path: root/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java
diff options
authorKeiron Liddle <keiron@apache.org>2002-06-20 09:14:16 +0000
committerKeiron Liddle <keiron@apache.org>2002-06-20 09:14:16 +0000
commit7043c9829a66de30102b9a4ea839cc1633aa1db1 (patch)
tree24f214834a225c5b33e385391b306c0cc17c96dc /src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java
parent64c1fb1421bb717edda576a916dc7a566967169c (diff)
removed old area tree
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@194902 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 485 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java b/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java
index 899460d2a..526ff429a 100644
--- a/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java
+++ b/src/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/Table.java
@@ -44,18 +44,11 @@ public class Table extends FObj {
/** Maximum inline-progression-dimension */
private int maxIPD;
- AreaContainer areaContainer;
public Table(FONode parent) {
- public Status layout(Area area) throws FOPException {
- if (this.marker == BREAK_AFTER) {
- return new Status(Status.OK);
- }
- if (this.marker == START) {
+ public void setup() {
// Common Accessibility Properties
AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.getAccessibilityProps();
@@ -115,487 +108,10 @@ public class Table extends FObj {
== TableOmitFooterAtBreak.TRUE;
- if (area instanceof BlockArea) {
- area.end();
- }
- if (this.areaContainer
- == null) { // check if anything was previously laid out
- area.getIDReferences().createID(id);
- }
- this.marker = 0;
- if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.PAGE) {
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK);
- }
- if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE) {
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD);
- }
- if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE) {
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN);
- }
- }
- if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) {
- area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore);
- }
- if (marker == 0 && areaContainer == null) {
- // configure id
- area.getIDReferences().configureID(id, area);
- }
- int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft();
- this.areaContainer =
- new AreaContainer(propMgr.getFontState(area.getFontInfo()), 0, 0,
- area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(),
- Position.STATIC);
- areaContainer.foCreator = this; // G Seshadri
- areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage());
- areaContainer.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor);
- areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.getBorderAndPadding());
- areaContainer.start();
- areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight());
- areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences());
- boolean addedHeader = false;
- boolean addedFooter = false;
- int numChildren = this.children.size();
- // Set up the column vector;
- // calculate width of all columns and get total width
- if (columns.size()==0) {
- findColumns(areaContainer);
- if (this.bAutoLayout) {
- log.warn("table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!");
- }
- // Pretend it's fixed...
- this.contentWidth =
- calcFixedColumnWidths(areaContainer.getAllocationWidth());
- }
- areaContainer.setAllocationWidth(this.contentWidth);
- layoutColumns(areaContainer);
- for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) {
- FONode fo = (FONode)children.get(i);
- if (fo instanceof TableHeader) {
- if (columns.size() == 0) {
- log.warn("current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width");
- return new Status(Status.OK);
- }
- tableHeader = (TableHeader)fo;
- tableHeader.setColumns(columns);
- } else if (fo instanceof TableFooter) {
- if (columns.size() == 0) {
- log.warn("current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width");
- return new Status(Status.OK);
- }
- tableFooter = (TableFooter)fo;
- tableFooter.setColumns(columns);
- } else if (fo instanceof TableBody) {
- if (columns.size() == 0) {
- log.warn("current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width");
- return new Status(Status.OK);
- }
- Status status;
- if (tableHeader != null &&!addedHeader) {
- if ((status =
- tableHeader.layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) {
- tableHeader.resetMarker();
- return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE);
- }
- addedHeader = true;
- tableHeader.resetMarker();
- area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft
- + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight());
- }
- if (tableFooter != null &&!this.omitFooterAtBreak
- &&!addedFooter) {
- if ((status =
- tableFooter.layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) {
- return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE);
- }
- addedFooter = true;
- tableFooter.resetMarker();
- }
- //fo.setWidows(widows);
- //fo.setOrphans(orphans);
- ((TableBody)fo).setColumns(columns);
- if ((status = fo.layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) {
- this.marker = i;
- if (bodyCount == 0
- && status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE) {
- if (tableHeader != null)
- tableHeader.removeLayout(areaContainer);
- if (tableFooter != null)
- tableFooter.removeLayout(areaContainer);
- resetMarker();
- // status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME);
- }
- // areaContainer.end();
- if (areaContainer.getContentHeight() > 0) {
- area.addChild(areaContainer);
- area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.getHeight());
- area.setAbsoluteHeight(areaContainer.getAbsoluteHeight());
- if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) {
- // remove header, no longer needed
- tableHeader = null;
- }
- if (tableFooter != null &&!this.omitFooterAtBreak) {
- // move footer to bottom of area and move up body
- ((TableBody)fo).setYPosition(tableFooter.getYPosition());
- tableFooter.setYPosition(tableFooter.getYPosition()
- + ((TableBody)fo).getHeight());
- }
- setupColumnHeights();
- status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME);
- }
- return status;
- } else {
- bodyCount++;
- }
- area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft
- + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight());
- if (tableFooter != null &&!this.omitFooterAtBreak) {
- // move footer to bottom of area and move up body
- // space before and after footer will make this wrong
- ((TableBody)fo).setYPosition(tableFooter.getYPosition());
- tableFooter.setYPosition(tableFooter.getYPosition()
- + ((TableBody)fo).getHeight());
- }
- }
- }
- if (tableFooter != null && this.omitFooterAtBreak) {
- if (tableFooter.layout(areaContainer).isIncomplete()) {
- // this is a problem since we need to remove a row
- // from the last table body and place it on the
- // next page so that it can have a footer at
- // the end of the table.
