path: root/server/src/com/vaadin/ui
diff options
authorHenrik Paul <henrik@vaadin.com>2015-03-19 10:12:40 +0200
committerHenrik Paul <henrik@vaadin.com>2015-03-19 12:39:25 +0200
commit266101fc0e96dae779c0e2babfcddf627dc49f50 (patch)
treea5e0dc1c4774ca0262a987abdeb147e2b520547f /server/src/com/vaadin/ui
parent2be1e43d7081f0bc2c5f905d6b007fe597934ae3 (diff)
parentb06b1d68469e49e7784de342f0dcf9de64b35f5a (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/grid-detailsrow' into grid-7.5
Change-Id: I24df361a4f938b6ffe567aa290cc411ce194baba
Diffstat (limited to 'server/src/com/vaadin/ui')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Grid.java b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Grid.java
index 31a25d8f8f..396e3c5a77 100644
--- a/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Grid.java
+++ b/server/src/com/vaadin/ui/Grid.java
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.BiMap;
+import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.HashBiMap;
+import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Sets.SetView;
import com.vaadin.data.Container;
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ import com.vaadin.server.KeyMapper;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession;
import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails;
import com.vaadin.shared.data.sort.SortDirection;
+import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.DetailsConnectorChange;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.EditorClientRpc;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.EditorServerRpc;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.grid.GridClientRpc;
@@ -228,6 +232,39 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
+ * A callback interface for generating details for a particular row in Grid.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @author Vaadin Ltd
+ */
+ public interface DetailsGenerator extends Serializable {
+ /** A details generator that provides no details */
+ public DetailsGenerator NULL = new DetailsGenerator() {
+ @Override
+ public Component getDetails(RowReference rowReference) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * This method is called for whenever a new details row needs to be
+ * generated.
+ * <p>
+ * <em>Note:</em> If a component gets generated, it may not be manually
+ * attached anywhere, nor may it be a reused instance &ndash; each
+ * invocation of this method should produce a unique and isolated
+ * component instance.
+ *
+ * @param rowReference
+ * the reference for the row for which to generate details
+ * @return the details for the given row, or <code>null</code> to leave
+ * the details empty.
+ */
+ Component getDetails(RowReference rowReference);
+ }
+ /**
* Custom field group that allows finding property types before an item has
* been bound.
@@ -2957,6 +2994,246 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
+ * A class that makes detail component related internal communication
+ * possible between {@link RpcDataProviderExtension} and grid.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @author Vaadin Ltd
+ */
+ public final class DetailComponentManager implements Serializable {
+ /**
+ * This map represents all the components that have been requested for
+ * each item id.
+ * <p>
+ * Normally this map is consistent with what is displayed in the
+ * component hierarchy (and thus the DOM). The only time this map is out
+ * of sync with the DOM is between the any calls to
+ * {@link #createDetails(Object, int)} or
+ * {@link #destroyDetails(Object)}, and
+ * {@link GridClientRpc#setDetailsConnectorChanges(Set)}.
+ * <p>
+ * This is easily checked: if {@link #unattachedComponents} is
+ * {@link Collection#isEmpty() empty}, then this field is consistent
+ * with the connector hierarchy.
+ */
+ private final Map<Object, Component> visibleDetailsComponents = Maps
+ .newHashMap();
+ /** A lookup map for which row contains which details component. */
+ private BiMap<Integer, Component> rowIndexToDetails = HashBiMap
+ .create();
+ /**
+ * A copy of {@link #rowIndexToDetails} from its last stable state. Used
+ * for creating a diff against {@link #rowIndexToDetails}.
+ *
+ * @see #getAndResetConnectorChanges()
+ */
+ private BiMap<Integer, Component> prevRowIndexToDetails = HashBiMap
+ .create();
+ /**
+ * A set keeping track on components that have been created, but not
+ * attached. They should be attached at some later point in time.
+ * <p>
+ * This isn't strictly requried, but it's a handy explicit log. You
+ * could find out the same thing by taking out all the other components
+ * and checking whether Grid is their parent or not.
+ */
+ private final Set<Component> unattachedComponents = Sets.newHashSet();
+ /**
+ * Keeps tabs on all the details that did not get a component during
+ * {@link #createDetails(Object, int)}.
+ */
+ private final Map<Object, Integer> emptyDetails = Maps.newHashMap();
+ /**
+ * Creates a details component by the request of the client side, with
+ * the help of the user-defined {@link DetailsGenerator}.
