path: root/pom-template.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Unified xml files to end with new lineArtur Signell2013-09-041-1/+1
* Updated scm in pom template (#11204)Artur Signell2013-03-051-3/+3
* Added missing scm and developer partsArtur Signell2012-09-141-59/+96
* Build javadoc and sources jars (#9299)Artur Signell2012-09-091-1/+1
* Created separate build.xml files for each module (#9299)Artur Signell2012-09-091-0/+62
3 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464

test("element", function() {

	ok( jQuery("*").size() >= 30, "Select all" );
	var all = jQuery("*"), good = true;
	for ( var i = 0; i < all.length; i++ )
		if ( all[i].nodeType == 8 )
			good = false;
	ok( good, "Select all elements, no comment nodes" );
	t( "Element Selector", "p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"] );
	t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"] );
	t( "Parent Element", "div p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	equals( jQuery("param", "#object1").length, 2, "Object/param as context" );

	same( jQuery("p", document.getElementsByTagName("div")).get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery("p", "div").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery("p", jQuery("div")).get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery("div").find("p").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." );

	same( jQuery("#form").find("select").get(), q("select1","select2","select3","select4","select5"), "Finding selects with a context." );

	ok( jQuery("#length").length, '&lt;input name="length"&gt; cannot be found under IE, see #945' );
	ok( jQuery("#lengthtest input").length, '&lt;input name="length"&gt; cannot be found under IE, see #945' );

	// Check for unique-ness and sort order
	same( jQuery("p, div p").get(), jQuery("p").get(), "Check for duplicates: p, div p" );

	t( "Checking sort order", "h2, h1", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"] );
	t( "Checking sort order", "h2:first, h1:first", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner"] );
	t( "Checking sort order", "p, p a", ["firstp", "simon1", "ap", "google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark", "sndp", "en", "yahoo", "sap", "anchor2", "simon", "first"] );

	// Test Conflict ID
	same( jQuery("#lengthtest").find("#idTest").get(), q("idTest"), "Finding element with id of ID." );
	same( jQuery("#lengthtest").find("[name='id']").get(), q("idTest"), "Finding element with id of ID." );
	same( jQuery("#lengthtest").find("input[id='idTest']").get(), q("idTest"), "Finding elements with a context." );

if ( location.protocol != "file:" ) {
	test("XML Document Selectors", function() {
		jQuery.get("data/with_fries.xml", function(xml) {
			equals( jQuery("foo_bar", xml).length, 1, "Element Selector with underscore" );
			equals( jQuery(".component", xml).length, 1, "Class selector" );
			equals( jQuery("[class*=component]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector for class" );
			equals( jQuery("property[name=prop2]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" );
			equals( jQuery("[name=prop2]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" );
			equals( jQuery("#seite1", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" );
			equals( jQuery("component#seite1", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" );
			equals( jQuery("component", xml).filter("#seite1").length, 1, "Attribute selector filter with ID" );

test("broken", function() {
	function broken(name, selector) {
		try {
			ok( false, name + ": " + selector );
		} catch(e){
			ok(  typeof e === "string" && e.indexOf("Syntax error") >= 0,
				name + ": " + selector );

	broken( "Broken Selector", "[", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "(", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "{", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "<", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "()", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "<>", [] );
	broken( "Broken Selector", "{}", [] );
	broken( "Doesn't exist", ":visble", [] );

test("id", function() {
	t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"] );
	t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", ["body"] );
	t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] );
	t( "ID selector with existing ID descendant", "#firstp #simon1", ["simon1"] );
	t( "ID selector with non-existant descendant", "#firstp #foobar", [] );
	t( "ID selector using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi", ["台北Táiběi"] );
	t( "Multiple ID selectors using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi, #台北", ["台北Táiběi","台北"] );
	t( "Descendant ID selector using UTF8", "div #台北", ["台北"] );
	t( "Child ID selector using UTF8", "form > #台北", ["台北"] );

	t( "Escaped ID", "#foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Escaped ID", "#test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );
	t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );
	t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );

	t( "ID Selector, child ID present", "#form > #radio1", ["radio1"] ); // bug #267
	t( "ID Selector, not an ancestor ID", "#form #first", [] );
	t( "ID Selector, not a child ID", "#form > #option1a", [] );

	t( "All Children of ID", "#foo > *", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] );
	t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL > *", [] );

