path: root/common/jpeg/simd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/jpeg/simd')
17 files changed, 6140 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jccolmmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jccolmmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..701a3271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jccolmmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+; jccolmmx.asm - colorspace conversion (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jcolsamp.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define SCALEBITS 16
+F_0_081 equ 5329 ; FIX(0.08131)
+F_0_114 equ 7471 ; FIX(0.11400)
+F_0_168 equ 11059 ; FIX(0.16874)
+F_0_250 equ 16384 ; FIX(0.25000)
+F_0_299 equ 19595 ; FIX(0.29900)
+F_0_331 equ 21709 ; FIX(0.33126)
+F_0_418 equ 27439 ; FIX(0.41869)
+F_0_587 equ 38470 ; FIX(0.58700)
+F_0_337 equ (F_0_587 - F_0_250) ; FIX(0.58700) - FIX(0.25000)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_rgb_ycc_convert_mmx)
+PW_F0299_F0337 times 2 dw F_0_299, F_0_337
+PW_F0114_F0250 times 2 dw F_0_114, F_0_250
+PW_MF016_MF033 times 2 dw -F_0_168,-F_0_331
+PW_MF008_MF041 times 2 dw -F_0_081,-F_0_418
+PD_ONEHALF times 2 dd (1 << (SCALEBITS-1))
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Convert some rows of samples to the output colorspace.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_rgb_ycc_convert_mmx (JDIMENSION img_width,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
+; JDIMENSION output_row, int num_rows);
+%define img_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION img_width
+%define input_buf(b) (b)+12 ; JSAMPARRAY input_buf
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPIMAGE output_buf
+%define output_row(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION output_row
+%define num_rows(b) (b)+24 ; int num_rows
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 8
+%define gotptr wk(0)-SIZEOF_POINTER ; void * gotptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_rgb_ycc_convert_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic eax ; make a room for GOT address
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ movpic POINTER [gotptr], ebx ; save GOT address
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [img_width(eax)] ; num_cols
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz near .return
+ push ecx
+ mov esi, JSAMPIMAGE [output_buf(eax)]
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [output_row(eax)]
+ lea edi, [edi+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ lea ebx, [ebx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ lea edx, [edx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ pop ecx
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_buf(eax)]
+ mov eax, INT [num_rows(eax)]
+ test eax,eax
+ jle near .return
+ alignx 16,7
+ pushpic eax
+ push edx
+ push ebx
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ push ecx ; col
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr0
+ mov ebx, JSAMPROW [ebx] ; outptr1
+ mov edx, JSAMPROW [edx] ; outptr2
+ movpic eax, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address (eax)
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jae short .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+%if RGB_PIXELSIZE == 3 ; ---------------
+ push eax
+ push edx
+ lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ; imul ecx,RGB_PIXELSIZE
+ test cl, SIZEOF_BYTE
+ jz short .column_ld2
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_BYTE
+ xor eax,eax
+ mov al, BYTE [esi+ecx]
+ test cl, SIZEOF_WORD
+ jz short .column_ld4
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ xor edx,edx
+ mov dx, WORD [esi+ecx]
+ shl eax, WORD_BIT
+ or eax,edx
+ movd mmA,eax
+ pop edx
+ pop eax
+ test cl, SIZEOF_DWORD
+ jz short .column_ld8
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ movd mmG, DWORD [esi+ecx]
+ psllq mmA, DWORD_BIT
+ por mmA,mmG
+ test cl, SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .column_ld16
+ movq mmG,mmA
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ mov ecx, SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jmp short .rgb_ycc_cnv
+ test cl, 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ mov ecx, SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .rgb_ycc_cnv
+ movq mmF,mmA
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmG, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ jmp short .rgb_ycc_cnv
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmG, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmF, MMWORD [esi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ ; mmA=(00 10 20 01 11 21 02 12)
+ ; mmG=(22 03 13 23 04 14 24 05)
+ ; mmF=(15 25 06 16 26 07 17 27)
+ movq mmD,mmA
+ psllq mmA,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmA=(-- -- -- -- 00 10 20 01)
+ psrlq mmD,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmD=(11 21 02 12 -- -- -- --)
+ punpckhbw mmA,mmG ; mmA=(00 04 10 14 20 24 01 05)
+ psllq mmG,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmG=(-- -- -- -- 22 03 13 23)
+ punpcklbw mmD,mmF ; mmD=(11 15 21 25 02 06 12 16)
+ punpckhbw mmG,mmF ; mmG=(22 26 03 07 13 17 23 27)
+ movq mmE,mmA
+ psllq mmA,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmA=(-- -- -- -- 00 04 10 14)
+ psrlq mmE,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmE=(20 24 01 05 -- -- -- --)
+ punpckhbw mmA,mmD ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 10 12 14 16)
+ psllq mmD,4*BYTE_BIT ; mmD=(-- -- -- -- 11 15 21 25)
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmG ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 01 03 05 07)
+ punpckhbw mmD,mmG ; mmD=(11 13 15 17 21 23 25 27)
+ pxor mmH,mmH
+ movq mmC,mmA
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmH ; mmA=(00 02 04 06)
+ punpckhbw mmC,mmH ; mmC=(10 12 14 16)
+ movq mmB,mmE
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmH ; mmE=(20 22 24 26)
+ punpckhbw mmB,mmH ; mmB=(01 03 05 07)
+ movq mmF,mmD
+ punpcklbw mmD,mmH ; mmD=(11 13 15 17)
+ punpckhbw mmF,mmH ; mmF=(21 23 25 27)
+%else ; RGB_PIXELSIZE == 4 ; -----------
+ test cl, SIZEOF_MMWORD/8
+ jz short .column_ld2
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/8
+ movd mmA, DWORD [esi+ecx*RGB_PIXELSIZE]
+ test cl, SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ jz short .column_ld4
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ movq mmF,mmA
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+ecx*RGB_PIXELSIZE]
+ test cl, SIZEOF_MMWORD/2
+ mov ecx, SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .rgb_ycc_cnv
+ movq mmD,mmA
+ movq mmC,mmF
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmF, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ jmp short .rgb_ycc_cnv
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mmA, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmF, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmD, MMWORD [esi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mmC, MMWORD [esi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ ; mmA=(00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31)
+ ; mmF=(02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33)
+ ; mmD=(04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35)
+ ; mmC=(06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mmB,mmA
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmF ; mmA=(00 02 10 12 20 22 30 32)
+ punpckhbw mmB,mmF ; mmB=(01 03 11 13 21 23 31 33)
+ movq mmG,mmD
+ punpcklbw mmD,mmC ; mmD=(04 06 14 16 24 26 34 36)
+ punpckhbw mmG,mmC ; mmG=(05 07 15 17 25 27 35 37)
+ movq mmE,mmA
+ punpcklwd mmA,mmD ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 10 12 14 16)
+ punpckhwd mmE,mmD ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 30 32 34 36)
+ movq mmH,mmB
+ punpcklwd mmB,mmG ; mmB=(01 03 05 07 11 13 15 17)
+ punpckhwd mmH,mmG ; mmH=(21 23 25 27 31 33 35 37)
+ pxor mmF,mmF
+ movq mmC,mmA
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmF ; mmA=(00 02 04 06)
+ punpckhbw mmC,mmF ; mmC=(10 12 14 16)
+ movq mmD,mmB
+ punpcklbw mmB,mmF ; mmB=(01 03 05 07)
+ punpckhbw mmD,mmF ; mmD=(11 13 15 17)
+ movq mmG,mmE
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmF ; mmE=(20 22 24 26)
+ punpckhbw mmG,mmF ; mmG=(30 32 34 36)
+ punpcklbw mmF,mmH
+ punpckhbw mmH,mmH
+ psrlw mmF,BYTE_BIT ; mmF=(21 23 25 27)
+ psrlw mmH,BYTE_BIT ; mmH=(31 33 35 37)
+%endif ; RGB_PIXELSIZE ; ---------------
+ ; mm0=(R0 R2 R4 R6)=RE, mm2=(G0 G2 G4 G6)=GE, mm4=(B0 B2 B4 B6)=BE
+ ; mm1=(R1 R3 R5 R7)=RO, mm3=(G1 G3 G5 G7)=GO, mm5=(B1 B3 B5 B7)=BO
+ ; (Original)
+ ; Y = 0.29900 * R + 0.58700 * G + 0.11400 * B
+ ; Cb = -0.16874 * R - 0.33126 * G + 0.50000 * B + CENTERJSAMPLE
+ ; Cr = 0.50000 * R - 0.41869 * G - 0.08131 * B + CENTERJSAMPLE
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; Y = 0.29900 * R + 0.33700 * G + 0.11400 * B + 0.25000 * G
+ ; Cb = -0.16874 * R - 0.33126 * G + 0.50000 * B + CENTERJSAMPLE
+ ; Cr = 0.50000 * R - 0.41869 * G - 0.08131 * B + CENTERJSAMPLE
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm0 ; wk(0)=RE
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm1 ; wk(1)=RO
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm4 ; wk(2)=BE
+ movq MMWORD [wk(3)], mm5 ; wk(3)=BO
+ movq mm6,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm3
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm3
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ movq mm4,mm6
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0299_F0337)] ; mm1=ROL*FIX(0.299)+GOL*FIX(0.337)
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0299_F0337)] ; mm6=ROH*FIX(0.299)+GOH*FIX(0.337)
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF016_MF033)] ; mm7=ROL*-FIX(0.168)+GOL*-FIX(0.331)
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF016_MF033)] ; mm4=ROH*-FIX(0.168)+GOH*-FIX(0.331)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(4)], mm1 ; wk(4)=ROL*FIX(0.299)+GOL*FIX(0.337)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(5)], mm6 ; wk(5)=ROH*FIX(0.299)+GOH*FIX(0.337)
+ pxor mm1,mm1
+ pxor mm6,mm6
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm5 ; mm1=BOL
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm5 ; mm6=BOH
+ psrld mm1,1 ; mm1=BOL*FIX(0.500)
+ psrld mm6,1 ; mm6=BOH*FIX(0.500)
+ movq mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ)] ; mm5=[PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ]
+ paddd mm7,mm1
+ paddd mm4,mm6
+ paddd mm7,mm5
+ paddd mm4,mm5
+ psrld mm7,SCALEBITS ; mm7=CbOL
+ psrld mm4,SCALEBITS ; mm4=CbOH
+ packssdw mm7,mm4 ; mm7=CbO
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm1=BE
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm2
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm2
+ movq mm5,mm0
+ movq mm4,mm6
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0299_F0337)] ; mm0=REL*FIX(0.299)+GEL*FIX(0.337)
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0299_F0337)] ; mm6=REH*FIX(0.299)+GEH*FIX(0.337)
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF016_MF033)] ; mm5=REL*-FIX(0.168)+GEL*-FIX(0.331)
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF016_MF033)] ; mm4=REH*-FIX(0.168)+GEH*-FIX(0.331)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(6)], mm0 ; wk(6)=REL*FIX(0.299)+GEL*FIX(0.337)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(7)], mm6 ; wk(7)=REH*FIX(0.299)+GEH*FIX(0.337)
+ pxor mm0,mm0
+ pxor mm6,mm6
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=BEL
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm1 ; mm6=BEH
+ psrld mm0,1 ; mm0=BEL*FIX(0.500)
+ psrld mm6,1 ; mm6=BEH*FIX(0.500)
+ movq mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ)] ; mm1=[PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ]
+ paddd mm5,mm0
+ paddd mm4,mm6
+ paddd mm5,mm1
+ paddd mm4,mm1
+ psrld mm5,SCALEBITS ; mm5=CbEL
+ psrld mm4,SCALEBITS ; mm4=CbEH
+ packssdw mm5,mm4 ; mm5=CbE
+ psllw mm7,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm5,mm7 ; mm5=Cb
+ movq MMWORD [ebx], mm5 ; Save Cb
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(3)] ; mm0=BO
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm6=BE
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm1=RO
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm3
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm3
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm4
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0114_F0250)] ; mm0=BOL*FIX(0.114)+GOL*FIX(0.250)
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0114_F0250)] ; mm4=BOH*FIX(0.114)+GOH*FIX(0.250)
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF008_MF041)] ; mm7=BOL*-FIX(0.081)+GOL*-FIX(0.418)
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF008_MF041)] ; mm5=BOH*-FIX(0.081)+GOH*-FIX(0.418)
+ movq mm3,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)] ; mm3=[PD_ONEHALF]
+ paddd mm0, MMWORD [wk(4)]
+ paddd mm4, MMWORD [wk(5)]
+ paddd mm0,mm3
+ paddd mm4,mm3
+ psrld mm0,SCALEBITS ; mm0=YOL
+ psrld mm4,SCALEBITS ; mm4=YOH
+ packssdw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=YO
+ pxor mm3,mm3
+ pxor mm4,mm4
+ punpcklwd mm3,mm1 ; mm3=ROL
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=ROH
+ psrld mm3,1 ; mm3=ROL*FIX(0.500)
+ psrld mm4,1 ; mm4=ROH*FIX(0.500)
+ movq mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ)] ; mm1=[PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ]
+ paddd mm7,mm3
+ paddd mm5,mm4
+ paddd mm7,mm1
+ paddd mm5,mm1
+ psrld mm7,SCALEBITS ; mm7=CrOL
+ psrld mm5,SCALEBITS ; mm5=CrOH
+ packssdw mm7,mm5 ; mm7=CrO
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm3=RE
+ movq mm4,mm6
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm2
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm6
+ movq mm5,mm4
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0114_F0250)] ; mm6=BEL*FIX(0.114)+GEL*FIX(0.250)
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0114_F0250)] ; mm4=BEH*FIX(0.114)+GEH*FIX(0.250)
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF008_MF041)] ; mm1=BEL*-FIX(0.081)+GEL*-FIX(0.418)
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF008_MF041)] ; mm5=BEH*-FIX(0.081)+GEH*-FIX(0.418)
+ movq mm2,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)] ; mm2=[PD_ONEHALF]
+ paddd mm6, MMWORD [wk(6)]
+ paddd mm4, MMWORD [wk(7)]
+ paddd mm6,mm2
+ paddd mm4,mm2
+ psrld mm6,SCALEBITS ; mm6=YEL
+ psrld mm4,SCALEBITS ; mm4=YEH
+ packssdw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=YE
+ psllw mm0,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm6,mm0 ; mm6=Y
+ movq MMWORD [edi], mm6 ; Save Y
+ pxor mm2,mm2
+ pxor mm4,mm4
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=REL
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm3 ; mm4=REH
+ psrld mm2,1 ; mm2=REL*FIX(0.500)
+ psrld mm4,1 ; mm4=REH*FIX(0.500)
+ movq mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ)] ; mm0=[PD_ONEHALFM1_CJ]
+ paddd mm1,mm2
+ paddd mm5,mm4
+ paddd mm1,mm0
+ paddd mm5,mm0
+ psrld mm1,SCALEBITS ; mm1=CrEL
+ psrld mm5,SCALEBITS ; mm5=CrEH
+ packssdw mm1,mm5 ; mm1=CrE
+ psllw mm7,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm1,mm7 ; mm1=Cr
+ movq MMWORD [edx], mm1 ; Save Cr
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add esi, byte RGB_PIXELSIZE*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr0
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr1
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr2
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jae near .columnloop
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jnz near .column_ld1
+ pop ecx ; col
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebx
+ pop edx
+ poppic eax
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_buf
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ dec eax ; num_rows
+ jg near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jcolsamp.inc b/common/jpeg/simd/jcolsamp.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56b6bfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jcolsamp.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+; jcolsamp.inc - private declarations for color conversion & up/downsampling
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; [TAB8]
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; pseudo-resisters to make ordering of RGB configurable
+%if RGB_RED == 0
+%define mmA mm0
+%define mmB mm1
+%elif RGB_GREEN == 0
+%define mmA mm2
+%define mmB mm3
+%elif RGB_BLUE == 0
+%define mmA mm4
+%define mmB mm5
+%define mmA mm6
+%define mmB mm7
+%if RGB_RED == 1
+%define mmC mm0
+%define mmD mm1
+%elif RGB_GREEN == 1
+%define mmC mm2
+%define mmD mm3
+%elif RGB_BLUE == 1
+%define mmC mm4
+%define mmD mm5
+%define mmC mm6
+%define mmD mm7
+%if RGB_RED == 2
+%define mmE mm0
+%define mmF mm1
+%elif RGB_GREEN == 2
+%define mmE mm2
+%define mmF mm3
+%elif RGB_BLUE == 2
+%define mmE mm4
+%define mmF mm5
+%define mmE mm6
+%define mmF mm7
+%if RGB_RED == 3
+%define mmG mm0
+%define mmH mm1
+%elif RGB_GREEN == 3
+%define mmG mm2
+%define mmH mm3
+%elif RGB_BLUE == 3
+%define mmG mm4
+%define mmH mm5
+%define mmG mm6
+%define mmH mm7
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jcqntmmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jcqntmmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6096eaa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jcqntmmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+; jcqntmmx.asm - sample data conversion and quantization (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Load data into workspace, applying unsigned->signed conversion
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_convsamp_mmx (JSAMPARRAY sample_data, JDIMENSION start_col,
+; DCTELEM * workspace);
+%define sample_data ebp+8 ; JSAMPARRAY sample_data
+%define start_col ebp+12 ; JDIMENSION start_col
+%define workspace ebp+16 ; DCTELEM * workspace
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_convsamp_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ pxor mm6,mm6 ; mm6=(all 0's)
+ pcmpeqw mm7,mm7
+ psllw mm7,7 ; mm7={0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80}
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [sample_data] ; (JSAMPROW *)
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [start_col]
+ mov edi, POINTER [workspace] ; (DCTELEM *)
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE] ; mm0=(01234567)
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE] ; mm1=(89ABCDEF)
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE] ; mm2=(GHIJKLMN)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE] ; mm3=(OPQRSTUV)
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm6 ; mm0=(0123)
+ punpckhbw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=(4567)
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ punpcklbw mm1,mm6 ; mm1=(89AB)
+ punpckhbw mm5,mm6 ; mm5=(CDEF)
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm4,mm7
+ paddw mm1,mm7
+ paddw mm5,mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq mm0,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm6 ; mm2=(GHIJ)
+ punpckhbw mm0,mm6 ; mm0=(KLMN)
+ movq mm4,mm3
+ punpcklbw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=(OPQR)
+ punpckhbw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=(STUV)
+ paddw mm2,mm7
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm3,mm7
+ paddw mm4,mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add edi, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ dec ecx
+ jnz short .convloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Quantize/descale the coefficients, and store into coef_block
+; This implementation is based on an algorithm described in
+; "How to optimize for the Pentium family of microprocessors"
+; (http://www.agner.org/assem/).
