path: root/src/documentation/skinconf.xml
diff options
authorClay Leeds <clay@apache.org>2004-11-06 16:57:40 +0000
committerClay Leeds <clay@apache.org>2004-11-06 16:57:40 +0000
commit1319a24f5f6950fa3131f8bac811f639c6675263 (patch)
tree117a1b26cb4f4e8278edc28b5b643c668266a4be /src/documentation/skinconf.xml
parent7132925bd842c0c4b6c96d0282a2b60902c1285a (diff)
Updates to achieve a /forrest/ BUILD SUCCESSSFUL for the xml-fop web site.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@198123 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/documentation/skinconf.xml')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/documentation/skinconf.xml b/src/documentation/skinconf.xml
index f5002f840..3878cce79 100644
--- a/src/documentation/skinconf.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/skinconf.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+ Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,88 +14,332 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-Skin configuration file. This file contains details of your project, which will
-be used to configure the chosen Forrest skin.
+Skin configuration file. This file contains details of your project,
+which will be used to configure the chosen Forrest skin.
-<!DOCTYPE skinconfig [
- <!ENTITY % links.att 'name CDATA #REQUIRED'>
- <!ENTITY % link.att 'name CDATA #REQUIRED href CDATA #REQUIRED'>
- <!ELEMENT skinconfig (disable-search?, searchsite-domain?, searchsite-name?,
- project-name, project-url, project-logo, group-name?, group-url?, group-logo?,
- host-url?, host-logo?, year?, vendor?, trail?, credits?)*>
- <!ELEMENT credits (credit*)>
- <!ELEMENT credit (name, url, image?, width?, height?)>
- <!-- id uniquely identifies the tool, and role indicates its function -->
- <!ELEMENT disable-search (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT searchsite-domain (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT searchsite-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT project-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT project-url (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT project-logo (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT group-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT group-url (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT group-logo (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT host-url (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT host-logo (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT vendor (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT trail (link1, link2, link3)>
- <!ELEMENT link1 EMPTY>
- <!-- Seems we can't use param entity refs until this is DTDified -->
- <!ELEMENT link2 EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT link3 EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT image (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
- ]>
+<!DOCTYPE skinconfig PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Skin Configuration V0.6-3//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/skinconfig-v06-3.dtd">
- <!-- Do we want the Google search box? -->
- <disable-search>false</disable-search>
- <searchsite-domain>xml.apache.org</searchsite-domain>
- <searchsite-name>Apache XML</searchsite-name>
+ <!-- To enable lucene search add provider="lucene" (default is google).
+ Add box-location="alt" to move the search box to an alternate location
+ (if the skin supports it) and box-location="all" to show it in all
+ available locations on the page. Remove the <search> element to show
+ no search box. @domain will enable sitesearch for the specific domain with google.
+ In other words google will search the @domain for the query string.
+ -->
+ <search name="Apache FOP" domain="xml.apache.org" provider="google"/>
+ <!-- Disable the print link? If enabled, invalid HTML 4.0.1 -->
+ <disable-print-link>true</disable-print-link>
+ <!-- Disable the PDF link? -->
+ <disable-pdf-link>false</disable-pdf-link>
+ <!-- Disable the POD link? -->
+ <disable-pod-link>true</disable-pod-link>
+ <!-- Disable the Text link? FIXME: NOT YET IMPLEMENETED. -->
+ <disable-txt-link>true</disable-txt-link>
+ <!-- Disable the xml source link? -->
+ <!-- The xml source link makes it possible to access the xml rendition
+ of the source frim the html page, and to have it generated statically.
+ This can be used to enable other sites and services to reuse the
+ xml format for their uses. Keep this disabled if you don't want other
+ sites to easily reuse your pages.-->
+ <disable-xml-link>true</disable-xml-link>
+ <!-- Disable navigation icons on all external links? -->
+ <disable-external-link-image>false</disable-external-link-image>
+ <!-- Disable w3c compliance links?
+ Use e.g. align="center" to move the compliance links logos to
+ an alternate location default is left.