+ * <p>
+ * Also keeps internal bookkeeping up to date.
+ *
+ * @param itemId
+ * the item id for which to create the details component.
+ * Assumed not <code>null</code> and that a component is not
+ * currently present for this item previously
+ * @param rowIndex
+ * the row index for {@code itemId}
+ * @throws IllegalStateException
+ * if the current details generator provides a component
+ * that was manually attached, or if the same instance has
+ * already been provided
+ */
+ public void createDetails(Object itemId, int rowIndex)
+ throws IllegalStateException {
+ assert itemId != null : "itemId was null";
+ Integer newRowIndex = Integer.valueOf(rowIndex);
+ assert !visibleDetailsComponents.containsKey(itemId) : "itemId "
+ + "already has a component. Should be destroyed first.";
+ RowReference rowReference = new RowReference(Grid.this);
+ rowReference.set(itemId);
+ Component details = getDetailsGenerator().getDetails(rowReference);
+ if (details != null) {
+ if (details.getParent() != null) {
+ String generatorName = getDetailsGenerator().getClass()
+ .getName();
+ throw new IllegalStateException(generatorName
+ + " generated a details component that already "
+ + "was attached. (itemId: " + itemId + ", row: "
+ + rowIndex + ", component: " + details);
+ }
+ if (rowIndexToDetails.containsValue(details)) {
+ String generatorName = getDetailsGenerator().getClass()
+ .getName();
+ throw new IllegalStateException(generatorName
+ + " provided a details component that already "
+ + "exists in Grid. (itemId: " + itemId + ", row: "
+ + rowIndex + ", component: " + details);
+ }
+ visibleDetailsComponents.put(itemId, details);
+ rowIndexToDetails.put(newRowIndex, details);
+ unattachedComponents.add(details);
+ assert !emptyDetails.containsKey(itemId) : "Bookeeping thinks "
+ + "itemId is empty even though we just created a "
+ + "component for it (" + itemId + ")";
+ } else {
+ assert !emptyDetails.containsKey(itemId) : "Bookkeeping has "
+ + "already itemId marked as empty (itemId: " + itemId
+ + ", old index: " + emptyDetails.get(itemId)
+ + ", new index: " + newRowIndex + ")";
+ assert !emptyDetails.containsValue(newRowIndex) : "Bookkeeping"
+ + " already had another itemId for this empty index "
+ + "(index: " + newRowIndex + ", new itemId: " + itemId
+ + ")";
+ emptyDetails.put(itemId, newRowIndex);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't attach the components here. It's done by
+ * GridServerRpc.sendDetailsComponents in a separate roundtrip.
+ */
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroys correctly a details component, by the request of the client
+ * side.
+ * <p>
+ * Also keeps internal bookkeeping up to date.
+ *
+ * @param itemId
+ * the item id for which to destroy the details component
+ */
+ public void destroyDetails(Object itemId) {
+ emptyDetails.remove(itemId);
+ Component removedComponent = visibleDetailsComponents
+ .remove(itemId);
+ if (removedComponent == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ rowIndexToDetails.inverse().remove(removedComponent);
+ removedComponent.setParent(null);
+ markAsDirty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets all details components that are currently attached to the grid.
+ * <p>
+ * Used internally by the Grid object.
+ *
+ * @return all details components that are currently attached to the
+ * grid
+ */
+ Collection<Component> getComponents() {
+ Set<Component> components = new HashSet<Component>(
+ visibleDetailsComponents.values());
+ components.removeAll(unattachedComponents);
+ return components;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets information on how the connectors have changed.
+ * <p>
+ * This method only returns the changes that have been made between two
+ * calls of this method. I.e. Calling this method once will reset the
+ * state for the next state.
+ * <p>
+ * Used internally by the Grid object.
+ *
+ * @return information on how the connectors have changed
+ */
+ Set<DetailsConnectorChange> getAndResetConnectorChanges() {
+ Set<DetailsConnectorChange> changes = new HashSet<DetailsConnectorChange>();
+ // populate diff with added/changed
+ for (Entry<Integer, Component> entry : rowIndexToDetails.entrySet()) {
+ Component component = entry.getValue();
+ assert component != null : "rowIndexToDetails contains a null component";
+ Integer newIndex = entry.getKey();
+ Integer oldIndex = prevRowIndexToDetails.inverse().get(
+ component);
+ /*
+ * only attach components. Detaching already happened in
+ * destroyDetails.
