path: root/scripts/BuildArchetypes.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/BuildArchetypes.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/BuildArchetypes.py b/scripts/BuildArchetypes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 802e97c78c..0000000000
--- a/scripts/BuildArchetypes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Windows users:
-# You need to setup your environment so that you have mvn on your PATH.
-# Maven needs that JAVA_HOME environment is set and points to a JDK
-# Python3 is required as this script uses some Python3 specific features.
-# Might work with Python2, haven't tested.
-# python BuildArchetypes.py version --repo staging-repo-url
-import subprocess, sys
-from os.path import join
-# ArchetypeGroupId
-archetypeGroup = "com.vaadin"
-# List of built archetypes
-archetypes = [
- "vaadin-archetype-widget",
- "vaadin-archetype-application",
- "vaadin-archetype-application-example",
- "vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule"
-# Maven GroupID
-group = "testpkg"
-log = None
-args = None
-# Generates and modifies a maven pom file
-def generateArchetype(archetype, artifactId, repo):
- # Generate the required command line for archetype generation
- cmd = [mavenCmd, "archetype:generate"]
- cmd.append("-DarchetypeGroupId=%s" % (archetypeGroup))
- cmd.append("-DarchetypeArtifactId=%s" % (archetype))
- cmd.append("-DarchetypeVersion=%s" % (args.version))
- if repo is not None:
- cmd.append("-DarchetypeRepository=%s" % repo)
- cmd.append("-DgroupId=%s" % (group))
- cmd.append("-DartifactId=%s" % (artifactId))
- cmd.append("-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT")
- cmd.append("-DinteractiveMode=false")
- if hasattr(args, "maven") and args.maven is not None:
- cmd.extend(args.maven.strip('"').split(" "))
- # Generate pom.xml
- print("Generating pom.xml for archetype %s" % (archetype))
- subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=resultPath, stdout=log)
-def getDeploymentContext(archetype, version):
- return "%s-%s" % (archetype.split("-", 2)[2], version)
-## DO THIS IF RUN AS A SCRIPT (not import) ##
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from BuildHelpers import mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, getLogFile, mavenCmd, updateRepositories, getArgs, removeDir, parser, resultPath
- from DeployHelpers import deployWar
- archetypesFailed = False
- # Parse the arguments
- args = getArgs()
- wars = {}
- for archetype in archetypes:
- artifactId = "test-%s-%s" % (archetype, args.version.replace(".", "-"))
- try:
- log = getLogFile(archetype)
- generateArchetype(archetype, artifactId, args.pluginRepo)
- if hasattr(args, "fwRepo") and args.fwRepo is not None:
- updateRepositories(join(resultPath, artifactId), args.fwRepo)
- if hasattr(args, "pluginRepo") and args.pluginRepo is not None:
- updateRepositories(join(resultPath, artifactId), args.pluginRepo, postfix="plugin")
- mavenValidate(artifactId, logFile=log)
- warFiles = copyWarFiles(artifactId, name=archetype)
- for war in warFiles:
- wars[war] = "%s.war" % (getDeploymentContext(archetype, args.version))
- print("%s validation succeeded!" % (archetype))
- except Exception as e:
- print("Archetype %s build failed:" % (archetype), e)
- archetypesFailed = True
- try:
- removeDir(artifactId)
- except:
- pass
- print("")
- for i in wars:
- try:
- deployWar(i, wars[i])
- except Exception as e:
- print("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e))
- archetypesFailed = True
- if archetypesFailed:
- sys.exit(1)