path: root/WebContent
diff options
authorJoonas Lehtinen <joonas.lehtinen@itmill.com>2006-12-29 17:06:33 +0000
committerJoonas Lehtinen <joonas.lehtinen@itmill.com>2006-12-29 17:06:33 +0000
commit8529dc20fd0a2fc48c0bfcedb2ddc9d1d69618fb (patch)
tree0bc2f73680aefd0975765d00fc5e76d896d47b9c /WebContent
parent333a6a59b6f4038d2da0198118bf79b78fdc8e57 (diff)
- Renamed default theme to base
- Merged XSLT and AJAX -based themes - Added automatic browser detection and mode selection - Added automatic ajax-html page generation - Added automatic XSLT theme header generation (no more window template modifications needed!) svn changeset:189/svn branch:toolkit
Diffstat (limited to 'WebContent')
-rw-r--r--WebContent/client/img/off.gifbin69 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--WebContent/client/img/on.gifbin70 -> 0 bytes
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1666 deletions
diff --git a/WebContent/client/client.js b/WebContent/client/client.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 800886bb95..0000000000
--- a/WebContent/client/client.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1609 +0,0 @@
-/** Creates new ITMillToolkit ajax client.
- * @param windowElementNode Reference to element that will contain the
- * application window.
- * @param servletUrl Base URL to server-side ajax adapter.
- * @param clientRoot Base URL to client-side ajax adapter resources.
- * @constructor
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- */
-function ITMillToolkitClient(windowElementNode, servletUrl, clientRoot, waitElement) {
- // Store parameters
- this.mainWindowElement = windowElementNode;
- if (this.mainWindowElement == null) {
- alert("Invalid window element. Ajax client not properly initialized.");
- }
- this.itmtkMainWindow = window;
- this.ajaxAdapterServletUrl = servletUrl;
- if (this.ajaxAdapterServletUrl == null) {
- alert("Invalid servlet URL. Ajax client not properly initialized.");
- }
- // Wait element is shown during the ajax requests
- this.waitElement = waitElement;
- // Root of the client scripts
- if (clientRoot == null)
- this.clientRoot = "";
- else (clientRoot.length > 0)
- this.clientRoot = clientRoot + (clientRoot.match('/$') ? "" : "/" );
- // Debugging is disabled by default
- this.debugEnabled = false;
- // Initialize variableChangeQueue
- this.variableStates = new Object();
- // Create empty renderers list
- this.renderers = new Object();
- // Create windows list
- this.documents = new Object();
- this.windows = new Object();
- // Remove all eventListeners on window.unload
- with (this) {
- addEventListener(window,"unload", function () {
- var removed = removeAllEventListeners(document);
- if (window.eventMap) {
- for (var t in window.eventMap) {
- var i = window.eventMap[t].length;
- while (i--) {
- client.removeEventListener(window,t,window.eventMap[t][i]);
- removed++;
- }
- }
- window.eventMap = null;
- }
- debug("Removed " + removed + " event listeners.");
- // TODO close all windows
- debug("Removed " + unregisterAllLayoutFunctions()+ " layout functions.");
- window.png = null;
- });
- var client = this;
- var func = function() {
- client.resizeTimeout=null;
- client.processAllLayoutFunctions()
- };
- addEventListener(window,"resize", function () {
- if (client.resizeTimeout) clearTimeout(client.resizeTimeout);
- client.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(func,500);
- });
- }
- window.png = function(img) {
- var src = img.src;
- if (!src || src.indexOf("pixel.gif")>0) return;
- if (src.indexOf(".png")<1) return
- var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if (ua.indexOf("windows")<0) return;
- var msie = ua.indexOf("msie");
- if (msie < 0) return;
- var v = parseInt(ua.substring(msie+5,msie+6));
- if (!v || v < 5 || v > 6) return;
- var w = img.width||16; // def width 16, hidden icons fail otherwise
- var h = img.height||16;
- img.onload = null;
- img.src = clientRoot + "pixel.gif";
- img.style.height = h+"px";
- img.style.width = w+"px";
- img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+src+"', sizingMethod='crop');";
- }
-/** Start the ajax client.
- * Creates debug window and sends the initial request to server.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.start = function() {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Starting Ajax client");
- }
- // Send initial request
- this.processVariableChanges(true);
-/** Creates new debug window.
- *
- * @return New debug window instance.
- * @type Window
- * @private
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createDebugWindow = function() {
- var dw = window.open("","ITMillToolkitDebugWindow","width=500,height=700,scrollbars=1,menubar=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,resizable=1");
- if (dw != null) {
- with (dw.document) {
- if (dw.document.body != null) {
- dw.document.body.innerHTML = "";
- }
- write("<html><head>");
- write("<title>IT Mill Toolkit Adapter Debug</title>");
- write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""+this.clientRoot+"debug.css\" type=\"text/css\" >");
- write("</head>");
- write("<body><h2>Debug</h2>");
- write("</body></html>\n");
- }
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- return dw;
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.warn = function (message, folded, extraStyle, html) {
- // Check if we are in debug mode
- if (!this.debugEnabled) { return; }
- this.debug(message, folded, "warn "+(extraStyle?extraStyle:""), html);
-/** Write debug message to debug window.
