diff options
authorHenrik Paul <henrik@vaadin.com>2014-12-12 20:02:20 +0200
committerHenrik Paul <henrik@vaadin.com>2014-12-12 20:02:20 +0200
commit9cc63b94f62c4820c517deebad57aaa337cd27dc (patch)
parentb90c84f755580f772d229d1bccc9bbeb78e05f77 (diff)
Removes a stowaway file from Grid (#13334)
Change-Id: I010bf540b521bcec5f3f6a6d53693bdd042fd1ce
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 922 deletions
diff --git a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/basicfeatures/GridBasicFeatures.java.orig b/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/basicfeatures/GridBasicFeatures.java.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7fa04e94..0000000000
--- a/uitest/src/com/vaadin/tests/components/grid/basicfeatures/GridBasicFeatures.java.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.vaadin.tests.components.grid.basicfeatures;
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Random;
-import com.vaadin.data.Container.Filter;
-import com.vaadin.data.Item;
-import com.vaadin.data.Property;
-import com.vaadin.data.fieldgroup.FieldGroup.CommitException;
-import com.vaadin.data.sort.Sort;
-import com.vaadin.data.sort.SortOrder;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.IndexedContainer;
-import com.vaadin.event.SortOrderChangeEvent;
-import com.vaadin.event.SortOrderChangeEvent.SortOrderChangeListener;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridStaticCellType;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.HeightMode;
-import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.SortDirection;
-import com.vaadin.tests.components.AbstractComponentTest;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.CellStyleGenerator;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.Column;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.FooterCell;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.HeaderCell;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.HeaderRow;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.MultiSelectionModel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.SelectionMode;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-import com.vaadin.ui.renderer.DateRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.renderer.HtmlRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.renderer.NumberRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.SortOrderChangeEvent;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.SortOrderChangeListener;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.renderers.DateRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.renderers.HtmlRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.renderers.NumberRenderer;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.selection.MultiSelectionModel;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.sort.Sort;
-import com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.sort.SortOrder;
->>>>>>> Columns can now have subpixel accuracy widths (#13334)
- * Tests the basic features like columns, footers and headers
- *
- * @since
- * @author Vaadin Ltd
- */
-public class GridBasicFeatures extends AbstractComponentTest<Grid> {
- private static final int MANUALLY_FORMATTED_COLUMNS = 5;
- public static final int COLUMNS = 12;
- public static final int ROWS = 1000;
- private int columnGroupRows = 0;
- private IndexedContainer ds;
- private Grid grid;
- @Override
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- protected Grid constructComponent() {
- // Build data source
- ds = new IndexedContainer() {
- @Override
- public List<Object> getItemIds(int startIndex, int numberOfIds) {
- log("Requested items " + startIndex + " - "
- + (startIndex + numberOfIds));
- return super.getItemIds(startIndex, numberOfIds);
- }
- };
- {
- int col = 0;
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col), String.class,
- "");
- }
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col++), Integer.class,
- Integer.valueOf(0));
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col++), Date.class,
- new Date());
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col++), String.class, "");
- // Random numbers
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col++), Integer.class, 0);
- ds.addContainerProperty(getColumnProperty(col++), Integer.class, 0);
- }
- {
- Random rand = new Random();
- rand.setSeed(13334);
- long timestamp = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
- Item item = ds.addItem(Integer.valueOf(row));
- int col = 0;
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col)).setValue(
- "(" + row + ", " + col + ")");
- }
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(1)).setReadOnly(true);
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col++)).setValue(
- Integer.valueOf(row));
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col++)).setValue(
- new Date(timestamp));
- timestamp += 91250000; // a bit over a day, just to get
- // variation
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col++)).setValue(
- "<b>" + row + "</b>");
- // Random numbers
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col++)).setValue(
- rand.nextInt());
