path: root/win/vncviewer/OptionsDialog.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'win/vncviewer/OptionsDialog.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/win/vncviewer/OptionsDialog.cxx b/win/vncviewer/OptionsDialog.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 721b9b4f..00000000
--- a/win/vncviewer/OptionsDialog.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- * USA.
- */
-#include <vncviewer/OptionsDialog.h>
-#include <vncviewer/CConn.h>
-#include <vncviewer/resource.h>
-#include <rfb_win32/Registry.h>
-#include <rfb_win32/MsgBox.h>
-#include <rfb_win32/OSVersion.h>
-#include <rfb_win32/SecurityPage.h>
-#include <rfb/encodings.h>
-#include <rfb/CConnection.h>
-#include <commdlg.h>
-#include <rfb/LogWriter.h>
-#include <rfb/Security.h>
-#include <list>
-using namespace rdr;
-using namespace rfb;
-using namespace rfb::win32;
-using namespace std;
-static LogWriter vlog("Options");
-struct OptionsInfo {
- CConn* view;
- CConnOptions options;
-OptionsDialog rfb::win32::OptionsDialog::global;
-class ViewerOptions : public PropSheet {
- ViewerOptions(OptionsInfo& info_, std::list<PropSheetPage*> pages)
- : PropSheet(GetModuleHandle(0),
- info_.view ? _T("VNC Viewer Options") : _T("VNC Viewer Defaults"), pages),
- changed(false), info(info_) {
- }
- ~ViewerOptions() {
- if (changed) {
- if (info.view)
- // Apply the settings to the supplied session object
- info.view->applyOptions(info.options);
- else {
- // Commit the settings to the user's registry area
- info.options.writeDefaults();
- }
- }
- }
- void setChanged() {changed = true;}
- bool changed;
- OptionsInfo& info;
-class FormatPage : public PropSheetPage {
- FormatPage(OptionsInfo* dlg_)
- : PropSheetPage(GetModuleHandle(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FORMAT)), dlg(dlg_) {
- }
- virtual void initDialog() {
- setItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_AUTO, dlg->options.autoSelect);
- setItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_FULLCOLOUR, dlg->options.fullColour);
- if (!dlg->options.fullColour) {
- switch (dlg->options.lowColourLevel) {
- case 0: setItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_VERYLOWCOLOUR, true); break;
- case 1: setItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_LOWCOLOUR, true); break;
- case 2: setItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_MEDIUMCOLOUR, true); break;
- }
- }
- switch (dlg->options.preferredEncoding) {
- case encodingTight: setItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_TIGHT, true); break;
- case encodingZRLE: setItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_ZRLE, true); break;
- case encodingHextile: setItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_HEXTILE, true); break;
- case encodingRaw: setItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_RAW, true); break;
- }
- setItemChecked(IDC_CUSTOM_COMPRESSLEVEL, dlg->options.customCompressLevel);
- setItemInt(IDC_COMPRESSLEVEL, dlg->options.compressLevel);
- setItemChecked(IDC_ALLOW_JPEG, !dlg->options.noJpeg);
- setItemInt(IDC_QUALITYLEVEL, dlg->options.qualityLevel);
- onCommand(IDC_ENCODING_AUTO, 0 /* ? */); // Force enableItem status to refresh
- onCommand(IDC_CUSTOM_COMPRESSLEVEL, 0 /* ? */); // Force enableItem status to refresh
- onCommand(IDC_ALLOW_JPEG, 0 /* ? */); // Force enableItem status to refresh
- }
- virtual bool onOk() {
- dlg->options.autoSelect = isItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_AUTO);
- dlg->options.fullColour = isItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_FULLCOLOUR);
- dlg->options.customCompressLevel = isItemChecked(IDC_CUSTOM_COMPRESSLEVEL);