- *
- * @param message The message to be written
- * @param folded True if the message should be foldable and folded to default,
- * false or missing otherwise.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.debug = function (message, folded, extraStyle, html) {
- // Check if we are in debug mode
- if (!this.debugEnabled) { return; }
- // Ensure we have a debug window
- if (this.debugwindow == null) {
- this.debugwindow = this.createDebugWindow();
- }
- // If window is closed disable debug
- if (this.debugwindow.closed) {
- alert("Debug window closed. Disabling debug.\n Press reload to re-enable debug window.");
- this.debugEnabled = false;
- return;
- }
- // Apply the extra style given
- if (extraStyle != null) {
- extraStyle = " "+extraStyle;
- } else {
- extraStyle = "";
- }
- // Use folded or normal view
- if (folded) {
- this.debugwindow.document.write("<div onclick=\"if (this.className == 'folded"+extraStyle+"') this.className = 'unfolded"+extraStyle+"'; else this.className = 'folded"+extraStyle+"';\" class='folded"+extraStyle+"'>");
- } else {
- this.debugwindow.document.write("<div class='normal"+extraStyle+"'>");
- }
- // Print out as html or as preformatted
- if (html) {
- this.debugwindow.document.write(message);
- } else {
- this.debugwindow.document.write("<xmp>"+message+"</xmp>");
- }
- this.debugwindow.document.write("</div>");
- // Scroll to end
- this.debugwindow.document.write("<script>window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);</script>");
-/** Write object properties to debug window.
- *
- * @param obj The object that is debugged.
- * @param level The recursion level that the properties are inspected.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.debugObject = function (obj,level) {
- this.debug(this.printObject(obj,level),true,null,true);
-/** Write error message to debug window.
- *
- * @param message The message to be written
- * @param causeException Exception that caused this error.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.error = function (message, causeException) {
- // Check if we are in debug mode
- if (!this.debugEnabled) { return; }
- if (causeException != null) {
- // If filename and line number is avaiable, append to output.
- if (causeException.fileName != null) {
- message += "\n\n FILE= '"
- + causeException.fileName +"'"
- + (causeException.lineNumber != null ?
- " LINE="+causeException.lineNumber:
- "");
- }
- // If stack trace is available, append it to output.
- if (causeException.stack != null) {
- message += "\n\n" + causeException.stack;
- }
- // Dump all exception properties
- message += "\n\nException properties:\n";
- for (var prop in causeException) {
- if (prop != "stack") {
- message += " " + prop + "=" +causeException[prop] + "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- this.debug(message,causeException != null, "error");
-/** Creates new XMLHttpRequest object.
- *
- * NOTE: The return type of this function is platform dependent.
- *
- * @return New XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP (ActiveXObject) instance
- * @type XMLHttpRequest | ActiveXObject
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.getXMLHttpRequest = function () {
- var req = false;
- if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
- // Native XMLHttpRequest object
- try {
- req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- } catch(e) {
- req = false;
- }
- } else if(window.ActiveXObject) {
- // IE/Windows ActiveX version
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch(e) {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch(e) {
- req = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return req;
-/** Loads a document using XMLHttpRequest object and returns it as text.
- *
- * @param url The URL of document.
- * @skipCache If true, does not use cached documents (or cache this result).
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.loadDocument = function (url,skipCache) {
- if (!skipCache) {
- if (!this.loadcache) this.loadcache = new Object();
- var cached = this.loadcache["_"+url];
- if (cached != null) {
- this.debug(url + " loaded from cache.");
- return cached;
- }
- }
- var x = this.getXMLHttpRequest();
- x.open("GET",url, false);
- x.send(null);
- var response = x.responseText;
- if (x.status != 200) {
- this.error("Could not load (status 200) " + url);
- return null;
- }
- delete x;
- if (!skipCache) {
- this.loadcache["_"+url] = response;
- }
- if (response) {
- this.debug(url + " loaded.");
- } else {
- this.debug("Could not load " + url);
- }
- return response;
-/** Registers new renderer function to ajax client.
- *
- * @param theme Theme instance where the renderer belongs to.
- * @param tag UIDL Tag-name that this renderer supports.
- * @param componentStyle The style attribute of component that this renderer supports.
- * @param renderFunction Function that is performs the rendering of the UIDL.
- * @return Newly created renderer object instance.
- * @type Object
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.registerRenderer = function (theme, tag, componentStyle, renderFunction) {
- if (renderFunction == null) {
- alert("Theme error: Invalid renderer function registered for '"+tag+(componentStyle == null ? "" : "." + componentStyle)+"'");
- }
- // Find previous (parent) renderer
- var parentRenderer = this.findRenderer(tag,componentStyle);
- // Create new renderer information object
- var renderer = new Object;
- renderer.match = tag + (componentStyle == null ? "" : "__" + componentStyle);
- renderer.doc = document;
- renderer.client = this;
- renderer.theme = theme;
- renderer.tag = tag;
- renderer.componentStyle = componentStyle;
- renderer.renderFunction = renderFunction;
- renderer.parentRenderer = parentRenderer;
- // This replaces the previous (parent) renderer
- this.renderers[renderer.match] = renderer;
- // We return the created renderer object
- this.debug("Registered renderer for "+tag +(componentStyle == null ? "" : " (" + componentStyle+")")+"");
- return renderer;
-/** Unregisters all renderers in client.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.unregisterAllRenderers = function () {
- // We just create new, empty rederer map.
- this.renderers = new Object();
-/** Create new response listener for the HTTPRequest object.