- // Random between 0 - 5 to test multisorting
- item.getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(col++)).setValue(
- rand.nextInt(5));
- }
- }
- // Create grid
- Grid grid = new Grid(ds);
- {
- int col = grid.getContainerDataSource().getContainerPropertyIds()
- .size()
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col++)).setRenderer(
- new NumberRenderer(new DecimalFormat("0,000.00",
- DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(new Locale("fi",
- "FI")))));
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col++)).setRenderer(
- new DateRenderer(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy HH:mm")));
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col++)).setRenderer(
- new HtmlRenderer());
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col++)).setRenderer(
- new NumberRenderer());
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col++)).setRenderer(
- new NumberRenderer());
- }
- // Create footer
- grid.appendFooterRow();
- grid.setFooterVisible(false);
- // Add footer values (header values are automatically created)
- for (int col = 0; col < COLUMNS; col++) {
- grid.getFooterRow(0).getCell(getColumnProperty(col))
- .setText("Footer " + col);
- }
- // Set varying column widths
- for (int col = 0; col < COLUMNS; col++) {
- grid.getColumn(getColumnProperty(col)).setWidth(100 + col * 50);
- }
- grid.addSortOrderChangeListener(new SortOrderChangeListener() {
- @Override
- public void sortOrderChange(SortOrderChangeEvent event) {
- log("SortOrderChangeEvent: isUserOriginated? "
- + event.isUserOriginated());
- }
- });
- grid.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.NONE);
- grid.setPropertyEditable(getColumnProperty(3), false);
- createGridActions();
- createColumnActions();
- createPropertyActions();
- createHeaderActions();
- createFooterActions();
- createRowActions();
- createEditorRowActions();
- addHeightActions();
- createClickAction("Column 1 starts with \"(23\"", "Filter",
- new Command<Grid, Void>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Void value, Object data) {
- ds.addContainerFilter(new Filter() {
- @Override
- public boolean passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
- throws UnsupportedOperationException {
- return item.getItemProperty("Column 1")
- .getValue().toString()
- .startsWith("(23");
- }
- @Override
- public boolean appliesToProperty(Object propertyId) {
- return propertyId.equals("Column 1");
- }
- });
- }
- }, null);
- this.grid = grid;
- return grid;
- }
- protected void createGridActions() {
- LinkedHashMap<String, String> primaryStyleNames = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
- primaryStyleNames.put("v-grid", "v-grid");
- primaryStyleNames.put("v-escalator", "v-escalator");
- primaryStyleNames.put("my-grid", "my-grid");
- createMultiClickAction("Primary style name", "State",
- primaryStyleNames, new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, String value, Object data) {
- grid.setPrimaryStyleName(value);
- }
- }, primaryStyleNames.get("v-grid"));
- LinkedHashMap<String, SelectionMode> selectionModes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Grid.SelectionMode>();
- selectionModes.put("single", SelectionMode.SINGLE);
- selectionModes.put("multi", SelectionMode.MULTI);
- selectionModes.put("none", SelectionMode.NONE);
- createSelectAction("Selection mode", "State", selectionModes, "none",
- new Command<Grid, Grid.SelectionMode>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, SelectionMode selectionMode,
- Object data) {
- grid.setSelectionMode(selectionMode);
- }
- });
- LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> selectionLimits = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
- selectionLimits.put("2", Integer.valueOf(2));
- selectionLimits.put("1000", Integer.valueOf(1000));
- selectionLimits.put("Integer.MAX_VALUE",
- Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
- createSelectAction("Selection limit", "State", selectionLimits, "1000",
- new Command<Grid, Integer>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Integer limit, Object data) {
- if (!(grid.getSelectionModel() instanceof MultiSelectionModel)) {
- grid.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTI);
- }
- ((MultiSelectionModel) grid.getSelectionModel())
- .setSelectionLimit(limit.intValue());
- }
- });
- LinkedHashMap<String, List<SortOrder>> sortableProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<SortOrder>>();
- for (Object propertyId : ds.getSortableContainerPropertyIds()) {
- sortableProperties.put(propertyId + ", ASC", Sort.by(propertyId)
- .build());
- sortableProperties.put(propertyId + ", DESC",
- Sort.by(propertyId, SortDirection.DESCENDING).build());
- }
- createSelectAction("Sort by column", "State", sortableProperties,
- "Column 9, ascending", new Command<Grid, List<SortOrder>>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, List<SortOrder> sortOrder,
- Object data) {
- grid.setSortOrder(sortOrder);
- }
- });
- createBooleanAction("Reverse Grid Columns", "State", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, Boolean value, Object data) {
