path: root/server/src/com
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix race in VaadinService.lockSession() (#12282)7.1.2Johannes Dahlström2013-08-061-1/+20
* Avoid infinite recursion when purging access queue (#12310)Leif Åstrand2013-08-051-1/+3
* Refine handling of null and empty URI fragments (#12207)Leif Åstrand2013-08-021-4/+10
* Improve URI fragment listener javadocs (#12296)Leif Åstrand2013-08-021-7/+46
* Ensure StringToIntegerConverter rejects values outside range of int (#12230)Johannes Dahlström2013-08-011-1/+16
* Document multiple load semantics in @StyleSheet and @JavaScript (#12200)Leif Åstrand2013-07-302-2/+26
* Fix actions in action menu appearing in random order #12250Patrik Lindström2013-07-301-4/+5
* Clarify Embedded javadoc (#12290)Johannes Dahlström2013-07-301-6/+10
* Fix invisible calendar actions menu #12181Patrik Lindström2013-07-302-0/+12
* Fix race condition that might leave access queue unpurged (#12277)Leif Åstrand2013-07-292-2/+29
* Fix issue with hidden component cells in Table and TreeTable #12119John Ahlroos2013-07-241-1/+4
* Verify the connector hierarchy if assertions are enabled (#12271)Leif Åstrand2013-07-231-0/+50
* Only add DateRangeValidator to DateField if start or end of range is set (#12...Johannes Dahlström2013-07-191-6/+7
* Update to Atmosphere 1.0.14.vaadin4 (#12242)Leif Åstrand2013-07-191-1/+3
* Close PushRequestHandler when VaadinServlet is destroyed (#11878)Leif Åstrand2013-07-191-0/+12
* Make VaadinService.closeInactiveUIs set UI threadlocals (#12186)Leif Åstrand2013-07-172-9/+44
* Don't close an unbound VaadinSession for GAEVaadinServlet (#12209)Leif Åstrand2013-07-173-7/+36
* Improving performance of ConnectorTracker (#12218)Fabian Lange2013-07-151-3/+3
* Improved AbstractClientConnector performance (#12219)Fabian Lange2013-07-151-3/+3
* Attempt to get GAE lock for UIDL requests (#12211)Leif Åstrand2013-07-121-17/+18
* Ensure VaadinSession.service is set up by storeInSession (#12204)Leif Åstrand2013-07-121-0/+7
* Set current instances when calling UI.push from VaadinSession.unlock (#12168)Leif Åstrand2013-07-102-7/+16
* When InputStream cannot be opened while writing static resource response, dis...Fabian Lange2013-07-101-13/+17
* Set heartbeat response Content-Type to text/plain (#12182)Johannes Dahlström2013-07-091-0/+3
* Make UploadInterruptedException visible (#12070)Fabian Lange2013-07-091-1/+14
* Ensure table's cells aren't refreshed if table is detached. (#9138)Anna Koskinen2013-06-281-1/+1
* Fix NPE in (#10167)Patrik Lindström2013-06-281-0/+5
* Fixed an error in CustomComponent JavaDoc (#10038), and some improvements.Marko Gronroos2013-06-281-20/+36
* Updated Javadoc for Table.getColumnAlignment fixing #6810Sami Ekblad2013-06-281-1/+2
* Replace printStackTrace with getLogger().log() (#12147)Artur Signell2013-06-283-4/+22
* Ensure that Slider diffstate always contains "value" (#12133)Risto Yrjänä2013-06-281-0/+17
* Fix VaadinService.findUI to throw Error if UIConstants.UI_ID_PARAMETERmtzukanov2013-06-281-4/+6
* Fixed slider value initialization on HSV and RGB tabs of ColorPicker. (#7863)Teemu Pöntelin2013-06-281-53/+31
* Implemented Focusable in MenuBar (#7674)Jens Jansson2013-06-281-1/+30
* Remove sub window references from Window javadocs (#9892)Leif Åstrand2013-06-281-62/+51
* Use varargs instead of array where appropriate (#4513)Artur Signell2013-06-269-28/+15
* Actually show loading indicator during loading (#12128)Artur Signell2013-06-261-0/+1
* Use atmosphere 1.0.14.vaadin3 which fixes Android 4.1 support (#12101)Artur Signell2013-06-251-1/+1
* Updated Atmosphere dependency to 1.0.14.vaadin2 (#12017, #12033, #12115)Artur Signell2013-06-241-1/+1
* Enable using @Stylesheet with vaadin:// (#9934)Artur Signell2013-06-181-0/+5
* Reinitialize pendingAccessQueue after deserialization (#12097)Johannes Dahlström2013-06-181-1/+6
* Updated to atmosphere 1.0.14-vaadin1Artur Signell2013-06-141-1/+1
* Define LegacyPropertyToStringMode parameter strings in the enum (#11970)Leif Åstrand2013-06-142-19/+38
* Fixes broken request listeners (#12056)Artur Signell2013-06-141-14/+15
* Corrected fix and better error checking for action/event request (#12056)Artur Signell2013-06-142-3/+21
* Do not write 404 as a response to all action/event requests (#12056)Artur Signell2013-06-133-1/+63
* Adding isIOs and isAndroid to the WebBrowser wrapper around VBrowserDetails (...Fabian Lange2013-06-121-0/+20
* Handle push disconnections and reconnections more reliably (#11831, #11922)Johannes Dahlström2013-06-121-7/+23
* Using StringTokenizer instead of String.split() in AbstractComponent (#8759)Fabian Lange2013-06-121-12/+10
* Add support for rem units (#11279)Leif Åstrand2013-06-122-1/+5