	var a = jQuery('<div><a name="tName1">tName1 A</a><a name="tName2">tName2 A</a><div id="tName1">tName1 Div</div></div>').appendTo('#main');
	equals( jQuery("#tName1")[0].id, 'tName1', "ID selector with same value for a name attribute" );
	equals( jQuery("#tName2").length, 0, "ID selector non-existing but name attribute on an A tag" );

	t( "ID Selector on Form with an input that has a name of 'id'", "#lengthtest", ["lengthtest"] );

	t( "ID selector with non-existant ancestor", "#asdfasdf #foobar", [] ); // bug #986

	same( jQuery("body").find("div#form").get(), [], "ID selector within the context of another element" );

	t( "Underscore ID", "#types_all", ["types_all"] );
	t( "Dash ID", "#fx-queue", ["fx-queue"] );

	t( "ID with weird characters in it", "#name\\+value", ["name+value"] );

test("class", function() {
	t( "Class Selector", ".blog", ["mark","simon"] );
	t( "Class Selector", ".GROUPS", ["groups"] );
	t( "Class Selector", "", ["simon"] );
	t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "", ["mark","simon"] );
	t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", ["mark","simon"] );

	same( jQuery(".blog", document.getElementsByTagName("p")).get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery(".blog", "p").get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery(".blog", jQuery("p")).get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
	same( jQuery("p").find(".blog").get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );

	t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] );
	//t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] );
	t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi.台北", ["utf8class1"] );
	t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi, .台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] );
	t( "Descendant class selector using UTF8", "div .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] );
	t( "Child class selector using UTF8", "form > .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] );

	t( "Escaped Class", ".foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Escaped Class", ".test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );
	t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );
	t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
	t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] );

	var div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
	same( jQuery(".e", div).get(), [ div.firstChild ], "Finding a second class." );

	div.lastChild.className = "e";

	same( jQuery(".e", div).get(), [ div.firstChild, div.lastChild ], "Finding a modified class." );

test("name", function() {

	t( "Name selector", "input[name=action]", ["text1"] );
	t( "Name selector with single quotes", "input[name='action']", ["text1"] );
	t( "Name selector with double quotes", 'input[name="action"]', ["text1"] );

	t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=test]", ["length", "fx-queue"] );
	t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=div]", ["fadein"] );
	t( "Name selector non-input", "*[name=iframe]", ["iframe"] );

	t( "Name selector for grouped input", "input[name='types[]']", ["types_all", "types_anime", "types_movie"] )

	same( jQuery("#form").find("input[name=action]").get(), q("text1"), "Name selector within the context of another element" );
	same( jQuery("#form").find("input[name='foo[bar]']").get(), q("hidden2"), "Name selector for grouped form element within the context of another element" );

	var form = jQuery("<form><input name='id'/></form>").appendTo("body");

	equals( form.find("input").length, 1, "Make sure that rooted queries on forms (with possible expandos) work." );


	var a = jQuery('<div><a id="tName1ID" name="tName1">tName1 A</a><a id="tName2ID" name="tName2">tName2 A</a><div id="tName1">tName1 Div</div></div>').appendTo('#main').children();

	equals( a.length, 3, "Make sure the right number of elements were inserted." );
	equals( a[1].id, "tName2ID", "Make sure the right number of elements were inserted." );

	equals( jQuery("[name=tName1]")[0], a[0], "Find elements that have similar IDs" );
	equals( jQuery("[name=tName2]")[0], a[1], "Find elements that have similar IDs" );
	t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "#tName2ID", ["tName2ID"] );


test("multiple", function() {

	t( "Comma Support", "h2, p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
	t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
	t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
	t( "Comma Support", "h2,p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);

test("child and adjacent", function() {
	t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
	t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
	t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
	t( "Child", "p>a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
	t( "Child w/ Class", "p >", ["mark","simon"] );
	t( "All Children", "code > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
	t( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "#main a + a", ["groups"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "#main a +a", ["groups"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "#main a+ a", ["groups"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "#main a+a", ["groups"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "p + p", ["ap","en","sap"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "p#firstp + p", ["ap"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "p[lang=en] + p", ["sap"] );
	t( "Adjacent", "a.GROUPS + code + a", ["mark"] );
	t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "#main a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] );
	t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo", "moretests","tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder", "siblingTest"] );
	t( "Element Preceded By", "#first ~ div", ["moretests","tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder", "siblingTest"] );
	t( "Element Preceded By", "#groups ~ a", ["mark"] );
	t( "Element Preceded By", "#length ~ input", ["idTest"] );
	t( "Element Preceded By", "#siblingfirst ~ em", ["siblingnext"] );