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_quantize_mmx (JCOEFPTR coef_block, DCTELEM * divisors,
+; DCTELEM * workspace);
+%define SCALE(m,n,b) MMBLOCK(DCTSIZE*2+(m),(n),(b),SIZEOF_DCTELEM)
+%define SHIFT(m,n,b) MMBLOCK(DCTSIZE*3+(m),(n),(b),SIZEOF_DCTELEM)
+%define coef_block ebp+8 ; JCOEFPTR coef_block
+%define divisors ebp+12 ; DCTELEM * divisors
+%define workspace ebp+16 ; DCTELEM * workspace
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_quantize_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+; push ebx ; unused
+; push ecx ; unused
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov esi, POINTER [workspace]
+ mov edx, POINTER [divisors]
+ mov edi, JCOEFPTR [coef_block]
+ mov ah, 2
+ alignx 16,7
+ mov al, DCTSIZE2/8/2
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,esi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm0,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm3
+ psraw mm2,(WORD_BIT-1) ; -1 if value < 0, 0 otherwise
+ psraw mm3,(WORD_BIT-1)
+ pxor mm0,mm2 ; val = -val
+ pxor mm1,mm3
+ psubw mm0,mm2
+ psubw mm1,mm3
+ ;
+ ; MMX is an annoyingly crappy instruction set. It has two
+ ; misfeatures that are causing problems here:
+ ;
+ ; - All multiplications are signed.
+ ;
+ ; - The second operand for the shifts is not treated as packed.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; We work around the first problem by implementing this algorithm:
+ ;
+ ; unsigned long unsigned_multiply(unsigned short x, unsigned short y)
+ ; {
+ ; enum { SHORT_BIT = 16 };
+ ; signed short sx = (signed short) x;
+ ; signed short sy = (signed short) y;
+ ; signed long sz;
+ ;
+ ; sz = (long) sx * (long) sy; /* signed multiply */
+ ;
+ ; if (sx < 0) sz += (long) sy << SHORT_BIT;
+ ; if (sy < 0) sz += (long) sx << SHORT_BIT;
+ ;
+ ; return (unsigned long) sz;
+ ; }
+ ;
+ ; (note that a negative sx adds _sy_ and vice versa)
+ ;
+ ; For the second problem, we replace the shift by a multiplication.
+ ; Unfortunately that means we have to deal with the signed issue again.
+ ;
+ paddw mm0, MMWORD [CORRECTION(0,0,edx)] ; correction + roundfactor
+ paddw mm1, MMWORD [CORRECTION(0,1,edx)]
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; store current value for later
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ pmulhw mm0, MMWORD [RECIPROCAL(0,0,edx)] ; reciprocal
+ pmulhw mm1, MMWORD [RECIPROCAL(0,1,edx)]
+ paddw mm0,mm4 ; reciprocal is always negative (MSB=1),
+ paddw mm1,mm5 ; so we always need to add the initial value
+ ; (input value is never negative as we
+ ; inverted it at the start of this routine)
+ ; here it gets a bit tricky as both scale
+ ; and mm0/mm1 can be negative
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [SCALE(0,0,edx)] ; scale
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [SCALE(0,1,edx)]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ pmulhw mm0,mm6
+ pmulhw mm1,mm7
+ psraw mm6,(WORD_BIT-1) ; determine if scale is negative
+ psraw mm7,(WORD_BIT-1)
+ pand mm6,mm4 ; and add input if it is
+ pand mm7,mm5
+ paddw mm0,mm6
+ paddw mm1,mm7
+ psraw mm4,(WORD_BIT-1) ; then check if negative input
+ psraw mm5,(WORD_BIT-1)
+ pand mm4, MMWORD [SCALE(0,0,edx)] ; and add scale if it is
+ pand mm5, MMWORD [SCALE(0,1,edx)]
+ paddw mm0,mm4
+ paddw mm1,mm5
+ pxor mm0,mm2 ; val = -val
+ pxor mm1,mm3
+ psubw mm0,mm2
+ psubw mm1,mm3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ add esi, byte 8*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ add edx, byte 8*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ add edi, byte 8*SIZEOF_JCOEF
+ dec al
+ jnz near .quantloop2
+ dec ah
+ jnz near .quantloop1 ; to avoid branch misprediction
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; unused
+; pop ebx ; unused
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jcsammmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jcsammmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5de36372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jcsammmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+; jcsammmx.asm - downsampling (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Downsample pixel values of a single component.
+; This version handles the common case of 2:1 horizontal and 1:1 vertical,
+; without smoothing.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v1_downsample_mmx (JDIMENSION image_width, int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION width_blocks,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY output_data);
+%define img_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION image_width
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+12 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define v_samp(b) (b)+16 ; JDIMENSION v_samp_factor
+%define width_blks(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION width_blocks
+%define input_data(b) (b)+24 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data(b) (b)+28 ; JSAMPARRAY output_data
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_downsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+; push ebx ; unused
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [width_blks(ebp)]
+ shl ecx,3 ; imul ecx,DCTSIZE (ecx = output_cols)
+ jz near .return
+ mov edx, JDIMENSION [img_width(ebp)]
+ ; -- expand_right_edge
+ push ecx
+ shl ecx,1 ; output_cols * 2
+ sub ecx,edx
+ jle short .expand_end
+ mov eax, INT [max_v_samp(ebp)]
+ test eax,eax
+ jle short .expand_end
+ cld
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push eax
+ push ecx
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [esi]
+ add edi,edx
+ mov al, JSAMPLE [edi-1]
+ rep stosb
+ pop ecx
+ pop eax
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ dec eax
+ jg short .expandloop
+ pop ecx ; output_cols
+ ; -- h2v1_downsample
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [v_samp(ebp)] ; rowctr
+ test eax,eax
+ jle short .return
+ mov edx, 0x00010000 ; bias pattern
+ movd mm7,edx
+ pcmpeqw mm6,mm6
+ punpckldq mm7,mm7 ; mm7={0, 1, 0, 1}
+ psrlw mm6,BYTE_BIT ; mm6={0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 ..}
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_data(ebp)] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push ecx
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm2,mm0
+ movq mm3,mm1
+ pand mm0,mm6
+ psrlw mm2,BYTE_BIT
+ pand mm1,mm6
+ psrlw mm3,BYTE_BIT
+ paddw mm0,mm2
+ paddw mm1,mm3
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm1,mm7
+ psrlw mm0,1
+ psrlw mm1,1
+ packuswb mm0,mm1
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ add esi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr
+ add edi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outcol
+ jnz short .columnloop
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ecx
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ dec eax ; rowctr
+ jg short .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ebx ; unused
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Downsample pixel values of a single component.
+; This version handles the standard case of 2:1 horizontal and 2:1 vertical,
+; without smoothing.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v2_downsample_mmx (JDIMENSION image_width, int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION width_blocks,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY output_data);
+%define img_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION image_width
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+12 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define v_samp(b) (b)+16 ; JDIMENSION v_samp_factor
+%define width_blks(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION width_blocks
+%define input_data(b) (b)+24 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data(b) (b)+28 ; JSAMPARRAY output_data
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v2_downsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+; push ebx ; unused
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [width_blks(ebp)]
+ shl ecx,3 ; imul ecx,DCTSIZE (ecx = output_cols)
+ jz near .return
+ mov edx, JDIMENSION [img_width(ebp)]
+ ; -- expand_right_edge
+ push ecx
+ shl ecx,1 ; output_cols * 2
+ sub ecx,edx
+ jle short .expand_end
+ mov eax, INT [max_v_samp(ebp)]
+ test eax,eax
+ jle short .expand_end
+ cld
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push eax
+ push ecx
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [esi]
+ add edi,edx
+ mov al, JSAMPLE [edi-1]
+ rep stosb
+ pop ecx
+ pop eax
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ dec eax
+ jg short .expandloop
+ pop ecx ; output_cols
+ ; -- h2v2_downsample
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [v_samp(ebp)] ; rowctr
+ test eax,eax
+ jle near .return
+ mov edx, 0x00020001 ; bias pattern
+ movd mm7,edx
+ pcmpeqw mm6,mm6
+ punpckldq mm7,mm7 ; mm7={1, 2, 1, 2}
+ psrlw mm6,BYTE_BIT ; mm6={0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 ..}
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_data(ebp)] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push ecx
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov edx, JSAMPROW [esi+0*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr0
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi+1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr1
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [edx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [edx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ pand mm0,mm6
+ psrlw mm4,BYTE_BIT
+ pand mm1,mm6
+ psrlw mm5,BYTE_BIT
+ paddw mm0,mm4
+ paddw mm1,mm5
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm5,mm3
+ pand mm2,mm6
+ psrlw mm4,BYTE_BIT
+ pand mm3,mm6
+ psrlw mm5,BYTE_BIT
+ paddw mm2,mm4
+ paddw mm3,mm5
+ paddw mm0,mm1
+ paddw mm2,mm3
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm2,mm7
+ psrlw mm0,2
+ psrlw mm2,2
+ packuswb mm0,mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ add edx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ add esi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1
+ add edi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outcol
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ecx
+ add esi, byte 2*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte 1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ dec eax ; rowctr
+ jg near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ebx ; unused
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jdcolmmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jdcolmmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33d50634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jdcolmmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+; jdcolmmx.asm - colorspace conversion (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jcolsamp.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define SCALEBITS 16
+F_0_344 equ 22554 ; FIX(0.34414)
+F_0_714 equ 46802 ; FIX(0.71414)
+F_1_402 equ 91881 ; FIX(1.40200)
+F_1_772 equ 116130 ; FIX(1.77200)
+F_0_402 equ (F_1_402 - 65536) ; FIX(1.40200) - FIX(1)
+F_0_285 equ ( 65536 - F_0_714) ; FIX(1) - FIX(0.71414)
+F_0_228 equ (131072 - F_1_772) ; FIX(2) - FIX(1.77200)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_ycc_rgb_convert_mmx)
+PW_F0402 times 4 dw F_0_402
+PW_MF0228 times 4 dw -F_0_228
+PW_MF0344_F0285 times 2 dw -F_0_344, F_0_285
+PW_ONE times 4 dw 1
+PD_ONEHALF times 2 dd 1 << (SCALEBITS-1)
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Convert some rows of samples to the output colorspace.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_mmx (JDIMENSION out_width,
+; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION input_row,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf, int num_rows)
+%define out_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION out_width
+%define input_buf(b) (b)+12 ; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf
+%define input_row(b) (b)+16 ; JDIMENSION input_row
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define num_rows(b) (b)+24 ; int num_rows
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 2
+%define gotptr wk(0)-SIZEOF_POINTER ; void * gotptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic eax ; make a room for GOT address
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ movpic POINTER [gotptr], ebx ; save GOT address
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [out_width(eax)] ; num_cols
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz near .return
+ push ecx
+ mov edi, JSAMPIMAGE [input_buf(eax)]
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [input_row(eax)]
+ lea esi, [esi+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ lea ebx, [ebx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ lea edx, [edx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ pop ecx
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(eax)]
+ mov eax, INT [num_rows(eax)]
+ test eax,eax
+ jle near .return
+ alignx 16,7
+ push eax
+ push edi
+ push edx
+ push ebx
+ push esi
+ push ecx ; col
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr0
+ mov ebx, JSAMPROW [ebx] ; inptr1
+ mov edx, JSAMPROW [edx] ; inptr2
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ movpic eax, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address (eax)
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [ebx] ; mm5=Cb(01234567)
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [edx] ; mm1=Cr(01234567)
+ pcmpeqw mm4,mm4
+ pcmpeqw mm7,mm7
+ psrlw mm4,BYTE_BIT
+ psllw mm7,7 ; mm7={0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80}
+ movq mm0,mm4 ; mm0=mm4={0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 ..}
+ pand mm4,mm5 ; mm4=Cb(0246)=CbE
+ psrlw mm5,BYTE_BIT ; mm5=Cb(1357)=CbO
+ pand mm0,mm1 ; mm0=Cr(0246)=CrE
+ psrlw mm1,BYTE_BIT ; mm1=Cr(1357)=CrO
+ paddw mm4,mm7
+ paddw mm5,mm7
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm1,mm7
+ ; (Original)
+ ; R = Y + 1.40200 * Cr
+ ; G = Y - 0.34414 * Cb - 0.71414 * Cr
+ ; B = Y + 1.77200 * Cb
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; R = Y + 0.40200 * Cr + Cr
+ ; G = Y - 0.34414 * Cb + 0.28586 * Cr - Cr
+ ; B = Y - 0.22800 * Cb + Cb + Cb
+ movq mm2,mm4 ; mm2=CbE
+ movq mm3,mm5 ; mm3=CbO
+ paddw mm4,mm4 ; mm4=2*CbE
+ paddw mm5,mm5 ; mm5=2*CbO
+ movq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=CrE
+ movq mm7,mm1 ; mm7=CrO
+ paddw mm0,mm0 ; mm0=2*CrE
+ paddw mm1,mm1 ; mm1=2*CrO
+ pmulhw mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0228)] ; mm4=(2*CbE * -FIX(0.22800))
+ pmulhw mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0228)] ; mm5=(2*CbO * -FIX(0.22800))
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0402)] ; mm0=(2*CrE * FIX(0.40200))
+ pmulhw mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0402)] ; mm1=(2*CrO * FIX(0.40200))
+ paddw mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ psraw mm4,1 ; mm4=(CbE * -FIX(0.22800))
+ psraw mm5,1 ; mm5=(CbO * -FIX(0.22800))
+ paddw mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm1,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ psraw mm0,1 ; mm0=(CrE * FIX(0.40200))
+ psraw mm1,1 ; mm1=(CrO * FIX(0.40200))
+ paddw mm4,mm2
+ paddw mm5,mm3
+ paddw mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(CbE * FIX(1.77200))=(B-Y)E
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(CbO * FIX(1.77200))=(B-Y)O
+ paddw mm0,mm6 ; mm0=(CrE * FIX(1.40200))=(R-Y)E
+ paddw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(CrO * FIX(1.40200))=(R-Y)O
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=(B-Y)E
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm5 ; wk(1)=(B-Y)O
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm5,mm3
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm6
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm6
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ punpcklwd mm3,mm7
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ paddd mm2,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ paddd mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ psrad mm2,SCALEBITS
+ psrad mm4,SCALEBITS
+ paddd mm3,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ paddd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ psrad mm3,SCALEBITS
+ psrad mm5,SCALEBITS
+ packssdw mm2,mm4 ; mm2=CbE*-FIX(0.344)+CrE*FIX(0.285)
+ packssdw mm3,mm5 ; mm3=CbO*-FIX(0.344)+CrO*FIX(0.285)
+ psubw mm2,mm6 ; mm2=CbE*-FIX(0.344)+CrE*-FIX(0.714)=(G-Y)E
+ psubw mm3,mm7 ; mm3=CbO*-FIX(0.344)+CrO*-FIX(0.714)=(G-Y)O
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [esi] ; mm5=Y(01234567)
+ pcmpeqw mm4,mm4
+ psrlw mm4,BYTE_BIT ; mm4={0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 ..}
+ pand mm4,mm5 ; mm4=Y(0246)=YE
+ psrlw mm5,BYTE_BIT ; mm5=Y(1357)=YO
+ paddw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=((R-Y)E+YE)=RE=(R0 R2 R4 R6)
+ paddw mm1,mm5 ; mm1=((R-Y)O+YO)=RO=(R1 R3 R5 R7)
+ packuswb mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(R0 R2 R4 R6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(R1 R3 R5 R7 ** ** ** **)
+ paddw mm2,mm4 ; mm2=((G-Y)E+YE)=GE=(G0 G2 G4 G6)
+ paddw mm3,mm5 ; mm3=((G-Y)O+YO)=GO=(G1 G3 G5 G7)
+ packuswb mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(G0 G2 G4 G6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(G1 G3 G5 G7 ** ** ** **)
+ paddw mm4, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm4=(YE+(B-Y)E)=BE=(B0 B2 B4 B6)
+ paddw mm5, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm5=(YO+(B-Y)O)=BO=(B1 B3 B5 B7)
+ packuswb mm4,mm4 ; mm4=(B0 B2 B4 B6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm5,mm5 ; mm5=(B1 B3 B5 B7 ** ** ** **)
+%if RGB_PIXELSIZE == 3 ; ---------------
+ ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 ** ** ** **), mmB=(01 03 05 07 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmC=(10 12 14 16 ** ** ** **), mmD=(11 13 15 17 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 ** ** ** **), mmF=(21 23 25 27 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmG=(** ** ** ** ** ** ** **), mmH=(** ** ** ** ** ** ** **)
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmC ; mmA=(00 10 02 12 04 14 06 16)
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmB ; mmE=(20 01 22 03 24 05 26 07)
+ punpcklbw mmD,mmF ; mmD=(11 21 13 23 15 25 17 27)
+ movq mmG,mmA
+ movq mmH,mmA
+ punpcklwd mmA,mmE ; mmA=(00 10 20 01 02 12 22 03)
+ punpckhwd mmG,mmE ; mmG=(04 14 24 05 06 16 26 07)
+ psrlq mmH,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmH=(02 12 04 14 06 16 -- --)
+ psrlq mmE,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmE=(22 03 24 05 26 07 -- --)
+ movq mmC,mmD
+ movq mmB,mmD
+ punpcklwd mmD,mmH ; mmD=(11 21 02 12 13 23 04 14)
+ punpckhwd mmC,mmH ; mmC=(15 25 06 16 17 27 -- --)
+ psrlq mmB,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmB=(13 23 15 25 17 27 -- --)
+ movq mmF,mmE
+ punpcklwd mmE,mmB ; mmE=(22 03 13 23 24 05 15 25)
+ punpckhwd mmF,mmB ; mmF=(26 07 17 27 -- -- -- --)
+ punpckldq mmA,mmD ; mmA=(00 10 20 01 11 21 02 12)
+ punpckldq mmE,mmG ; mmE=(22 03 13 23 04 14 24 05)
+ punpckldq mmC,mmF ; mmC=(15 25 06 16 26 07 17 27)
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st16
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmE
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmC
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr2
+ add edi, byte RGB_PIXELSIZE*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ jmp near .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2] ; imul ecx, RGB_PIXELSIZE
+ cmp ecx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st8
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmE
+ movq mmA,mmC
+ sub ecx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jmp short .column_st4
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st4
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq mmA,mmE
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ movd eax,mmA
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ jb short .column_st2
+ mov DWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_DWORD], eax
+ psrlq mmA,DWORD_BIT
+ movd eax,mmA
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ jb short .column_st1
+ mov WORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_WORD], ax
+ shr eax,WORD_BIT
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_BYTE
+ jb short .nextrow
+ mov BYTE [edi+0*SIZEOF_BYTE], al
+%else ; RGB_PIXELSIZE == 4 ; -----------
+ pcmpeqb mm6,mm6 ; mm6=(X0 X2 X4 X6 ** ** ** **)
+ pcmpeqb mm7,mm7 ; mm7=(X1 X3 X5 X7 ** ** ** **)
+ pxor mm6,mm6 ; mm6=(X0 X2 X4 X6 ** ** ** **)
+ pxor mm7,mm7 ; mm7=(X1 X3 X5 X7 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 ** ** ** **), mmB=(01 03 05 07 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmC=(10 12 14 16 ** ** ** **), mmD=(11 13 15 17 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 ** ** ** **), mmF=(21 23 25 27 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmG=(30 32 34 36 ** ** ** **), mmH=(31 33 35 37 ** ** ** **)
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmC ; mmA=(00 10 02 12 04 14 06 16)
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmG ; mmE=(20 30 22 32 24 34 26 36)
+ punpcklbw mmB,mmD ; mmB=(01 11 03 13 05 15 07 17)
+ punpcklbw mmF,mmH ; mmF=(21 31 23 33 25 35 27 37)
+ movq mmC,mmA
+ punpcklwd mmA,mmE ; mmA=(00 10 20 30 02 12 22 32)
+ punpckhwd mmC,mmE ; mmC=(04 14 24 34 06 16 26 36)
+ movq mmG,mmB
+ punpcklwd mmB,mmF ; mmB=(01 11 21 31 03 13 23 33)
+ punpckhwd mmG,mmF ; mmG=(05 15 25 35 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mmD,mmA
+ punpckldq mmA,mmB ; mmA=(00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31)
+ punpckhdq mmD,mmB ; mmD=(02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33)
+ movq mmH,mmC
+ punpckldq mmC,mmG ; mmC=(04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35)
+ punpckhdq mmH,mmG ; mmH=(06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37)
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st16
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmD
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmC
+ movq MMWORD [edi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmH
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr2
+ add edi, byte RGB_PIXELSIZE*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ jmp near .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/2
+ jb short .column_st8
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmD
+ movq mmA,mmC
+ movq mmD,mmH
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/2
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ jb short .column_st4
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq mmA,mmD
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ add edi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/8
+ jb short .nextrow
+ movd DWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_DWORD], mmA
+%endif ; RGB_PIXELSIZE ; ---------------
+ alignx 16,7
+ pop ecx
+ pop esi
+ pop ebx
+ pop edx
+ pop edi
+ pop eax
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_buf
+ dec eax ; num_rows
+ jg near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jdct.inc b/common/jpeg/simd/jdct.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e53f66e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jdct.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; jdct.inc - private declarations for forward & reverse DCT subsystems
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; [TAB8]
+; Each IDCT routine is responsible for range-limiting its results and
+; converting them to unsigned form (0..MAXJSAMPLE). The raw outputs could
+; be quite far out of range if the input data is corrupt, so a bulletproof
+; range-limiting step is required. We use a mask-and-table-lookup method
+; to do the combined operations quickly.
