diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java')
-rw-r--r-- | tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java | 1324 |
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java b/tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java index 52f7e273c6..657f06ae5e 100644 --- a/tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java +++ b/tests/server-side/com/vaadin/data/util/sqlcontainer/query/TableQueryTest.java @@ -1,663 +1,663 @@ -package com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.vaadin.data.Container.Filter;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.Compare.Equal;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.Like;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.AllTests;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.DataGenerator;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.OptimisticLockException;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.RowItem;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.SQLContainer;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.AllTests.DB;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.connection.JDBCConnectionPool;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.connection.SimpleJDBCConnectionPool;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.OrderBy;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.TableQuery;
-import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.generator.DefaultSQLGenerator;
-public class TableQueryTest {
- private static final int offset = AllTests.offset;
- private JDBCConnectionPool connectionPool;
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws SQLException {
- try {
- connectionPool = new SimpleJDBCConnectionPool(AllTests.dbDriver,
- AllTests.dbURL, AllTests.dbUser, AllTests.dbPwd, 2, 2);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
- }
- DataGenerator.addPeopleToDatabase(connectionPool);
- }
- @After
- public void tearDown() {
- if (connectionPool != null) {
- connectionPool.destroy();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery construction tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void construction_legalParameters_shouldSucceed() {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- new DefaultSQLGenerator());
- Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "ID" }, tQuery
- .getPrimaryKeyColumns().toArray());
- boolean correctTableName = "people".equalsIgnoreCase(tQuery
- .getTableName());
- Assert.assertTrue(correctTableName);
- }
- @Test
- public void construction_legalParameters_defaultGenerator_shouldSucceed() {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "ID" }, tQuery
- .getPrimaryKeyColumns().toArray());
- boolean correctTableName = "people".equalsIgnoreCase(tQuery
- .getTableName());
- Assert.assertTrue(correctTableName);
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void construction_nonExistingTableName_shouldFail() {
- new TableQuery("skgwaguhsd", connectionPool, new DefaultSQLGenerator());
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void construction_emptyTableName_shouldFail() {
- new TableQuery("", connectionPool, new DefaultSQLGenerator());
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void construction_nullSqlGenerator_shouldFail() {
- new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, null);
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void construction_nullConnectionPool_shouldFail() {
- new TableQuery("people", null, new DefaultSQLGenerator());
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery row count tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void getCount_simpleQuery_returnsFour() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount());
- }
- @Test
- public void getCount_simpleQueryTwoMorePeopleAdded_returnsSix()
- throws SQLException {
- // Add some people
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
- if (AllTests.db == DB.MSSQL) {
- statement.executeUpdate("insert into people values('Bengt', 30)");
- statement.executeUpdate("insert into people values('Ingvar', 50)");
- } else {
- statement
- .executeUpdate("insert into people values(default, 'Bengt', 30)");
- statement
- .executeUpdate("insert into people values(default, 'Ingvar', 50)");
- }
- statement.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- Assert.assertEquals(6, tQuery.getCount());
- }
- @Test
- public void getCount_normalState_releasesConnection() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.getCount();
- tQuery.getCount();
- Assert.assertNotNull(connectionPool.reserveConnection());
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery get results tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void getResults_simpleQuery_returnsFourRecords() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- ResultSet rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0);
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertFalse(rs.next());
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void getResults_noDelegate5000Rows_returns5000rows()
- throws SQLException {
- DataGenerator.addFiveThousandPeople(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- ResultSet rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- }
- Assert.assertFalse(rs.next());
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery transaction management tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void beginTransaction_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
- public void beginTransaction_transactionAlreadyActive_shouldFail()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- }
- @Test
- public void commit_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void rollback_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- tQuery.rollback();
- }
- @Test(expected = SQLException.class)
- public void commit_noActiveTransaction_shouldFail() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- @Test(expected = SQLException.class)
- public void rollback_noActiveTransaction_shouldFail() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.rollback();
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery row query with given keys tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void containsRowWithKeys_existingKeys_returnsTrue()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- Assert.assertTrue(tQuery.containsRowWithKey(1));
- }
- @Test
- public void containsRowWithKeys_nonexistingKeys_returnsTrue()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- Assert.assertFalse(tQuery.containsRowWithKey(1337));
- }
- @Test
- public void containsRowWithKeys_invalidKeys_shouldFail()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- boolean b = true;
