path: root/src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java
diff options
authorKeiron Liddle <keiron@apache.org>2001-10-22 09:30:33 +0000
committerKeiron Liddle <keiron@apache.org>2001-10-22 09:30:33 +0000
commit52e85df344713f452e72db2232f1430747c88b24 (patch)
tree561246672d0d344fcfe95daa644080753dd343df /src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java
parent7ae7d602161bd83182e064c81e4a79968b7ee0cc (diff)
new area tree and rendering stuff
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@194519 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java b/src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java
index e6f4c6101..d337fdf92 100644
--- a/src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java
+++ b/src/org/apache/fop/render/PrintRenderer.java
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
* LICENSE file included with these sources."
-// PrintRenderer is an abstract base class for renderers that produce printed type output.
-// Subclasses would be PDFRenderer, PCLRenderer and similar renderers.
package org.apache.fop.render;
// FOP
@@ -16,12 +13,9 @@ import org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFColor;
import org.apache.fop.image.ImageArea;
import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.*;
-import org.apache.fop.layout.*;
-import org.apache.fop.layout.inline.*;
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.*;
import org.apache.fop.render.pdf.FontSetup;
-import org.apache.fop.svg.SVGArea;
+import org.apache.fop.layout.FontInfo;
// Java
import java.io.IOException;
@@ -31,385 +25,11 @@ import java.util.Enumeration;
* Abstract base class of "Print" type renderers.
- * Modified by Mark Lillywhite mark-fop@inomial.com. Removed
- * the render(AreaTree, OutputStream) method, and added
- * no-op concrete implementation of startRenderer() and
- * stopRenderer(). The method render(Page, OutputStream)
- * is not mentioned in this class but it is inherited from
- * the Renderer interface.
public abstract class PrintRenderer extends AbstractRenderer {
- // vvv These are not currently referenced by the PrintRenderer, but are common to PCL and PDF renderers - so declare here.
- /**
- * the current (internal) font name
- */
- protected String currentFontName;
- /**
- * the current font size in millipoints
- */
- protected int currentFontSize;
- /**
- * the current color/gradient for borders, letters, etc.
- */
- protected PDFPathPaint currentStroke = null;
- /**
- * the current color/gradient to fill shapes with
- */
- protected PDFPathPaint currentFill = null;
- /**
- * the current colour's red component
- */
- // protected float currentRed = 0;
- /**
- * the current colour's green component
- */
- // protected float currentGreen = 0;
- /**
- * the current colour's blue component
- */
- // protected float currentBlue = 0;
- // ^^^
- // previous values used for text-decoration drawing
- protected int prevUnderlineXEndPos;
- protected int prevUnderlineYEndPos;
- protected int prevUnderlineSize;
- protected PDFColor prevUnderlineColor;
- protected int prevOverlineXEndPos;
- protected int prevOverlineYEndPos;
- protected int prevOverlineSize;
- protected PDFColor prevOverlineColor;
- protected int prevLineThroughXEndPos;
- protected int prevLineThroughYEndPos;
- protected int prevLineThroughSize;
- protected PDFColor prevLineThroughColor;
protected FontInfo fontInfo;
- * the IDReferences for this document
- */
- protected IDReferences idReferences;
- /**
- * set the document's producer
- *
- * @param producer string indicating application producing PDF
- */
- public abstract void setProducer(String producer);
- /**
- * add a line to the current stream
- *
- * @param x1 the start x location in millipoints
- * @param y1 the start y location in millipoints
- * @param x2 the end x location in millipoints
- * @param y2 the end y location in millipoints
- * @param th the thickness in millipoints
- * @param r the red component
- * @param g the green component
- * @param b the blue component
- */
- protected abstract void addLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int th,
- PDFPathPaint stroke);
- /**
- * add a line to the current stream
- *
- * @param x1 the start x location in millipoints
- * @param y1 the start y location in millipoints
- * @param x2 the end x location in millipoints
- * @param y2 the end y location in millipoints
- * @param th the thickness in millipoints
- * @param rs the rule style
- * @param r the red component
- * @param g the green component
- * @param b the blue component
- */
- protected abstract void addLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int th,
- int rs, PDFPathPaint stroke);
- /**
- * add a rectangle to the current stream
- *
- * @param x the x position of left edge in millipoints
- * @param y the y position of top edge in millipoints
- * @param w the width in millipoints
- * @param h the height in millipoints
- * @param stroke the stroke color/gradient
- */
- protected abstract void addRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- PDFPathPaint stroke);
- /**
- * add a filled and stroked rectangle to the current stream
- *
- * @param x the x position of left edge in millipoints
- * @param y the y position of top edge in millipoints
- * @param w the width in millipoints
- * @param h the height in millipoints
- * @param fill the fill color/gradient
- * @param stroke the stroke color/gradient
- */
- protected abstract void addRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- PDFPathPaint stroke, PDFPathPaint fill);
- /**
- * Add a filled rectangle to the current stream
- * This default implementation calls addRect
- * using the same color for fill and border.