- dlg->options.compressLevel = getItemInt(IDC_COMPRESSLEVEL);
- dlg->options.noJpeg = !isItemChecked(IDC_ALLOW_JPEG);
- dlg->options.qualityLevel = getItemInt(IDC_QUALITYLEVEL);
- dlg->options.lowColourLevel = 0;
- if (isItemChecked(IDC_FORMAT_LOWCOLOUR))
- dlg->options.lowColourLevel = 1;
- dlg->options.lowColourLevel = 2;
- dlg->options.preferredEncoding = encodingTight;
- if (isItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_ZRLE))
- dlg->options.preferredEncoding = encodingZRLE;
- if (isItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_HEXTILE))
- dlg->options.preferredEncoding = encodingHextile;
- if (isItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_RAW))
- dlg->options.preferredEncoding = encodingRaw;
- ((ViewerOptions*)propSheet)->setChanged();
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool onCommand(int id, int cmd) {
- bool aut = isItemChecked(IDC_ENCODING_AUTO);
- bool jpeg = isItemChecked(IDC_ALLOW_JPEG);
- bool custom_comp = isItemChecked(IDC_CUSTOM_COMPRESSLEVEL);
- if (id == IDC_ENCODING_AUTO) {
- enableItem(IDC_ENCODING_TIGHT, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_ENCODING_ZRLE, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_ENCODING_HEXTILE, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_ENCODING_RAW, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_FORMAT_FULLCOLOUR, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_FORMAT_MEDIUMCOLOUR, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_FORMAT_LOWCOLOUR, !aut);
- enableItem(IDC_QUALITYLEVEL, !aut && jpeg);
- return true;
- }
- enableItem(IDC_COMPRESSLEVEL, custom_comp);
- return true;
- }
- if (id == IDC_ALLOW_JPEG) {
- enableItem(IDC_QUALITYLEVEL, !aut && jpeg);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- OptionsInfo* dlg;
-class MiscPage : public PropSheetPage {
- MiscPage(OptionsInfo* dlg_)
- : PropSheetPage(GetModuleHandle(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MISC)), dlg(dlg_) {
- }
- virtual void initDialog() {
- setItemChecked(IDC_CONN_SHARED, dlg->options.shared);
- enableItem(IDC_CONN_SHARED, (!dlg->view) || (dlg->view->state() != CConnection::RFBSTATE_NORMAL));
- setItemChecked(IDC_FULL_SCREEN, dlg->options.fullScreen);
- setItemChecked(IDC_LOCAL_CURSOR, dlg->options.useLocalCursor);
- setItemChecked(IDC_DESKTOP_RESIZE, dlg->options.useDesktopResize);
- enableItem(IDC_PROTOCOL_3_3, (!dlg->view) || (dlg->view->state() != CConnection::RFBSTATE_NORMAL));
- setItemChecked(IDC_PROTOCOL_3_3, dlg->options.protocol3_3);
- setItemChecked(IDC_ACCEPT_BELL, dlg->options.acceptBell);
- setItemChecked(IDC_AUTO_RECONNECT, dlg->options.autoReconnect);
- setItemChecked(IDC_SHOW_TOOLBAR, dlg->options.showToolbar);
- char scale_values[10][20] = {
- "10","25","50","75","90","100","125","150","200","Auto"
- };
- HWND hScaleCombo = GetDlgItem(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE);
- for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- SendMessage(hScaleCombo, CB_INSERTSTRING,
- (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)(int FAR*)scale_values[i]);
- }
- if (dlg->options.autoScaling) {
- SetDlgItemText(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE, (LPCTSTR) "Auto");
- } else {
- SetDlgItemInt(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE, dlg->options.scale, FALSE);
- }
- }
- virtual bool onOk() {
- dlg->options.shared = isItemChecked(IDC_CONN_SHARED);
- dlg->options.fullScreen = isItemChecked(IDC_FULL_SCREEN);
- dlg->options.useLocalCursor = isItemChecked(IDC_LOCAL_CURSOR);
- dlg->options.useDesktopResize = isItemChecked(IDC_DESKTOP_RESIZE);