+%define RANGE_MASK (MAXJSAMPLE * 4 + 3) ; 2 bits wider than legal samples
+%define ROW(n,b,s) ((b)+(n)*(s))
+%define COL(n,b,s) ((b)+(n)*(s)*DCTSIZE)
+%define DWBLOCK(m,n,b,s) ((b)+(m)*DCTSIZE*(s)+(n)*SIZEOF_DWORD)
+%define MMBLOCK(m,n,b,s) ((b)+(m)*DCTSIZE*(s)+(n)*SIZEOF_MMWORD)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jdmermmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jdmermmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d82e40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jdmermmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+; jdmermmx.asm - merged upsampling/color conversion (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jcolsamp.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define SCALEBITS 16
+F_0_344 equ 22554 ; FIX(0.34414)
+F_0_714 equ 46802 ; FIX(0.71414)
+F_1_402 equ 91881 ; FIX(1.40200)
+F_1_772 equ 116130 ; FIX(1.77200)
+F_0_402 equ (F_1_402 - 65536) ; FIX(1.40200) - FIX(1)
+F_0_285 equ ( 65536 - F_0_714) ; FIX(1) - FIX(0.71414)
+F_0_228 equ (131072 - F_1_772) ; FIX(2) - FIX(1.77200)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_merged_upsample_mmx)
+PW_F0402 times 4 dw F_0_402
+PW_MF0228 times 4 dw -F_0_228
+PW_MF0344_F0285 times 2 dw -F_0_344, F_0_285
+PW_ONE times 4 dw 1
+PD_ONEHALF times 2 dd 1 << (SCALEBITS-1)
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Upsample and color convert for the case of 2:1 horizontal and 1:1 vertical.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx (JDIMENSION output_width,
+; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+; JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf);
+%define output_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION output_width
+%define input_buf(b) (b)+12 ; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf
+%define in_row_group_ctr(b) (b)+16 ; JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 3
+%define gotptr wk(0)-SIZEOF_POINTER ; void * gotptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic eax ; make a room for GOT address
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ movpic POINTER [gotptr], ebx ; save GOT address
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [output_width(eax)] ; col
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz near .return
+ push ecx
+ mov edi, JSAMPIMAGE [input_buf(eax)]
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [in_row_group_ctr(eax)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(eax)]
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr0
+ mov ebx, JSAMPROW [ebx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr1
+ mov edx, JSAMPROW [edx+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr2
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ pop ecx ; col
+ alignx 16,7
+ movpic eax, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address (eax)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [ebx] ; mm6=Cb(01234567)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [edx] ; mm7=Cr(01234567)
+ pxor mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(all 0's)
+ pcmpeqw mm3,mm3
+ psllw mm3,7 ; mm3={0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80 0xFF80}
+ movq mm4,mm6
+ punpckhbw mm6,mm1 ; mm6=Cb(4567)=CbH
+ punpcklbw mm4,mm1 ; mm4=Cb(0123)=CbL
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ punpckhbw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=Cr(4567)=CrH
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=Cr(0123)=CrL
+ paddw mm6,mm3
+ paddw mm4,mm3
+ paddw mm7,mm3
+ paddw mm0,mm3
+ ; (Original)
+ ; R = Y + 1.40200 * Cr
+ ; G = Y - 0.34414 * Cb - 0.71414 * Cr
+ ; B = Y + 1.77200 * Cb
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; R = Y + 0.40200 * Cr + Cr
+ ; G = Y - 0.34414 * Cb + 0.28586 * Cr - Cr
+ ; B = Y - 0.22800 * Cb + Cb + Cb
+ movq mm5,mm6 ; mm5=CbH
+ movq mm2,mm4 ; mm2=CbL
+ paddw mm6,mm6 ; mm6=2*CbH
+ paddw mm4,mm4 ; mm4=2*CbL
+ movq mm1,mm7 ; mm1=CrH
+ movq mm3,mm0 ; mm3=CrL
+ paddw mm7,mm7 ; mm7=2*CrH
+ paddw mm0,mm0 ; mm0=2*CrL
+ pmulhw mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0228)] ; mm6=(2*CbH * -FIX(0.22800))
+ pmulhw mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0228)] ; mm4=(2*CbL * -FIX(0.22800))
+ pmulhw mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0402)] ; mm7=(2*CrH * FIX(0.40200))
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_F0402)] ; mm0=(2*CrL * FIX(0.40200))
+ paddw mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm4,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ psraw mm6,1 ; mm6=(CbH * -FIX(0.22800))
+ psraw mm4,1 ; mm4=(CbL * -FIX(0.22800))
+ paddw mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm0,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_ONE)]
+ psraw mm7,1 ; mm7=(CrH * FIX(0.40200))
+ psraw mm0,1 ; mm0=(CrL * FIX(0.40200))
+ paddw mm6,mm5
+ paddw mm4,mm2
+ paddw mm6,mm5 ; mm6=(CbH * FIX(1.77200))=(B-Y)H
+ paddw mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(CbL * FIX(1.77200))=(B-Y)L
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=(CrH * FIX(1.40200))=(R-Y)H
+ paddw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=(CrL * FIX(1.40200))=(R-Y)L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm6 ; wk(0)=(B-Y)H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm7 ; wk(1)=(R-Y)H
+ movq mm6,mm5
+ movq mm7,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm1
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm1
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm3
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PW_MF0344_F0285)]
+ paddd mm5,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ paddd mm6,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ psrad mm5,SCALEBITS
+ psrad mm6,SCALEBITS
+ paddd mm2,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ paddd mm7,[GOTOFF(eax,PD_ONEHALF)]
+ psrad mm2,SCALEBITS
+ psrad mm7,SCALEBITS
+ packssdw mm5,mm6 ; mm5=CbH*-FIX(0.344)+CrH*FIX(0.285)
+ packssdw mm2,mm7 ; mm2=CbL*-FIX(0.344)+CrL*FIX(0.285)
+ psubw mm5,mm1 ; mm5=CbH*-FIX(0.344)+CrH*-FIX(0.714)=(G-Y)H
+ psubw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=CbL*-FIX(0.344)+CrL*-FIX(0.714)=(G-Y)L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm5 ; wk(2)=(G-Y)H
+ mov al,2 ; Yctr
+ jmp short .Yloop_1st
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm0=(R-Y)H
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm2=(G-Y)H
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm4=(B-Y)H
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [esi] ; mm7=Y(01234567)
+ pcmpeqw mm6,mm6
+ psrlw mm6,BYTE_BIT ; mm6={0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 ..}
+ pand mm6,mm7 ; mm6=Y(0246)=YE
+ psrlw mm7,BYTE_BIT ; mm7=Y(1357)=YO
+ movq mm1,mm0 ; mm1=mm0=(R-Y)(L/H)
+ movq mm3,mm2 ; mm3=mm2=(G-Y)(L/H)
+ movq mm5,mm4 ; mm5=mm4=(B-Y)(L/H)
+ paddw mm0,mm6 ; mm0=((R-Y)+YE)=RE=(R0 R2 R4 R6)
+ paddw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=((R-Y)+YO)=RO=(R1 R3 R5 R7)
+ packuswb mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(R0 R2 R4 R6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(R1 R3 R5 R7 ** ** ** **)
+ paddw mm2,mm6 ; mm2=((G-Y)+YE)=GE=(G0 G2 G4 G6)
+ paddw mm3,mm7 ; mm3=((G-Y)+YO)=GO=(G1 G3 G5 G7)
+ packuswb mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(G0 G2 G4 G6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(G1 G3 G5 G7 ** ** ** **)
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=((B-Y)+YE)=BE=(B0 B2 B4 B6)
+ paddw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=((B-Y)+YO)=BO=(B1 B3 B5 B7)
+ packuswb mm4,mm4 ; mm4=(B0 B2 B4 B6 ** ** ** **)
+ packuswb mm5,mm5 ; mm5=(B1 B3 B5 B7 ** ** ** **)
+%if RGB_PIXELSIZE == 3 ; ---------------
+ ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 ** ** ** **), mmB=(01 03 05 07 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmC=(10 12 14 16 ** ** ** **), mmD=(11 13 15 17 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 ** ** ** **), mmF=(21 23 25 27 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmG=(** ** ** ** ** ** ** **), mmH=(** ** ** ** ** ** ** **)
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmC ; mmA=(00 10 02 12 04 14 06 16)
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmB ; mmE=(20 01 22 03 24 05 26 07)
+ punpcklbw mmD,mmF ; mmD=(11 21 13 23 15 25 17 27)
+ movq mmG,mmA
+ movq mmH,mmA
+ punpcklwd mmA,mmE ; mmA=(00 10 20 01 02 12 22 03)
+ punpckhwd mmG,mmE ; mmG=(04 14 24 05 06 16 26 07)
+ psrlq mmH,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmH=(02 12 04 14 06 16 -- --)
+ psrlq mmE,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmE=(22 03 24 05 26 07 -- --)
+ movq mmC,mmD
+ movq mmB,mmD
+ punpcklwd mmD,mmH ; mmD=(11 21 02 12 13 23 04 14)
+ punpckhwd mmC,mmH ; mmC=(15 25 06 16 17 27 -- --)
+ psrlq mmB,2*BYTE_BIT ; mmB=(13 23 15 25 17 27 -- --)
+ movq mmF,mmE
+ punpcklwd mmE,mmB ; mmE=(22 03 13 23 24 05 15 25)
+ punpckhwd mmF,mmB ; mmF=(26 07 17 27 -- -- -- --)
+ punpckldq mmA,mmD ; mmA=(00 10 20 01 11 21 02 12)
+ punpckldq mmE,mmG ; mmE=(22 03 13 23 04 14 24 05)
+ punpckldq mmC,mmF ; mmC=(15 25 06 16 26 07 17 27)
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st16
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmE
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmC
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .endcolumn
+ add edi, byte RGB_PIXELSIZE*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ dec al ; Yctr
+ jnz near .Yloop_2nd
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr2
+ jmp near .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2] ; imul ecx, RGB_PIXELSIZE
+ cmp ecx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st8
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmE
+ movq mmA,mmC
+ sub ecx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jmp short .column_st4
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st4
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq mmA,mmE
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ movd eax,mmA
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ jb short .column_st2
+ mov DWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_DWORD], eax
+ psrlq mmA,DWORD_BIT
+ movd eax,mmA
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_DWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ jb short .column_st1
+ mov WORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_WORD], ax
+ shr eax,WORD_BIT
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_WORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_BYTE
+ jb short .endcolumn
+ mov BYTE [edi+0*SIZEOF_BYTE], al
+%else ; RGB_PIXELSIZE == 4 ; -----------
+ pcmpeqb mm6,mm6 ; mm6=(X0 X2 X4 X6 ** ** ** **)
+ pcmpeqb mm7,mm7 ; mm7=(X1 X3 X5 X7 ** ** ** **)
+ pxor mm6,mm6 ; mm6=(X0 X2 X4 X6 ** ** ** **)
+ pxor mm7,mm7 ; mm7=(X1 X3 X5 X7 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmA=(00 02 04 06 ** ** ** **), mmB=(01 03 05 07 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmC=(10 12 14 16 ** ** ** **), mmD=(11 13 15 17 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmE=(20 22 24 26 ** ** ** **), mmF=(21 23 25 27 ** ** ** **)
+ ; mmG=(30 32 34 36 ** ** ** **), mmH=(31 33 35 37 ** ** ** **)
+ punpcklbw mmA,mmC ; mmA=(00 10 02 12 04 14 06 16)
+ punpcklbw mmE,mmG ; mmE=(20 30 22 32 24 34 26 36)
+ punpcklbw mmB,mmD ; mmB=(01 11 03 13 05 15 07 17)
+ punpcklbw mmF,mmH ; mmF=(21 31 23 33 25 35 27 37)
+ movq mmC,mmA
+ punpcklwd mmA,mmE ; mmA=(00 10 20 30 02 12 22 32)
+ punpckhwd mmC,mmE ; mmC=(04 14 24 34 06 16 26 36)
+ movq mmG,mmB
+ punpcklwd mmB,mmF ; mmB=(01 11 21 31 03 13 23 33)
+ punpckhwd mmG,mmF ; mmG=(05 15 25 35 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mmD,mmA
+ punpckldq mmA,mmB ; mmA=(00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31)
+ punpckhdq mmD,mmB ; mmD=(02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33)
+ movq mmH,mmC
+ punpckldq mmC,mmG ; mmC=(04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35)
+ punpckhdq mmH,mmG ; mmH=(06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37)
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jb short .column_st16
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmD
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmC
+ movq MMWORD [edi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmH
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .endcolumn
+ add edi, byte RGB_PIXELSIZE*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ dec al ; Yctr
+ jnz near .Yloop_2nd
+ add ebx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1
+ add edx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr2
+ jmp near .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/2
+ jb short .column_st8
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmD
+ movq mmA,mmC
+ movq mmD,mmH
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/2
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ jb short .column_st4
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mmA
+ movq mmA,mmD
+ sub ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/4
+ add edi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp ecx, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD/8
+ jb short .endcolumn
+ movd DWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_DWORD], mmA
+%endif ; RGB_PIXELSIZE ; ---------------
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Upsample and color convert for the case of 2:1 horizontal and 2:1 vertical.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v2_merged_upsample_mmx (JDIMENSION output_width,
+; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+; JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf);
+%define output_width(b) (b)+8 ; JDIMENSION output_width
+%define input_buf(b) (b)+12 ; JSAMPIMAGE input_buf
+%define in_row_group_ctr(b) (b)+16 ; JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v2_merged_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [output_width(ebp)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPIMAGE [input_buf(ebp)]
+ mov ecx, JDIMENSION [in_row_group_ctr(ebp)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(ebp)]
+ lea esi, [esi+ecx*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW]
+ push edx ; inptr2
+ push ebx ; inptr1
+ push esi ; inptr00
+ mov ebx,esp
+ push edi ; output_buf (outptr0)
+ push ecx ; in_row_group_ctr
+ push ebx ; input_buf
+ push eax ; output_width
+ call near EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx)
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; inptr01
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; outptr1
+ mov POINTER [ebx+0*SIZEOF_POINTER], esi
+ mov POINTER [ebx-1*SIZEOF_POINTER], edi
+ call near EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx)
+ add esp, byte 7*SIZEOF_DWORD
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jdsammmx.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jdsammmx.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f061ee93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jdsammmx.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+; jdsammmx.asm - upsampling (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_fancy_upsample_mmx)
+PW_ONE times 4 dw 1
+PW_TWO times 4 dw 2
+PW_THREE times 4 dw 3
+PW_SEVEN times 4 dw 7
+PW_EIGHT times 4 dw 8
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Fancy processing for the common case of 2:1 horizontal and 1:1 vertical.