- log.warn("footer could not fit on page, moving last body row to next page");
- area.addChild(areaContainer);
- area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.getHeight());
- area.setAbsoluteHeight(areaContainer.getAbsoluteHeight());
- if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) {
- // remove header, no longer needed
- tableHeader = null;
- }
- tableFooter.removeLayout(areaContainer);
- tableFooter.resetMarker();
- return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME);
- }
- }
- if (height != 0)
- areaContainer.setHeight(height);
- setupColumnHeights();
- areaContainer.end();
- area.addChild(areaContainer);
- /* should this be combined into above? */
- area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.getHeight());
- area.setAbsoluteHeight(areaContainer.getAbsoluteHeight());
- if (spaceAfter != 0) {
- area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter);
- }
- if (area instanceof BlockArea) {
- area.start();
- }
- if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) {
- this.marker = BREAK_AFTER;
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK);
- }
- if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) {
- this.marker = BREAK_AFTER;
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD);
- }
- if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) {
- this.marker = BREAK_AFTER;
- return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN);
- }
- return new Status(Status.OK);
- }
- protected void setupColumnHeights() {
- Iterator eCol = columns.iterator();
- while (eCol.hasNext()) {
- TableColumn c = (TableColumn)eCol.next();
- if ( c != null) {
- c.setHeight(areaContainer.getContentHeight());
- }
- }
- }
- private void findColumns(Area areaContainer) throws FOPException {
- int nextColumnNumber = 1;
- Iterator e = children.iterator();
- while (e.hasNext()) {
- FONode fo = (FONode)e.next();
- if (fo instanceof TableColumn) {
- TableColumn c = (TableColumn)fo;
- c.doSetup(areaContainer);
- int numColumnsRepeated = c.getNumColumnsRepeated();
- int currentColumnNumber = c.getColumnNumber();
- if (currentColumnNumber == 0) {
- currentColumnNumber = nextColumnNumber;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < numColumnsRepeated; j++) {
- if (currentColumnNumber > columns.size()) {
- columns.ensureCapacity(currentColumnNumber);
- }
- if (columns.get(currentColumnNumber - 1) != null) {
- log.warn("More than one column object assigned " +
- "to column " +
- currentColumnNumber);
- }
- columns.set(currentColumnNumber - 1, c);
- currentColumnNumber++;
- }
- nextColumnNumber = currentColumnNumber;
- }
- }
- }
- private int calcFixedColumnWidths(int maxAllocationWidth) {
- int nextColumnNumber=1;
- int iEmptyCols=0;
- double dTblUnits=0.0;
- int iFixedWidth=0;
- double dWidthFactor = 0.0;
- double dUnitLength = 0.0;
- double tuMin = 100000.0 ; // Minimum number of proportional units
- Iterator eCol = columns.iterator();
- while (eCol.hasNext()) {
- TableColumn c = (TableColumn)eCol.next();
- if (c == null) {
- log.warn("No table-column specification for column " +
- nextColumnNumber);
- // What about sizing issues?
- iEmptyCols++;
- }
- else {
- Length colLength = c.getColumnWidthAsLength();
- double tu = colLength.getTableUnits();
- if (tu > 0 && tu < tuMin && colLength.mvalue()==0) {
- /* Keep track of minimum number of proportional units
- * in any column which has only proportional units.
- */
- tuMin = tu;
- }
- dTblUnits += tu;
- iFixedWidth += colLength.mvalue();
- }
- nextColumnNumber++;
- }
- setIPD((dTblUnits > 0.0), maxAllocationWidth);
- if (dTblUnits > 0.0) {
- int iProportionalWidth = 0;
- if (this.optIPD > iFixedWidth) {
- iProportionalWidth = this.optIPD - iFixedWidth;
- }
- else if (this.maxIPD > iFixedWidth) {
- iProportionalWidth = this.maxIPD - iFixedWidth;
- }
- else {
- iProportionalWidth = maxAllocationWidth - iFixedWidth;
- }
- if (iProportionalWidth > 0) {
- dUnitLength = ((double)iProportionalWidth)/dTblUnits;
- }
- else {
- log.error("Sum of fixed column widths " + iFixedWidth +
- " greater than maximum available IPD " +
- maxAllocationWidth + "; no space for " +
- dTblUnits + " proportional units.");
- /* Set remaining proportional units to a number which
- * will assure the minimum column size for tuMin.
- */
- dUnitLength = MINCOLWIDTH/tuMin;
- // Reduce fixed column widths by this much???