- * This creates new function reference that is used to
- * process the server response in httpRequest.onreadystatechange.
- *
- * @param client Reference to this client instance.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createRequestChangeListener = function(client, req) {
- return (function() {
- if (req.readyState != 4 || req.status == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Check status code
- if (req.status != 200) {
- alert("Server request failed: ("+req.status+", "+req.statusText+")");
- req.onreadystatechange = new Function();
- delete req;
- return;
- }
- // Get updates
- var updates = req.responseXML;
- if (updates == null) {
- alert("Server did not return anything: ");
- req.onreadystatechange = new Function();
- delete req;
- return;
- }
- // Debug request load time
- if (client.debugEnabled) {
- var loadedTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- client.debug("UIDL loaded in " + (loadedTime-client.requestStartTime) + "ms");
- client.debug("UIDL Changes: \n"+req.responseText,true);
- }
- // Clean up
- client.variableStates = new Object();
- req.onreadystatechange = new Function();
- delete req;
- // Process the updates
- try {
- if (updates.normalize) updates.normalize();
- } catch (e) {
- if (client.debugEnabled) {
- client.debug("normalize() FAILED");
- }
- }
- client.processUpdates(updates);
- client.requestStartTime = -1;
- });
-/** Send pending variable changes to server.
- *
- * This function sends all pending (non-immediate) variable changes to the
- * server and registers callback to render process the server response.
- *
- * @param repaintAll True if full window UIDL should be requested from server.
- * @param nowait True if the wait-window should not be shown
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.processVariableChanges = function (repaintAll,nowait) {
- if (this.waitElement&&!nowait) {
- this.waitElement.style.display = "inline";
- }
- // Request start time
- this.requestStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- // Build variable change query string
- var changes = "";
- for (var i in this.variableStates) {
- changes += i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.variableStates[i]) + "&";
- }
- // Build up request URL
- var url = this.ajaxAdapterServletUrl + (repaintAll ? "?repaintAll=1" : "?") + "&requestid=" +this.requestStartTime;
- // Run the HTTP request
- this.debug("Send variable changes: " + url);
- var activeRequest = this.getXMLHttpRequest();
- // Create callback for request state changes
- var changeListener = this.createRequestChangeListener(this,activeRequest);
- activeRequest.onreadystatechange = changeListener;
- activeRequest.open("POST",url, true);
- activeRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type',
- 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
- activeRequest.send(changes);
-/** Get first child element in given parent.
- *
- * @param parent The parent element
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.getFirstChildElement = function (parent) {
- /*
- if (parent == null || parent.childNodes == null) {
- return null;
- }
- for (var j=0; j<parent.childNodes.length; j++) {
- var n = parent.childNodes.item(j);
- if (n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return n;
- }
- }
- */
- try {
- var child = parent.firstChild;
- while (child) {
- if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return child;
- }
- child = child.nextSibling;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- }
- return null;
-/** Initializes new window.
- * Creates a document element and initializes it to
- * to contain a window component.
- *
- * @param win The window to be initialized.
- * @param name IT Mill Toolkit name of the window to be initialized.
- * @return reference to div in document that should contain the window.
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.initializeNewWindow = function (win,uidl,theme) {
- if (win == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // Special handling for framewindows
- var framewindow = uidl.nodeName == "framewindow";
- var name = uidl.getAttribute("name");
- var caption = uidl.getAttribute("caption")||"";
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Initializing new "+(framewindow?"frame-":"")+"window '"+name+"' (PID="+uidl.getAttribute("id")+")");
- }
- // Create HTML content
- var html="";
- if (framewindow) {
- html = this.createFramesetHtml(uidl,theme)
- } else {
- html = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"><HTML><HEAD id=\"html-head\"><TITLE>"+caption+"</TITLE></HEAD>"+"<BODY STYLE=\" overflow: hidden; border: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;\"><div id=\"itmtk-window\" class=\"window\"></div><\/BODY><\/HTML>";
- }
- win.document.open();
- win.document.write(html);
- win.document.close();
- win.document.ownerWindow = win;
- win.document.renderUIDL = function(uidl,currentNode) {
- this.client.renderUIDL(uidl,currentNode);
- }
- win.document.client = this;
- with (this) {
- addEventListener(win,"unload", function () {
- try {
- removeAllEventListeners(win.document);
- removeAllEventListeners(win);
- unregisterAllLayoutFunctions(win.document);
- } catch (e) {
- }
- });
- var client = this;
- addEventListener(win,"resize", function () {
- try {
- setTimeout(function() {client.processAllLayoutFunctions()},1);
- } catch (e) {
- }
- });
- }
- // Add stylesheets
- if (!framewindow) {
- for (var si in this.mainDocument.styleSheets) {
- var ss = this.mainDocument.styleSheets[si];
- var nss = win.document.createElement('link');
- nss.rel = 'stylesheet';
- nss.type = 'text/css';
- nss.media = ss.media;
- nss.href = ss.href;
- win.document.getElementById('html-head').appendChild(nss);
- }
- }
- // Register it to client
- this.registerWindow(name, win, win.document);
- // Add unregister callback
- var client = this;
- win.onunload = function() {
- client.unregisterWindow(name);
- win.onunload = null;
- }
- // Ensure the name
- win.itmtkWindowName = name;
- // Assign the current node into that window
- var winElement = win.document.getElementById("itmtk-window");
- if (framewindow) {
- winElement = win.document.getElementById(uidl.getAttribute("id"));
- }
- if (winElement == null && this.debugEnabled) {
- this.warn("Window element not found!");
- }
- win.document.itmtkWindowElement = winElement;
- if (!win.png) {
- var clientRoot = this.clientRoot;
- // PNG loading support in IE
- win.png = function(img) {
- var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if (ua.indexOf("windows")<0) return;
- var msie = ua.indexOf("msie");
- if (msie < 0) return;
- var v = parseInt(ua.substring(msie+5,msie+6));
- if (!v || v < 5 || v > 6) return;
- var src = img.src;
- var w = img.width;
- var h = img.height;
- if (src && src.indexOf(clientRoot+"pixel.gif")>0) return;
- img.onload = null;
- img.src = clientRoot + "pixel.gif";
- img.style.height = h+"px";
- img.style.width = w+"px";
- img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+src+"', sizingMethod='crop');";
- }
- }
- // Return the content element
- return winElement;
-/** Recursively create frameset html for FrameWindow initialization.