+; The upsampling algorithm is linear interpolation between pixel centers,
+; also known as a "triangle filter". This is a good compromise between
+; speed and visual quality. The centers of the output pixels are 1/4 and 3/4
+; of the way between input pixel centers.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v1_fancy_upsample_mmx (int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION downsampled_width,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data,
+; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr);
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+8 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define downsamp_width(b) (b)+12 ; JDIMENSION downsampled_width
+%define input_data(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data_ptr(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_fancy_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ pushpic ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [downsamp_width(ebp)] ; colctr
+ test eax,eax
+ jz near .return
+ mov ecx, INT [max_v_samp(ebp)] ; rowctr
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz near .return
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, POINTER [output_data_ptr(ebp)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [edi] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push eax ; colctr
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ test eax, SIZEOF_MMWORD-1
+ jz short .skip
+ mov dl, JSAMPLE [esi+(eax-1)*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE]
+ mov JSAMPLE [esi+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], dl ; insert a dummy sample
+ pxor mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(all 0's)
+ pcmpeqb mm7,mm7
+ psrlq mm7,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-1)*BYTE_BIT
+ pand mm7, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ add eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD-1
+ and eax, byte -SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ ja short .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ pcmpeqb mm6,mm6
+ psllq mm6,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-1)*BYTE_BIT
+ pand mm6, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ jmp short .upsample
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ psllq mm6,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-1)*BYTE_BIT
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm2,mm1
+ movq mm3,mm1 ; mm1=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ psllq mm2,BYTE_BIT ; mm2=( - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
+ psrlq mm3,BYTE_BIT ; mm3=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -)
+ por mm2,mm7 ; mm2=(-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
+ por mm3,mm6 ; mm3=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ psrlq mm7,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-1)*BYTE_BIT ; mm7=( 7 - - - - - - -)
+ movq mm4,mm1
+ punpcklbw mm1,mm0 ; mm1=( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm5,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm0 ; mm2=(-1 0 1 2)
+ punpckhbw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=( 3 4 5 6)
+ movq mm6,mm3
+ punpcklbw mm3,mm0 ; mm3=( 1 2 3 4)
+ punpckhbw mm6,mm0 ; mm6=( 5 6 7 8)
+ pmullw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pmullw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ paddw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_ONE)]
+ paddw mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_TWO)]
+ paddw mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_TWO)]
+ paddw mm2,mm1
+ paddw mm5,mm4
+ psrlw mm2,2 ; mm2=OutLE=( 0 2 4 6)
+ psrlw mm5,2 ; mm5=OutHE=( 8 10 12 14)
+ paddw mm3,mm1
+ paddw mm6,mm4
+ psrlw mm3,2 ; mm3=OutLO=( 1 3 5 7)
+ psrlw mm6,2 ; mm6=OutHO=( 9 11 13 15)
+ psllw mm3,BYTE_BIT
+ psllw mm6,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm2,mm3 ; mm2=OutL=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ por mm5,mm6 ; mm5=OutH=( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm5
+ sub eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add esi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ cmp eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ ja near .columnloop
+ test eax,eax
+ jnz near .columnloop_last
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop eax
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ dec ecx ; rowctr
+ jg near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ poppic ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Fancy processing for the common case of 2:1 horizontal and 2:1 vertical.
+; Again a triangle filter; see comments for h2v1 case, above.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v2_fancy_upsample_mmx (int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION downsampled_width,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data,
+; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr);
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+8 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define downsamp_width(b) (b)+12 ; JDIMENSION downsampled_width
+%define input_data(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data_ptr(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 4
+%define gotptr wk(0)-SIZEOF_POINTER ; void * gotptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v2_fancy_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic eax ; make a room for GOT address
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ movpic POINTER [gotptr], ebx ; save GOT address
+ mov edx,eax ; edx = original ebp
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [downsamp_width(edx)] ; colctr
+ test eax,eax
+ jz near .return
+ mov ecx, INT [max_v_samp(edx)] ; rowctr
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz near .return
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(edx)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, POINTER [output_data_ptr(edx)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [edi] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push eax ; colctr
+ push ecx
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov ecx, JSAMPROW [esi-1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr1(above)
+ mov ebx, JSAMPROW [esi+0*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr0
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi+1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; inptr1(below)
+ mov edx, JSAMPROW [edi+0*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; outptr0
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi+1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; outptr1
+ test eax, SIZEOF_MMWORD-1
+ jz short .skip
+ push edx
+ mov dl, JSAMPLE [ecx+(eax-1)*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE]
+ mov JSAMPLE [ecx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], dl
+ mov dl, JSAMPLE [ebx+(eax-1)*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE]
+ mov JSAMPLE [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], dl
+ mov dl, JSAMPLE [esi+(eax-1)*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE]
+ mov JSAMPLE [esi+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], dl ; insert a dummy sample
+ pop edx
+ ; -- process the first column block
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [ebx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm0=row[ 0][0]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [ecx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm1=row[-1][0]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm2=row[+1][0]
+ pushpic ebx
+ movpic ebx, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address
+ pxor mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(all 0's)
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=row[ 0][0]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm4,mm3 ; mm4=row[ 0][0]( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ punpcklbw mm1,mm3 ; mm1=row[-1][0]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=row[-1][0]( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm6,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=row[+1][0]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=row[+1][0]( 4 5 6 7)
+ pmullw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pmullw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pcmpeqb mm7,mm7
+ psrlq mm7,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT
+ paddw mm1,mm0 ; mm1=Int0L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ paddw mm5,mm4 ; mm5=Int0H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ paddw mm2,mm0 ; mm2=Int1L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ paddw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=Int1H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq MMWORD [edx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1 ; temporarily save
+ movq MMWORD [edx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm5 ; the intermediate data
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm6
+ pand mm1,mm7 ; mm1=( 0 - - -)
+ pand mm2,mm7 ; mm2=( 0 - - -)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2
+ poppic ebx
+ add eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD-1
+ and eax, byte -SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ cmp eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ ja short .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- process the last column block
+ pushpic ebx
+ movpic ebx, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address
+ pcmpeqb mm1,mm1
+ psllq mm1,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT
+ movq mm2,mm1
+ pand mm1, MMWORD [edx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm1=( - - - 7)
+ pand mm2, MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm2=( - - - 7)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [wk(3)], mm2
+ jmp short .upsample
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- process the next column block
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [ebx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm0=row[ 0][1]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [ecx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm1=row[-1][1]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm2=row[+1][1]
+ pushpic ebx
+ movpic ebx, POINTER [gotptr] ; load GOT address
+ pxor mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(all 0's)
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=row[ 0][1]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm4,mm3 ; mm4=row[ 0][1]( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ punpcklbw mm1,mm3 ; mm1=row[-1][1]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=row[-1][1]( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm6,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=row[+1][1]( 0 1 2 3)
+ punpckhbw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=row[+1][1]( 4 5 6 7)
+ pmullw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pmullw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ paddw mm1,mm0 ; mm1=Int0L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ paddw mm5,mm4 ; mm5=Int0H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ paddw mm2,mm0 ; mm2=Int1L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ paddw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=Int1H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq MMWORD [edx+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1 ; temporarily save
+ movq MMWORD [edx+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm5 ; the intermediate data
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm6
+ psllq mm1,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm1=( - - - 0)
+ psllq mm2,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm2=( - - - 0)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [wk(3)], mm2
+ ; -- process the upper row
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [edx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm7=Int0L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [edx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm3=Int0H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ movq mm4,mm3
+ psrlq mm0,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm0=( 1 2 3 -)
+ psllq mm4,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm4=( - - - 4)
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ movq mm6,mm3
+ psrlq mm5,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm5=( 3 - - -)
+ psllq mm6,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm6=( - 4 5 6)
+ por mm0,mm4 ; mm0=( 1 2 3 4)
+ por mm5,mm6 ; mm5=( 3 4 5 6)
+ movq mm1,mm7
+ movq mm2,mm3
+ psllq mm1,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm1=( - 0 1 2)
+ psrlq mm2,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm2=( 5 6 7 -)
+ movq mm4,mm3
+ psrlq mm4,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm4=( 7 - - -)
+ por mm1, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm1=(-1 0 1 2)
+ por mm2, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm2=( 5 6 7 8)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4
+ pmullw mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pmullw mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ paddw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_EIGHT)]
+ paddw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_EIGHT)]
+ paddw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_SEVEN)]
+ paddw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_SEVEN)]
+ paddw mm1,mm7
+ paddw mm5,mm3
+ psrlw mm1,4 ; mm1=Out0LE=( 0 2 4 6)
+ psrlw mm5,4 ; mm5=Out0HE=( 8 10 12 14)
+ paddw mm0,mm7
+ paddw mm2,mm3
+ psrlw mm0,4 ; mm0=Out0LO=( 1 3 5 7)
+ psrlw mm2,4 ; mm2=Out0HO=( 9 11 13 15)
+ psllw mm0,BYTE_BIT
+ psllw mm2,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm1,mm0 ; mm1=Out0L=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ por mm5,mm2 ; mm5=Out0H=( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
+ movq MMWORD [edx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [edx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm5
+ ; -- process the lower row
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm6=Int1L=( 0 1 2 3)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD] ; mm4=Int1H=( 4 5 6 7)
+ movq mm7,mm6
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ psrlq mm7,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm7=( 1 2 3 -)
+ psllq mm3,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm3=( - - - 4)
+ movq mm0,mm6
+ movq mm2,mm4
+ psrlq mm0,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm0=( 3 - - -)
+ psllq mm2,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm2=( - 4 5 6)
+ por mm7,mm3 ; mm7=( 1 2 3 4)
+ por mm0,mm2 ; mm0=( 3 4 5 6)
+ movq mm1,mm6
+ movq mm5,mm4
+ psllq mm1,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm1=( - 0 1 2)
+ psrlq mm5,2*BYTE_BIT ; mm5=( 5 6 7 -)
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ psrlq mm3,(SIZEOF_MMWORD-2)*BYTE_BIT ; mm3=( 7 - - -)
+ por mm1, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm1=(-1 0 1 2)
+ por mm5, MMWORD [wk(3)] ; mm5=( 5 6 7 8)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm3
+ pmullw mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ pmullw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_THREE)]
+ paddw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_EIGHT)]
+ paddw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_EIGHT)]
+ paddw mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_SEVEN)]
+ paddw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_SEVEN)]
+ paddw mm1,mm6
+ paddw mm0,mm4
+ psrlw mm1,4 ; mm1=Out1LE=( 0 2 4 6)
+ psrlw mm0,4 ; mm0=Out1HE=( 8 10 12 14)
+ paddw mm7,mm6
+ paddw mm5,mm4
+ psrlw mm7,4 ; mm7=Out1LO=( 1 3 5 7)
+ psrlw mm5,4 ; mm5=Out1HO=( 9 11 13 15)
+ psllw mm7,BYTE_BIT
+ psllw mm5,BYTE_BIT
+ por mm1,mm7 ; mm1=Out1L=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ por mm0,mm5 ; mm0=Out1H=( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ poppic ebx
+ sub eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ add ecx, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1(above)
+ add ebx, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr0
+ add esi, byte 1*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr1(below)
+ add edx, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr0
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr1
+ cmp eax, byte SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ ja near .columnloop
+ test eax,eax
+ jnz near .columnloop_last
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ecx
+ pop eax
+ add esi, byte 1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ sub ecx, byte 2 ; rowctr
+ jg near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Fast processing for the common case of 2:1 horizontal and 1:1 vertical.
+; It's still a box filter.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v1_upsample_mmx (int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION output_width,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data,
+; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr);
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+8 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define output_width(b) (b)+12 ; JDIMENSION output_width
+%define input_data(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data_ptr(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v1_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+; push ebx ; unused
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov edx, JDIMENSION [output_width(ebp)]
+ add edx, byte (2*SIZEOF_MMWORD)-1
+ and edx, byte -(2*SIZEOF_MMWORD)
+ jz short .return
+ mov ecx, INT [max_v_samp(ebp)] ; rowctr
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz short .return
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, POINTER [output_data_ptr(ebp)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [edi] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi] ; outptr
+ mov eax,edx ; colctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm0
+ punpckhbw mm1,mm1
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1
+ sub eax, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm2
+ punpckhbw mm3,mm3
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm3
+ sub eax, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ add esi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr
+ add edi, byte 4*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr
+ jmp short .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ add esi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ dec ecx ; rowctr
+ jg short .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ebx ; unused
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Fast processing for the common case of 2:1 horizontal and 2:1 vertical.
+; It's still a box filter.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_h2v2_upsample_mmx (int max_v_samp_factor,
+; JDIMENSION output_width,
+; JSAMPARRAY input_data,
+; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr);
+%define max_v_samp(b) (b)+8 ; int max_v_samp_factor
+%define output_width(b) (b)+12 ; JDIMENSION output_width
+%define input_data(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY input_data
+%define output_data_ptr(b) (b)+20 ; JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_h2v2_upsample_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ mov edx, JDIMENSION [output_width(ebp)]
+ add edx, byte (2*SIZEOF_MMWORD)-1
+ and edx, byte -(2*SIZEOF_MMWORD)
+ jz near .return
+ mov ecx, INT [max_v_samp(ebp)] ; rowctr
+ test ecx,ecx
+ jz short .return
+ mov esi, JSAMPARRAY [input_data(ebp)] ; input_data
+ mov edi, POINTER [output_data_ptr(ebp)]
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [edi] ; output_data
+ alignx 16,7
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov esi, JSAMPROW [esi] ; inptr
+ mov ebx, JSAMPROW [edi+0*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; outptr0
+ mov edi, JSAMPROW [edi+1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW] ; outptr1
+ mov eax,edx ; colctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [esi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm0
+ punpckhbw mm1,mm1
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [edi+0*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [edi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm1
+ sub eax, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [esi+1*SIZEOF_MMWORD]
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ punpcklbw mm2,mm2
+ punpckhbw mm3,mm3
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [edi+2*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [edi+3*SIZEOF_MMWORD], mm3
+ sub eax, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD
+ jz short .nextrow
+ add esi, byte 2*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; inptr
+ add ebx, byte 4*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr0
+ add edi, byte 4*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; outptr1
+ jmp short .columnloop
+ alignx 16,7
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ add esi, byte 1*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; input_data
+ add edi, byte 2*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW ; output_data
+ sub ecx, byte 2 ; rowctr
+ jg short .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxfst.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxfst.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46556b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxfst.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+; jfmmxfst.asm - fast integer FDCT (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; This file contains a fast, not so accurate integer implementation of
+; the forward DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). The following code is
+; based directly on the IJG's original jfdctfst.c; see the jfdctfst.c
+; for more details.
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define CONST_BITS 8 ; 14 is also OK.
+%if CONST_BITS == 8
+F_0_382 equ 98 ; FIX(0.382683433)
+F_0_541 equ 139 ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_707 equ 181 ; FIX(0.707106781)
+F_1_306 equ 334 ; FIX(1.306562965)
+; NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
+%define DESCALE(x,n) (((x)+(1<<((n)-1)))>>(n))
+F_0_382 equ DESCALE( 410903207,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.382683433)
+F_0_541 equ DESCALE( 581104887,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_707 equ DESCALE( 759250124,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.707106781)
+F_1_306 equ DESCALE(1402911301,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.306562965)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; PRE_MULTIPLY_SCALE_BITS <= 2 (to avoid overflow)
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_fdct_ifast_mmx)
+PW_F0707 times 4 dw F_0_707 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_F0382 times 4 dw F_0_382 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_F0541 times 4 dw F_0_541 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_F1306 times 4 dw F_1_306 << CONST_SHIFT
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Perform the forward DCT on one block of samples.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_fdct_ifast_mmx (DCTELEM * data)
+%define data(b) (b)+8 ; DCTELEM * data
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 2
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_fdct_ifast_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+; push esi ; unused
+; push edi ; unused
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process rows.
+ mov edx, POINTER [data(eax)] ; (DCTELEM *)
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm0=(20 21 22 23), mm2=(24 25 26 27)
+ ; mm1=(30 31 32 33), mm3=(34 35 36 37)
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(20 30 21 31)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(24 34 25 35)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(26 36 27 37)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm6=(00 01 02 03), mm1=(04 05 06 07)
+ ; mm7=(10 11 12 13), mm3=(14 15 16 17)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=(24 34 25 35)
+ movq mm4,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 10 01 11)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(04 14 05 15)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(06 16 07 17)
+ movq mm7,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=(00 10 20 30)=data0
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(01 11 21 31)=data1
+ movq mm3,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(06 16 26 36)=data6
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm5 ; mm3=(07 17 27 37)=data7
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ psubw mm7,mm2 ; mm7=data1-data6=tmp6
+ psubw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0-data7=tmp7
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data1+data6=tmp1
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0+data7=tmp0
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm2=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm3=(24 34 25 35)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp6
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm6 ; wk(1)=tmp7
+ movq mm7,mm4 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(02 12 22 32)=data2
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm2 ; mm7=(03 13 23 33)=data3
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(04 14 24 34)=data4
+ punpckhdq mm6,mm3 ; mm6=(05 15 25 35)=data5
+ movq mm2,mm7
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data3+data4=tmp3
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data2+data5=tmp2
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=data3-data4=tmp4
+ psubw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2-data5=tmp5
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ psubw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=tmp13
+ psubw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp12
+ paddw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=tmp10
+ paddw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp11
+ paddw mm0,mm5
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0707)] ; mm0=z1
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ movq mm4,mm5
+ psubw mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data4
+ psubw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=data6
+ paddw mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data0
+ paddw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm6=tmp6
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm0=tmp7
+ paddw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=tmp10
+ paddw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=tmp11
+ paddw mm6,mm0 ; mm6=tmp12, mm0=tmp7
+ pmulhw mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0707)] ; mm3=z3
+ movq mm1,mm2 ; mm1=tmp10
+ psubw mm2,mm6
+ pmulhw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0382)] ; mm2=z5
+ pmulhw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0541)] ; mm1=MULTIPLY(tmp10,FIX_0_54119610)
+ pmulhw mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1306)] ; mm6=MULTIPLY(tmp12,FIX_1_30656296)
+ paddw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=z2
+ paddw mm6,mm2 ; mm6=z4
+ movq mm5,mm0
+ psubw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=z13
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z11
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ movq mm4,mm5
+ psubw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=data3
+ psubw mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data7
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data5
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ add edx, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ dec ecx
+ jnz near .rowloop
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process columns.
+ mov edx, POINTER [data(eax)] ; (DCTELEM *)
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm0=(02 12 22 32), mm2=(42 52 62 72)
+ ; mm1=(03 13 23 33), mm3=(43 53 63 73)
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(02 03 12 13)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(42 43 52 53)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(62 63 72 73)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm6=(00 10 20 30), mm1=(40 50 60 70)
+ ; mm7=(01 11 21 31), mm3=(41 51 61 71)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=(42 43 52 53)
+ movq mm4,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 01 10 11)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=(20 21 30 31)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(40 41 50 51)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(60 61 70 71)
+ movq mm7,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=(00 01 02 03)=data0
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(10 11 12 13)=data1
+ movq mm3,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(60 61 62 63)=data6
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm5 ; mm3=(70 71 72 73)=data7
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ psubw mm7,mm2 ; mm7=data1-data6=tmp6
+ psubw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0-data7=tmp7
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data1+data6=tmp1
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0+data7=tmp0
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm2=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm3=(42 43 52 53)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp6
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm6 ; wk(1)=tmp7
+ movq mm7,mm4 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(20 21 22 23)=data2
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm2 ; mm7=(30 31 32 33)=data3
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(40 41 42 43)=data4
+ punpckhdq mm6,mm3 ; mm6=(50 51 52 53)=data5
+ movq mm2,mm7
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data3+data4=tmp3
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data2+data5=tmp2
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=data3-data4=tmp4
+ psubw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2-data5=tmp5
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ psubw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=tmp13
+ psubw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp12
+ paddw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=tmp10
+ paddw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp11
+ paddw mm0,mm5
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0707)] ; mm0=z1
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ movq mm4,mm5
+ psubw mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data4
+ psubw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=data6
+ paddw mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data0
+ paddw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm6=tmp6
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm0=tmp7
+ paddw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=tmp10
+ paddw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=tmp11
+ paddw mm6,mm0 ; mm6=tmp12, mm0=tmp7
+ pmulhw mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0707)] ; mm3=z3
+ movq mm1,mm2 ; mm1=tmp10
+ psubw mm2,mm6
+ pmulhw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0382)] ; mm2=z5
+ pmulhw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F0541)] ; mm1=MULTIPLY(tmp10,FIX_0_54119610)
+ pmulhw mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1306)] ; mm6=MULTIPLY(tmp12,FIX_1_30656296)
+ paddw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=z2
+ paddw mm6,mm2 ; mm6=z4
+ movq mm5,mm0
+ psubw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=z13
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z11
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ movq mm4,mm5
+ psubw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=data3
+ psubw mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data7
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data5
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ add edx, byte 4*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ dec ecx
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+; pop edi ; unused
+; pop esi ; unused
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ poppic ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxint.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxint.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87935a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jfmmxint.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+; jfmmxint.asm - accurate integer FDCT (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; This file contains a slow-but-accurate integer implementation of the
+; forward DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). The following code is based
+; directly on the IJG's original jfdctint.c; see the jfdctint.c for
+; more details.