- }
- //log.debug("1 table-unit = " + dUnitLength + " mpt");
- }
- else {
- /* No proportional units. If minimum IPD is specified, check
- * that sum of column widths > minIPD.
- */
- int iTableWidth = iFixedWidth;
- if (this.minIPD > iFixedWidth) {
- iTableWidth = this.minIPD;
- // Add extra space to each column
- dWidthFactor = (double)this.minIPD/(double)iFixedWidth;
- }
- else if (this.maxIPD < iFixedWidth) {
- // Note: if maxIPD=auto, use maxAllocWidth
- log.warn("Sum of fixed column widths " + iFixedWidth +
- " greater than maximum specified IPD " + this.maxIPD);
- }
- else if (this.optIPD != -1 && iFixedWidth != this.optIPD) {
- log.warn("Sum of fixed column widths " + iFixedWidth +
- " differs from specified optimum IPD " + this.optIPD);
- }
- }
- // Now distribute the extra units onto each column and set offsets
- int offset = 0;
- eCol = columns.iterator();
- while (eCol.hasNext()) {
- TableColumn c = (TableColumn)eCol.next();
- if (c != null) {
- c.setColumnOffset(offset);
- Length l = c.getColumnWidthAsLength();
- if (dUnitLength > 0) {
- l.resolveTableUnit(dUnitLength);
- }
- // Check minimum values and adjust if necessary
- int colWidth = l.mvalue();
- if (colWidth <= 0) {
- log.warn("Zero-width table column!");
- }
- if (dWidthFactor > 0.0) {
- // Increase column sizes to use up extra space
- colWidth *= dWidthFactor;
- }
- c.setColumnWidth(colWidth);
- offset += colWidth;
- }
- }
- return offset;
- }
- private void layoutColumns(Area tableArea) throws FOPException {
- Iterator eCol = columns.iterator();
- while (eCol.hasNext()) {
- TableColumn c = (TableColumn)eCol.next();
- if (c != null) {
- c.layout(tableArea);
- }
- }
- }
- public int getAreaHeight() {
- return areaContainer.getHeight();
- }
- /**
- * Return the content width of the boxes generated by this table FO.
- */
- public int getContentWidth() {
- if (areaContainer != null)
- return areaContainer.getContentWidth(); // getAllocationWidth()??
- else
- return 0; // not laid out yet
public boolean generatesInlineAreas() {
return false;
- /**
- * Initialize table inline-progression-properties values
- */
- private void setIPD(boolean bHasProportionalUnits, int maxAllocIPD) {
- boolean bMaxIsSpecified = !this.ipd.getMaximum().getLength().isAuto();
- if (bMaxIsSpecified) {
- this.maxIPD = ipd.getMaximum().getLength().mvalue();
- }
- else {
- this.maxIPD = maxAllocIPD;
- }
- if (ipd.getOptimum().getLength().isAuto()) {
- this.optIPD = -1;
- }
- else {
- this.optIPD = ipd.getMaximum().getLength().mvalue();
- }
- if (ipd.getMinimum().getLength().isAuto()) {
- this.minIPD = -1;
- }
- else {
- this.minIPD = ipd.getMinimum().getLength().mvalue();
- }
- if (bHasProportionalUnits && this.optIPD < 0) {
- if (this.minIPD > 0) {
- if (bMaxIsSpecified) {
- this.optIPD = (minIPD + maxIPD)/2;
- }
- else {
- this.optIPD = this.minIPD;
- }
- }
- else if (bMaxIsSpecified) {
- this.optIPD = this.maxIPD;
- }
- else {
- log.error("At least one of minimum, optimum, or maximum " +
- "IPD must be specified on table.");
- this.optIPD = this.maxIPD;
- }
- }
- }
- // /**
- // * Return the last TableRow in the header or null if no header or
- // * no header in non-first areas.
- // * @param bForInitialArea If true, return the header row for the
- // * initial table area, else for a continuation area, taking into
- // * account the omit-header-at-break property.
- // */
- // TableRow getLastHeaderRow(boolean bForInitialArea) {
- // // Check omit...
- // if ((tableHeader != null) &&
- // (bForInitialArea || omitHeaderAtBreak == false)) {
- // return tableHeader.children.lastElement();
- // }
- // return null;
- // }
- // /**
- // * Return the first TableRow in the footer or null if no footer or
- // * no footer in non-last areas.
- // * @param bForFinalArea If true, return the footer row for the
- // * final table area, else for a non-final area, taking into
- // * account the omit-footer-at-break property.
- // */
- // TableRow getLastFooterRow(boolean bForFinalArea) {
- // if ((tableFooter != null) &&
- // (bForFinalArea || omitFooterAtBreak == false)) {
- // return tableFooter.children.firstElement();
- // }
- // return null;
- // }
- // /**
- // * Return border information for the side (start/end) of the column
- // * whose number is iColNumber (first column = 1).
- // * ATTENTION: for now we assume columns are in order in the array!
- // */
- // BorderInfo getColumnBorder(BorderInfo.Side side, int iColNumber) {
- // TableColumn col = (TableColumn)columns.get(iColNumber);
- // return col.getBorderInfo(side);
- // }