path: root/WebContent/release-notes.html
diff options
authorArtur Signell <artur.signell@itmill.com>2009-12-18 10:00:23 +0000
committerArtur Signell <artur.signell@itmill.com>2009-12-18 10:00:23 +0000
commitaa1549fe321c8164cc70cb3df1eb0547c171a7c2 (patch)
tree2a8e5f70dadb6a02fb92554527d9ba27c0da1b31 /WebContent/release-notes.html
parentb5f1959cd2287a1b153c4c48d72d3e7a0ea08699 (diff)
Minor release notes changes
svn changeset:10423/svn branch:6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'WebContent/release-notes.html')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/release-notes.html b/WebContent/release-notes.html
index 69d006edd3..1a83a8ede4 100644
--- a/WebContent/release-notes.html
+++ b/WebContent/release-notes.html
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ If you are using widgets from another project (typically in a separate JAR file)
If you package a widget set as a JAR for use in other projects:
<li>Replace getTag() with @ClientWidget and remove the <tt>WidgetSet.java</tt> as described above.</li>
- <li>Add a &quot;Vaadin-Widgetsets: &lt;fully qualified name of widgetset&gt;&quot; row to META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the jar file. This enables the widgetset compiler to automatically detect and include the widgetset in other projects.</li>
+ <li>Add a &quot;Vaadin-Widgetsets: &lt;fully qualified name of widgetset&gt;&quot; (e.g. &quot;Vaadin-Widgetsets: com.example.widgetset.mywidgetset&quot;) row to META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the jar file. This enables the widgetset compiler to automatically detect and include the widgetset in other projects.</li>