path: root/src/com/itmill/toolkit/automatedtests/featurebrowser/FeatureBrowser.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/itmill/toolkit/automatedtests/featurebrowser/FeatureBrowser.java')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/itmill/toolkit/automatedtests/featurebrowser/FeatureBrowser.java b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/automatedtests/featurebrowser/FeatureBrowser.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb7f9e321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/itmill/toolkit/automatedtests/featurebrowser/FeatureBrowser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ */
+package com.itmill.toolkit.automatedtests.featurebrowser;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.data.Item;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.data.Property;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.data.Property.ValueChangeEvent;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.data.util.HierarchicalContainer;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.data.util.IndexedContainer;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.ExternalResource;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.ThemeResource;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.AbstractSelect;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Component;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Embedded;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.ExpandLayout;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Label;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Layout;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.OrderedLayout;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Select;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.SplitPanel;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.TabSheet;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Table;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Tree;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Window;
+import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
+ *
+ * @author IT Mill Ltd.
+ * @see com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Window
+ */
+public class FeatureBrowser extends com.itmill.toolkit.Application implements
+ Select.ValueChangeListener {
+ // Property IDs
+ private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY = "Category";
+ private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_NAME = "Name";
+ private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_DESC = "Description";
+ private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_CLASS = "Class";
+ private static final Object PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED = "Viewed";
+ // Global components
+ private Tree tree;
+ private Table table;
+ private TabSheet ts;
+ // Example "cache"
+ private final HashMap exampleInstances = new HashMap();
+ private String section;
+ // List of examples
+ private static final Object[][] demos = new Object[][] {
+ // Category, Name, Desc, Class, Viewed
+ // Getting started: Labels
+ { "Getting started", "Labels", "Some variations of Labels",
+ LabelExample.class },
+ // Getting started: Buttons
+ { "Getting started", "Buttons and links",
+ "Various Buttons and Links", ButtonExample.class },
+ // Getting started: Fields
+ { "Getting started", "Basic value input",
+ "TextFields, DateFields, and such", ValueInputExample.class },
+ //
+ { "Getting started", "RichText", "Rich text editing",
+ RichTextExample.class },
+ // Getting started: Selects
+ { "Getting started", "Choices, choices",
+ "Some variations of simple selects", SelectExample.class },
+ // Layouts
+ { "Getting started", "Layouts", "Laying out components",
+ LayoutExample.class },
+ // Wrangling data: ComboBox
+ { "Wrangling data", "ComboBox", "ComboBox - the swiss army select",
+ ComboBoxExample.class },
+ // Wrangling data: Table
+ {
+ "Wrangling data",
+ "Table (\"grid\")",
+ "Table with bells, whistles, editmode and actions (contextmenu)",
+ TableExample.class },
+ // Wrangling data: Tree
+ { "Wrangling data", "Tree", "A hierarchy of things",
+ TreeExample.class },
+ // Misc: Notifications
+ { "Misc", "Notifications", "Notifications can improve usability",
+ NotificationExample.class },
+ // Misc: Caching
+ { "Misc", "Client caching", "Demonstrating of client-side caching",
+ ClientCachingExample.class },
+ // Misc: Embedded
+ { "Misc", "Embedding",
+ "Embedding resources - another site in this case",
+ EmbeddedBrowserExample.class },
+ // Windowing
+ { "Misc", "Windowing", "About windowing", WindowingExample.class },
+ // JavaScript API
+ { "Misc", "JavaScript API",
+ "JavaScript to IT Mill Toolkit communication",
+ JavaScriptAPIExample.class },
+ // END
+ };
+ public void init() {
+ // Need to set a theme for ThemeResources to work
+ setTheme("example");
+ // Create new window for the application and give the window a visible.
+ final Window main = new Window("IT Mill Toolkit 5");
+ main.setDebugId("mainWindow");
+ // set as main window
+ setMainWindow(main);
+ final SplitPanel split = new SplitPanel(
+ split.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
+ main.setLayout(split);
+ final HashMap sectionIds = new HashMap();
+ final HierarchicalContainer container = createContainer();
+ final Object rootId = container.addItem();
+ Item item = container.getItem(rootId);
+ Property p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
+ p.setValue("All examples");
+ for (int i = 0; i < demos.length; i++) {
+ final Object[] demo = demos[i];
+ final String section = (String) demo[0];
+ Object sectionId;
+ if (sectionIds.containsKey(section)) {
+ sectionId = sectionIds.get(section);
+ } else {
+ sectionId = container.addItem();
+ sectionIds.put(section, sectionId);
+ container.setParent(sectionId, rootId);
+ item = container.getItem(sectionId);
+ p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
+ p.setValue(section);
+ }
+ final Object id = container.addItem();
+ container.setParent(id, sectionId);
+ initItem(container.getItem(id), demo);
+ }
+ tree = new Tree();
+ tree.setDebugId("FeatureBrowser: Main Tree");
+ tree.setSelectable(true);
+ tree.setMultiSelect(false);
+ tree.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
+ tree.setContainerDataSource(container);
+ tree.setItemCaptionMode(AbstractSelect.ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY);
+ tree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
+ tree.addListener(this);
+ tree.setImmediate(true);
+ tree.expandItemsRecursively(rootId);
+ split.addComponent(tree);
