs(userKey);
+ } catch(rdr::Exception& e) {
+ vlog.error("error reading global User settings:%s", e.str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Disable the Options menu item if appropriate
+ regKey.setBool(_T("DisableOptions"), !allowProperties);
+ }
+ void LegacyPage::LoadUserPrefs(const RegKey& key)
+ {
+ if (key.getBool(_T("HTTPConnect"), true))
+ regKey.setInt(_T("HTTPPortNumber"), key.getInt(_T("PortNumber"), 5900)-100);
+ else
+ regKey.setInt(_T("HTTPPortNumber"), 0);
+ regKey.setInt(_T("PortNumber"), key.getBool(_T("SocketConnect")) ? key.getInt(_T("PortNumber"), 5900) : 0);
+ if (key.getBool(_T("AutoPortSelect"), false)) {
+ MsgBox(0, _T("The AutoPortSelect setting is not supported by this release.")
+ _T("The port number will default to 5900."),
+ regKey.setInt(_T("PortNumber"), 5900);
+ }
+ regKey.setInt(_T("IdleTimeout"), key.getInt(_T("IdleTimeout"), 0));
+ regKey.setBool(_T("RemoveWallpaper"), key.getBool(_T("RemoveWallpaper")));
+ regKey.setBool(_T("RemovePattern"), key.getBool(_T("RemoveWallpaper")));
+ regKey.setBool(_T("DisableEffects"), key.getBool(_T("RemoveWallpaper")));
+ if (key.getInt(_T("QuerySetting"), 2) != 2) {
+ regKey.setBool(_T("QueryConnect"), key.getInt(_T("QuerySetting")) > 2);
+ MsgBox(0, _T("The QuerySetting option has been replaced by QueryConnect.")
+ _T("Please see the documentation for details of the QueryConnect option."),
+ }
+ regKey.setInt(_T("QueryTimeout"), key.getInt(_T("QueryTimeout"), 10));
+ ObfuscatedPasswd passwd;
+ key.getBinary(_T("Password"), (void**)&passwd.buf, &passwd.length, 0, 0);
+ regKey.setBinary(_T("Password"), passwd.buf, passwd.length);
+ bool enableInputs = key.getBool(_T("InputsEnabled"), true);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("AcceptKeyEvents"), enableInputs);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("AcceptPointerEvents"), enableInputs);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("AcceptCutText"), enableInputs);
+ regKey.setBool(_T("SendCutText"), enableInputs);
+ switch (key.getInt(_T("LockSetting"), 0)) {
+ case 0: regKey.setString(_T("DisconnectAction"), _T("None")); break;
+ case 1: regKey.setString(_T("DisconnectAction"), _T("Lock")); break;
+ case 2: regKey.setString(_T("DisconnectAction"), _T("Logoff")); break;
+ };
+ regKey.setBool(_T("DisableLocalInputs"), key.getBool(_T("LocalInputsDisabled"), false));
+ // *** ignore polling preferences
+ // PollUnderCursor, PollForeground, OnlyPollConsole, OnlyPollOnEvent
+ regKey.setBool(_T("UseHooks"), !key.getBool(_T("PollFullScreen"), false));
+ if (key.isValue(_T("AllowShutdown")))
+ MsgBox(0, _T("The AllowShutdown option is not supported by this release."), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
+ if (key.isValue(_T("AllowEditClients")))
+ MsgBox(0, _T("The AllowEditClients option is not supported by this release."), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
+ allowProperties = key.getBool(_T("AllowProperties"), allowProperties);
+ }