# Vaadin Components A set of high-quality Web Components built using Polymer. Learn more about [Vaadin Components.](https://vaadin.com/labs-components/) For contributions and issues, see the project's [Github Repository.](https://github.com/vaadin/components/) ## Installation - Bower ```shell $ bower install vaadin-components#0.2.1 ``` ```html ... ... ``` - CDN ```html ... ... ``` - Downloading the zip archive - Head over to https://vaadin.com/download#components - Download the version you wish to use - Extract the zip under your project folder ```html ... ... ``` ## Usage ```html
Grid 10000 0.8
Vaadin X 999999 0.8
``` For more detailed examples on usage, see the [components-examples](https://tomivirkki.github.io/components-examples)