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define CONST_BITS 13
+%define PASS1_BITS 2
+%if CONST_BITS == 13
+F_0_298 equ 2446 ; FIX(0.298631336)
+F_0_390 equ 3196 ; FIX(0.390180644)
+F_0_541 equ 4433 ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_765 equ 6270 ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_899 equ 7373 ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_175 equ 9633 ; FIX(1.175875602)
+F_1_501 equ 12299 ; FIX(1.501321110)
+F_1_847 equ 15137 ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_1_961 equ 16069 ; FIX(1.961570560)
+F_2_053 equ 16819 ; FIX(2.053119869)
+F_2_562 equ 20995 ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_072 equ 25172 ; FIX(3.072711026)
+; NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
+%define DESCALE(x,n) (((x)+(1<<((n)-1)))>>(n))
+F_0_298 equ DESCALE( 320652955,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.298631336)
+F_0_390 equ DESCALE( 418953276,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.390180644)
+F_0_541 equ DESCALE( 581104887,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_765 equ DESCALE( 821806413,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_899 equ DESCALE( 966342111,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_175 equ DESCALE(1262586813,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.175875602)
+F_1_501 equ DESCALE(1612031267,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.501321110)
+F_1_847 equ DESCALE(1984016188,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_1_961 equ DESCALE(2106220350,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.961570560)
+F_2_053 equ DESCALE(2204520673,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.053119869)
+F_2_562 equ DESCALE(2751909506,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_072 equ DESCALE(3299298341,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(3.072711026)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_fdct_islow_mmx)
+PW_F130_F054 times 2 dw (F_0_541+F_0_765), F_0_541
+PW_F054_MF130 times 2 dw F_0_541, (F_0_541-F_1_847)
+PW_MF078_F117 times 2 dw (F_1_175-F_1_961), F_1_175
+PW_F117_F078 times 2 dw F_1_175, (F_1_175-F_0_390)
+PW_MF060_MF089 times 2 dw (F_0_298-F_0_899),-F_0_899
+PW_MF089_F060 times 2 dw -F_0_899, (F_1_501-F_0_899)
+PW_MF050_MF256 times 2 dw (F_2_053-F_2_562),-F_2_562
+PW_MF256_F050 times 2 dw -F_2_562, (F_3_072-F_2_562)
+PD_DESCALE_P1 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P1-1)
+PD_DESCALE_P2 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P2-1)
+PW_DESCALE_P2X times 4 dw 1 << (PASS1_BITS-1)
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Perform the forward DCT on one block of samples.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_fdct_islow_mmx (DCTELEM * data)
+%define data(b) (b)+8 ; DCTELEM * data
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 2
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_fdct_islow_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [wk(0)]
+ pushpic ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+; push esi ; unused
+; push edi ; unused
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process rows.
+ mov edx, POINTER [data(eax)] ; (DCTELEM *)
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm0=(20 21 22 23), mm2=(24 25 26 27)
+ ; mm1=(30 31 32 33), mm3=(34 35 36 37)
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(20 30 21 31)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(24 34 25 35)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(26 36 27 37)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm6=(00 01 02 03), mm1=(04 05 06 07)
+ ; mm7=(10 11 12 13), mm3=(14 15 16 17)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=(24 34 25 35)
+ movq mm4,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 10 01 11)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(04 14 05 15)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(06 16 07 17)
+ movq mm7,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=(00 10 20 30)=data0
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(01 11 21 31)=data1
+ movq mm3,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(06 16 26 36)=data6
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm5 ; mm3=(07 17 27 37)=data7
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ psubw mm7,mm2 ; mm7=data1-data6=tmp6
+ psubw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0-data7=tmp7
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data1+data6=tmp1
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0+data7=tmp0
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm2=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm3=(24 34 25 35)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp6
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm6 ; wk(1)=tmp7
+ movq mm7,mm4 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(02 12 22 32)=data2
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm2 ; mm7=(03 13 23 33)=data3
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(04 14 24 34)=data4
+ punpckhdq mm6,mm3 ; mm6=(05 15 25 35)=data5
+ movq mm2,mm7
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data3+data4=tmp3
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data2+data5=tmp2
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=data3-data4=tmp4
+ psubw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2-data5=tmp5
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ paddw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=tmp10
+ paddw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp11
+ psubw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=tmp13
+ psubw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp12
+ movq mm7,mm5
+ paddw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=tmp10+tmp11
+ psubw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=tmp10-tmp11
+ psllw mm5,PASS1_BITS ; mm5=data0
+ psllw mm7,PASS1_BITS ; mm7=data4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = (tmp12 + tmp13) * 0.541196100;
+ ; data2 = z1 + tmp13 * 0.765366865;
+ ; data6 = z1 + tmp12 * -1.847759065;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; data2 = tmp13 * (0.541196100 + 0.765366865) + tmp12 * 0.541196100;
+ ; data6 = tmp13 * 0.541196100 + tmp12 * (0.541196100 - 1.847759065);
+ movq mm4,mm1 ; mm1=tmp13
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm6 ; mm6=tmp12
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm6
+ movq mm1,mm4
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm4=data2L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm0=data2H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm1=data6L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm6=data6H
+ paddd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data2
+ packssdw mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm5=tmp6
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm7=tmp7
+ movq mm0,mm2 ; mm2=tmp4
+ movq mm6,mm3 ; mm3=tmp5
+ paddw mm0,mm5 ; mm0=z3
+ paddw mm6,mm7 ; mm6=z4
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z5 = (z3 + z4) * 1.175875602;
+ ; z3 = z3 * -1.961570560; z4 = z4 * -0.390180644;
+ ; z3 += z5; z4 += z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; z3 = z3 * (1.175875602 - 1.961570560) + z4 * 1.175875602;
+ ; z4 = z3 * 1.175875602 + z4 * (1.175875602 - 0.390180644);
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm6
+ punpckhwd mm1,mm6
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ movq mm6,mm1
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm4=z3L
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm1=z3H
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm0=z4L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm6=z4H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=z3L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm1 ; wk(1)=z3H
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = tmp4 + tmp7; z2 = tmp5 + tmp6;
+ ; tmp4 = tmp4 * 0.298631336; tmp5 = tmp5 * 2.053119869;
+ ; tmp6 = tmp6 * 3.072711026; tmp7 = tmp7 * 1.501321110;
+ ; z1 = z1 * -0.899976223; z2 = z2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; data7 = tmp4 + z1 + z3; data5 = tmp5 + z2 + z4;
+ ; data3 = tmp6 + z2 + z3; data1 = tmp7 + z1 + z4;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp4 = tmp4 * (0.298631336 - 0.899976223) + tmp7 * -0.899976223;
+ ; tmp5 = tmp5 * (2.053119869 - 2.562915447) + tmp6 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp6 = tmp5 * -2.562915447 + tmp6 * (3.072711026 - 2.562915447);
+ ; tmp7 = tmp4 * -0.899976223 + tmp7 * (1.501321110 - 0.899976223);
+ ; data7 = tmp4 + z3; data5 = tmp5 + z4;
+ ; data3 = tmp6 + z3; data1 = tmp7 + z4;
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm7
+ punpckhwd mm1,mm7
+ movq mm2,mm4
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm4=tmp4L
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm1=tmp4H
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm2=tmp7L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm7=tmp7H
+ paddd mm4, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm4=data7L
+ paddd mm1, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm1=data7H
+ paddd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data1L
+ paddd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data1H
+ paddd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm4,mm1 ; mm4=data7
+ packssdw mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm2
+ movq mm1,mm3
+ movq mm7,mm3
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm5
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm5
+ movq mm3,mm1
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm1=tmp5L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm7=tmp5H
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm3=tmp6L
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm5=tmp6H
+ paddd mm1,mm0 ; mm1=data5L
+ paddd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data5H
+ paddd mm3, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm3=data3L
+ paddd mm5, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm5=data3H
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ paddd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)]
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=data5
+ packssdw mm3,mm5 ; mm3=data3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm3
+ add edx, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ dec ecx
+ jnz near .rowloop
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process columns.
+ mov edx, POINTER [data(eax)] ; (DCTELEM *)
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4
+ alignx 16,7
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm0=(02 12 22 32), mm2=(42 52 62 72)
+ ; mm1=(03 13 23 33), mm3=(43 53 63 73)
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(02 03 12 13)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(42 43 52 53)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(62 63 72 73)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)]
+ ; mm6=(00 10 20 30), mm1=(40 50 60 70)
+ ; mm7=(01 11 21 31), mm3=(41 51 61 71)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=(42 43 52 53)
+ movq mm4,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 01 10 11)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=(20 21 30 31)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(40 41 50 51)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(60 61 70 71)
+ movq mm7,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=(00 01 02 03)=data0
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(10 11 12 13)=data1
+ movq mm3,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(60 61 62 63)=data6
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm5 ; mm3=(70 71 72 73)=data7
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ psubw mm7,mm2 ; mm7=data1-data6=tmp6
+ psubw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0-data7=tmp7
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data1+data6=tmp1
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0+data7=tmp0
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm2=(22 23 32 33)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm3=(42 43 52 53)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp6
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm6 ; wk(1)=tmp7
+ movq mm7,mm4 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(20 21 22 23)=data2
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm2 ; mm7=(30 31 32 33)=data3
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(40 41 42 43)=data4
+ punpckhdq mm6,mm3 ; mm6=(50 51 52 53)=data5
+ movq mm2,mm7
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data3+data4=tmp3
+ paddw mm4,mm6 ; mm4=data2+data5=tmp2
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=data3-data4=tmp4
+ psubw mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2-data5=tmp5
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ paddw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=tmp10
+ paddw mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp11
+ psubw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=tmp13
+ psubw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp12
+ movq mm7,mm5
+ paddw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=tmp10+tmp11
+ psubw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=tmp10-tmp11
+ paddw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_DESCALE_P2X)]
+ paddw mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_DESCALE_P2X)]
+ psraw mm5,PASS1_BITS ; mm5=data0
+ psraw mm7,PASS1_BITS ; mm7=data4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm7
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = (tmp12 + tmp13) * 0.541196100;
+ ; data2 = z1 + tmp13 * 0.765366865;
+ ; data6 = z1 + tmp12 * -1.847759065;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; data2 = tmp13 * (0.541196100 + 0.765366865) + tmp12 * 0.541196100;
+ ; data6 = tmp13 * 0.541196100 + tmp12 * (0.541196100 - 1.847759065);
+ movq mm4,mm1 ; mm1=tmp13
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm6 ; mm6=tmp12
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm6
+ movq mm1,mm4
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm4=data2L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm0=data2H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm1=data6L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm6=data6H
+ paddd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data2
+ packssdw mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm5=tmp6
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm7=tmp7
+ movq mm0,mm2 ; mm2=tmp4
+ movq mm6,mm3 ; mm3=tmp5
+ paddw mm0,mm5 ; mm0=z3
+ paddw mm6,mm7 ; mm6=z4
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z5 = (z3 + z4) * 1.175875602;
+ ; z3 = z3 * -1.961570560; z4 = z4 * -0.390180644;
+ ; z3 += z5; z4 += z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; z3 = z3 * (1.175875602 - 1.961570560) + z4 * 1.175875602;
+ ; z4 = z3 * 1.175875602 + z4 * (1.175875602 - 0.390180644);
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm6
+ punpckhwd mm1,mm6
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ movq mm6,mm1
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm4=z3L
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm1=z3H
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm0=z4L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm6=z4H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm4 ; wk(0)=z3L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm1 ; wk(1)=z3H
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = tmp4 + tmp7; z2 = tmp5 + tmp6;
+ ; tmp4 = tmp4 * 0.298631336; tmp5 = tmp5 * 2.053119869;
+ ; tmp6 = tmp6 * 3.072711026; tmp7 = tmp7 * 1.501321110;
+ ; z1 = z1 * -0.899976223; z2 = z2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; data7 = tmp4 + z1 + z3; data5 = tmp5 + z2 + z4;
+ ; data3 = tmp6 + z2 + z3; data1 = tmp7 + z1 + z4;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp4 = tmp4 * (0.298631336 - 0.899976223) + tmp7 * -0.899976223;
+ ; tmp5 = tmp5 * (2.053119869 - 2.562915447) + tmp6 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp6 = tmp5 * -2.562915447 + tmp6 * (3.072711026 - 2.562915447);
+ ; tmp7 = tmp4 * -0.899976223 + tmp7 * (1.501321110 - 0.899976223);
+ ; data7 = tmp4 + z3; data5 = tmp5 + z4;
+ ; data3 = tmp6 + z3; data1 = tmp7 + z4;
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm7
+ punpckhwd mm1,mm7
+ movq mm2,mm4
+ movq mm7,mm1
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm4=tmp4L
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm1=tmp4H
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm2=tmp7L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm7=tmp7H
+ paddd mm4, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm4=data7L
+ paddd mm1, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm1=data7H
+ paddd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data1L
+ paddd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data1H
+ paddd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm4,mm1 ; mm4=data7
+ packssdw mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm4
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm2
+ movq mm1,mm3
+ movq mm7,mm3
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm5
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm5
+ movq mm3,mm1
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm1=tmp5L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm7=tmp5H
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm3=tmp6L
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm5=tmp6H
+ paddd mm1,mm0 ; mm1=data5L
+ paddd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=data5H
+ paddd mm3, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm3=data3L
+ paddd mm5, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm5=data3H
+ paddd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ paddd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)]
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=data5
+ packssdw mm3,mm5 ; mm3=data3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edx,SIZEOF_DCTELEM)], mm3
+ add edx, byte 4*SIZEOF_DCTELEM
+ dec ecx
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+; pop edi ; unused
+; pop esi ; unused
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ poppic ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxfst.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxfst.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..662a522f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxfst.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+; jimmxfst.asm - fast integer IDCT (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; This file contains a fast, not so accurate integer implementation of
+; the inverse DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). The following code is
+; based directly on the IJG's original jidctfst.c; see the jidctfst.c
+; for more details.
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define CONST_BITS 8 ; 14 is also OK.
+%define PASS1_BITS 2
+%error "'IFAST_SCALE_BITS' must be equal to 'PASS1_BITS'."
+%if CONST_BITS == 8
+F_1_082 equ 277 ; FIX(1.082392200)
+F_1_414 equ 362 ; FIX(1.414213562)
+F_1_847 equ 473 ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_2_613 equ 669 ; FIX(2.613125930)
+F_1_613 equ (F_2_613 - 256) ; FIX(2.613125930) - FIX(1)
+; NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
+%define DESCALE(x,n) (((x)+(1<<((n)-1)))>>(n))
+F_1_082 equ DESCALE(1162209775,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.082392200)
+F_1_414 equ DESCALE(1518500249,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.414213562)
+F_1_847 equ DESCALE(1984016188,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_2_613 equ DESCALE(2805822602,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.613125930)
+F_1_613 equ (F_2_613 - (1 << CONST_BITS)) ; FIX(2.613125930) - FIX(1)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; PRE_MULTIPLY_SCALE_BITS <= 2 (to avoid overflow)
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_idct_ifast_mmx)
+PW_F1414 times 4 dw F_1_414 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_F1847 times 4 dw F_1_847 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_MF1613 times 4 dw -F_1_613 << CONST_SHIFT
+PW_F1082 times 4 dw F_1_082 << CONST_SHIFT
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Perform dequantization and inverse DCT on one block of coefficients.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_idct_ifast_mmx (void * dct_table, JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
+%define dct_table(b) (b)+8 ; jpeg_component_info * compptr
+%define coef_block(b) (b)+12 ; JCOEFPTR coef_block
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define output_col(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION output_col
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 2
+%define workspace wk(0)-DCTSIZE2*SIZEOF_JCOEF
+ ; JCOEF workspace[DCTSIZE2]
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_idct_ifast_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [workspace]
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array.
+; mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ mov edx, POINTER [dct_table(eax)] ; quantptr
+ mov esi, JCOEFPTR [coef_block(eax)] ; inptr
+ lea edi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4 ; ctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ mov eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ or eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1,mm0
+ packsswb mm1,mm1
+ movd eax,mm1
+ test eax,eax
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ ; -- AC terms all zero
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2,mm0 ; mm0=in0=(00 01 02 03)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 01 01)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 03 03)
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpckldq mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 00 00)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(01 01 01 01)
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ punpckldq mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 02 02)
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(03 03 03 03)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ jmp near .nextcolumn
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ psubw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=tmp11
+ psubw mm1,mm3
+ paddw mm4,mm2 ; mm4=tmp10
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=tmp13
+ pmulhw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1414)]
+ psubw mm1,mm5 ; mm1=tmp12
+ movq mm6,mm4
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ psubw mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp3
+ psubw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=tmp2
+ paddw mm6,mm5 ; mm6=tmp0
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=tmp1
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm4 ; wk(1)=tmp3
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm0 ; wk(0)=tmp2
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=z12
+ psubw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z10
+ paddw mm4,mm1 ; mm4=z11
+ paddw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=z13
+ movq mm1,mm5 ; mm1=z10(unscaled)
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ psubw mm4,mm0
+ paddw mm3,mm0 ; mm3=tmp7
+ pmulhw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1414)] ; mm4=tmp11
+ ; To avoid overflow...