- dlg->options.protocol3_3 = isItemChecked(IDC_PROTOCOL_3_3);
- dlg->options.acceptBell = isItemChecked(IDC_ACCEPT_BELL);
- dlg->options.autoReconnect = isItemChecked(IDC_AUTO_RECONNECT);
- dlg->options.showToolbar = isItemChecked(IDC_SHOW_TOOLBAR);
- int s = GetDlgItemInt(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE, NULL, FALSE);
- if (s > 0) {
- dlg->options.scale = s;
- dlg->options.autoScaling = false;
- } else {
- char scaleStr[20];
- GetDlgItemText(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE, (LPTSTR) scaleStr, 20);
- if (strcmp(scaleStr, (const char *) "Auto") == 0) {
- dlg->options.autoScaling = true;
- }
- }
- ((ViewerOptions*)propSheet)->setChanged();
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool onCommand(int id, int cmd) {
- if (id == IDC_COMBO_SCALE) {
- if (cmd == CBN_SELENDOK || cmd == CBN_EDITCHANGE) {
- char scaleStr[20];
- if (cmd == CBN_SELENDOK) {
- HWND handleComboScale = GetDlgItem(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE);
- int index = SendMessage(handleComboScale, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
- SendMessage(handleComboScale, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)scaleStr);
- } else {
- GetDlgItemText(handle, IDC_COMBO_SCALE, (LPTSTR) scaleStr, 20);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- OptionsInfo* dlg;
-class InputsPage : public PropSheetPage {
- InputsPage(OptionsInfo* dlg_)
- : PropSheetPage(GetModuleHandle(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INPUTS)), dlg(dlg_) {
- }
- virtual void initDialog() {
- setItemChecked(IDC_SEND_POINTER, dlg->options.sendPtrEvents);
- setItemChecked(IDC_SEND_KEYS, dlg->options.sendKeyEvents);
- setItemChecked(IDC_CLIENT_CUTTEXT, dlg->options.clientCutText);
- setItemChecked(IDC_SERVER_CUTTEXT, dlg->options.serverCutText);
- setItemChecked(IDC_DISABLE_WINKEYS, dlg->options.disableWinKeys && !osVersion.isPlatformWindows);
- enableItem(IDC_DISABLE_WINKEYS, !osVersion.isPlatformWindows);
- setItemChecked(IDC_EMULATE3, dlg->options.emulate3);
- setItemChecked(IDC_POINTER_INTERVAL, dlg->options.pointerEventInterval != 0);
- // Populate the Menu Key tab
- HWND menuKey = GetDlgItem(handle, IDC_MENU_KEY);
- SendMessage(menuKey, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
- SendMessage(menuKey, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)_T("none"));
- if (!dlg->options.menuKey)
- SendMessage(menuKey, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<12; i++) {
- TCHAR buf[4];
- _stprintf(buf, _T("F%d"), i+1);
- int index = SendMessage(menuKey, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)buf);
- if (i == (dlg->options.menuKey - VK_F1))
- SendMessage(menuKey, CB_SETCURSEL, index, 0);
- }
- }
- virtual bool onOk() {
- dlg->options.sendPtrEvents = isItemChecked(IDC_SEND_POINTER);
- dlg->options.sendKeyEvents = isItemChecked(IDC_SEND_KEYS);
- dlg->options.clientCutText = isItemChecked(IDC_CLIENT_CUTTEXT);
- dlg->options.serverCutText = isItemChecked(IDC_SERVER_CUTTEXT);
- dlg->options.disableWinKeys = isItemChecked(IDC_DISABLE_WINKEYS);
- dlg->options.emulate3 = isItemChecked(IDC_EMULATE3);
- dlg->options.pointerEventInterval =
- isItemChecked(IDC_POINTER_INTERVAL) ? 200 : 0;
- HWND mkHwnd = GetDlgItem(handle, IDC_MENU_KEY);
- int index = SendMessage(mkHwnd, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
- TCharArray keyName(SendMessage(mkHwnd, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, 0)+1);
- SendMessage(mkHwnd, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)keyName.buf);
- if (_tcscmp(keyName.buf, _T("none")) == 0)
- dlg->options.setMenuKey("");