- *
- * @param win The window to be initialized.
- * @param name IT Mill Toolkit name of the window to be initialized.
- * @return reference to div in document that should contain the window.
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createFramesetHtml = function(uidl,theme) {
- if (uidl == null) {
- return "";
- }
- var cols = uidl.getAttribute("cols");
- var rows = uidl.getAttribute("rows");
- var caption = uidl.getAttribute("caption")||"";
- // Open frameset
- var html = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"><html><head><title>"+caption+"</title></head><frameset ";
- if (cols) {
- html += "cols=\""+cols+"\"";
- } else if (rows) {
- html += "rows=\""+rows+"\"";
- }
- html += " id=\""+uidl.getAttribute("id")+"\"";
- html += " >";
- // Sub-frames / -framesets
- for (var i=0; i<uidl.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var n = uidl.childNodes.item(i);
- if (n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (n.nodeName == "frameset") {
- html += this.createFramesetHtml(n);
- } else if (n.nodeName == "frame") {
- var name =n.getAttribute("name");
- var src = n.getAttribute("src");
- html += "<frame id=\""+name+"\" name=\""+name+"\"";
- if (src && src.indexOf("theme://")==0) {
- src = (theme?theme.root:"themes/") + src.substring(8);
- html += " src=\""+src+"\" ";
- }
- html += "/>";
- }
- }
- }
- // Close frameset
- html += "</frameset></html>";
- return html;
-/** Unregisters and closes a window.
- * @param windowName Name of the window
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.unregisterWindow = function (windowName) {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Unregistering window '"+windowName+"'");
- }
- var doc = this.documents[windowName];
- var win = this.windows[windowName];
- if (doc) {
- this.documents[windowName] = null;
- try {
- //if (win.location) win.location.href = "about:blank";
- this.windows[windowName] = null;
- win.close();
- doc.ownerWindow = null;
- } catch (e) {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.error("Exception when closing window '"+windowName+"'. Continuing...",e);
- }
- }
- } else if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Failed to unregister '"+windowName+"'. Window not found.");
- }
-/** Registers new window .
- * This enabled to client update the components by id in this window.
- * @param windowName Name of the window
- * @param doc The document element of window.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.registerWindow = function (windowName,win,doc) {
- if (win != null && doc != null && windowName != null) {
- doc.itmtkWindowName = windowName;
- this.documents[windowName] = doc;
- this.windows[windowName] = win;
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Registered new window '"+windowName+"'");
- }
- }
-/** Find a paintable by id.
- * Searcher all windows for given id and returns the element
- * or null if not found.
- * @param paintableId Id to look for.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.findPaintableById = function (paintableId) {
- if (this.documents == null) {
- return null;
- }
- for (var name in this.documents) {
- var d = this.documents[name];
- var win = this.windows[name];
- try {
- if (win && win.location && this.itmtkMainWindow.location.href != win.location.href) {
- // referencing external url, we cannot access, but no problem:
- // it can't contain the paitable either.
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Window: '"+name+"' referencing external URL and can NOT contain Paintable '"+paintableId+"'");
- }
- continue;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- this.debug("Exception while examining window.location, assuming ext url.");
- continue;
- }
- try {
- if (d != null && win && !win.closed) {
- var el = d.getElementById(paintableId);
- if (el != null) {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- var isMain = el.ownerDocument == this.mainDocument? "main":" child";
- this.debug("Paintable '"+paintableId+"' found in "+isMain+"-window: '"+d.itmtkWindowName+"'");
- }
- return el;
- } else {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Window: '"+d.itmtkWindowName+"' does NOT contain Paintable '"+paintableId+"'");
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.error("Exception when accessing window '"+name+"'. Closing and continuing...",e);
- }
- this.unregisterWindow(name);
- }
- }
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Paintable '"+paintableId+"' NOT found in ANY of current windows.");
- }
- return null;
-/** Process UIDL updates from server.
- *
- * Renders user interface changes. The registered renderers
- * are then used to render the changes to correct location.