+ */
+ if (newIndex != null && oldIndex == null) {
+ assert unattachedComponents.contains(component) : "unattachedComponents does not contain component for index "
+ + newIndex + " (" + component + ")";
+ component.setParent(Grid.this);
+ unattachedComponents.remove(component);
+ }
+ if (!SharedUtil.equals(oldIndex, newIndex)) {
+ changes.add(new DetailsConnectorChange(component, oldIndex,
+ newIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ // populate diff with removed
+ for (Entry<Integer, Component> entry : prevRowIndexToDetails
+ .entrySet()) {
+ Integer oldIndex = entry.getKey();
+ Component component = entry.getValue();
+ Integer newIndex = rowIndexToDetails.inverse().get(component);
+ if (newIndex == null) {
+ changes.add(new DetailsConnectorChange(null, oldIndex, null));
+ }
+ }
+ // reset diff map
+ prevRowIndexToDetails = HashBiMap.create(rowIndexToDetails);
+ return changes;
+ }
+ public void refresh(Object itemId) {
+ Component component = visibleDetailsComponents.get(itemId);
+ Integer rowIndex = null;
+ if (component != null) {
+ rowIndex = rowIndexToDetails.inverse().get(component);
+ destroyDetails(itemId);
+ } else {
+ rowIndex = emptyDetails.remove(itemId);
+ }
+ assert rowIndex != null : "Given itemId does not map to an existing detail row ("
+ + itemId + ")";
+ createDetails(itemId, rowIndex.intValue());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* The data source attached to the grid
private Container.Indexed datasource;
@@ -3063,6 +3340,15 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
private EditorErrorHandler editorErrorHandler = new DefaultEditorErrorHandler();
+ /**
+ * The user-defined details generator.
+ *
+ * @see #setDetailsGenerator(DetailsGenerator)
+ */
+ private DetailsGenerator detailsGenerator = DetailsGenerator.NULL;
+ private final DetailComponentManager detailComponentManager = new DetailComponentManager();
private static final Method SELECTION_CHANGE_METHOD = ReflectTools
.findMethod(SelectionListener.class, "select", SelectionEvent.class);
@@ -3310,6 +3596,13 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
+ @Override
+ public void sendDetailsComponents(int fetchId) {
+ getRpcProxy(GridClientRpc.class).setDetailsConnectorChanges(
+ detailComponentManager.getAndResetConnectorChanges(),
+ fetchId);
+ }
registerRpc(new EditorServerRpc() {
@@ -3470,7 +3763,8 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
- datasourceExtension = new RpcDataProviderExtension(container);
+ datasourceExtension = new RpcDataProviderExtension(container,
+ detailComponentManager);
datasourceExtension.extend(this, columnKeys);
@@ -4852,6 +5146,9 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
+ componentList.addAll(detailComponentManager.getComponents());
return componentList.iterator();
@@ -5401,4 +5698,66 @@ public class Grid extends AbstractComponent implements SelectionNotifier,
+ /**
+ * Sets a new details generator for row details.
+ * <p>
+ * The currently opened row details will be re-rendered.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @param detailsGenerator
+ * the details generator to set
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ * if detailsGenerator is <code>null</code>;
+ */
+ public void setDetailsGenerator(DetailsGenerator detailsGenerator)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException {
+ if (detailsGenerator == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "Details generator may not be null");
+ } else if (detailsGenerator == this.detailsGenerator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.detailsGenerator = detailsGenerator;
+ datasourceExtension.refreshDetails();
+ getRpcProxy(GridClientRpc.class).setDetailsConnectorChanges(
+ detailComponentManager.getAndResetConnectorChanges(), -1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the current details generator for row details.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @return the detailsGenerator the current details generator
+ */
+ public DetailsGenerator getDetailsGenerator() {
+ return detailsGenerator;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows or hides the details for a specific item.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @param itemId
+ * the id of the item for which to set details visibility
+ * @param visible
+ * <code>true</code> to show the details, or <code>false</code>
+ * to hide them
+ */
+ public void setDetailsVisible(Object itemId, boolean visible) {
+ datasourceExtension.setDetailsVisible(itemId, visible);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether details are visible for the given item.
+ *
+ * @since
+ * @param itemId
+ * the id of the item for which to check details visibility
+ * @return <code>true</code> iff the details are visible
+ */
+ public boolean isDetailsVisible(Object itemId) {
+ return datasourceExtension.isDetailsVisible(itemId);
+ }