- *
- * @param x the x position of left edge in millipoints
- * @param y the y position of top edge in millipoints
- * @param w the width in millipoints
- * @param h the height in millipoints
- * @param fill the fill color/gradient
- */
- protected void addFilledRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- PDFPathPaint fill) {
- addRect(x, y, w, h, fill, fill);
- }
- protected void addFilledRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- ColorType col) {
- PDFColor pdfcol = new PDFColor(col);
- addRect(x, y, w, h, pdfcol, pdfcol);
- }
- protected void doFrame(Area area) {
- int w, h;
- int rx = this.currentAreaContainerXPosition;
- w = area.getContentWidth();
- if (area instanceof BlockArea)
- rx += ((BlockArea)area).getStartIndent();
- h = area.getContentHeight();
- int ry = this.currentYPosition;
- ColorType bg = area.getBackgroundColor();
- rx = rx - area.getPaddingLeft();
- ry = ry + area.getPaddingTop();
- w = w + area.getPaddingLeft() + area.getPaddingRight();
- h = h + area.getPaddingTop() + area.getPaddingBottom();
- // I'm not sure I should have to check for bg being null
- // but I do
- if ((bg != null) && (bg.alpha() == 0)) {
- this.addFilledRect(rx, ry, w, -h, new PDFColor(bg));
- }
- // rx = rx - area.getBorderLeftWidth();
- // ry = ry + area.getBorderTopWidth();
- // w = w + area.getBorderLeftWidth() + area.getBorderRightWidth();
- // h = h + area.getBorderTopWidth() + area.getBorderBottomWidth();
- // Handle line style
- // Offset for haft the line width!
- BorderAndPadding bp = area.getBorderAndPadding();
- // int left = rx - area.getBorderLeftWidth() / 2;
- // int right = rx + w + area.getBorderRightWidth() / 2;
- // int top = ry + area.getBorderTopWidth() / 2;
- // int bottom = ry - h - area.getBorderBottomWidth() / 2;
- // if (area.getBorderTopWidth() != 0)
- // addLine(left, top, right, top, area.getBorderTopWidth(),
- // new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.TOP)));
- // if (area.getBorderLeftWidth() != 0)
- // addLine(left, ry + area.getBorderTopWidth(), left, bottom, area.getBorderLeftWidth(),
- // new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.LEFT)));
- // if (area.getBorderRightWidth() != 0)
- // addLine(right, ry + area.getBorderTopWidth(), right, bottom, area.getBorderRightWidth(),
- // new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.RIGHT)));
- // if (area.getBorderBottomWidth() != 0)
- // addLine(rx - area.getBorderLeftWidth(), bottom, rx + w + area.getBorderRightWidth(), bottom, area.getBorderBottomWidth(),
- // new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.BOTTOM)));
- // Try using rectangles instead of lines. Line style will be a
- // problem though?