+ final SplitPanel split2 = new SplitPanel();
+ split2.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS);
+ split.addComponent(split2);
+ table = new Table();
+ table.setDebugId("FeatureBrowser: Main Table");
+ table.setSizeFull();
+ table.setColumnReorderingAllowed(true);
+ table.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true);
+ table.setSelectable(true);
+ table.setMultiSelect(false);
+ table.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);
+ try {
+ table.setContainerDataSource((IndexedContainer) container.clone());
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ // Hide some columns
+ table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY,
+ table.addListener(this);
+ table.setImmediate(true);
+ split2.addComponent(table);
+ final ExpandLayout exp = new ExpandLayout();
+ exp.setMargin(true);
+ split2.addComponent(exp);
+ final OrderedLayout wbLayout = new OrderedLayout(
+ Button b = new Button("Open in sub-window", new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ Component component = (Component) ts.getComponentIterator()
+ .next();
+ String caption = ts.getTabCaption(component);
+ try {
+ component = (Component) component.getClass().newInstance();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // Could not create
+ return;
+ }
+ Window w = new Window(caption);
+ w.setWidth(640);
+ if (Layout.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass())) {
+ w.setLayout((Layout) component);
+ } else {
+ // w.getLayout().getSize().setSizeFull();
+ w.addComponent(component);
+ }
+ getMainWindow().addWindow(w);
+ }
+ });
+ b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
+ wbLayout.addComponent(b);
+ b = new Button("Open in native window", new Button.ClickListener() {
+ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
+ Component component = (Component) ts.getComponentIterator()
+ .next();
+ final String caption = ts.getTabCaption(component);
+ Window w = getWindow(caption);
+ if (w == null) {
+ try {
+ component = (Component) component.getClass()
+ .newInstance();
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ // Could not create
+ return;
+ }
+ w = new Window(caption);
+ w.setName(caption);
+ if (Layout.class.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass())) {
+ w.setLayout((Layout) component);
+ } else {
+ // w.getLayout().getSize().setSizeFull();
+ w.addComponent(component);
+ }
+ addWindow(w);
+ }
+ getMainWindow().open(new ExternalResource(w.getURL()), caption);
+ }
+ });
+ b.setStyleName(Button.STYLE_LINK);
+ wbLayout.addComponent(b);
+ exp.addComponent(wbLayout);
+ exp.setComponentAlignment(wbLayout, OrderedLayout.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
+ OrderedLayout.ALIGNMENT_TOP);
+ ts = new TabSheet();
+ ts.setSizeFull();
+ ts.addTab(new Label(""), "Choose example", null);
+ exp.addComponent(ts);
+ exp.expand(ts);
+ final Label status = new Label(
+ "<a href=\"http://www.itmill.com/developers/\">Developer Area</a>"
+ + " | <a href=\"http://www.itmill.com/documentation/\">Documentation</a>");
+ status.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML);
+ exp.addComponent(status);
+ exp.setComponentAlignment(status, OrderedLayout.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT,
+ // select initial section ("All")
+ tree.setValue(rootId);
+ getMainWindow()
+ .showNotification(
+ "Welcome",
+ "Choose an example to begin.<br/><br/>And remember to experiment!",
+ Window.Notification.TYPE_TRAY_NOTIFICATION);
+ }
+ private void initItem(Item item, Object[] data) {
+ int p = 0;
+ Property prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY);
+ prop.setValue(data[p++]);
+ prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
+ prop.setValue(data[p++]);
+ prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_DESC);
+ prop.setValue(data[p++]);
+ prop = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CLASS);
+ prop.setValue(data[p++]);
+ }
+ private HierarchicalContainer createContainer() {
+ final HierarchicalContainer c = new HierarchicalContainer();
+ c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY, String.class, null);
+ c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME, String.class, "");
+ c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_DESC, String.class, "");
+ c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CLASS, Class.class, null);
+ c.addContainerProperty(PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED, Embedded.class, null);
+ return c;
+ }
+ public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
+ if (event.getProperty() == tree) {
+ final Object id = tree.getValue();
+ final Item item = tree.getItem(id);
+ //
+ String newSection;
+ if (tree.isRoot(id)) {
+ newSection = ""; // show all sections
+ } else if (tree.hasChildren(id)) {
+ newSection = (String) item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)
+ .getValue();
+ } else {
+ newSection = (String) item
+ .getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY).getValue();
+ }
+ table.setValue(null);
+ final IndexedContainer c = (IndexedContainer) table
+ .getContainerDataSource();
+ if (newSection != null && !newSection.equals(section)) {
+ c.removeAllContainerFilters();
+ c.addContainerFilter(PROPERTY_ID_CATEGORY, newSection, false,
+ true);
+ }
+ section = newSection;
+ if (!tree.hasChildren(id)) {
+ // Example, not section
+ // update table selection
+ table.setValue(id);
+ }
+ } else if (event.getProperty() == table) {
+ if (table.getValue() != null) {
+ table.removeListener(this);
+ tree.setValue(table.getValue());
+ table.addListener(this);
+ final Item item = table.getItem(table.getValue());
+ final Class c = (Class) item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_CLASS)
+ .getValue();
+ final Component component = getComponent(c);
+ if (component != null) {
+ final String caption = (String) item.getItemProperty(
+ PROPERTY_ID_NAME).getValue();
+ ts.removeAllComponents();
+ ts.addTab(component, caption, null);
+ }
+ // update "viewed" state
+ final Property p = item.getItemProperty(PROPERTY_ID_VIEWED);
+ if (p.getValue() == null) {
+ p.setValue(new Embedded("", new ThemeResource(
+ "icons/ok.png")));
+ }
+ table.requestRepaint();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Component getComponent(Class componentClass) {
+ if (!exampleInstances.containsKey(componentClass)) {
+ try {
+ final Component c = (Component) componentClass.newInstance();
+ exampleInstances.put(componentClass, c);
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return (Component) exampleInstances.get(componentClass);
+ }