path: root/src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java
diff options
authorHenri Sara <henri.sara@itmill.com>2009-05-18 13:44:37 +0000
committerHenri Sara <henri.sara@itmill.com>2009-05-18 13:44:37 +0000
commit2a63a6ea83d272f3eb1aa03da44a57c5dad388e5 (patch)
tree42b1a6ee0f5407ba1408257b46ee887fb6e9e13a /src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java
parent581c115bd7aa0b9844924b56f87a6ed00e24a306 (diff)
#2904 ToolkitTunes -> VaadinTunes and one other file rename
svn changeset:7864/svn branch:6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java b/src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..695c4dc2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/vaadin/demo/VaadinTunesLayout.java
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+package com.vaadin.demo;
+import java.util.Random;
+import com.vaadin.Application;
+import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
+import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded;
+import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
+import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Slider;
+import com.vaadin.ui.SplitPanel;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Table;
+import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Window.Notification;
+ * Sample application layout, similar (almost identical) to Apple iTunes.
+ *
+ * @author IT Mill Ltd.
+ *
+ */
+public class VaadinTunesLayout extends Application {
+ @Override
+ public void init() {
+ /*
+ * We'll build the whole UI here, since the application will not contain
+ * any logic. Otherwise it would be more practical to separate parts of
+ * the UI into different classes and methods.
+ */
+ // Main (browser) window, needed in all Vaadin applications
+ final Window root = new Window("VaadinTunes");
+ /*
+ * We'll attach the window to the browser view already here, so we won't
+ * forget it later.
+ */
+ setMainWindow(root);
+ root
+ .showNotification(
+ "This is an example of how you can do layouts in Vaadin.<br/>It is not a working sound player.",
+ // Our root window contains one VerticalLayout by default, let's make
+ // sure it's 100% sized, and remove unwanted margins
+ root.getLayout().setSizeFull();
+ root.getLayout().setMargin(false);
+ // Top area, containing playback and volume controls, play status, view
+ // modes and search
+ HorizontalLayout top = new HorizontalLayout();
+ top.setWidth("100%");
+ top.setMargin(false, true, false, true); // Enable horizontal margins
+ top.setSpacing(true);
+ // Let's attach that one straight away too
+ root.addComponent(top);
+ // Create the placeholders for all the components in the top area
+ HorizontalLayout playback = new HorizontalLayout();
+ HorizontalLayout volume = new HorizontalLayout();
+ HorizontalLayout status = new HorizontalLayout();
+ HorizontalLayout viewmodes = new HorizontalLayout();
+ ComboBox search = new ComboBox();
+ // Add the components and align them properly
+ top.addComponent(playback);
+ top.addComponent(volume);
+ top.addComponent(status);
+ top.addComponent(viewmodes);
+ top.addComponent(search);
+ top.setComponentAlignment(playback, "middle");
+ top.setComponentAlignment(volume, "middle");
+ top.setComponentAlignment(status, "middle center");
+ top.setComponentAlignment(viewmodes, "middle");
+ top.setComponentAlignment(search, "middle");
+ /*
+ * We want our status area to expand if the user resizes the root
+ * window, and we want it to accommodate as much space as there is
+ * available. All other components in the top layout should stay fixed
+ * sized, so we don't need to specify any expand ratios for them (they
+ * will automatically revert to zero after the following line).