- List<Object> ids = new ArrayList<Object>();
- ids.addAll(ds.getContainerPropertyIds());
- if (!value) {
- c.setColumnOrder(ids.toArray());
- } else {
- Object[] idsArray = new Object[ids.size()];
- for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i) {
- idsArray[i] = ids.get((ids.size() - 1) - i);
- }
- c.setColumnOrder(idsArray);
- }
- }
- });
- LinkedHashMap<String, CellStyleGenerator> styleGenerators = new LinkedHashMap<String, CellStyleGenerator>();
- styleGenerators.put("None", null);
- styleGenerators.put("Row only", new CellStyleGenerator() {
- @Override
- public String getStyle(Grid grid, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
- if (propertyId == null) {
- return "row" + itemId;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- });
- styleGenerators.put("Cell only", new CellStyleGenerator() {
- @Override
- public String getStyle(Grid grid, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
- if (propertyId == null) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return propertyId.toString().replace(' ', '-');
- }
- }
- });
- styleGenerators.put("Combined", new CellStyleGenerator() {
- @Override
- public String getStyle(Grid grid, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
- int rowIndex = ((Integer) itemId).intValue();
- if (propertyId == null) {
- if (rowIndex % 4 == 0) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return "row" + itemId;
- }
- } else {
- if (rowIndex % 4 == 1) {
- return null;
- } else if (rowIndex % 4 == 3
- && "Column 1".equals(propertyId)) {
- return null;
- }
- return propertyId.toString().replace(' ', '_');
- }
- }
- });
- createSelectAction("Style generator", "State", styleGenerators, "None",
- new Command<Grid, CellStyleGenerator>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid,
- CellStyleGenerator generator, Object data) {
- grid.setCellStyleGenerator(generator);
- }
- });
- LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> frozenOptions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
- for (int i = -1; i <= COLUMNS; i++) {
- frozenOptions.put(String.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i));
- }
- createSelectAction("Frozen column count", "State", frozenOptions, "0",
- new Command<Grid, Integer>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, Integer value, Object data) {
- c.setFrozenColumnCount(value.intValue());
- }
- });
- }
- protected void createHeaderActions() {
- createCategory("Header", null);
- createBooleanAction("Visible", "Header", true,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Boolean value, Object data) {
- grid.setHeaderVisible(value);
- }
- });
- LinkedHashMap<String, String> defaultRows = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
- defaultRows.put("Top", "Top");
- defaultRows.put("Bottom", "Bottom");
- defaultRows.put("Unset", "Unset");
- createMultiClickAction("Default row", "Header", defaultRows,
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, String value, Object data) {
- HeaderRow defaultRow = null;
- if (value.equals("Top")) {
- defaultRow = grid.getHeaderRow(0);
- } else if (value.equals("Bottom")) {
- defaultRow = grid.getHeaderRow(grid
- .getHeaderRowCount() - 1);
- }
- grid.setDefaultHeaderRow(defaultRow);
- }
- }, defaultRows.get("Top"));
- createClickAction("Prepend row", "Header", new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.prependHeaderRow();
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Append row", "Header", new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.appendHeaderRow();
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Remove top row", "Header",
- new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.removeHeaderRow(0);
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Remove bottom row", "Header",
- new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.removeHeaderRow(grid.getHeaderRowCount() - 1);
- }
- }, null);
- }
- protected void createFooterActions() {
- createCategory("Footer", null);
- createBooleanAction("Visible", "Footer", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Boolean value, Object data) {
- grid.setFooterVisible(value);
- }
- });
- createClickAction("Prepend row", "Footer", new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.prependFooterRow();
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Append row", "Footer", new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.appendFooterRow();
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Remove top row", "Footer",
- new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.removeFooterRow(0);
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Remove bottom row", "Footer",
- new Command<Grid, Object>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Object value, Object data) {
- grid.removeFooterRow(grid.getFooterRowCount() - 1);
- }
- }, null);
- }
- protected void createColumnActions() {
- createCategory("Columns", null);
- for (int c = 0; c < COLUMNS; c++) {
- final int index = c;
- createCategory(getColumnProperty(c), "Columns");
- createClickAction("Add / Remove", getColumnProperty(c),
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, String value, Object data) {