- else
- dlg->options.setMenuKey(CStr(keyName.buf));
- ((ViewerOptions*)propSheet)->setChanged();
- return true;
- }
- OptionsInfo* dlg;
-class DefaultsPage : public PropSheetPage {
- DefaultsPage(OptionsInfo* dlg_)
- : PropSheetPage(GetModuleHandle(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DEFAULTS)), dlg(dlg_) {
- }
- virtual void initDialog() {
- enableItem(IDC_LOAD_CONFIG, dlg->options.configFileName.buf);
- enableItem(IDC_SAVE_CONFIG, dlg->options.configFileName.buf);
- }
- virtual bool onCommand(int id, int cmd) {
- switch (id) {
- dlg->options = CConnOptions();
- break;
- propSheet->commitPages();
- dlg->options.writeDefaults();
- break;
- dlg->options.readFromFile(dlg->options.configFileName.buf);
- break;
- propSheet->commitPages();
- dlg->options.writeToFile(dlg->options.configFileName.buf);
- MsgBox(handle, _T("Options saved successfully"),
- return 0;
- propSheet->commitPages();
- // Get a filename to save to
- TCHAR newFilename[4096];
- TCHAR currentDir[4096];
- if (dlg->options.configFileName.buf)
- _tcscpy(newFilename, TStr(dlg->options.configFileName.buf));
- else
- newFilename[0] = 0;
- memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn));
- ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
- ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
- ofn.hwndOwner = handle;
- ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("VNC Connection Options\000*.vnc\000");
- ofn.lpstrFile = newFilename;
- currentDir[0] = 0;
- GetCurrentDirectory(4096, currentDir);
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = currentDir;
- ofn.nMaxFile = 4096;
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T(".vnc");
- if (!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) {
- if (CommDlgExtendedError())
- throw rdr::Exception("GetSaveFileName failed");
- return 0;
- }
- // Save the Options
- dlg->options.writeToFile(CStr(newFilename));
- MsgBox(handle, _T("Options saved successfully"),
- return 0;
- };
- propSheet->reInitPages();
- return true;
- }
- OptionsInfo* dlg;
-class SecPage : public SecurityPage {
- SecPage(Security *security_, OptionsInfo *dlg_)
- : SecurityPage(security_), dlg(dlg_) {
- }
- virtual void enableX509Dialogs() {
- enableItem(IDC_LOAD_CACERT, true);
- enableItem(IDC_LOAD_CRLCERT, true);
- }
- virtual void disableX509Dialogs() {
- enableItem(IDC_LOAD_CACERT, false);
- enableItem(IDC_LOAD_CRLCERT, false);
- }
- virtual bool onOk() {
- SecurityPage::onOk();
- dlg->options.secTypes = security->GetEnabledExtSecTypes();
- if (isItemChecked(IDC_VENCRYPT))
- dlg->options.secTypes.push_front(secTypeVeNCrypt);
- return true;
- }
- virtual void loadX509Certs() {}
- virtual void loadVncPasswd() {}
- OptionsInfo* dlg;
-OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog() : visible(false) {
-bool OptionsDialog::showDialog(CConn* view, bool capture) {
- if (visible) return false;
- visible = true;
- // Grab the current properties
- OptionsInfo info;
- if (view)
- info.options = view->getOptions();
- info.view = view;
- // Build a list of pages to display
- std::list<PropSheetPage*> pages;
- FormatPage formatPage(&info); pages.push_back(&formatPage);
- InputsPage inputsPage(&info); pages.push_back(&inputsPage);
- MiscPage miscPage(&info); pages.push_back(&miscPage);
- DefaultsPage defPage(&info); if (view) pages.push_back(&defPage);
- SecPage secPage(view->security, &info); pages.push_back(&secPage);
- // Show the property sheet
- ViewerOptions dialog(info, pages);
- dialog.showPropSheet(view && view->getWindow() ? view->getWindow()->getHandle() : 0,
- false, false, capture);
- visible = false;
- return dialog.changed;