- *
- * @param updates Updates UIDL updates from server.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.processUpdates = function (updates) {
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Processing updates.");
- }
- try {
- // Iterate through the received changes
- var changes = updates.getElementsByTagName("change");
- var cLen = changes.length;
- for (var i=0; i<cLen; i++) {
- // Render start time
- var renderStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- var change = changes.item(i);
- var paintableId = change.getAttribute("pid");
- var windowName = change.getAttribute("windowname");
- var invisible = (change.getAttribute("visible") == "false");
- var changeContent = this.getFirstChildElement(change);
- invisible = invisible || (changeContent && changeContent.getAttribute("invisible") == "true");
- var paintableName = (changeContent!= null?changeContent.nodeName:"(unknown)");
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug(" ");
- this.debug("Change "+i+" Id='"+paintableId+"' Paintable='"+paintableName+"'");
- }
- // Get the containing element from all current windows
- var currentNode = this.findPaintableById(paintableId);
- // Use window element by default for windows
- if (currentNode == null && changeContent != null) {
- if (changeContent.nodeName == "window" || changeContent.nodeName == "framewindow") {
- var winName = changeContent.getAttribute("name");
- if (this.mainDocument == null) {
- // Initialize the main document/window
- currentNode = this.mainWindowElement;
- currentNode.ownerDocument.ownerWindow = window;
- this.registerWindow(winName, window, currentNode.ownerDocument);
- this.mainDocument = currentNode.ownerDocument;
- this.mainDocument.isMainDocument = "true";
- } else {
- // Open a new window if no document was found
- var limit = new Date().getTime() + (1000*3);
- var win = window.open("about:blank",winName);
- while (new Date().getTime() < limit) {
- try {
- var url = win.location.href;
- break;
- } catch (e) {
- // IE slow sometimes, buzy-loop for permission ( TODO better solution? )
- this.debug("Permission denied for window "+winName+", retrying.");
- }
- }
- try {
- var url = win.location.href;
- } catch (e) {
- alert("Could not open window.");
- win = window.open("about:blank",winName);
- }
- currentNode = this.initializeNewWindow(win,changeContent);
- }
- }
- }
- if (currentNode != null) {
- if (invisible) {
- // Special hiding procesedure for windows
- if (windowName != null) {
- this.unregisterWindow(windowName);
- } else {
- // Hide invisble components
- currentNode.style.display = "none";
- }
- } else {
- // Make sure we are visible
- if (currentNode.style) currentNode.style.display = "";
- }
- // Process all uidl nodes inside a change
- var uidl = change.firstChild;
- while (uidl) {
- if (uidl.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (!currentNode) {
- currentNode = this.createPaintableElement(uidl);
- }
- this.warn("Removed " + this.removeAllEventListeners(currentNode) + " event listeners.");
- this.warn("Removed " + this.unregisterAllLayoutFunctions(currentNode) + " layout functions.");
- if (currentNode.ownerDocument.renderUIDL) {
- currentNode.ownerDocument.renderUIDL(uidl,currentNode);
- } else {
- this.renderUIDL(uidl,currentNode);
- }
- }
- uidl = uidl.nextSibling;
- }
- } else {
- this.error("Change " + i +" node not found. Id='"+ paintableId+ "'. Paintable='"+ paintableName+"'");
- }
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- var renderEndTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- this.debug("Change " + i + " Id='"+ paintableId+ "'. Paintable='"+ paintableName +"' rendered in " + (renderEndTime-renderStartTime) + "ms");
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Print out the exception
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.error("Could not process changes: "+e.message,e);
- } else {
- alert("Failed to process all changes. \n Please enable debug logging to get detailed error description");
- }
- }
- this.processAllLayoutFunctions();
- var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- if (this.debugEnabled && this.requestStartTime > 0 ) {
- this.debug("Total time for update " + (endTime-this.requestStartTime) + "ms");
- }
- if (this.waitElement) {
- this.waitElement.style.display = "none";
- }
-/** Render the given UIDL to target.
- *
- * If no renderer is specified the the internal renderer registry is
- * looked up for matching renderer.
- *
- * @param uidl The UIDL node that is rendered.
- * @param target The targer element where the result should be appended.
- * @param renderer The specific renderer instance that should be used (optional)
- * @return This function returns whatever the utilized renderer returns.
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.renderUIDL = function (uidl, target, renderer) {
- // Sanity check
- if (uidl == null || uidl.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return;
- // Render the UIDL using the given renderer
- if (renderer != null) {
- // Invoke renderer and return whatever it returns.
- // Function argument pass-through:
- // Create arguments array and add all callers extra parameters
- // to the end of arguments.
- var args = new Array();
- args[args.length] = renderer;
- args[args.length] = uidl;
- args[args.length] = target;
- for(var i=3; i<arguments.length; i++) {
- args[args.length] = arguments[i];
- }
- if (this.debugEnabled) {
- this.debug("Theme '"+ renderer.theme.themeName + "' rendering '"+ uidl.nodeName + "' into '"+target.nodeName+"' (id="+target.id+")");
- }
- try {
- var res = renderer.renderFunction.apply(this,args);
- return res;
- } catch (e) {
- // Print out the exception
- this.error("Could not render "+ uidl.nodeName +" using '"+ renderer.theme.themeName + "': "+e.message,e);
- }
- } else {
- // Lookup for renderer
- var style = uidl.getAttribute("style");
- var tag = uidl.nodeName;
- var renderer = this.findRenderer(tag,style);
- // Render the UIDL using the found renderer
- if (renderer != null) {
- // Function argument pass-through:
- // Create arguments array and add all callers extra parameters
- // to the end of arguments.