- String columnProperty = getColumnProperty((Integer) data);
- if (grid.getColumn(columnProperty) == null) {
- grid.addColumn(columnProperty);
- } else {
- grid.removeColumn(columnProperty);
- }
- }
- }, null, c);
- createBooleanAction("Sortable", getColumnProperty(c), true,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Boolean value,
- Object columnIndex) {
- Object propertyId = getColumnProperty((Integer) columnIndex);
- Column column = grid.getColumn(propertyId);
- column.setSortable(value);
- }
- }, c);
- createCategory("Column " + c + " Width", getColumnProperty(c));
- createClickAction("Auto", "Column " + c + " Width",
- new Command<Grid, Integer>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Integer value,
- Object columnIndex) {
- Object propertyId = getColumnProperty((Integer) columnIndex);
- Column column = grid.getColumn(propertyId);
- column.setWidthUndefined();
- }
- }, -1, c);
- createClickAction("25.5px", "Column " + c + " Width",
- new Command<Grid, Void>() {
- @Override
- @SuppressWarnings("boxing")
- public void execute(Grid grid, Void value,
- Object columnIndex) {
- grid.getColumns().get((Integer) columnIndex)
- .setWidth(25.5);
- }
- }, null, c);
- for (int w = 50; w < 300; w += 50) {
- createClickAction(w + "px", "Column " + c + " Width",
- new Command<Grid, Integer>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Integer value,
- Object columnIndex) {
- Object propertyId = getColumnProperty((Integer) columnIndex);
- Column column = grid.getColumn(propertyId);
- column.setWidth(value);
- }
- }, w, c);
- }
- LinkedHashMap<String, GridStaticCellType> defaultRows = new LinkedHashMap<String, GridStaticCellType>();
- defaultRows.put("Text Header", GridStaticCellType.TEXT);
- defaultRows.put("Html Header ", GridStaticCellType.HTML);
- defaultRows.put("Widget Header", GridStaticCellType.WIDGET);
- createMultiClickAction("Header Type", getColumnProperty(c),
- defaultRows, new Command<Grid, GridStaticCellType>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid,
- GridStaticCellType value, Object columnIndex) {
- final Object propertyId = getColumnProperty((Integer) columnIndex);
- final HeaderCell cell = grid.getDefaultHeaderRow()
- .getCell(propertyId);
- switch (value) {
- case TEXT:
- cell.setText("Text Header");
- break;
- case HTML:
- cell.setHtml("HTML Header");
- break;
- case WIDGET:
- cell.setComponent(new Button("Button Header",
- new ClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void buttonClick(
- ClickEvent event) {
- log("Button clicked!");
- }
- }));
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }, c);
- defaultRows = new LinkedHashMap<String, GridStaticCellType>();
- defaultRows.put("Text Footer", GridStaticCellType.TEXT);
- defaultRows.put("Html Footer", GridStaticCellType.HTML);
- defaultRows.put("Widget Footer", GridStaticCellType.WIDGET);
- createMultiClickAction("Footer Type", getColumnProperty(c),
- defaultRows, new Command<Grid, GridStaticCellType>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid,
- GridStaticCellType value, Object columnIndex) {
- final Object propertyId = getColumnProperty((Integer) columnIndex);
- final FooterCell cell = grid.getFooterRow(0)
- .getCell(propertyId);
- switch (value) {
- case TEXT:
- cell.setText("Text Footer");
- break;
- case HTML:
- cell.setHtml("HTML Footer");
- break;
- case WIDGET:
- cell.setComponent(new Button("Button Footer",
- new ClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void buttonClick(
- ClickEvent event) {
- log("Button clicked!");
- }
- }));
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }, c);
- }
- }
- private static String getColumnProperty(int c) {
- return "Column " + c;
- }
- protected void createPropertyActions() {
- createCategory("Properties", null);
- createBooleanAction("Prepend property", "Properties", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- private final Object propertyId = new Object();
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, Boolean enable, Object data) {
- if (enable.booleanValue()) {
- ds.addContainerProperty(propertyId, String.class,
- "property value");
- grid.getColumn(propertyId).setHeaderCaption(
- "new property");
- grid.setColumnOrder(propertyId);
- } else {
- ds.removeContainerProperty(propertyId);
- }
- }
- }, null);
- }
- protected void createRowActions() {
- createCategory("Body rows", null);
- class NewRowCommand implements Command<Grid, String> {
- private final int index;
- public NewRowCommand() {
- this(0);
- }
- public NewRowCommand(int index) {
- this.index = index;
- }
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- Item item = ds.addItemAt(index, new Object());
- for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) {
- Class<?> type = ds.getType(getColumnProperty(i));
- if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
- Property<String> itemProperty = getProperty(item, i);
- itemProperty.setValue("newcell: " + i);
- } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
- Property<Integer> itemProperty = getProperty(item, i);
- itemProperty.setValue(Integer.valueOf(i));
- } else {
- // let the default value be taken implicitly.
