path: root/vaadin-grid/test/grid-scrolling-rows.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'vaadin-grid/test/grid-scrolling-rows.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/vaadin-grid/test/grid-scrolling-rows.html b/vaadin-grid/test/grid-scrolling-rows.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a0ff781..0000000
--- a/vaadin-grid/test/grid-scrolling-rows.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<head lang="en">
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <title></title>
- <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
- <script src="../../web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
- <script src="common.js"></script>
- <link rel="import" href="../vaadin-grid.html">
-<div id="gridwrapper"></div>
- describe.feature('scrolling rows', function() {
- var infiniteDataSource = function(req) {
- var data = [];
- for (var i = req.index; i < req.index + req.count; i++) {
- data.push(["foo " + i, "bar " + i]);
- }
- req.success(data, this.size);
- };
- function firstColumnContents() {
- var cells = qaLocal('td');
- return _.chain(cells)
- .filter(function(n) {
- return _.indexOf(cells, n) % 2 == 0;
- })
- .map(function(n) {
- return n.textContent;
- })
- .reduce(function(result, n) {
- return result + ', ' + n;
- }).value();
- }
- before(function() {
- infiniteDataSource.size = 100;
- grid.data.source = infiniteDataSource;
- grid.rows = 5;
- return grid;
- });
- beforeEach(function() {
- //reset position to an arbitrary row.
- return grid.scrollToRow(24).then(function () {
- // calling scrollToRow - scrollToRow - then seems to quite often
- // run the callback in 'then' before the latter scrolling has finished.
- // This is most likely caused by multiple timers being fired inside the Grid,
- // and there's some gap between them - which makes grid.isWorkPending() to return
- // 'false' too soon.
- // Adding one 'then' in between the scrolling calls
- // doesn't seem to remedy the situation. So let's add more.
- return grid;
- });
- });
- it('should throw an error when scrolling to an invalid row', function() {
- expect(grid.scrollToRow.bind(grid, -1)).to.throw("Row index");
- expect(grid.scrollToRow.bind(grid, 100)).to.throw("Row index");
- });
- it('should scroll using scrollToRow', function() {
- return grid.scrollToRow(50)
- .then(function() {
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 50');
- });
- });
- describe('scrolling with destination', function() {
- it('should scroll to start', function() {
- return grid.scrollToRow(50, 'start')
- .then(function() {
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 50');
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 54');
- });
- });
- it('should scroll to end', function() {
- return grid.scrollToRow(50, 'end')
- .then(function() {
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 46');
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 50');
- });
- });
- });
- it('should scroll to end', function() {
- return grid.scrollToEnd()
- .then(function() {
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 99');
- });
- });
- it('should scroll to start', function() {
- return grid.scrollToStart()
- .then(function() {
- expect(firstColumnContents()).to.contain('foo 0');
- });
- });
- });