+ (if the skin supports it) -->
+ <disable-compliance-links>false</disable-compliance-links>
+ <!-- Render mailto: links unrecognisable by spam harvesters? -->
+ <obfuscate-mail-links>true</obfuscate-mail-links>
+ <obfuscate-mail-value>.at.</obfuscate-mail-value>
+ <!-- Disable the javascript facility to change the font size -->
+ <disable-font-script>true</disable-font-script>
+ <!-- mandatory project logo
+ default skin: renders it at the top -->
+ <project-description>FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is the world&apos;s first print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and the world&apos;s first output independent formatter. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting pages to a specified output. Output formats currently supported include PDF, PCL, PS, SVG, XML (area tree representation), Print, AWT, MIF and TXT. The primary output target is PDF.</project-description>
+ <!-- Alternative static image:
+ <project-logo>images/project-logo.gif</project-logo> -->
+ <!-- optional group logo
+ default skin: renders it at the top-left corner -->
<group-name>Apache XML</group-name>
+ <group-description>MyGroup Description</group-description>
+ <!-- Alternative static image:
+ <group-logo>images/group-logo.gif</group-logo> -->
- <!-- Eg, a sourceforge logo. forrest-site renders it to the bottom-left corner -->
+ <!-- optional host logo (e.g. sourceforge logo)
+ default skin: renders it at the bottom-left corner -->
+ <host-url></host-url>
+ <!-- relative url of a favicon file, normally favicon.ico -->
+ <favicon-url></favicon-url>
<!-- The following used to construct a copyright statement -->
<vendor>The Apache Software Foundation.</vendor>
+ <!-- The optional copyright-link URL will be used as a link in the
+ copyright statement
+ <copyright-link>http://www.apache.org/licenses/</copyright-link>
+ -->
- <!-- Some skins use this to form a 'breadcrumb trail' of links. If you don't
- want these, set the attributes to blank. The DTD purposefully requires them.
+ <!-- Some skins use this to form a 'breadcrumb trail' of links.
+ Use location="alt" to move the trail to an alternate location
+ (if the skin supports it).
+ Omit the location attribute to display the trail in the default location.
+ Use location="none" to not display the trail (if the skin supports it).
+ For some skins just set the attributes to blank.
<link1 name="apache" href="http://www.apache.org/"/>
- <link2 name="xml.apache" href="http://xml.apache.org/"/>
+ <link2 name="xmlgraphics.apache" href="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/"/>
<link3 name="" href=""/>
- <!-- Credits are typically rendered as a set of small clickable images in the
- page footer -->
+ <!-- Configure the TOC, i.e. the Table of Contents.
+ @max-depth
+ how many "section" levels need to be included in the
+ generated Table of Contents (TOC).
+ @min-sections
+ Minimum required to create a TOC.
+ @location ("page","menu","page,menu", "none")
+ Where to show the TOC.
+ -->
+ <toc max-depth="2" min-sections="1" location="page"/>
+ <!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed -->
+ <headings type="underlined"/>
+ <!-- The optional feedback element will be used to construct a
+ feedback link in the footer with the page pathname appended:
+ <a href="@href">{@to}</a>
+ <feedback to="FOP Mailing Lists"
+ href="site:maillist" >
+ Send feedback about the website to:
+ </feedback>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ extra-css - here you can define custom css-elements that are
+ a. overriding the fallback elements or
+ b. adding the css definition from new elements that you may have
+ used in your documentation.
+ -->
+ <extra-css>
+ <!--Example of b.
+ To define the css definition of a new element that you may have used
+ in the class attribute of a <p> node.
+ e.g. <p class="quote"/>
+ -->
+ p.quote {
+ margin-left: 2em;
+ padding: .5em;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ }
+ </extra-css>
+ <colors>
+ <!-- These values are used for the generated CSS files. -->
+ <!-- Krysalis -->
+ <color name="header" value="#FFFFFF"/>
+ <color name="tab-selected" value="#a5b6c6" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="tab-unselected" value="#F7F7F7" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="subtab-selected" value="#a5b6c6" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#a5b6c6" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="heading" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <color name="subheading" value="#CFDCED"/>
+ <color name="navstrip" value="#CFDCED" font="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="toolbox" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <color name="border" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <color name="menu" value="#F7F7F7" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="dialog" value="#F7F7F7"/>
+ <color name="body" value="#ffffff" link="#0F3660" vlink="#009999" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="table" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+ <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+ <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+ <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+ <color name="code" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <color name="footer" value="#a5b6c6"/>
+ <!-- Forrest -->
+ <color name="header" value="#294563"/>
+ <color name="tab-selected" value="#4a6d8c" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="tab-unselected" value="#b5c7e7" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="subtab-selected" value="#4a6d8c" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#4a6d8c" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="heading" value="#294563"/>