- }
- }
- }
- private <T extends Object> Property<T> getProperty(Item item, int i) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Property<T> itemProperty = item
- .getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(i));
- return itemProperty;
- }
- }
- final NewRowCommand newRowCommand = new NewRowCommand();
- createClickAction("Add 18 rows", "Body rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
- newRowCommand.execute(c, value, data);
- }
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Add first row", "Body rows", newRowCommand, null);
- createClickAction("Add second row", "Body rows", new NewRowCommand(1),
- null);
- createClickAction("Remove first row", "Body rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- Object firstItemId = ds.getIdByIndex(0);
- ds.removeItem(firstItemId);
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Remove 18 first rows", "Body rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
- Object firstItemId = ds.getIdByIndex(0);
- ds.removeItem(firstItemId);
- }
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Modify first row (getItemProperty)", "Body rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- Object firstItemId = ds.getIdByIndex(0);
- Item item = ds.getItem(firstItemId);
- for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) {
- Property<?> property = item
- .getItemProperty(getColumnProperty(i));
- if (property.getType().equals(String.class)) {
- ((Property<String>) property)
- .setValue("modified: " + i);
- }
- }
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Modify first row (getContainerProperty)",
- "Body rows", new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- Object firstItemId = ds.getIdByIndex(0);
- for (Object containerPropertyId : ds
- .getContainerPropertyIds()) {
- Property<?> property = ds.getContainerProperty(
- firstItemId, containerPropertyId);
- if (property.getType().equals(String.class)) {
- ((Property<String>) property)
- .setValue("modified: "
- + containerPropertyId);
- }
- }
- }
- }, null);
- createBooleanAction("Select first row", "Body rows", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, Boolean select, Object data) {
- final Object firstItemId = grid
- .getContainerDataSource().firstItemId();
- if (select.booleanValue()) {
- grid.select(firstItemId);
- } else {
- grid.deselect(firstItemId);
- }
- }
- });
- createClickAction("Remove all rows", "Body rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- ds.removeAllItems();
- }
- }, null);
- }
- protected void createEditorRowActions() {
- createBooleanAction("Enabled", "Editor row", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, Boolean value, Object data) {
- c.setEditorRowEnabled(value);
- }
- });
- createClickAction("Edit item 5", "Editor row",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- c.editItem(5);
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Edit item 100", "Editor row",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- c.editItem(100);
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Save", "Editor row", new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- try {
- c.saveEditorRow();
- } catch (CommitException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }, null);
- createClickAction("Cancel edit", "Editor row",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- c.cancelEditorRow();
- }
- }, null);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("boxing")
- protected void addHeightActions() {
- createCategory("Height by Rows", "Size");
- createBooleanAction("HeightMode Row", "Size", false,
- new Command<Grid, Boolean>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, Boolean heightModeByRows,
- Object data) {
- c.setHeightMode(heightModeByRows ? HeightMode.ROW
- : HeightMode.CSS);
- }
- }, null);
- addActionForHeightByRows(1d / 3d);
- addActionForHeightByRows(2d / 3d);
- for (double i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
- addActionForHeightByRows(i);
- addActionForHeightByRows(i + 1d / 3d);
- addActionForHeightByRows(i + 2d / 3d);
- }
- Command<Grid, String> sizeCommand = new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid grid, String height, Object data) {
- grid.setHeight(height);
- }
- };
- createCategory("Height", "Size");
- // header 20px + scrollbar 16px = 36px baseline
- createClickAction("86px (no drag scroll select)", "Height",
- sizeCommand, "86px");
- createClickAction("96px (drag scroll select limit)", "Height",
- sizeCommand, "96px");
- createClickAction("106px (drag scroll select enabled)", "Height",
- sizeCommand, "106px");
- }
- private void addActionForHeightByRows(final Double i) {
- DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
- createClickAction(df.format(i) + " rows", "Height by Rows",
- new Command<Grid, String>() {
- @Override
- public void execute(Grid c, String value, Object data) {
- c.setHeightByRows(i);
- }
- }, null);
- }
- @Override
- protected Integer getTicketNumber() {
- return 12829;
- }
- @Override
- protected Class<Grid> getTestClass() {
- return Grid.class;
- }