- try {
- b = tQuery.containsRowWithKey("foo");
- } catch (SQLException se) {
- return;
- }
- Assert.assertFalse(b);
- }
- @Test
- public void containsRowWithKeys_nullKeys_shouldFailAndReleaseConnections()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- try {
- tQuery.containsRowWithKey(new Object[] { null });
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // We should now be able to reserve two connections
- connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery filtering and ordering tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void setFilters_shouldReturnCorrectCount() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>();
- filters.add(new Like("NAME", "%lle"));
- tQuery.setFilters(filters);
- Assert.assertEquals(3, tQuery.getCount());
- }
- @Test
- public void setOrderByNameAscending_shouldReturnCorrectOrder()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- List<OrderBy> orderBys = Arrays.asList(new OrderBy("NAME", true));
- tQuery.setOrderBy(orderBys);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- ResultSet rs;
- rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0);
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertFalse(rs.next());
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void setOrderByNameDescending_shouldReturnCorrectOrder()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- List<OrderBy> orderBys = Arrays.asList(new OrderBy("NAME", false));
- tQuery.setOrderBy(orderBys);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- ResultSet rs;
- rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0);
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1));
- Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2));
- Assert.assertFalse(rs.next());
- tQuery.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void setFilters_nullParameter_shouldSucceed() {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setFilters(null);
- }
- @Test
- public void setOrderBy_nullParameter_shouldSucceed() {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setOrderBy(null);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery row removal tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void removeRowThroughContainer_legalRowItem_shouldSucceed()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- container.setAutoCommit(false);
- Assert.assertTrue(container.removeItem(container.getItemIds()
- .iterator().next()));
- Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount());
- Assert.assertEquals(3, container.size());
- container.commit();
- Assert.assertEquals(3, tQuery.getCount());
- Assert.assertEquals(3, container.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void removeRowThroughContainer_nonexistingRowId_shouldFail()
- throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- container.setAutoCommit(true);
- Assert.assertFalse(container.removeItem("foo"));
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * TableQuery row adding / modification tests
- **********************************************************************/
- @Test
- public void insertRowThroughContainer_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("ID");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- container.setAutoCommit(false);
- Object item = container.addItem();
- Assert.assertNotNull(item);
- Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount());
- Assert.assertEquals(5, container.size());
- container.commit();
- Assert.assertEquals(5, tQuery.getCount());
- Assert.assertEquals(5, container.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void modifyRowThroughContainer_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- // In this test the primary key is used as a version column
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("ID");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- container.setAutoCommit(false);
- /* Check that the container size is correct and there is no 'Viljami' */
- Assert.assertEquals(4, container.size());
- List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>();
- filters.add(new Equal("NAME", "Viljami"));
- tQuery.setFilters(filters);
- Assert.assertEquals(0, tQuery.getCount());
- tQuery.setFilters(null);
- /* Fetch first item, modify and commit */
- Object item = container.getItem(container.getItemIds().iterator()
- .next());
- Assert.assertNotNull(item);
- RowItem ri = (RowItem) item;
- Assert.assertNotNull(ri.getItemProperty("NAME"));
- ri.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue("Viljami");
- container.commit();
- // Check that the size is still correct and only 1 'Viljami' is found
- Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount());
- Assert.assertEquals(4, container.size());
- tQuery.setFilters(filters);
- Assert.assertEquals(1, tQuery.getCount());
- }
- @Test
- public void storeRow_noVersionColumn_shouldSucceed()
- throws UnsupportedOperationException, SQLException {
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- Object id = container.addItem();
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(id);
- row.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue("R2D2");
- row.getItemProperty("AGE").setValue(123);
- tQuery.beginTransaction();
- tQuery.storeRow(row);
- tQuery.commit();
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE \"NAME\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "R2D2");
- ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- }
- @Test
- public void storeRow_versionSetAndEqualToDBValue_shouldSucceed()
- throws SQLException {
- DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId());
- Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue());
- row.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("asdf");
- container.commit();
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM VERSIONED WHERE \"TEXT\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "asdf");
- ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
- Assert.assertTrue(rs.next());
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- }
- @Test(expected = OptimisticLockException.class)
- public void storeRow_versionSetAndLessThanDBValue_shouldThrowException()
- throws SQLException {
- if (AllTests.db == DB.HSQLDB) {
- throw new OptimisticLockException(
- "HSQLDB doesn't support row versioning for optimistic locking - don't run this test.",
- null);
- }
- DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId());
- Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue());
- row.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("asdf");
- // Update the version using another connection.