+ ;
+ ; (Original)
+ ; tmp12 = -2.613125930 * z10 + z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp12 = (-1.613125930 - 1) * z10 + z5;
+ ; = -1.613125930 * z10 - z10 + z5;
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ paddw mm5,mm2
+ pmulhw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1847)] ; mm5=z5
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF1613)]
+ pmulhw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1082)]
+ psubw mm0,mm1
+ psubw mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp10
+ paddw mm0,mm5 ; mm0=tmp12
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ psubw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp6
+ movq mm1,mm6
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ paddw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0=(00 01 02 03)
+ paddw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=data1=(10 11 12 13)
+ psubw mm1,mm3 ; mm1=data7=(70 71 72 73)
+ psubw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=data6=(60 61 62 63)
+ psubw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=tmp5
+ movq mm3,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 10 01 11)
+ punpckhwd mm3,mm7 ; mm3=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm0,mm5 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm1 ; mm5=(60 70 61 71)
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(62 72 63 73)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm7=tmp2
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm1=tmp3
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm5 ; wk(0)=(60 70 61 71)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm0 ; wk(1)=(62 72 63 73)
+ paddw mm2,mm4 ; mm2=tmp4
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ paddw mm7,mm4 ; mm7=data2=(20 21 22 23)
+ paddw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data4=(40 41 42 43)
+ psubw mm5,mm4 ; mm5=data5=(50 51 52 53)
+ psubw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data3=(30 31 32 33)
+ movq mm4,mm7 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(20 30 21 31)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm0 ; mm4=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm5 ; mm1=(40 50 41 51)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(42 52 43 53)
+ movq mm0,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 10 20 30)
+ punpckhdq mm0,mm7 ; mm0=(01 11 21 31)
+ movq mm5,mm3 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm3,mm4 ; mm3=(02 12 22 32)
+ punpckhdq mm5,mm4 ; mm5=(03 13 23 33)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm7=(60 70 61 71)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm4=(62 72 63 73)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm5
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(40 50 60 70)
+ punpckhdq mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(41 51 61 71)
+ movq mm0,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm4 ; mm2=(42 52 62 72)
+ punpckhdq mm0,mm4 ; mm0=(43 53 63 73)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; coef_block
+ add edx, byte 4*SIZEOF_IFAST_MULT_TYPE ; quantptr
+ add edi, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; wsptr
+ dec ecx ; ctr
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array.
+ mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ lea esi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(eax)] ; (JSAMPROW *)
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [output_col(eax)]
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4 ; ctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ psubw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=tmp11
+ psubw mm1,mm3
+ paddw mm4,mm2 ; mm4=tmp10
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=tmp13
+ pmulhw mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1414)]
+ psubw mm1,mm5 ; mm1=tmp12
+ movq mm6,mm4
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ psubw mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp3
+ psubw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=tmp2
+ paddw mm6,mm5 ; mm6=tmp0
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=tmp1
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm4 ; wk(1)=tmp3
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm0 ; wk(0)=tmp2
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ psubw mm2,mm1 ; mm2=z12
+ psubw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z10
+ paddw mm4,mm1 ; mm4=z11
+ paddw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=z13
+ movq mm1,mm5 ; mm1=z10(unscaled)
+ movq mm3,mm4
+ psubw mm4,mm0
+ paddw mm3,mm0 ; mm3=tmp7
+ pmulhw mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1414)] ; mm4=tmp11
+ ; To avoid overflow...
+ ;
+ ; (Original)
+ ; tmp12 = -2.613125930 * z10 + z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp12 = (-1.613125930 - 1) * z10 + z5;
+ ; = -1.613125930 * z10 - z10 + z5;
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ paddw mm5,mm2
+ pmulhw mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1847)] ; mm5=z5
+ pmulhw mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF1613)]
+ pmulhw mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F1082)]
+ psubw mm0,mm1
+ psubw mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp10
+ paddw mm0,mm5 ; mm0=tmp12
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ psubw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp6
+ movq mm1,mm6
+ movq mm5,mm7
+ paddw mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data0=(00 10 20 30)
+ paddw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=data1=(01 11 21 31)
+ psraw mm6,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psraw mm7,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psubw mm1,mm3 ; mm1=data7=(07 17 27 37)
+ psubw mm5,mm0 ; mm5=data6=(06 16 26 36)
+ psraw mm1,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psraw mm5,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psubw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=tmp5
+ packsswb mm6,mm5 ; mm6=(00 10 20 30 06 16 26 36)
+ packsswb mm7,mm1 ; mm7=(01 11 21 31 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm3=tmp2
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm0=tmp3
+ paddw mm2,mm4 ; mm2=tmp4
+ movq mm5,mm3
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ paddw mm3,mm4 ; mm3=data2=(02 12 22 32)
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data4=(04 14 24 34)
+ psraw mm3,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psraw mm0,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psubw mm5,mm4 ; mm5=data5=(05 15 25 35)
+ psubw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data3=(03 13 23 33)
+ psraw mm5,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ psraw mm1,(PASS1_BITS+3) ; descale
+ packsswb mm3,mm0 ; mm3=(02 12 22 32 04 14 24 34)
+ packsswb mm1,mm5 ; mm1=(03 13 23 33 05 15 25 35)
+ paddb mm6,mm4
+ paddb mm7,mm4
+ paddb mm3,mm4
+ paddb mm1,mm4
+ movq mm2,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklbw mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(00 01 10 11 20 21 30 31)
+ punpckhbw mm2,mm7 ; mm2=(06 07 16 17 26 27 36 37)
+ movq mm0,mm3 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklbw mm3,mm1 ; mm3=(02 03 12 13 22 23 32 33)
+ punpckhbw mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(04 05 14 15 24 25 34 35)
+ movq mm5,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm3 ; mm6=(00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33)
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm2 ; mm0=(04 05 06 07 14 15 16 17)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(24 25 26 27 34 35 36 37)
+ movq mm7,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 3)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm0 ; mm6=(00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07)
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm0 ; mm7=(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)
+ movq mm1,mm5 ; transpose coefficients(phase 3)
+ punpckldq mm5,mm4 ; mm5=(20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm4 ; mm1=(30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37)
+ pushpic ebx ; save GOT address
+ movq MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm6
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm5
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm1
+ poppic ebx ; restore GOT address
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; wsptr
+ add edi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ dec ecx ; ctr
+ jnz near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxint.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxint.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..775b1e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxint.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+; jimmxint.asm - accurate integer IDCT (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; This file contains a slow-but-accurate integer implementation of the
+; inverse DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). The following code is based
+; directly on the IJG's original jidctint.c; see the jidctint.c for
+; more details.
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define CONST_BITS 13
+%define PASS1_BITS 2
+%if CONST_BITS == 13
+F_0_298 equ 2446 ; FIX(0.298631336)
+F_0_390 equ 3196 ; FIX(0.390180644)
+F_0_541 equ 4433 ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_765 equ 6270 ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_899 equ 7373 ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_175 equ 9633 ; FIX(1.175875602)
+F_1_501 equ 12299 ; FIX(1.501321110)
+F_1_847 equ 15137 ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_1_961 equ 16069 ; FIX(1.961570560)
+F_2_053 equ 16819 ; FIX(2.053119869)
+F_2_562 equ 20995 ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_072 equ 25172 ; FIX(3.072711026)
+; NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
+%define DESCALE(x,n) (((x)+(1<<((n)-1)))>>(n))
+F_0_298 equ DESCALE( 320652955,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.298631336)
+F_0_390 equ DESCALE( 418953276,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.390180644)
+F_0_541 equ DESCALE( 581104887,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.541196100)
+F_0_765 equ DESCALE( 821806413,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_899 equ DESCALE( 966342111,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_175 equ DESCALE(1262586813,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.175875602)
+F_1_501 equ DESCALE(1612031267,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.501321110)
+F_1_847 equ DESCALE(1984016188,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_1_961 equ DESCALE(2106220350,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.961570560)
+F_2_053 equ DESCALE(2204520673,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.053119869)
+F_2_562 equ DESCALE(2751909506,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_072 equ DESCALE(3299298341,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(3.072711026)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_idct_islow_mmx)
+PW_F130_F054 times 2 dw (F_0_541+F_0_765), F_0_541
+PW_F054_MF130 times 2 dw F_0_541, (F_0_541-F_1_847)
+PW_MF078_F117 times 2 dw (F_1_175-F_1_961), F_1_175
+PW_F117_F078 times 2 dw F_1_175, (F_1_175-F_0_390)
+PW_MF060_MF089 times 2 dw (F_0_298-F_0_899),-F_0_899
+PW_MF089_F060 times 2 dw -F_0_899, (F_1_501-F_0_899)
+PW_MF050_MF256 times 2 dw (F_2_053-F_2_562),-F_2_562
+PW_MF256_F050 times 2 dw -F_2_562, (F_3_072-F_2_562)
+PD_DESCALE_P1 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P1-1)
+PD_DESCALE_P2 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P2-1)
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Perform dequantization and inverse DCT on one block of coefficients.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_idct_islow_mmx (void * dct_table, JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
+%define dct_table(b) (b)+8 ; jpeg_component_info * compptr
+%define coef_block(b) (b)+12 ; JCOEFPTR coef_block
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define output_col(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION output_col
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 12
+%define workspace wk(0)-DCTSIZE2*SIZEOF_JCOEF
+ ; JCOEF workspace[DCTSIZE2]
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_idct_islow_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [workspace]
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array.
+; mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ mov edx, POINTER [dct_table(eax)] ; quantptr
+ mov esi, JCOEFPTR [coef_block(eax)] ; inptr
+ lea edi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4 ; ctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ mov eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ or eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1,mm0
+ packsswb mm1,mm1
+ movd eax,mm1
+ test eax,eax
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ ; -- AC terms all zero
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ psllw mm0,PASS1_BITS
+ movq mm2,mm0 ; mm0=in0=(00 01 02 03)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 01 01)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 03 03)
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpckldq mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 00 00)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(01 01 01 01)
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ punpckldq mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 02 02)
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(03 03 03 03)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ jmp near .nextcolumn
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = (z2 + z3) * 0.541196100;
+ ; tmp2 = z1 + z3 * -1.847759065;
+ ; tmp3 = z1 + z2 * 0.765366865;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp2 = z2 * 0.541196100 + z3 * (0.541196100 - 1.847759065);
+ ; tmp3 = z2 * (0.541196100 + 0.765366865) + z3 * 0.541196100;
+ movq mm4,mm1 ; mm1=in2=z2
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm3 ; mm3=in6=z3
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3
+ movq mm1,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm4=tmp3L
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm5=tmp3H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm3=tmp2H
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=in0+in4
+ psubw mm6,mm2 ; mm6=in0-in4
+ pxor mm7,mm7
+ pxor mm2,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm7,mm0 ; mm7=tmp0L
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=tmp0H
+ psrad mm7,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm7,16 & pslld mm7,CONST_BITS
+ psrad mm2,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm2,16 & pslld mm2,CONST_BITS
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm7,mm4 ; mm7=tmp10L
+ psubd mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp13L
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ paddd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp10H
+ psubd mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp13H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp10L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=tmp10H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm0 ; wk(2)=tmp13L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(3)], mm4 ; wk(3)=tmp13H
+ pxor mm5,mm5
+ pxor mm7,mm7
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm6 ; mm5=tmp1L
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=tmp1H
+ psrad mm5,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm5,16 & pslld mm5,CONST_BITS
+ psrad mm7,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm7,16 & pslld mm7,CONST_BITS
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ paddd mm5,mm1 ; mm5=tmp11L
+ psubd mm2,mm1 ; mm2=tmp12L
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm7,mm3 ; mm7=tmp11H
+ psubd mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp12H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(4)], mm5 ; wk(4)=tmp11L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(5)], mm7 ; wk(5)=tmp11H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(6)], mm2 ; wk(6)=tmp12L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(7)], mm0 ; wk(7)=tmp12H
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ movq mm7,mm4
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z3
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=z4
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z5 = (z3 + z4) * 1.175875602;
+ ; z3 = z3 * -1.961570560; z4 = z4 * -0.390180644;
+ ; z3 += z5; z4 += z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; z3 = z3 * (1.175875602 - 1.961570560) + z4 * 1.175875602;
+ ; z4 = z3 * 1.175875602 + z4 * (1.175875602 - 0.390180644);
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm7
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm2
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm2=z3L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm0=z3H
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm5=z4L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm7=z4H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(10)], mm2 ; wk(10)=z3L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(11)], mm0 ; wk(11)=z3H
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = tmp0 + tmp3; z2 = tmp1 + tmp2;
+ ; tmp0 = tmp0 * 0.298631336; tmp1 = tmp1 * 2.053119869;
+ ; tmp2 = tmp2 * 3.072711026; tmp3 = tmp3 * 1.501321110;
+ ; z1 = z1 * -0.899976223; z2 = z2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp0 += z1 + z3; tmp1 += z2 + z4;
+ ; tmp2 += z2 + z3; tmp3 += z1 + z4;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp0 = tmp0 * (0.298631336 - 0.899976223) + tmp3 * -0.899976223;
+ ; tmp1 = tmp1 * (2.053119869 - 2.562915447) + tmp2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp2 = tmp1 * -2.562915447 + tmp2 * (3.072711026 - 2.562915447);
+ ; tmp3 = tmp0 * -0.899976223 + tmp3 * (1.501321110 - 0.899976223);
+ ; tmp0 += z3; tmp1 += z4;
+ ; tmp2 += z3; tmp3 += z4;
+ movq mm2,mm3
+ movq mm0,mm3
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm4
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm2=tmp0L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm0=tmp0H
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm3=tmp3L
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm4=tmp3H
+ paddd mm2, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm2=tmp0L
+ paddd mm0, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm0=tmp0H
+ paddd mm3,mm5 ; mm3=tmp3L
+ paddd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=tmp3H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(8)], mm2 ; wk(8)=tmp0L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(9)], mm0 ; wk(9)=tmp0H
+ movq mm2,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm6
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm6
+ movq mm1,mm2
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm2=tmp1L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm0=tmp1H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm6=tmp2H
+ paddd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp1L
+ paddd mm0,mm7 ; mm0=tmp1H
+ paddd mm1, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ paddd mm6, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm6=tmp2H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(10)], mm2 ; wk(10)=tmp1L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(11)], mm0 ; wk(11)=tmp1H
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm5=tmp10L
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm7=tmp10H
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0L
+ paddd mm7,mm4 ; mm7=data0H
+ psubd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=data7L
+ psubd mm0,mm4 ; mm0=data7H
+ movq mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)] ; mm3=[PD_DESCALE_P1]
+ paddd mm5,mm3
+ paddd mm7,mm3
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm2,mm3
+ paddd mm0,mm3
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=data0=(00 01 02 03)
+ packssdw mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data7=(70 71 72 73)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(4)] ; mm4=tmp11L
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(5)] ; mm3=tmp11H
+ movq mm7,mm4
+ movq mm0,mm3
+ paddd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=data1L
+ paddd mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data1H
+ psubd mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data6L
+ psubd mm0,mm6 ; mm0=data6H
+ movq mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)] ; mm1=[PD_DESCALE_P1]
+ paddd mm4,mm1
+ paddd mm3,mm1
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm7,mm1
+ paddd mm0,mm1
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm4,mm3 ; mm4=data1=(10 11 12 13)
+ packssdw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=data6=(60 61 62 63)
+ movq mm6,mm5 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm4 ; mm5=(00 10 01 11)
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm4 ; mm6=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm1,mm7 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm7,mm2 ; mm7=(60 70 61 71)
+ punpckhwd mm1,mm2 ; mm1=(62 72 63 73)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(6)] ; mm3=tmp12L
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(7)] ; mm0=tmp12H
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm4=tmp1L
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm2=tmp1H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm5 ; wk(0)=(00 10 01 11)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm6 ; wk(1)=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(4)], mm7 ; wk(4)=(60 70 61 71)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(5)], mm1 ; wk(5)=(62 72 63 73)
+ movq mm5,mm3
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ paddd mm3,mm4 ; mm3=data2L
+ paddd mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data2H
+ psubd mm5,mm4 ; mm5=data5L
+ psubd mm6,mm2 ; mm6=data5H
+ movq mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)] ; mm7=[PD_DESCALE_P1]
+ paddd mm3,mm7
+ paddd mm0,mm7
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm5,mm7
+ paddd mm6,mm7
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm3,mm0 ; mm3=data2=(20 21 22 23)
+ packssdw mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data5=(50 51 52 53)
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm1=tmp13L
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(3)] ; mm4=tmp13H
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(8)] ; mm2=tmp0L
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(9)] ; mm7=tmp0H
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ movq mm6,mm4
+ paddd mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data3L
+ paddd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=data3H
+ psubd mm0,mm2 ; mm0=data4L
+ psubd mm6,mm7 ; mm6=data4H
+ movq mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1)] ; mm2=[PD_DESCALE_P1]
+ paddd mm1,mm2
+ paddd mm4,mm2
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1
+ paddd mm0,mm2
+ paddd mm6,mm2
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P1
+ packssdw mm1,mm4 ; mm1=data3=(30 31 32 33)
+ packssdw mm0,mm6 ; mm0=data4=(40 41 42 43)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm7=(00 10 01 11)
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm2=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm4,mm3 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm3,mm1 ; mm3=(20 30 21 31)
+ punpckhwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm6,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm5 ; mm0=(40 50 41 51)
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm5 ; mm6=(42 52 43 53)
+ movq mm1,mm7 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm7,mm3 ; mm7=(00 10 20 30)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(01 11 21 31)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm2,mm4 ; mm2=(02 12 22 32)
+ punpckhdq mm5,mm4 ; mm5=(03 13 23 33)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(4)] ; mm3=(60 70 61 71)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(5)] ; mm4=(62 72 63 73)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm5
+ movq mm7,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm0,mm3 ; mm0=(40 50 60 70)
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm3 ; mm7=(41 51 61 71)
+ movq mm1,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm4 ; mm6=(42 52 62 72)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm4 ; mm1=(43 53 63 73)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; coef_block
+ add edx, byte 4*SIZEOF_ISLOW_MULT_TYPE ; quantptr
+ add edi, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; wsptr
+ dec ecx ; ctr
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array.
+ mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ lea esi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(eax)] ; (JSAMPROW *)
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [output_col(eax)]
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4 ; ctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(4,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = (z2 + z3) * 0.541196100;
+ ; tmp2 = z1 + z3 * -1.847759065;
+ ; tmp3 = z1 + z2 * 0.765366865;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp2 = z2 * 0.541196100 + z3 * (0.541196100 - 1.847759065);
+ ; tmp3 = z2 * (0.541196100 + 0.765366865) + z3 * 0.541196100;
+ movq mm4,mm1 ; mm1=in2=z2
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm3 ; mm3=in6=z3
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm3
+ movq mm1,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm4=tmp3L
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F130_F054)] ; mm5=tmp3H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F054_MF130)] ; mm3=tmp2H
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ paddw mm0,mm2 ; mm0=in0+in4
+ psubw mm6,mm2 ; mm6=in0-in4
+ pxor mm7,mm7
+ pxor mm2,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm7,mm0 ; mm7=tmp0L
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=tmp0H
+ psrad mm7,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm7,16 & pslld mm7,CONST_BITS
+ psrad mm2,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm2,16 & pslld mm2,CONST_BITS
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm7,mm4 ; mm7=tmp10L
+ psubd mm0,mm4 ; mm0=tmp13L
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ paddd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp10H
+ psubd mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp13H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm7 ; wk(0)=tmp10L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm2 ; wk(1)=tmp10H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(2)], mm0 ; wk(2)=tmp13L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(3)], mm4 ; wk(3)=tmp13H
+ pxor mm5,mm5
+ pxor mm7,mm7
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm6 ; mm5=tmp1L
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=tmp1H
+ psrad mm5,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm5,16 & pslld mm5,CONST_BITS
+ psrad mm7,(16-CONST_BITS) ; psrad mm7,16 & pslld mm7,CONST_BITS
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ paddd mm5,mm1 ; mm5=tmp11L
+ psubd mm2,mm1 ; mm2=tmp12L
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm7,mm3 ; mm7=tmp11H
+ psubd mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp12H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(4)], mm5 ; wk(4)=tmp11L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(5)], mm7 ; wk(5)=tmp11H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(6)], mm2 ; wk(6)=tmp12L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(7)], mm0 ; wk(7)=tmp12H
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5,mm6
+ movq mm7,mm4
+ paddw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=z3
+ paddw mm7,mm1 ; mm7=z4
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z5 = (z3 + z4) * 1.175875602;
+ ; z3 = z3 * -1.961570560; z4 = z4 * -0.390180644;
+ ; z3 += z5; z4 += z5;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; z3 = z3 * (1.175875602 - 1.961570560) + z4 * 1.175875602;
+ ; z4 = z3 * 1.175875602 + z4 * (1.175875602 - 0.390180644);
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ movq mm0,mm5
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm7
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm7
+ movq mm5,mm2
+ movq mm7,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm2=z3L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF078_F117)] ; mm0=z3H
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm5=z4L
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F117_F078)] ; mm7=z4H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(10)], mm2 ; wk(10)=z3L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(11)], mm0 ; wk(11)=z3H
+ ; (Original)
+ ; z1 = tmp0 + tmp3; z2 = tmp1 + tmp2;
+ ; tmp0 = tmp0 * 0.298631336; tmp1 = tmp1 * 2.053119869;
+ ; tmp2 = tmp2 * 3.072711026; tmp3 = tmp3 * 1.501321110;
+ ; z1 = z1 * -0.899976223; z2 = z2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp0 += z1 + z3; tmp1 += z2 + z4;
+ ; tmp2 += z2 + z3; tmp3 += z1 + z4;
+ ;
+ ; (This implementation)
+ ; tmp0 = tmp0 * (0.298631336 - 0.899976223) + tmp3 * -0.899976223;
+ ; tmp1 = tmp1 * (2.053119869 - 2.562915447) + tmp2 * -2.562915447;
+ ; tmp2 = tmp1 * -2.562915447 + tmp2 * (3.072711026 - 2.562915447);
+ ; tmp3 = tmp0 * -0.899976223 + tmp3 * (1.501321110 - 0.899976223);
+ ; tmp0 += z3; tmp1 += z4;
+ ; tmp2 += z3; tmp3 += z4;
+ movq mm2,mm3
+ movq mm0,mm3
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm4
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm2=tmp0L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF089)] ; mm0=tmp0H
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm3=tmp3L
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF089_F060)] ; mm4=tmp3H
+ paddd mm2, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm2=tmp0L
+ paddd mm0, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm0=tmp0H
+ paddd mm3,mm5 ; mm3=tmp3L
+ paddd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=tmp3H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(8)], mm2 ; wk(8)=tmp0L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(9)], mm0 ; wk(9)=tmp0H
+ movq mm2,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm1
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm6
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm6
+ movq mm1,mm2
+ movq mm6,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm2=tmp1L
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF050_MF256)] ; mm0=tmp1H
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF256_F050)] ; mm6=tmp2H
+ paddd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp1L
+ paddd mm0,mm7 ; mm0=tmp1H
+ paddd mm1, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm1=tmp2L
+ paddd mm6, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm6=tmp2H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(10)], mm2 ; wk(10)=tmp1L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(11)], mm0 ; wk(11)=tmp1H
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm5=tmp10L
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm7=tmp10H
+ movq mm2,mm5
+ movq mm0,mm7
+ paddd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data0L
+ paddd mm7,mm4 ; mm7=data0H
+ psubd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=data7L
+ psubd mm0,mm4 ; mm0=data7H
+ movq mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)] ; mm3=[PD_DESCALE_P2]
+ paddd mm5,mm3
+ paddd mm7,mm3
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm2,mm3
+ paddd mm0,mm3
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm5,mm7 ; mm5=data0=(00 10 20 30)
+ packssdw mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data7=(07 17 27 37)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(4)] ; mm4=tmp11L
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(5)] ; mm3=tmp11H
+ movq mm7,mm4
+ movq mm0,mm3
+ paddd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=data1L
+ paddd mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data1H
+ psubd mm7,mm1 ; mm7=data6L
+ psubd mm0,mm6 ; mm0=data6H
+ movq mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)] ; mm1=[PD_DESCALE_P2]
+ paddd mm4,mm1
+ paddd mm3,mm1
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm7,mm1
+ paddd mm0,mm1
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm4,mm3 ; mm4=data1=(01 11 21 31)
+ packssdw mm7,mm0 ; mm7=data6=(06 16 26 36)
+ packsswb mm5,mm7 ; mm5=(00 10 20 30 06 16 26 36)
+ packsswb mm4,mm2 ; mm4=(01 11 21 31 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(6)] ; mm6=tmp12L
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [wk(7)] ; mm1=tmp12H
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(10)] ; mm3=tmp1L
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(11)] ; mm0=tmp1H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm5 ; wk(0)=(00 10 20 30 06 16 26 36)
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm4 ; wk(1)=(01 11 21 31 07 17 27 37)
+ movq mm7,mm6
+ movq mm2,mm1
+ paddd mm6,mm3 ; mm6=data2L
+ paddd mm1,mm0 ; mm1=data2H
+ psubd mm7,mm3 ; mm7=data5L
+ psubd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data5H
+ movq mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)] ; mm5=[PD_DESCALE_P2]
+ paddd mm6,mm5
+ paddd mm1,mm5
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm7,mm5
+ paddd mm2,mm5
+ psrad mm7,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm6,mm1 ; mm6=data2=(02 12 22 32)
+ packssdw mm7,mm2 ; mm7=data5=(05 15 25 35)
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [wk(2)] ; mm4=tmp13L
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(3)] ; mm3=tmp13H
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(8)] ; mm0=tmp0L
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [wk(9)] ; mm5=tmp0H
+ movq mm1,mm4
+ movq mm2,mm3
+ paddd mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data3L
+ paddd mm3,mm5 ; mm3=data3H
+ psubd mm1,mm0 ; mm1=data4L
+ psubd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=data4H
+ movq mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2)] ; mm0=[PD_DESCALE_P2]
+ paddd mm4,mm0
+ paddd mm3,mm0
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P2
+ paddd mm1,mm0
+ paddd mm2,mm0
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2
+ packssdw mm4,mm3 ; mm4=data3=(03 13 23 33)
+ packssdw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data4=(04 14 24 34)
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm0=(00 10 20 30 06 16 26 36)
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm3=(01 11 21 31 07 17 27 37)
+ packsswb mm6,mm1 ; mm6=(02 12 22 32 04 14 24 34)
+ packsswb mm4,mm7 ; mm4=(03 13 23 33 05 15 25 35)
+ paddb mm0,mm5
+ paddb mm3,mm5
+ paddb mm6,mm5
+ paddb mm4,mm5
+ movq mm2,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklbw mm0,mm3 ; mm0=(00 01 10 11 20 21 30 31)
+ punpckhbw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(06 07 16 17 26 27 36 37)
+ movq mm1,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklbw mm6,mm4 ; mm6=(02 03 12 13 22 23 32 33)
+ punpckhbw mm1,mm4 ; mm1=(04 05 14 15 24 25 34 35)
+ movq mm7,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm6 ; mm0=(00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13)
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm6 ; mm7=(20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33)
+ movq mm5,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm2 ; mm1=(04 05 06 07 14 15 16 17)
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm2 ; mm5=(24 25 26 27 34 35 36 37)
+ movq mm3,mm0 ; transpose coefficients(phase 3)
+ punpckldq mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07)
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm1 ; mm3=(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)
+ movq mm4,mm7 ; transpose coefficients(phase 3)
+ punpckldq mm7,mm5 ; mm7=(20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27)
+ punpckhdq mm4,mm5 ; mm4=(30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37)
+ pushpic ebx ; save GOT address
+ movq MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm3
+ movq MMWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm7
+ movq MMWORD [ebx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm4
+ poppic ebx ; restore GOT address
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; wsptr
+ add edi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JSAMPROW
+ dec ecx ; ctr
+ jnz near .rowloop
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxred.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxred.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5ad52bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jimmxred.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+; jimmxred.asm - reduced-size IDCT (MMX)
+; Copyright 2009 Pierre Ossman <ossman@cendio.se> for Cendio AB
+; Based on
+; x86 SIMD extension for IJG JPEG library
+; Copyright (C) 1999-2006, MIYASAKA Masaru.
+; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in jsimdext.inc
+; This file should be assembled with NASM (Netwide Assembler),
+; can *not* be assembled with Microsoft's MASM or any compatible
+; assembler (including Borland's Turbo Assembler).
+; NASM is available from http://nasm.sourceforge.net/ or
+; http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208
+; This file contains inverse-DCT routines that produce reduced-size
+; output: either 4x4 or 2x2 pixels from an 8x8 DCT block.
+; The following code is based directly on the IJG's original jidctred.c;
+; see the jidctred.c for more details.
+; [TAB8]
+%include "simd/jsimdext.inc"
+%include "simd/jdct.inc"
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%define CONST_BITS 13
+%define PASS1_BITS 2
+%if CONST_BITS == 13
+F_0_211 equ 1730 ; FIX(0.211164243)
+F_0_509 equ 4176 ; FIX(0.509795579)
+F_0_601 equ 4926 ; FIX(0.601344887)
+F_0_720 equ 5906 ; FIX(0.720959822)
+F_0_765 equ 6270 ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_850 equ 6967 ; FIX(0.850430095)
+F_0_899 equ 7373 ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_061 equ 8697 ; FIX(1.061594337)
+F_1_272 equ 10426 ; FIX(1.272758580)
+F_1_451 equ 11893 ; FIX(1.451774981)
+F_1_847 equ 15137 ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_2_172 equ 17799 ; FIX(2.172734803)
+F_2_562 equ 20995 ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_624 equ 29692 ; FIX(3.624509785)
+; NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
+%define DESCALE(x,n) (((x)+(1<<((n)-1)))>>(n))
+F_0_211 equ DESCALE( 226735879,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.211164243)
+F_0_509 equ DESCALE( 547388834,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.509795579)
+F_0_601 equ DESCALE( 645689155,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.601344887)
+F_0_720 equ DESCALE( 774124714,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.720959822)
+F_0_765 equ DESCALE( 821806413,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.765366865)
+F_0_850 equ DESCALE( 913142361,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.850430095)
+F_0_899 equ DESCALE( 966342111,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(0.899976223)
+F_1_061 equ DESCALE(1139878239,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.061594337)
+F_1_272 equ DESCALE(1366614119,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.272758580)
+F_1_451 equ DESCALE(1558831516,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.451774981)
+F_1_847 equ DESCALE(1984016188,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(1.847759065)
+F_2_172 equ DESCALE(2332956230,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.172734803)
+F_2_562 equ DESCALE(2751909506,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(2.562915447)
+F_3_624 equ DESCALE(3891787747,30-CONST_BITS) ; FIX(3.624509785)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alignz 16
+ global EXTN(jconst_idct_red_mmx)
+PW_F184_MF076 times 2 dw F_1_847,-F_0_765
+PW_F256_F089 times 2 dw F_2_562, F_0_899
+PW_F106_MF217 times 2 dw F_1_061,-F_2_172
+PW_MF060_MF050 times 2 dw -F_0_601,-F_0_509
+PW_F145_MF021 times 2 dw F_1_451,-F_0_211
+PW_F362_MF127 times 2 dw F_3_624,-F_1_272
+PW_F085_MF072 times 2 dw F_0_850,-F_0_720
+PD_DESCALE_P1_4 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P1_4-1)
+PD_DESCALE_P2_4 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P2_4-1)
+PD_DESCALE_P1_2 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P1_2-1)
+PD_DESCALE_P2_2 times 2 dd 1 << (DESCALE_P2_2-1)
+ alignz 16
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BITS 32
+; Perform dequantization and inverse DCT on one block of coefficients,
+; producing a reduced-size 4x4 output block.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_idct_4x4_mmx (void * dct_table, JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
+%define dct_table(b) (b)+8 ; void * dct_table
+%define coef_block(b) (b)+12 ; JCOEFPTR coef_block
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define output_col(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION output_col
+%define original_ebp ebp+0
+%define wk(i) ebp-(WK_NUM-(i))*SIZEOF_MMWORD ; mmword wk[WK_NUM]
+%define WK_NUM 2
+%define workspace wk(0)-DCTSIZE2*SIZEOF_JCOEF
+ ; JCOEF workspace[DCTSIZE2]
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_idct_4x4_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov eax,esp ; eax = original ebp
+ sub esp, byte 4
+ and esp, byte (-SIZEOF_MMWORD) ; align to 64 bits
+ mov [esp],eax
+ mov ebp,esp ; ebp = aligned ebp
+ lea esp, [workspace]
+ pushpic ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array.
+; mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ mov edx, POINTER [dct_table(eax)] ; quantptr
+ mov esi, JCOEFPTR [coef_block(eax)] ; inptr
+ lea edi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov ecx, DCTSIZE/4 ; ctr
+ alignx 16,7
+ mov eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ or eax, DWORD [DWBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ por mm0,mm1
+ packsswb mm0,mm0
+ movd eax,mm0
+ test eax,eax
+ jnz short .columnDCT
+ ; -- AC terms all zero
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ psllw mm0,PASS1_BITS
+ movq mm2,mm0 ; mm0=in0=(00 01 02 03)
+ punpcklwd mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 01 01)
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 03 03)
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ punpckldq mm0,mm0 ; mm0=(00 00 00 00)
+ punpckhdq mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(01 01 01 01)
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ punpckldq mm2,mm2 ; mm2=(02 02 02 02)
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm3 ; mm3=(03 03 03 03)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm2
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ jmp near .nextcolumn
+ alignx 16,7
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm1
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F256_F089)] ; mm4=(tmp2L)
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F256_F089)] ; mm5=(tmp2H)
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F106_MF217)] ; mm0=(tmp0L)
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F106_MF217)] ; mm1=(tmp0H)
+ movq mm6,mm2
+ movq mm7,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm3
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm3
+ movq mm2,mm6
+ movq mm3,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF050)] ; mm6=(tmp2L)
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF050)] ; mm7=(tmp2H)
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F145_MF021)] ; mm2=(tmp0L)
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F145_MF021)] ; mm3=(tmp0H)
+ paddd mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp2L
+ paddd mm7,mm5 ; mm7=tmp2H
+ paddd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=tmp0L
+ paddd mm3,mm1 ; mm3=tmp0H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm2 ; wk(0)=tmp0L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm3 ; wk(1)=tmp0H
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ pxor mm1,mm1
+ pxor mm2,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm4 ; mm1=tmp0L
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm4 ; mm2=tmp0H
+ psrad mm1,(16-CONST_BITS-1) ; psrad mm1,16 & pslld mm1,CONST_BITS+1
+ psrad mm2,(16-CONST_BITS-1) ; psrad mm2,16 & pslld mm2,CONST_BITS+1
+ movq mm3,mm5 ; mm5=in2=z2
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm0 ; mm0=in6=z3
+ punpckhwd mm3,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F184_MF076)] ; mm5=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F184_MF076)] ; mm3=tmp2H
+ movq mm4,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm2
+ paddd mm1,mm5 ; mm1=tmp10L
+ paddd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=tmp10H
+ psubd mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp12L
+ psubd mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp12H
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ paddd mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data0L
+ paddd mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data0H
+ psubd mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data3L
+ psubd mm3,mm7 ; mm3=data3H
+ movq mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1_4)] ; mm6=[PD_DESCALE_P1_4]
+ paddd mm1,mm6
+ paddd mm2,mm6
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1_4
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P1_4
+ paddd mm5,mm6
+ paddd mm3,mm6
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P1_4
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1_4
+ packssdw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data0=(00 01 02 03)
+ packssdw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data3=(30 31 32 33)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm7=tmp0L
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm6=tmp0H
+ movq mm2,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm0
+ paddd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=data1L
+ paddd mm0,mm6 ; mm0=data1H
+ psubd mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data2L
+ psubd mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2H
+ movq mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1_4)] ; mm7=[PD_DESCALE_P1_4]
+ paddd mm4,mm7
+ paddd mm0,mm7
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1_4
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P1_4
+ paddd mm2,mm7
+ paddd mm3,mm7
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P1_4
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1_4
+ packssdw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data1=(10 11 12 13)
+ packssdw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=data2=(20 21 22 23)
+ movq mm6,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm4 ; mm1=(00 10 01 11)
+ punpckhwd mm6,mm4 ; mm6=(02 12 03 13)
+ movq mm7,mm2 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklwd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=(20 30 21 31)
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm5 ; mm7=(22 32 23 33)
+ movq mm0,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm2 ; mm1=(00 10 20 30)
+ punpckhdq mm0,mm2 ; mm0=(01 11 21 31)
+ movq mm3,mm6 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpckldq mm6,mm7 ; mm6=(02 12 22 32)
+ punpckhdq mm3,mm7 ; mm3=(03 13 23 33)
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm1
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm0
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm6
+ movq MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,edi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)], mm3
+ add esi, byte 4*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; coef_block
+ add edx, byte 4*SIZEOF_ISLOW_MULT_TYPE ; quantptr
+ add edi, byte 4*DCTSIZE*SIZEOF_JCOEF ; wsptr
+ dec ecx ; ctr
+ jnz near .columnloop
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array.