	t( "Verify deep class selector", "div.blah > p > a", [] );

	t( "No element deep selector", " > span > a", [] );

	same( jQuery("> :first", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")).get(), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" );
	same( jQuery("> :eq(0)", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")).get(), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" );
	same( jQuery("> *:first", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")).get(), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" );

	t( "Non-existant ancestors", ".fototab > .thumbnails > a", [] );

test("attributes", function() {
	t( "Attribute Exists", "a[title]", ["google"] );
	t( "Attribute Exists", "*[title]", ["google"] );
	t( "Attribute Exists", "[title]", ["google"] );
	t( "Attribute Exists", "a[ title ]", ["google"] );

	t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );
	t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] );
	t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] );
	t( "Attribute Equals", "a[href='']", ["google"] );
	t( "Attribute Equals", "a[ rel = 'bookmark' ]", ["simon1"] );

	document.getElementById("anchor2").href = "#2";
	t( "href Attribute", "p a[href^=#]", ["anchor2"] );
	t( "href Attribute", "p a[href*=#]", ["simon1", "anchor2"] );

	t( "for Attribute", "form label[for]", ["label-for"] );
	t( "for Attribute in form", "#form [for=action]", ["label-for"] );

	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
	t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );

	t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type='hidden']", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );
	t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=\"hidden\"]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );
	t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=hidden]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );

	t( "Attribute selector using UTF8", "span[lang=中文]", ["台北"] );

	t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] );
	t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] );
	t( "Attribute Contains", "a[href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] );
	t( "Attribute Is Not Equal", "#ap a[hreflang!='en']", ["google","groups","anchor1"] );

	var opt = document.getElementById("option1a"),
		match = (window.Sizzle || window.jQuery.find).matchesSelector;

	opt.setAttribute("test", "");

	ok( match( opt, "[id*=option1][type!=checkbox]" ), "Attribute Is Not Equal Matches" );
	ok( match( opt, "[id*=option1]" ), "Attribute With No Quotes Contains Matches" );
	ok( match( opt, "[test=]" ), "Attribute With No Quotes No Content Matches" );
	ok( match( opt, "[id=option1a]" ), "Attribute With No Quotes Equals Matches" );
	ok( match( document.getElementById("simon1"), "a[href*=#]" ), "Attribute With No Quotes Href Contains Matches" );

	t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value='']", ["option1a"]);
	t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value!='']", ["option1b","option1c","option1d"]);

	t("Select options via :selected", "#select1 option:selected", ["option1a"] );
	t("Select options via :selected", "#select2 option:selected", ["option2d"] );
	t("Select options via :selected", "#select3 option:selected", ["option3b", "option3c"] );

	t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );

test("pseudo - child", function() {
	t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
	t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
	t( "Only Child", "#main a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );
	t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] );
	t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );

	t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
	t( "Nth Child", "p:nth-child(1)", ["firstp","sndp"] );
	t( "Not Nth Child", "p:not(:nth-child(1))", ["ap","en","sap","first"] );

	// Verify that the child position isn't being cached improperly

	t( "First Child", "p:first-child", [] );


	t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
	t( "Last Child", "#main a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );

	t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );

	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(0n+3)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n+0)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(even)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(odd)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n)", ["option1b", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n+1)", ["option1a", "option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+1)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+2)", ["option1b"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+3)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-1)", ["option1b"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-2)", ["option1a", "option1d"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-3)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+0)", ["option1c"] );
	t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(-n+3)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );

test("pseudo - misc", function() {

	t( "Headers", ":header", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"] );
	t( "Has Children - :has()", "p:has(a)", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );

	var select = document.getElementById("select1");
	ok( (window.Sizzle || window.jQuery.find).matchesSelector( select, ":has(option)" ), "Has Option Matches" );

	t( "Text Contains", "a:contains(Google)", ["google","groups"] );
	t( "Text Contains", "a:contains(Google Groups)", ["groups"] );

	t( "Text Contains", "a:contains(Google Groups (Link))", ["groups"] );
	t( "Text Contains", "a:contains((Link))", ["groups"] );

test("pseudo - :not", function() {
	t( "Not", "", ["mark"] );

	t( "Not - multiple", "#form option:not(:contains(Nothing),#option1b,:selected)", ["option1c", "option1d", "option2b", "option2c", "option3d", "option3e", "option4e", "option5b", "option5c"] );
	t( "Not - recursive", "#form option:not(:not(:selected))[id^='option3']", [ "option3b", "option3c"] );

