path: root/documentation
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authorMarko Grönroos <magi@iki.fi>2015-12-11 15:53:45 +0200
committerMarko Gronroos <magi@vaadin.com>2015-12-11 18:24:48 +0200
commit2bae222b0cee6e5ed0b09fab875bf75657ff8343 (patch)
tree751bf4ce2ba2fe8187c2fd5cfdf29519c2bb23a9 /documentation
parent4011884ddd073675e7d3539320f8899a43268fd4 (diff)
Removed mention of an outdated formatting trick. Also some wording and formatting fixes, as well as cleanup.documentation
Change-Id: Iba0e209df41311a8e3ada7e96599318f95e62079
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/components/components-textfield.asciidoc b/documentation/components/components-textfield.asciidoc
index e59b38bbf7..016ced3c58 100644
--- a/documentation/components/components-textfield.asciidoc
+++ b/documentation/components/components-textfield.asciidoc
@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ layout: page
((("[classname]#TextField#", id="term.components.textfield", range="startofrange")))
[classname]#TextField# is one of the most commonly used user interface
components. It is a [classname]#Field# component that allows entering textual
values using keyboard.
The following example creates a simple text field:
[source, java]
// Create a text field
@@ -38,7 +36,6 @@ in most other fields. The value can be acquired with [methodname]#getValue()#
directly from the text field, as is done in the example below, or from the
property reference of the event.
[source, java]
// Handle changes in the value
@@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ single-line text fields.
.Text Field Class Relationships
== Data Binding
@@ -77,7 +74,6 @@ any property type that has a proper converter, as described in
Between Property Type and Representation">>.
[source, java]
// Have an initial data model. As Double is unmodificable and
@@ -116,7 +112,6 @@ the Values in a Table">>, and
Forms by Binding Fields to Items">> regarding forms.
-Bean Binding
== String Length
@@ -129,21 +124,15 @@ length property is defined at [classname]#AbstractTextField# level.
Notice that the maximum length setting does not affect the width of the field.
You can set the width with [methodname]#setWidth()#, as with other components.
Using __em__ widths is recommended to better approximate the proper width in
-relation to the size of the used font. There is no standard way in HTML for
-setting the width exactly to a number of letters (in a monospaced font). You can
-trick your way around this restriction by putting the text field in an
-undefined-width [classname]#VerticalLayout# together with an undefined-width
-[classname]#Label# that contains a sample text, and setting the width of the
-text field as 100%. The layout will get its width from the label, and the text
-field will use that.
-Fitting TextField width to fixed input length
+relation to the size of the used font, but the __em__ width is not exactly the
+width of a letter and varies by browser and operating system. There is no standard
+way in HTML for setting the width exactly to a number of letters (in a monospaced font).
== Handling Null Values
((("Null representation", id="term.components.textfield.nullvalues", range="startofrange")))
As with any field, the value of a [classname]#TextField# can be set as
[parameter]#null#. This occurs most commonly when you create a new field without
@@ -164,7 +153,6 @@ representation string sets the value as the literal value of the string, not
null. This default assumption is a safeguard for data sources that may not allow
null values.
[source, java]
// Have a property with null value
@@ -196,7 +184,6 @@ image::img/textfield-nullrepresentation.png[]
((("[classname]#Text change events#", id="term.components.textfield.textchangeevents", range="startofrange")))
Often you want to receive a change event immediately when the text field value
changes. The __immediate__ mode is not literally immediate, as the changes are
transmitted only after the field loses focus. In the other extreme, using
@@ -210,7 +197,6 @@ Text change events are received with a [classname]#TextChangeListener#, as is
done in the following example that demonstrates how to create a text length
[source, java]
// Text field with maximum length
@@ -278,14 +264,11 @@ sequentially one after another. Change events are nevertheless communicated
asynchronously to the server, so further input can be typed while event requests
are being processed.
(((range="endofrange", startref="term.components.textfield.textchangeevents")))
== CSS Style Rules
[source, css]
.v-textfield { }
@@ -296,7 +279,6 @@ only of an element with the [literal]#++v-textfield++# style.
For example, the following custom style uses dashed border:
[source, css]
.v-textfield-dashing {
@@ -317,7 +299,4 @@ that contain a text input field, even if the text input is not an actual
[classname]#TextField#. This ensures that the style of different text input
boxes is similar.
(((range="endofrange", startref="term.components.textfield")))