- var args = new Array();
- args[args.length] = uidl;
- args[args.length] = target;
- args[args.length] = renderer;
- for(var i=3; i<arguments.length; i++) {
- args[args.length] = arguments[i];
- }
- return this.renderUIDL.apply(this,args);
- }
- }
- // If no renderer is specified, render the UIDL as-is.
- return this.renderHTML(uidl, target);
-/** Search the internal renderer registry for matching renderer.
- *
- * The matching process first looks up for exact tag and componentStyle
- * match, but if no renderer is found it uses only the tag name matching.
- * If still no renderer is found returns null.
- *
- * @param tag UIDL tag name.
- * @param componentStyle The style attribute of the component (optional)
- * @return A matching renderer instance
- * @type Object
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.findRenderer = function (tag, componentStyle) {
- var renderer = null;
- var rendererId = tag + (componentStyle == null ? "" : "__" + componentStyle);
- // Try to find with specific style
- if (componentStyle != null) {
- renderer = this.renderers[rendererId];
- }
- // Try to find a renderer only using tag
- if (renderer == null) {
- renderer = this.renderers[tag];
- }
- return renderer;
-/** Renders given XML as redable HTML.
- *
- * @param xml The XML node to be rendered as readable HTML.
- * @param target The node where the result should be appended as child.
- * @return The rendered element
- * @type Node
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.renderHTML = function (xml, target) {
- var n = this.createElement("div",target);
- target.appendChild(n);
- n.setAttribute("style", "padding-left:10px;background-color:white;z-index:9999;position:relative;");
- var tn = this.createTextNode("<" + xml.nodeName, target);
- n.appendChild(tn);
- if (xml.attributes.length > 0)
- for(var i=0; i<xml.attributes.length; i++) {
- var a = xml.attributes.item(i);
- n.appendChild(this.createTextNode(" " + a.name + "=\"" + a.value+"\"",target));
- }
- n.appendChild(this.createTextNode(">",target));
- if (xml.hasChildNodes())
- for (var i=0; i<xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var c = xml.childNodes.item(i);
- if (c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- this.renderHTML(c,n);
- } else if (c.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && c.data != null) {
- n.appendChild(this.createTextNode(c.data, target));
- }
- }
- n.appendChild(this.createTextNode("</"+xml.nodeName+">",target));
- return n;
-/** Returns given XML as text.
- *
- * @param xml The XML node to be rendered as HTML.
- * @return The XML as text
- * @type String
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.getXMLtext = function(xml) {
- var n = "";
- n += "<" + xml.nodeName;
- if (xml.attributes.length > 0)
- for(var i=0; i<xml.attributes.length; i++) {
- var a = xml.attributes.item(i);
- n += " " + a.name + "=\"" + a.value+"\"";
- }
- n += ">";
- if (xml.hasChildNodes())
- for (var i=0; i<xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var c = xml.childNodes.item(i);
- if (c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- n += this.getXMLtext(c);
- } else if (c.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && c.data != null) {
- n += c.data;
- }
- }
- n += "</"+xml.nodeName+">";
- return n;
-/** Send a change variable event to server.
- *
- * Changes a variable value and if 'immediate' is true invokes the
- * processVariableChanges function.
- *
- * @param name The name of the variable to change.
- * @param value New value of the variable.
- * @param immediate True if the variable change should immediately propagate to server.
- * @param nowait True if the wait-window should not be shown
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.changeVariable = function (name, value, immediate, nowait) {
- this.debug("variableChange('" + name + "', '" + value + "', " + immediate + ");");
- this.variableStates[name] = value;
- if (immediate)
- this.processVariableChanges(false,nowait);
-/** Create new containing element for a paintable (component).
- *
- * This function creates new containing element for a single
- * paintable object, typically component.
- *
- * @param uidl The UIDL node of the paintable.
- * @param target The target node where the new containing element should be
- * appended to as child.
- * @return The newly created element node.
- * @type Node
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createPaintableElement = function (uidl, target) {
- // Create DIV as container to right document.
- var div = this.createElement("div", target);
- // Append to parent, if 'target' parameter specified
- if (target != null) {
- target.appendChild(div);
- }
- // Add ID attribute
- var pid = uidl.getAttribute("id");
- if (target != null && pid != null) {
- div.setAttribute("id",pid);
- }
- // Set visibility
- var invisible = uidl.getAttribute("invisible");
- if (target != null && invisible == "true") {
- div.style.display = "none";
- } else {
- div.style.display = "";
- }
- // Return reference to newly created div
- return div;
-/** Assigns given CSS class to element.
- * Cross-browser function for assigning CSS class attribute to
- * an element.
- * @param element The element where the class should be applied.
- * @param className The CSS class name to apply.
- * @return element.
- * @type Node
- *
- * @author Oy IT Mill Ltd / Sami Ekblad
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.setElementClassName = function(element,className) {
- if (element == null) { return; }
- element.style.className = className;
- * Add event listener function to an element.
- *
- * @param element The element
- * @param type Type of event to listen for [click|mouseover|mouseout|...]
- * @param func The function to call. Called with single parameter: event.
- *
- * @return the listener function added
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.addEventListener = function(element,type,func) {
- if (element.addEventListener) {
- element.addEventListener(type, func, false);
- } else if (element.attachEvent) {
- element.attachEvent("on" + type, func);
- } else {
- element['on'+type] = func;
- }
- // TODO add only to paintable?