+ <color name="subheading" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+ <color name="navstrip" value="#cedfef" font="#0F3660" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="toolbox" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+ <color name="border" value="#294563"/>
+ <color name="menu" value="#4a6d8c" font="#cedfef" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffcf00"/>
+ <color name="dialog" value="#4a6d8c"/>
+ <color name="body" value="#ffffff" link="#0F3660" vlink="#009999" hlink="#000066"/>
+ <color name="table" value="#7099C5"/>
+ <color name="table-cell" value="#f0f0ff"/>
+ <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+ <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+ <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+ <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+ <color name="code" value="#CFDCED"/>
+ <color name="footer" value="#cedfef"/>
+ <!-- Collabnet -->
+ <color name="header" value="#003366"/>
+ <color name="tab-selected" value="#dddddd" link="#555555" vlink="#555555" hlink="#555555"/>
+ <color name="tab-unselected" value="#999999" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="subtab-selected" value="#cccccc" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#cccccc" link="#555555" vlink="#555555" hlink="#555555"/>
+ <color name="heading" value="#003366"/>
+ <color name="subheading" value="#888888"/>
+ <color name="navstrip" value="#dddddd" font="#555555"/>
+ <color name="toolbox" value="#dddddd" font="#555555"/>
+ <color name="border" value="#999999"/>
+ <color name="menu" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="dialog" value="#eeeeee"/>
+ <color name="body" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="table" value="#ccc"/>
+ <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+ <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+ <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+ <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+ <color name="code" value="#003366"/>
+ <color name="footer" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <!-- Lenya using pelt-->
+ <color name="header" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="tab-selected" value="#4C6C8F" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="tab-unselected" value="#E5E4D9" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="subtab-selected" value="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="subtab-unselected" value="#E5E4D9" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" hlink="#000000"/>
+ <color name="heading" value="#E5E4D9"/>
+ <color name="subheading" value="#000000"/>
+ <color name="published" value="#000000"/>
+ <color name="feedback" value="#4C6C8F" font="#FFFFFF" align="center"/>
+ <color name="navstrip" value="#E5E4D9" font="#000000"/>
+ <color name="toolbox" value="#CFDCED" font="#000000"/>
+ <color name="border" value="#999999"/>
+ <color name="menu" value="#4C6C8F" font="#ffffff" link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" hlink="#ffffff" current="#FFCC33" />
+ <color name="menuheading" value="#cfdced" font="#000000" />
+ <color name="searchbox" value="#E5E4D9" font="#000000"/>
+ <color name="dialog" value="#CFDCED"/>
+ <color name="body" value="#ffffff" />
+ <color name="table" value="#ccc"/>
+ <color name="table-cell" value="#ffffff"/>
+ <color name="highlight" value="#ffff00"/>
+ <color name="fixme" value="#cc6600"/>
+ <color name="note" value="#006699"/>
+ <color name="warning" value="#990000"/>
+ <color name="code" value="#003366"/>
+ <color name="footer" value="#E5E4D9"/>
+ </colors>
+ <!-- Settings specific to PDF output. -->
+ <pdf>
+ <!--
+ Supported page sizes are a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, executive,
+ folio, legal, ledger, letter, quarto, tabloid (default letter).
+ Supported page orientations are portrait, landscape (default
+ portrait).
+ Supported text alignments are left, right, justify (default left).
+ -->
+ <page size="letter" orientation="portrait" text-align="left"/>
+ <!--
+ Margins can be specified for top, bottom, inner, and outer
+ edges. If double-sided="false", the inner edge is always left
+ and the outer is always right. If double-sided="true", the
+ inner edge will be left on odd pages, right on even pages,
+ the outer edge vice versa.
+ Specified below are the default settings.
+ -->
+ <margins double-sided="false">
+ <top>1in</top>
+ <bottom>1in</bottom>
+ <inner>1in</inner>
+ <outer>1in</outer>
+ </margins>
+ <!--
+ Print the URL text next to all links going outside the file
+ -->
+ <show-external-urls>false</show-external-urls>
+ <!--
+ Disable the copyright footer on each page of the PDF.
+ A footer is composed for each page. By default, a "credit" with role=pdf
+ will be used, as explained below. Otherwise a copyright statement
+ will be generated. This latter can be disabled.
+ -->
+ <disable-copyright-footer>false</disable-copyright-footer>
+ </pdf>
+ <!-- Credits are typically rendered as a set of small clickable
+ images in the page footer.
+ Use box-location="alt" to move the credit to an alternate location
+ (if the skin supports it).
+ -->
+ <credit box-location="alt">
+ <name>Built with Apache Forrest</name>
+ <url>http://forrest.apache.org/</url>
+ <image>images/built-with-forrest-button.png</image>
+ <width>88</width>
+ <height>31</height>
+ </credit>
<name>Built with Cocoon</name>
@@ -112,7 +356,7 @@ jefft@apache.org
<credit role="pdf">
<name>PDF created by FOP</name>
- <url>http://xml.apache.org/fop</url>
+ <url>http://xml.apache.org/fop/</url>