+ */
+ top.setExpandRatio(status, 1.0F);
+ // Playback controls
+ Button prev = new Button("Previous");
+ Button play = new Button("Play/pause");
+ Button next = new Button("Next");
+ playback.addComponent(prev);
+ playback.addComponent(play);
+ playback.addComponent(next);
+ // Set spacing between the buttons
+ playback.setSpacing(true);
+ // Volume controls
+ Button mute = new Button("mute");
+ Slider vol = new Slider();
+ vol.setOrientation(Slider.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+ vol.setWidth("100px");
+ Button max = new Button("max");
+ volume.addComponent(mute);
+ volume.addComponent(vol);
+ volume.addComponent(max);
+ // Status area
+ status.setWidth("80%");
+ status.setSpacing(true);
+ Button toggleVisualization = new Button("Mode");
+ Label timeFromStart = new Label("0:00");
+ // We'll need another layout to show currently playing track and
+ // progress
+ VerticalLayout trackDetails = new VerticalLayout();
+ trackDetails.setWidth("100%");
+ Label track = new Label("Track Name");
+ Label album = new Label("Album Name - Artist");
+ track.setWidth(null);
+ album.setWidth(null);
+ Slider progress = new Slider();
+ progress.setOrientation(Slider.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+ progress.setWidth("100%");
+ trackDetails.addComponent(track);
+ trackDetails.addComponent(album);
+ trackDetails.addComponent(progress);
+ trackDetails.setComponentAlignment(track, "center");
+ trackDetails.setComponentAlignment(album, "center");
+ Label timeToEnd = new Label("-4:46");
+ Button jumpToTrack = new Button("Show");
+ // Place all components to the status layout and align them properly
+ status.addComponent(toggleVisualization);
+ status.setComponentAlignment(toggleVisualization, "middle");
+ status.addComponent(timeFromStart);
+ status.setComponentAlignment(timeFromStart, "bottom");
+ status.addComponent(trackDetails);
+ status.addComponent(timeToEnd);
+ status.setComponentAlignment(timeToEnd, "bottom");
+ status.addComponent(jumpToTrack);
+ status.setComponentAlignment(jumpToTrack, "middle");
+ // Then remember to specify the expand ratio
+ status.setExpandRatio(trackDetails, 1.0F);
+ // View mode buttons
+ Button viewAsTable = new Button("Table");
+ Button viewAsGrid = new Button("Grid");
+ Button coverflow = new Button("Coverflow");
+ viewmodes.addComponent(viewAsTable);
+ viewmodes.addComponent(viewAsGrid);
+ viewmodes.addComponent(coverflow);
+ /*
+ * That covers the top bar. Now let's move on to the sidebar and track
+ * listing
+ */
+ // We'll need one splitpanel to separate the sidebar and track listing
+ SplitPanel bottom = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+ root.addComponent(bottom);
+ // The splitpanel is by default 100% x 100%, but we'll need to adjust
+ // our main window layout to accomodate the height
+ ((VerticalLayout) root.getLayout()).setExpandRatio(bottom, 1.0F);
+ // Give the sidebar less space than the listing
+ bottom.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
+ // Let's add some content to the sidebar
+ // First, we need a layout to but all components in
+ VerticalLayout sidebar = new VerticalLayout();
+ sidebar.setSizeFull();
+ bottom.setFirstComponent(sidebar);
+ /*
+ * Then we need some labels and buttons, and an album cover image The
+ * labels and buttons go into their own vertical layout, since we want
+ * the 'sidebar' layout to be expanding (cover image in the bottom).
+ * VerticalLayout is by default 100% wide.
+ */
+ VerticalLayout selections = new VerticalLayout();
+ Label library = new Label("Library");
+ Button music = new Button("Music");
+ music.setWidth("100%");
+ Label store = new Label("Store");
+ Button vaadinTunesStore = new Button("VaadinTunes Store");
+ vaadinTunesStore.setWidth("100%");
+ Button purchased = new Button("Purchased");
+ purchased.setWidth("100%");
+ Label playlists = new Label("Playlists");
+ Button genius = new Button("Geniues");
+ genius.setWidth("100%");
+ Button recent = new Button("Recently Added");
+ recent.setWidth("100%");
+ // Lets add them to the 'selections' layout
+ selections.addComponent(library);
+ selections.addComponent(music);
+ selections.addComponent(store);
+ selections.addComponent(vaadinTunesStore);
+ selections.addComponent(purchased);
+ selections.addComponent(playlists);
+ selections.addComponent(genius);
+ selections.addComponent(recent);