- if (!element.eventMap) element.eventMap = new Object();
- if (!element.eventMap[type]) element.eventMap[type] = new Array();
- element.eventMap[type][element.eventMap[type].length] = func;
- return func;
- * Remove event listener function from a element. The parameters should match addEventListener()
- *
- * @param element The element
- * @param type Type of event to listen for [click|mouseover|mouseout|...]
- * @param func The listener function to remove.
- *
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.removeEventListener = function(element,type,func) {
- if (element.removeEventListener) {
- element.removeEventListener(type, func, false);
- } else if (element.detachEvent) {
- element.detachEvent("on" + type, func);
- } else {
- element['on'+type] = null;
- }
- if (element.eventMap && element.eventMap[type]) {
- for (var f in element.eventMap[type]) {
- if (element.eventMap[type][f]==func) {
- element.eventMap[type][f] = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * Remove all event listener functions from a element.
- *
- * @param element The element
- * @param type Type of event to listen for [click|mouseover|mouseout|...]
- * @param func The listener function to remove.
- *
- */
- ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.removeAllEventListeners = function(element) {
- var removed = 0;
- if (element.eventMap) {
- for (var t in element.eventMap) {
- var i = element.eventMap[t].length;
- while (i--) {
- this.removeEventListener(element,t,element.eventMap[t][i]);
- removed++;
- }
- }
- element.eventMap = null;
- }
- // TODO eventMAp -> paintable & only get DIV:s
- var childs = element.getElementsByTagName("*");
- if (childs) {
- var i = childs.length;
- while (i--) {
- element = childs[i];
- if (element.eventMap) {
- for (var t in element.eventMap) {
- var j = element.eventMap[t].length;
- while (j--) {
- this.removeEventListener(element,t,element.eventMap[t][j]);
- removed++;
- }
- }
- element.eventMap = null;
- }
- }
- }
- return removed;
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.registerLayoutFunction = function (paintableElement,func) {
- if (!paintableElement || !func) {
- this.error("Invalid layout function registration; paintableElement:"+paintableElement+" func:"+func);
- return;
- }
- var pid = paintableElement.id;
- if (!pid) {
- this.error("Register layout function; paintableElement pid not found!" + paintableElement);
- return;
- }
- if (!this.layoutFunctionsOrder) {
- this.layoutFunctionsOrder = new Object();
- this.layoutFunctions = new Array();
- }
- var idx = this.layoutFunctionsOrder[pid];
- if (typeof(idx) == "undefined") idx = this.layoutFunctions.length;
- this.layoutFunctionsOrder[pid] = idx;
- this.layoutFunctions[idx] = func;
- this.debug("Registered layout function for ("+paintableElement.nodeName+") pid " + pid + " as number " + idx);
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.unregisterLayoutFunction = function (paintableElement) {
- if (!paintableElement) {
- this.error("unregisterLayoutFunction(): NULL paintableElement!");
- return false;
- }
- if (!this.layoutFunctionsOrder) {
- // no functions at all
- return false;
- }
- var pid = paintableElement.id;
- if (!pid) {
- this.error("unregisterLayoutFunction(): paintableElement pid not found!" + paintableElement);
- return false;
- }
- var idx = this.layoutFunctionsOrder[pid];
- if (typeof(idx) == "undefined") {
- // no registered function
- return false;
- }
- this.layoutFunctions[idx] = null;
- delete this.layoutFunctionsOrder[pid];
- this.debug("Unregistered layout function " + pid);
- return true;
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.unregisterAllLayoutFunctions = function (paintableElement) {
- var removed = 0;
- if (!paintableElement) {
- removed = (this.layoutFunctions?this.layoutFunctions.length:0);
- this.layoutFunctions = null;
- this.layoutFunctionsOrder = null;
- this.debug("Unregistered ALL layout functions!");
- return removed;
- }
- if (paintableElement.id) {
- if (this.unregisterLayoutFunction(paintableElement)) removed++
- }
- var cn = paintableElement.getElementsByTagName("div");
- if (cn) {
- var len = cn.length;
- for (var i=0;i<len;i++) {
- if (cn[i].id) {
- if (this.unregisterLayoutFunction(cn[i])) removed++
- }
- }
- }
- return removed;
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.processAllLayoutFunctions = function() {
- if (this.layoutFunctions) {
- this.debug("Processing layout functions...");
- var lf = this.layoutFunctions;
- var lfo = this.layoutFunctionsOrder;
- var cnt = 0;
- for (var pid in lfo) {
- var idx = lfo[pid];
- var func = lf[idx];
- try {
- func();
- cnt++;
- } catch (e) {
- this.error("Layout function "+pid+" failed; "+ e + " Removing.");
- delete this.layoutFunctionsOrder[pid];
- this.layoutFunctions[idx] = null;
- }
- }
- this.debug("...processed " + cnt + " successfully");
- }
-/** Returns a cross-browser object with useful event properties.
- * e: the ('raw') event
- * type: event type
- * target: the target element
- * targetX: X-position of the target element
- * targetY: Y-position of the target element
- * key: pressed key character
- * alt: true if ALT -key was held
- * shift: true if SHIFT -key was held
- * ctrl: true if CTRL -key was held
- * rightclick: true if the right mousebutton was clicked, or ctrl held while clicking
- * mouseX: X-position of the mouse
- * mouseY: Y-position of the mouse
- *
- * @param e The event, null for window.event (IE)
- *
- * @return Properties object.