	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(.foo)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(div#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(p#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );

	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a, b)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a, b, div)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(p)", [] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a,p)", [] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(p,a)", [] );
	t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a,p,b)", [] );
	t( ":not Multiple", ":input:not(:image,:input,:submit)", [] );

	t( "No element not selector", ".container div:not(.excluded) div", [] );

	t( ":not() Existing attribute", "#form select:not([multiple])", ["select1", "select2", "select5"]);
	t( ":not() Equals attribute", "#form select:not([name=select1])", ["select2", "select3", "select4","select5"]);
	t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "#form select:not([name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3", "select4", "select5"]);

	t( ":not() Multiple Class", "#foo a:not(.blog)", ["yahoo","anchor2"] );
	t( ":not() Multiple Class", "#foo a:not(.link)", ["yahoo","anchor2"] );
	t( ":not() Multiple Class", "#foo a:not(", ["yahoo","anchor2"] );

test("pseudo - position", function() {
	t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] );
	t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] );
	t( "Last Element", "p:last", ["first"] );
	t( "Even Elements", "p:even", ["firstp","sndp","sap"] );
	t( "Odd Elements", "p:odd", ["ap","en","first"] );
	t( "Position Equals", "p:eq(1)", ["ap"] );
	t( "Position Greater Than", "p:gt(0)", ["ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
	t( "Position Less Than", "p:lt(3)", ["firstp","ap","sndp"] );

	t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:not(:gt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "#foo > :not(:first)", ["en", "sap"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "select > :not(:gt(2))", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "select:lt(2) :not(:first)", ["option1b", "option1c", "option1d", "option2a", "option2b", "option2c", "option2d"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] );
	t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:not(:lt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] );

	t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(0)", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
	t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(5)", ["t2037"] );
	t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(28)", ["hide"] );
	t( "Check element position", "div div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
	t( "Check element position", "div > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );
	t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first div:first", ["foo"] );
	t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first > div:first", ["foo"] );
	t( "Check element position", "div#nothiddendiv:first > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] );

if ( (window.Sizzle || jQuery.find).selectors.filters.visibility ) {
test("pseudo - visibility", function() {

	t( "Is Visible", "#form input:visible", [] );
	t( "Is Visible", "div:visible:not(#qunit-testrunner-toolbar):lt(2)", ["nothiddendiv", "nothiddendivchild"] );
	t( "Is Hidden", "#form input:hidden", ["text1","text2","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden1","hidden2","name","search"] );
	t( "Is Hidden", "#main:hidden", ["main"] );
	t( "Is Hidden", "#dl:hidden", ["dl"] );

	var $div = jQuery('<div/>').appendTo("body");
	$div.css({ fontSize: 0, lineHeight: 0 });// IE also needs to set font-size and line-height to 0
	t( "Is Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:visible', ['nothiddendivchild'] );
	t( "Is Not Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:hidden', [] );
	t( "Is Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:visible', ['nothiddendivchild'] );
	t( "Is Not Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:hidden', [] );
	t( "Is Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:visible', ['nothiddendivchild'] );
	t( "Is Not Visible", '#nothiddendivchild:hidden', [] );

test("pseudo - form", function() {

	t( "Form element :input", "#form :input", ["text1", "text2", "radio1", "radio2", "check1", "check2", "hidden1", "hidden2", "name", "search", "button", "area1", "select1", "select2", "select3", "select4", "select5"] );
	t( "Form element :radio", "#form :radio", ["radio1", "radio2"] );
	t( "Form element :checkbox", "#form :checkbox", ["check1", "check2"] );
	t( "Form element :text", "#form :text:not(#search)", ["text1", "text2", "hidden2", "name"] );
	t( "Form element :radio:checked", "#form :radio:checked", ["radio2"] );
	t( "Form element :checkbox:checked", "#form :checkbox:checked", ["check1"] );
	t( "Form element :radio:checked, :checkbox:checked", "#form :radio:checked, #form :checkbox:checked", ["radio2", "check1"] );

	t( "Selected Option Element", "#form option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c","option4b","option4c","option4d","option5a"] );