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "foo");
- stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue());
- stmt.executeUpdate();
- stmt.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- container.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void removeRow_versionSetAndEqualToDBValue_shouldSucceed()
- throws SQLException {
- DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId());
- Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue());
- container.removeItem(container.firstItemId());
- container.commit();
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM VERSIONED WHERE \"TEXT\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "Junk");
- ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
- Assert.assertFalse(rs.next());
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- }
- @Test(expected = OptimisticLockException.class)
- public void removeRow_versionSetAndLessThanDBValue_shouldThrowException()
- throws SQLException {
- if (AllTests.db == AllTests.DB.HSQLDB) {
- // HSQLDB doesn't support versioning, so this is to make the test
- // green.
- throw new OptimisticLockException(null);
- }
- DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId());
- Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue());
- // Update the version using another connection.
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "asdf");
- stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue());
- stmt.executeUpdate();
- stmt.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- container.removeItem(container.firstItemId());
- container.commit();
- }
- @Test
- public void removeRow_throwsOptimisticLockException_shouldStillWork()
- throws SQLException {
- if (AllTests.db == AllTests.DB.HSQLDB) {
- // HSQLDB doesn't support versioning, so this is to make the test
- // green.
- return;
- }
- DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool);
- TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool,
- AllTests.sqlGen);
- tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION");
- SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery);
- RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId());
- Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue());
- // Update the version using another connection.
- Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection();
- PreparedStatement stmt = conn
- .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?");
- stmt.setString(1, "asdf");
- stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue());
- stmt.executeUpdate();
- stmt.close();
- conn.commit();
- connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn);
- Object itemToRemove = container.firstItemId();
- try {
- container.removeItem(itemToRemove);
- container.commit();
- } catch (OptimisticLockException e) {
- // This is expected, refresh and try again.
- container.rollback();
- container.removeItem(itemToRemove);
- container.commit();
- }
- Object id = container.addItem();
- RowItem item = (RowItem) container.getItem(id);
- item.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("foo");
- container.commit();
- }
+package com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query; + +import java.sql.Connection; +import java.sql.PreparedStatement; +import java.sql.ResultSet; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.sql.Statement; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; + +import org.junit.After; +import org.junit.Assert; +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import com.vaadin.data.Container.Filter; +import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.Compare.Equal; +import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.Like; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.AllTests; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.DataGenerator; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.OptimisticLockException; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.RowItem; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.SQLContainer; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.AllTests.DB; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.connection.JDBCConnectionPool; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.connection.SimpleJDBCConnectionPool; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.OrderBy; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.TableQuery; +import com.vaadin.data.util.sqlcontainer.query.generator.DefaultSQLGenerator; + +public class TableQueryTest { + private static final int offset = AllTests.offset; + private JDBCConnectionPool connectionPool; + + @Before + public void setUp() throws SQLException { + + try { + connectionPool = new SimpleJDBCConnectionPool(AllTests.dbDriver, + AllTests.dbURL, AllTests.dbUser, AllTests.dbPwd, 2, 2); + } catch (SQLException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + Assert.fail(e.getMessage()); + } + + DataGenerator.addPeopleToDatabase(connectionPool); + } + + @After + public void tearDown() { + if (connectionPool != null) { + connectionPool.destroy(); + } + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery construction tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void construction_legalParameters_shouldSucceed() { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + new DefaultSQLGenerator()); + Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "ID" }, tQuery + .getPrimaryKeyColumns().toArray()); + boolean correctTableName = "people".equalsIgnoreCase(tQuery + .getTableName()); + Assert.assertTrue(correctTableName); + } + + @Test + public void construction_legalParameters_defaultGenerator_shouldSucceed() { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { "ID" }, tQuery + .getPrimaryKeyColumns().toArray()); + boolean correctTableName = "people".equalsIgnoreCase(tQuery + .getTableName()); + Assert.assertTrue(correctTableName); + } + + @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) + public void construction_nonExistingTableName_shouldFail() { + new TableQuery("skgwaguhsd", connectionPool, new DefaultSQLGenerator()); + } + + @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) + public void construction_emptyTableName_shouldFail() { + new TableQuery("", connectionPool, new DefaultSQLGenerator()); + } + + @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) + public void construction_nullSqlGenerator_shouldFail() { + new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, null); + } + + @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) + public void construction_nullConnectionPool_shouldFail() { + new TableQuery("people", null, new DefaultSQLGenerator()); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery row count tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void getCount_simpleQuery_returnsFour() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount()); + } + + @Test + public void getCount_simpleQueryTwoMorePeopleAdded_returnsSix() + throws SQLException { + // Add some people + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + Statement statement = conn.createStatement(); + if (AllTests.db == DB.MSSQL) { + statement.executeUpdate("insert into people values('Bengt', 30)"); + statement.executeUpdate("insert into people values('Ingvar', 50)"); + } else { + statement + .executeUpdate("insert into people values(default, 'Bengt', 30)"); + statement + .executeUpdate("insert into people values(default, 'Ingvar', 50)"); + } + statement.