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.getEvent = function(e) {
- var props = new Object()
- if (!e) var e = window.event;
- props.e = e;
- props.type = e.type;
- var targ;
- if (e.target) {
- targ = e.target;
- } else if (e.srcElement) {
- targ = e.srcElement;
- }
- if (targ.nodeType == 3) {
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- }
- props.target = targ;
- var p = this.getElementPosition(targ);
- props.targetX = p.x;
- props.targetY = p.y;
- var code;
- if (e.keyCode) {
- code = e.keyCode;
- } else if (e.which) {
- code = e.which;
- }
- if (code) {
- props.key = String.fromCharCode(code);
- }
- props.alt = e.altKey;
- props.ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
- props.shift = e.shiftKey;
- var rightclick;
- if (e.which) {
- rightclick = (e.which == 3 || (props.ctrl));
- } else if (e.button) {
- rightclick = (e.button == 2|| (props.ctrl));
- }
- props.rightclick = rightclick;
- props.mouseX = e.pageX||e.clientX;
- props.mouseY = e.pageY||e.clientY;
- props.stop = function() {
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- return props;
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.getElementPosition = function(element) {
- var props = new Object();
-// TODO scroll offsets testing in IE
- var obj = element;
- var x = obj.offsetLeft + (obj.scrollLeft||0);
- var y = obj.offsetTop + (obj.scrollTop||0);
- if (obj.parentNode||obj.offsetParent) {
- while (obj.offsetParent||obj.parentNode) {
- obj = obj.offsetParent||obj.parentNode;
- if (obj.nodeName == "TBODY") continue;
- x += (obj.offsetLeft||0) - (obj.scrollLeft||0);
- y += (obj.offsetTop||0) - (obj.scrollTop||0);
- }
- } else if (obj.x) {
- x += obj.x;
- y += obj.y;
- }
- props.x = x;
- props.y = y;
- props.h = element.offsetHeight;
- props.w = element.offsetWidth;
- return props;
-/** Prints objects properties into separate window.
- *
- * @obj Object to be printed
- * @level recursion level
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.debugObjectWindow = function(obj,level) {
- // Default level
- if (level == null) {
- level = 2;
- }
- //print into string
- var str = this.printObject(obj,level);
- // open a window for debug
- var win = window.open("", "ms_ajax_debug");
- win.document.open();
- win.document.write("<html><body>"+str+"+</body></html>");
- win.document.close();
-/** Print a object instace as html string.
- * Prints (recursively) the objects properties into a html table.
- *
- * @obj Object to be printed
- * @level recursion level
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.printObject = function(obj,level) {
- if (level == null || level < 1) {
- level = 1;
- }
- var str = "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=\"3\">Object: "+obj+"<hr /></td></tr>";
- try {
- for (var prop in obj) {
- str += "<tr><td valign=\"top\">"+prop+"</td><td valign=\"top\"> = </td><td valign=\"top\">";
- try {
- if (typeof obj[prop] == "object" && level > 1) {
- str += this.printObject(obj[prop],level-1);
- } else {
- str += obj[prop];
- }
- } catch(ignored) {
- str += "[EVAL FAILED]";
- }
- str += "</td></tr>";
- }
- } catch (e) {
- str += "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">[Failed to list object properties: "+e.message+"]</td></tr>"
- }
- str += "</table>";
- return str;
-/** Creates a text node to the same document as target.
- * If target is null or not given the document reference is
- * used instead.
- *
- * @target Target element
- * @text Textnode content
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createTextNode = function(text, target) {
- if (target != null && target.ownerDocument != null) {
- return target.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text);
- } else {
- return document.createTextNode(text);
- }
-/** Creates a element node to the same document as target.
- * If target is null or not given the document reference is
- * used instead.
- *
- * @nodeName Element nodeName
- * @text Textnode content
- */
-ITMillToolkitClient.prototype.createElement = function(nodeName, target) {
- if (target != null && target.ownerDocument != null) {
- return target.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
- } else {
- return document.createElement(nodeName);
- }
diff --git a/WebContent/client/debug.css b/WebContent/client/debug.css
deleted file mode 100644
index f94a0d6060..0000000000
--- a/WebContent/client/debug.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- Styles for ajax adapter debug window.
-body {
- overflow: scroll;
-* {
- font-size: 10pt;
- font-family: sans-serif;
-xmp {
- margin: 0px;
- padding: 0px;
-.folded {
- margin-top: 4px;
- background-color: #eeeeee;
- background-image: url(img/on.gif);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- border: 1px dotted gray;
- padding-left: 20px;
- height: 20px;
- width: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- cursor: hand;
- cursor: pointer;
-.unfolded {
- margin-top: 4px;
- background-color: #eeeeee;
- background-image: url(img/off.gif);
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- border: 1px dotted gray;
- padding-left: 20px;
- height:;
- width: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- cursor: hand;
- cursor: pointer;
-.normal {
- margin-top: 4px;
- border-top: 1px dotted gray;
- width: 100%;
-.error {
- border: 1px solid red;
diff --git a/WebContent/client/img/off.gif b/WebContent/client/img/off.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index bc8b454f81..0000000000
--- a/WebContent/client/img/off.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/WebContent/client/img/on.gif b/WebContent/client/img/on.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index b23d660d90..0000000000
--- a/WebContent/client/img/on.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