+ // Then add the selections to the sidebar, and set it expanding
+ sidebar.addComponent(selections);
+ sidebar.setExpandRatio(selections, 1.0F);
+ // Then comes the cover artwork (we'll add the actual image in the
+ // themeing section)
+ Embedded cover = new Embedded("Currently Playing");
+ sidebar.addComponent(cover);
+ /*
+ * And lastly, we need the track listing table It should fill the whole
+ * left side of our bottom layout
+ */
+ Table listing = new Table();
+ listing.setSizeFull();
+ listing.setSelectable(true);
+ bottom.setSecondComponent(listing);
+ // Add the table headers
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Name", String.class, "");
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Time", String.class, "0:00");
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Artist", String.class, "");
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Album", String.class, "");
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Genre", String.class, "");
+ listing.addContainerProperty("Rating", NativeSelect.class,
+ new NativeSelect());
+ // Lets populate the table with random data
+ String[] tracks = new String[] { "Red Flag", "Millstone",
+ "Not The Sun", "Breath", "Here We Are", "Deep Heaven",
+ "Her Voice Resides", "Natural Tan", "End It All", "Kings",
+ "Daylight Slaving", "Mad Man", "Resolve", "Teargas",
+ "African Air", "Passing Bird" };
+ String[] times = new String[] { "4:12", "6:03", "5:43", "4:32", "3:42",
+ "4:45", "2:56", "9:34", "2:10", "3:44", "5:49", "6:30", "5:18",
+ "7:42", "3:13", "2:52" };
+ String[] artists = new String[] { "Billy Talent", "Brand New",
+ "Breaking Benjamin", "Becoming The Archetype",
+ "Bullet For My Valentine", "Chasing Victory", "Chimaira",
+ "Danko Jones", "Deadlock", "Deftones", "From Autumn To Ashes",
+ "Haste The Day", "Four Year Strong", "In Flames", "Kemopetrol",
+ "John Legend" };
+ String[] albums = new String[] { "Once Again", "The Caitiff Choir",
+ "The Devil And God", "Light Grenades", "Dicthonomy",
+ "Back In Black", "Dreamer", "Come Clarity", "Year Zero",
+ "Frames", "Fortress", "Phobia", "The Poison", "Manifesto",
+ "White Pony", "The Big Dirty" };
+ String[] genres = new String[] { "Rock", "Metal", "Hardcore", "Indie",
+ "Pop", "Alternative", "Blues", "Jazz", "Hip Hop", "Electronica" };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ NativeSelect s = new NativeSelect();
+ s.addItem("1 star");
+ s.addItem("2 stars");
+ s.addItem("3 stars");
+ s.addItem("4 stars");
+ s.addItem("5 stars");
+ s.select(new Random().nextInt(5) + " stars");
+ listing.addItem(new Object[] {
+ tracks[new Random().nextInt(tracks.length - 1)],
+ times[new Random().nextInt(times.length - 1)],
+ artists[new Random().nextInt(artists.length - 1)],
+ albums[new Random().nextInt(albums.length - 1)],
+ genres[new Random().nextInt(genres.length - 1)], s }, i);
+ }
+ // We'll align the track time column to right as well
+ listing.setColumnAlignment("Time", Table.ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ // TODO the footer
+ // Now what's left to do? Themeing of course.
+ setTheme("vaadintunes");
+ /*
+ * Let's give a namespace to our application window. This way, if
+ * someone uses the same theme for different applications, we don't get
+ * unwanted style conflicts.
+ */
+ root.setStyleName("tTunes");
+ top.setStyleName("top");
+ top.setHeight("75px"); // Same as the background image height
+ playback.setStyleName("playback");
+ playback.setMargin(false, true, false, false); // Add right-side margin
+ play.setStyleName("play");
+ next.setStyleName("next");
+ prev.setStyleName("prev");
+ playback.setComponentAlignment(prev, "middle");
+ playback.setComponentAlignment(next, "middle");
+ volume.setStyleName("volume");
+ mute.setStyleName("mute");
+ max.setStyleName("max");
+ vol.setWidth("78px");
+ status.setStyleName("status");
+ status.setMargin(true);
+ status.setHeight("46px"); // Height of the background image
+ toggleVisualization.setStyleName("toggle-vis");
+ jumpToTrack.setStyleName("jump");
+ viewAsTable.setStyleName("viewmode-table");
+ viewAsGrid.setStyleName("viewmode-grid");
+ coverflow.setStyleName("viewmode-coverflow");
+ sidebar.setStyleName("sidebar");
+ music.setStyleName("selected");
+ cover.setSource(new ThemeResource("images/album-cover.jpg"));
+ // Because this is an image, it will retain it's aspect ratio
+ cover.setWidth("100%");
+ }