+ mov eax, [original_ebp]
+ lea esi, [workspace] ; JCOEF * wsptr
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(eax)] ; (JSAMPROW *)
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [output_col(eax)]
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm4,mm0
+ movq mm5,mm0
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm1
+ punpckhwd mm5,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ movq mm1,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F256_F089)] ; mm4=(tmp2L)
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F256_F089)] ; mm5=(tmp2H)
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F106_MF217)] ; mm0=(tmp0L)
+ pmaddwd mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F106_MF217)] ; mm1=(tmp0H)
+ movq mm6,mm2
+ movq mm7,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm6,mm3
+ punpckhwd mm7,mm3
+ movq mm2,mm6
+ movq mm3,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF050)] ; mm6=(tmp2L)
+ pmaddwd mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_MF060_MF050)] ; mm7=(tmp2H)
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F145_MF021)] ; mm2=(tmp0L)
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F145_MF021)] ; mm3=(tmp0H)
+ paddd mm6,mm4 ; mm6=tmp2L
+ paddd mm7,mm5 ; mm7=tmp2H
+ paddd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=tmp0L
+ paddd mm3,mm1 ; mm3=tmp0H
+ movq MMWORD [wk(0)], mm2 ; wk(0)=tmp0L
+ movq MMWORD [wk(1)], mm3 ; wk(1)=tmp0H
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm4, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(2,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(6,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ pxor mm1,mm1
+ pxor mm2,mm2
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm4 ; mm1=tmp0L
+ punpckhwd mm2,mm4 ; mm2=tmp0H
+ psrad mm1,(16-CONST_BITS-1) ; psrad mm1,16 & pslld mm1,CONST_BITS+1
+ psrad mm2,(16-CONST_BITS-1) ; psrad mm2,16 & pslld mm2,CONST_BITS+1
+ movq mm3,mm5 ; mm5=in2=z2
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm0 ; mm0=in6=z3
+ punpckhwd mm3,mm0
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F184_MF076)] ; mm5=tmp2L
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F184_MF076)] ; mm3=tmp2H
+ movq mm4,mm1
+ movq mm0,mm2
+ paddd mm1,mm5 ; mm1=tmp10L
+ paddd mm2,mm3 ; mm2=tmp10H
+ psubd mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp12L
+ psubd mm0,mm3 ; mm0=tmp12H
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm5,mm1
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ paddd mm1,mm6 ; mm1=data0L
+ paddd mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data0H
+ psubd mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data3L
+ psubd mm3,mm7 ; mm3=data3H
+ movq mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2_4)] ; mm6=[PD_DESCALE_P2_4]
+ paddd mm1,mm6
+ paddd mm2,mm6
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2_4
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2_4
+ paddd mm5,mm6
+ paddd mm3,mm6
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P2_4
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P2_4
+ packssdw mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data0=(00 10 20 30)
+ packssdw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=data3=(03 13 23 33)
+ movq mm7, MMWORD [wk(0)] ; mm7=tmp0L
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [wk(1)] ; mm6=tmp0H
+ movq mm2,mm4
+ movq mm3,mm0
+ paddd mm4,mm7 ; mm4=data1L
+ paddd mm0,mm6 ; mm0=data1H
+ psubd mm2,mm7 ; mm2=data2L
+ psubd mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data2H
+ movq mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2_4)] ; mm7=[PD_DESCALE_P2_4]
+ paddd mm4,mm7
+ paddd mm0,mm7
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P2_4
+ psrad mm0,DESCALE_P2_4
+ paddd mm2,mm7
+ paddd mm3,mm7
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P2_4
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P2_4
+ packssdw mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data1=(01 11 21 31)
+ packssdw mm2,mm3 ; mm2=data2=(02 12 22 32)
+ packsswb mm1,mm2 ; mm1=(00 10 20 30 02 12 22 32)
+ packsswb mm4,mm5 ; mm4=(01 11 21 31 03 13 23 33)
+ paddb mm1,mm6
+ paddb mm4,mm6
+ movq mm7,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 1)
+ punpcklbw mm1,mm4 ; mm1=(00 01 10 11 20 21 30 31)
+ punpckhbw mm7,mm4 ; mm7=(02 03 12 13 22 23 32 33)
+ movq mm0,mm1 ; transpose coefficients(phase 2)
+ punpcklwd mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13)
+ punpckhwd mm0,mm7 ; mm0=(20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33)
+ movd DWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm1
+ movd DWORD [esi+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm0
+ psrlq mm1,4*BYTE_BIT
+ psrlq mm0,4*BYTE_BIT
+ movd DWORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm1
+ movd DWORD [esi+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], mm0
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ poppic ebx
+ mov esp,ebp ; esp <- aligned ebp
+ pop esp ; esp <- original ebp
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Perform dequantization and inverse DCT on one block of coefficients,
+; producing a reduced-size 2x2 output block.
+; GLOBAL(void)
+; jsimd_idct_2x2_mmx (void * dct_table, JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+; JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
+%define dct_table(b) (b)+8 ; void * dct_table
+%define coef_block(b) (b)+12 ; JCOEFPTR coef_block
+%define output_buf(b) (b)+16 ; JSAMPARRAY output_buf
+%define output_col(b) (b)+20 ; JDIMENSION output_col
+ align 16
+ global EXTN(jsimd_idct_2x2_mmx)
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp,esp
+ push ebx
+; push ecx ; need not be preserved
+; push edx ; need not be preserved
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ get_GOT ebx ; get GOT address
+ ; ---- Pass 1: process columns from input.
+ mov edx, POINTER [dct_table(ebp)] ; quantptr
+ mov esi, JCOEFPTR [coef_block(ebp)] ; inptr
+ ; | input: | result: |
+ ; | 00 01 ** 03 ** 05 ** 07 | |
+ ; | 10 11 ** 13 ** 15 ** 17 | |
+ ; | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | |
+ ; | 30 31 ** 33 ** 35 ** 37 | A0 A1 A3 A5 A7 |
+ ; | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | B0 B1 B3 B5 B7 |
+ ; | 50 51 ** 53 ** 55 ** 57 | |
+ ; | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | |
+ ; | 70 71 ** 73 ** 75 ** 77 | |
+ ; -- Odd part
+ movq mm0, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm2, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ ; mm0=(10 11 ** 13), mm1=(30 31 ** 33)
+ ; mm2=(50 51 ** 53), mm3=(70 71 ** 73)
+ pcmpeqd mm7,mm7
+ pslld mm7,WORD_BIT ; mm7={0x0000 0xFFFF 0x0000 0xFFFF}
+ movq mm4,mm0 ; mm4=(10 11 ** 13)
+ movq mm5,mm2 ; mm5=(50 51 ** 53)
+ punpcklwd mm4,mm1 ; mm4=(10 30 11 31)
+ punpcklwd mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(50 70 51 71)
+ pmaddwd mm4,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F362_MF127)]
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F085_MF072)]
+ psrld mm0,WORD_BIT ; mm0=(11 -- 13 --)
+ pand mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(-- 31 -- 33)
+ psrld mm2,WORD_BIT ; mm2=(51 -- 53 --)
+ pand mm3,mm7 ; mm3=(-- 71 -- 73)
+ por mm0,mm1 ; mm0=(11 31 13 33)
+ por mm2,mm3 ; mm2=(51 71 53 73)
+ pmaddwd mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F362_MF127)]
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F085_MF072)]
+ paddd mm4,mm5 ; mm4=tmp0[col0 col1]
+ movq mm6, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(1,1,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(3,1,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm3, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(5,1,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(7,1,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ ; mm6=(** 15 ** 17), mm1=(** 35 ** 37)
+ ; mm3=(** 55 ** 57), mm5=(** 75 ** 77)
+ psrld mm6,WORD_BIT ; mm6=(15 -- 17 --)
+ pand mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(-- 35 -- 37)
+ psrld mm3,WORD_BIT ; mm3=(55 -- 57 --)
+ pand mm5,mm7 ; mm5=(-- 75 -- 77)
+ por mm6,mm1 ; mm6=(15 35 17 37)
+ por mm3,mm5 ; mm3=(55 75 57 77)
+ pmaddwd mm6,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F362_MF127)]
+ pmaddwd mm3,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F085_MF072)]
+ paddd mm0,mm2 ; mm0=tmp0[col1 col3]
+ paddd mm6,mm3 ; mm6=tmp0[col5 col7]
+ ; -- Even part
+ movq mm1, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,0,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ movq mm5, MMWORD [MMBLOCK(0,1,esi,SIZEOF_JCOEF)]
+ ; mm1=(00 01 ** 03), mm5=(** 05 ** 07)
+ movq mm2,mm1 ; mm2=(00 01 ** 03)
+ pslld mm1,WORD_BIT ; mm1=(-- 00 -- **)
+ psrad mm1,(WORD_BIT-CONST_BITS-2) ; mm1=tmp10[col0 ****]
+ pand mm2,mm7 ; mm2=(-- 01 -- 03)
+ pand mm5,mm7 ; mm5=(-- 05 -- 07)
+ psrad mm2,(WORD_BIT-CONST_BITS-2) ; mm2=tmp10[col1 col3]
+ psrad mm5,(WORD_BIT-CONST_BITS-2) ; mm5=tmp10[col5 col7]
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm3,mm1
+ paddd mm1,mm4 ; mm1=data0[col0 ****]=(A0 **)
+ psubd mm3,mm4 ; mm3=data1[col0 ****]=(B0 **)
+ punpckldq mm1,mm3 ; mm1=(A0 B0)
+ movq mm7,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P1_2)] ; mm7=[PD_DESCALE_P1_2]
+ movq mm4,mm2
+ movq mm3,mm5
+ paddd mm2,mm0 ; mm2=data0[col1 col3]=(A1 A3)
+ paddd mm5,mm6 ; mm5=data0[col5 col7]=(A5 A7)
+ psubd mm4,mm0 ; mm4=data1[col1 col3]=(B1 B3)
+ psubd mm3,mm6 ; mm3=data1[col5 col7]=(B5 B7)
+ paddd mm1,mm7
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P1_2
+ paddd mm2,mm7
+ paddd mm5,mm7
+ psrad mm2,DESCALE_P1_2
+ psrad mm5,DESCALE_P1_2
+ paddd mm4,mm7
+ paddd mm3,mm7
+ psrad mm4,DESCALE_P1_2
+ psrad mm3,DESCALE_P1_2
+ ; ---- Pass 2: process rows, store into output array.
+ mov edi, JSAMPARRAY [output_buf(ebp)] ; (JSAMPROW *)
+ mov eax, JDIMENSION [output_col(ebp)]
+ ; | input:| result:|
+ ; | A0 B0 | |
+ ; | A1 B1 | C0 C1 |
+ ; | A3 B3 | D0 D1 |
+ ; | A5 B5 | |
+ ; | A7 B7 | |
+ ; -- Odd part
+ packssdw mm2,mm4 ; mm2=(A1 A3 B1 B3)
+ packssdw mm5,mm3 ; mm5=(A5 A7 B5 B7)
+ pmaddwd mm2,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F362_MF127)]
+ pmaddwd mm5,[GOTOFF(ebx,PW_F085_MF072)]
+ paddd mm2,mm5 ; mm2=tmp0[row0 row1]
+ ; -- Even part
+ pslld mm1,(CONST_BITS+2) ; mm1=tmp10[row0 row1]
+ ; -- Final output stage
+ movq mm0,[GOTOFF(ebx,PD_DESCALE_P2_2)] ; mm0=[PD_DESCALE_P2_2]
+ movq mm6,mm1
+ paddd mm1,mm2 ; mm1=data0[row0 row1]=(C0 C1)
+ psubd mm6,mm2 ; mm6=data1[row0 row1]=(D0 D1)
+ paddd mm1,mm0
+ paddd mm6,mm0
+ psrad mm1,DESCALE_P2_2
+ psrad mm6,DESCALE_P2_2
+ movq mm7,mm1 ; transpose coefficients
+ punpckldq mm1,mm6 ; mm1=(C0 D0)
+ punpckhdq mm7,mm6 ; mm7=(C1 D1)
+ packssdw mm1,mm7 ; mm1=(C0 D0 C1 D1)
+ packsswb mm1,mm1 ; mm1=(C0 D0 C1 D1 C0 D0 C1 D1)
+ paddb mm1,[GOTOFF(ebx,PB_CENTERJSAMP)]
+ movd ecx,mm1
+ movd ebx,mm1 ; ebx=(C0 D0 C1 D1)
+ shr ecx,2*BYTE_BIT ; ecx=(C1 D1 -- --)
+ mov WORD [edx+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], bx
+ mov WORD [esi+eax*SIZEOF_JSAMPLE], cx
+ emms ; empty MMX state
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+; pop edx ; need not be preserved
+; pop ecx ; need not be preserved
+ pop ebx
+ pop ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimd.h b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimd.h
index 09ec46dc..be48b84d 100644
--- a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimd.h
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimd.h
@@ -11,13 +11,108 @@
/* Bitmask for supported acceleration methods */
#define JSIMD_NONE 0x00
+#define JSIMD_MMX 0x01
/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jpeg_simd_cpu_support jSiCpuSupport
+#define jpeg_simd_cpu_support jSiCpuSupport
+#define jsimd_rgb_ycc_convert_mmx jSRGBYCCM
+#define jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_mmx jSYCCRGBM
+#define jsimd_h2v2_downsample_mmx jSDnH2V2M
+#define jsimd_h2v1_downsample_mmx jSDnH2V1M
+#define jsimd_h2v2_upsample_mmx jSUpH2V2M
+#define jsimd_h2v1_upsample_mmx jSUpH2V1M
+#define jsimd_h2v2_fancy_upsample_mmx jSFUpH2V2M
+#define jsimd_h2v1_fancy_upsample_mmx jSFUpH2V1M
+#define jsimd_h2v2_merged_upsample_mmx jSMUpH2V2M
+#define jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx jSMUpH2V1M
+#define jsimd_convsamp_mmx jSConvM
+#define jsimd_fdct_islow_mmx jSFDMIS
+#define jsimd_fdct_ifast_mmx jSFDMIF
+#define jsimd_quantize_mmx jSQuantM
+#define jsimd_idct_2x2_mmx jSIDM22
+#define jsimd_idct_4x4_mmx jSIDM44
+#define jsimd_idct_islow_mmx jSIDMIS
+#define jsimd_idct_ifast_mmx jSIDMIF
/* SIMD Ext: retrieve SIMD/CPU information */
EXTERN(unsigned int) jpeg_simd_cpu_support JPP((void));
+/* SIMD Color Space Conversion */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_rgb_ycc_convert_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION img_width,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_row, int num_rows));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION out_width,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION input_row,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf, int num_rows));
+/* SIMD Downsample */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v2_downsample_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION image_width, int max_v_samp_factor,
+ JDIMENSION v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION width_blocks,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY output_data));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v1_downsample_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION image_width, int max_v_samp_factor,
+ JDIMENSION v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION width_blocks,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY output_data));
+/* SIMD Upsample */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v2_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((int max_v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION output_width,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v1_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((int max_v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION output_width,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v2_fancy_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((int max_v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION downsampled_width,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v1_fancy_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((int max_v_samp_factor, JDIMENSION downsampled_width,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_data, JSAMPARRAY * output_data_ptr));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v2_merged_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION output_width, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+ JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr, JSAMPARRAY output_buf));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_h2v1_merged_upsample_mmx
+ JPP((JDIMENSION output_width, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+ JDIMENSION in_row_group_ctr, JSAMPARRAY output_buf));
+/* SIMD Sample Conversion */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_convsamp_mmx JPP((JSAMPARRAY sample_data,
+ JDIMENSION start_col,
+ DCTELEM * workspace));
+/* SIMD Forward DCT */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_fdct_islow_mmx JPP((DCTELEM * data));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_fdct_ifast_mmx JPP((DCTELEM * data));
+/* SIMD Quantization */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_quantize_mmx JPP((JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ DCTELEM * divisors,
+ DCTELEM * workspace));
+/* SIMD Reduced Inverse DCT */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_idct_2x2_mmx JPP((void * dct_table,
+ JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_col));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_idct_4x4_mmx JPP((void * dct_table,
+ JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_col));
+/* SIMD Inverse DCT */
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_idct_islow_mmx JPP((void * dct_table,
+ JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_col));
+EXTERN(void) jsimd_idct_ifast_mmx JPP((void * dct_table,
+ JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_col));
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcfg.inc.h b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcfg.inc.h
index bc2ff9f6..8fcbe471 100644
--- a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcfg.inc.h
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcfg.inc.h
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// This file generates the include file for the assembly
// implementations by abusing the C preprocessor.
+// Note: Some things are manually defined as they need to
+// be mapped to NASM types.
; Automatically generated include file from jsimdcfg.inc.h
@@ -16,14 +19,100 @@
#define definev(var) %define _cpp_protection_##var var
+; -- jpeglib.h
+; -- jmorecfg.h
+; Representation of a single sample (pixel element value).
+; On this SIMD implementation, this must be 'unsigned char'.
+%define JSAMPLE byte ; unsigned char
+; Representation of a DCT frequency coefficient.
+; On this SIMD implementation, this must be 'short'.
+%define JCOEF word ; short
+; Datatype used for image dimensions.
+; On this SIMD implementation, this must be 'unsigned int'.
+%define JDIMENSION dword ; unsigned int
+%define JSAMPROW POINTER ; JSAMPLE FAR * (jpeglib.h)
+%define JSAMPARRAY POINTER ; JSAMPROW * (jpeglib.h)
+%define JSAMPIMAGE POINTER ; JSAMPARRAY * (jpeglib.h)
+%define JCOEFPTR POINTER ; JCOEF FAR * (jpeglib.h)
+; -- jdct.h
+; A forward DCT routine is given a pointer to a work area of type DCTELEM[];
+; the DCT is to be performed in-place in that buffer.
+; To maximize parallelism, Type DCTELEM is changed to short (originally, int).
+%define DCTELEM word ; short
+; To maximize parallelism, Type MULTIPLIER is changed to short.
+%define ISLOW_MULT_TYPE word ; must be short
+%define IFAST_MULT_TYPE word ; must be short
+%define IFAST_SCALE_BITS 2 ; fractional bits in scale factors
; -- jsimd.h
; Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers.
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcpu.asm b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcpu.asm
index 6bb4e325..862de298 100644
--- a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcpu.asm
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdcpu.asm
@@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ EXTN(jpeg_simd_cpu_support):
xor eax,edx
jz short .return ; CPUID is not supported
+ ; Check for MMX instruction support
+ xor eax,eax
+ cpuid
+ test eax,eax
+ jz short .return
+ xor eax,eax
+ inc eax
+ cpuid
+ mov eax,edx ; eax = Standard feature flags
+ test eax, 1<<23 ; bit23:MMX
+ jz short .no_mmx
+ or edi, byte JSIMD_MMX
mov eax,edi
diff --git a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdext.inc b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdext.inc
index c0bd54cc..08e3a04b 100644
--- a/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdext.inc
+++ b/common/jpeg/simd/jsimdext.inc
@@ -107,6 +107,24 @@
+%define INT dword ; signed integer type
+%define SIZEOF_INT SIZEOF_DWORD ; sizeof(INT)
+%define INT_BIT DWORD_BIT ; sizeof(INT)*BYTE_BIT
+%define MMWORD qword ; int64 (MMX register)
+%define SIZEOF_BYTE 1 ; sizeof(BYTE)
+%define SIZEOF_WORD 2 ; sizeof(WORD)
+%define SIZEOF_DWORD 4 ; sizeof(DWORD)
+%define SIZEOF_QWORD 8 ; sizeof(QWORD)
+%define BYTE_BIT 8 ; CHAR_BIT in C
+%define WORD_BIT 16 ; sizeof(WORD)*BYTE_BIT
+%define DWORD_BIT 32 ; sizeof(DWORD)*BYTE_BIT
+%define QWORD_BIT 64 ; sizeof(QWORD)*BYTE_BIT
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; External Symbol Name