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + Assert.assertEquals(6, tQuery.getCount()); + } + + @Test + public void getCount_normalState_releasesConnection() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.getCount(); + tQuery.getCount(); + Assert.assertNotNull(connectionPool.reserveConnection()); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery get results tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void getResults_simpleQuery_returnsFourRecords() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + ResultSet rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertFalse(rs.next()); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void getResults_noDelegate5000Rows_returns5000rows() + throws SQLException { + DataGenerator.addFiveThousandPeople(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + ResultSet rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0); + for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + } + Assert.assertFalse(rs.next()); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery transaction management tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void beginTransaction_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + } + + @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) + public void beginTransaction_transactionAlreadyActive_shouldFail() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + } + + @Test + public void commit_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void rollback_readOnly_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + tQuery.rollback(); + } + + @Test(expected = SQLException.class) + public void commit_noActiveTransaction_shouldFail() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + @Test(expected = SQLException.class) + public void rollback_noActiveTransaction_shouldFail() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.rollback(); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery row query with given keys tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void containsRowWithKeys_existingKeys_returnsTrue() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + Assert.assertTrue(tQuery.containsRowWithKey(1)); + } + + @Test + public void containsRowWithKeys_nonexistingKeys_returnsTrue() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + Assert.assertFalse(tQuery.containsRowWithKey(1337)); + } + + @Test + public void containsRowWithKeys_invalidKeys_shouldFail() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + boolean b = true; + try { + b = tQuery.containsRowWithKey("foo"); + } catch (SQLException se) { + return; + } + Assert.assertFalse(b); + } + + @Test + public void containsRowWithKeys_nullKeys_shouldFailAndReleaseConnections() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + try { + tQuery.containsRowWithKey(new Object[] { null }); + } catch (SQLException e) { + // We should now be able to reserve two connections + connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + } + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery filtering and ordering tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void setFilters_shouldReturnCorrectCount() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); + filters.add(new Like("NAME", "%lle")); + tQuery.setFilters(filters); + Assert.assertEquals(3, tQuery.getCount()); + } + + @Test + public void setOrderByNameAscending_shouldReturnCorrectOrder() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + List<OrderBy> orderBys = Arrays.asList(new OrderBy("NAME", true)); + tQuery.setOrderBy(orderBys); + + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + ResultSet rs; + rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertFalse(rs.next()); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void setOrderByNameDescending_shouldReturnCorrectOrder() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + List<OrderBy> orderBys = Arrays.asList(new OrderBy("NAME", false)); + tQuery.setOrderBy(orderBys); + + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + ResultSet rs; + rs = tQuery.getResults(0, 0); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(0 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Ville", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(2 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Pelle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(1 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Kalle", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + Assert.assertEquals(3 + offset, rs.getInt(1)); + Assert.assertEquals("Börje", rs.getString(2)); + + Assert.assertFalse(rs.next()); + tQuery.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void setFilters_nullParameter_shouldSucceed() { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setFilters(null); + } + + @Test + public void setOrderBy_nullParameter_shouldSucceed() { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setOrderBy(null); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery row removal tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void removeRowThroughContainer_legalRowItem_shouldSucceed() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + container.setAutoCommit(false); + Assert.assertTrue(container.removeItem(container.getItemIds() + .iterator().next())); + + Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount()); + Assert.assertEquals(3, container.size()); + container.commit(); + + Assert.assertEquals(3, tQuery.getCount()); + Assert.assertEquals(3, container.size()); + } + + @Test + public void removeRowThroughContainer_nonexistingRowId_shouldFail() + throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + container.setAutoCommit(true); + Assert.assertFalse(container.removeItem("foo")); + } + + /********************************************************************** + * TableQuery row adding / modification tests + **********************************************************************/ + @Test + public void insertRowThroughContainer_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("ID"); + + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + container.setAutoCommit(false); + + Object item = container.addItem(); + Assert.assertNotNull(item); + + Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount()); + Assert.assertEquals(5, container.size()); + container.commit(); + + Assert.assertEquals(5, tQuery.getCount()); + Assert.assertEquals(5, container.size()); + } + + @Test + public void modifyRowThroughContainer_shouldSucceed() throws SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + + // In this test the primary key is used as a version column + tQuery.setVersionColumn("ID"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + container.setAutoCommit(false); + + /* Check that the container size is correct and there is no 'Viljami' */ + Assert.assertEquals(4, container.size()); + List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); + filters.add(new Equal("NAME", "Viljami")); + tQuery.setFilters(filters); + Assert.assertEquals(0, tQuery.getCount()); + tQuery.setFilters(null); + + /* Fetch first item, modify and commit */ + Object item = container.getItem(container.getItemIds().iterator() + .next()); + Assert.assertNotNull(item); + + RowItem ri = (RowItem) item; + Assert.assertNotNull(ri.getItemProperty("NAME")); + ri.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue("Viljami"); + + container.commit(); + + // Check that the size is still correct and only 1 'Viljami' is found + Assert.assertEquals(4, tQuery.getCount()); + Assert.assertEquals(4, container.size()); + tQuery.setFilters(filters); + Assert.assertEquals(1, tQuery.getCount()); + } + + @Test + public void storeRow_noVersionColumn_shouldSucceed() + throws UnsupportedOperationException, SQLException { + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("people", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + Object id = container.addItem(); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(id); + row.getItemProperty("NAME").setValue("R2D2"); + row.getItemProperty("AGE").setValue(123); + tQuery.beginTransaction(); + tQuery.storeRow(row); + tQuery.commit(); + + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE \"NAME\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "R2D2"); + ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + rs.close(); + stmt.close(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + } + + @Test + public void storeRow_versionSetAndEqualToDBValue_shouldSucceed() + throws SQLException { + DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId()); + Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue()); + + row.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("asdf"); + container.commit(); + + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM VERSIONED WHERE \"TEXT\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "asdf"); + ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); + Assert.assertTrue(rs.next()); + rs.close(); + stmt.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + } + + @Test(expected = OptimisticLockException.class) + public void storeRow_versionSetAndLessThanDBValue_shouldThrowException() + throws SQLException { + if (AllTests.db == DB.HSQLDB) { + throw new OptimisticLockException( + "HSQLDB doesn't support row versioning for optimistic locking - don't run this test.", + null); + } + DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId()); + Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue()); + + row.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("asdf"); + + // Update the version using another connection. + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "foo"); + stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue()); + stmt.executeUpdate(); + stmt.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + + container.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void removeRow_versionSetAndEqualToDBValue_shouldSucceed() + throws SQLException { + DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId()); + Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue()); + + container.removeItem(container.firstItemId()); + container.commit(); + + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM VERSIONED WHERE \"TEXT\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "Junk"); + ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); + Assert.assertFalse(rs.next()); + rs.close(); + stmt.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + } + + @Test(expected = OptimisticLockException.class) + public void removeRow_versionSetAndLessThanDBValue_shouldThrowException() + throws SQLException { + if (AllTests.db == AllTests.DB.HSQLDB) { + // HSQLDB doesn't support versioning, so this is to make the test + // green. + throw new OptimisticLockException(null); + } + DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId()); + Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue()); + + // Update the version using another connection. + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "asdf"); + stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue()); + stmt.executeUpdate(); + stmt.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + + container.removeItem(container.firstItemId()); + container.commit(); + } + + @Test + public void removeRow_throwsOptimisticLockException_shouldStillWork() + throws SQLException { + if (AllTests.db == AllTests.DB.HSQLDB) { + // HSQLDB doesn't support versioning, so this is to make the test + // green. + return; + } + DataGenerator.addVersionedData(connectionPool); + + TableQuery tQuery = new TableQuery("versioned", connectionPool, + AllTests.sqlGen); + tQuery.setVersionColumn("VERSION"); + SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tQuery); + RowItem row = (RowItem) container.getItem(container.firstItemId()); + Assert.assertEquals("Junk", row.getItemProperty("TEXT").getValue()); + + // Update the version using another connection. + Connection conn = connectionPool.reserveConnection(); + PreparedStatement stmt = conn + .prepareStatement("UPDATE VERSIONED SET \"TEXT\" = ? WHERE \"ID\" = ?"); + stmt.setString(1, "asdf"); + stmt.setObject(2, row.getItemProperty("ID").getValue()); + stmt.executeUpdate(); + stmt.close(); + conn.commit(); + connectionPool.releaseConnection(conn); + + Object itemToRemove = container.firstItemId(); + try { + container.removeItem(itemToRemove); + container.commit(); + } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { + // This is expected, refresh and try again. + container.rollback(); + container.removeItem(itemToRemove); + container.commit(); + } + Object id = container.addItem(); + RowItem item = (RowItem) container.getItem(id); + item.getItemProperty("TEXT").setValue("foo"); + container.commit(); + } + }
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