- int left = area.getBorderLeftWidth();
- int right = area.getBorderRightWidth();
- int top = area.getBorderTopWidth();
- int bottom = area.getBorderBottomWidth();
- // If style is solid, use filled rectangles
- if (top != 0)
- addFilledRect(rx, ry, w, top,
- new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.TOP)));
- if (left != 0)
- addFilledRect(rx - left, ry - h - bottom, left, h + top + bottom,
- new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.LEFT)));
- if (right != 0)
- addFilledRect(rx + w, ry - h - bottom, right, h + top + bottom,
- new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.RIGHT)));
- if (bottom != 0)
- addFilledRect(rx, ry - h - bottom, w, bottom,
- new PDFColor(bp.getBorderColor(BorderAndPadding.BOTTOM)));
- }
- /**
- * render display space
- *
- * @param space the display space to render
- */
- public void renderDisplaySpace(DisplaySpace space) {
- int d = space.getSize();
- this.currentYPosition -= d;
- }
- /**
- * render image area
- *
- * @param area the image area to render
- */
- public abstract void renderImageArea(ImageArea area);
- /**
- * render a foreign object area
- */
- public abstract void renderForeignObjectArea(ForeignObjectArea area);
- /**
- * render SVG area
- *
- * @param area the SVG area to render
- */
- public abstract void renderSVGArea(SVGArea area);
- /**
- * render inline area
- *
- * @param area inline area to render
- */
- public abstract void renderWordArea(WordArea area);
- protected void addWordLines(WordArea area, int rx, int bl, int size,
- PDFColor theAreaColor) {
- if (area.getUnderlined()) {
- int yPos = bl - size / 10;
- addLine(rx, yPos, rx + area.getContentWidth(), yPos, size / 14,
- theAreaColor);
- // save position for underlining a following InlineSpace
- prevUnderlineXEndPos = rx + area.getContentWidth();
- prevUnderlineYEndPos = yPos;
- prevUnderlineSize = size / 14;
- prevUnderlineColor = theAreaColor;
- }
- if (area.getOverlined()) {
- int yPos = bl + area.getFontState().getAscender() + size / 10;
- addLine(rx, yPos, rx + area.getContentWidth(), yPos, size / 14,
- theAreaColor);
- prevOverlineXEndPos = rx + area.getContentWidth();
- prevOverlineYEndPos = yPos;
- prevOverlineSize = size / 14;
- prevOverlineColor = theAreaColor;
- }
- if (area.getLineThrough()) {
- int yPos = bl + area.getFontState().getAscender() * 3 / 8;
- addLine(rx, yPos, rx + area.getContentWidth(), yPos, size / 14,
- theAreaColor);
- prevLineThroughXEndPos = rx + area.getContentWidth();
- prevLineThroughYEndPos = yPos;
- prevLineThroughSize = size / 14;
- prevLineThroughColor = theAreaColor;
- }
- }
- /**
- * render inline space
- *
- * @param space space to render
- */
- public void renderInlineSpace(InlineSpace space) {
- this.currentXPosition += space.getSize();
- if (space.getUnderlined()) {
- if (prevUnderlineColor != null) {
- addLine(prevUnderlineXEndPos, prevUnderlineYEndPos,
- prevUnderlineXEndPos + space.getSize(),
- prevUnderlineYEndPos, prevUnderlineSize,
- prevUnderlineColor);
- }
- }
- if (space.getOverlined()) {
- if (prevOverlineColor != null) {
- addLine(prevOverlineXEndPos, prevOverlineYEndPos,
- prevOverlineXEndPos + space.getSize(),
- prevOverlineYEndPos, prevOverlineSize,
- prevOverlineColor);
- }
- }
- if (space.getLineThrough()) {
- if (prevLineThroughColor != null) {
- addLine(prevLineThroughXEndPos, prevLineThroughYEndPos,
- prevLineThroughXEndPos + space.getSize(),
- prevLineThroughYEndPos, prevLineThroughSize,
- prevLineThroughColor);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * render page
- *
- * @param page page to render
- */
- public abstract void renderPage(Page page);
- /**
- * render leader area
- *
- * @param area area to render
- */
- public void renderLeaderArea(LeaderArea area) {
- int rx = this.currentXPosition;
- int ry = this.currentYPosition;
- int w = area.getContentWidth();
- int h = area.getHeight();
- int th = area.getRuleThickness();
- int st = area.getRuleStyle();
- // checks whether thickness is = 0, because of bug in pdf (or where?),
- // a line with thickness 0 is still displayed
- if (th != 0) {
- switch (st) {
- case org.apache.fop.fo.properties.RuleStyle.DOUBLE:
- addLine(rx, ry, rx + w, ry, th / 3, st,
- new PDFColor(area.getRed(), area.getGreen(),
- area.getBlue()));
- addLine(rx, ry + (2 * th / 3), rx + w, ry + (2 * th / 3),
- th / 3, st,
- new PDFColor(area.getRed(), area.getGreen(),
- area.getBlue()));
- break;
- case org.apache.fop.fo.properties.RuleStyle.GROOVE:
- addLine(rx, ry, rx + w, ry, th / 2, st,
- new PDFColor(area.getRed(), area.getGreen(),
- area.getBlue()));
- addLine(rx, ry + (th / 2), rx + w, ry + (th / 2), th / 2, st,
- new PDFColor(255, 255, 255));
- break;
- case org.apache.fop.fo.properties.RuleStyle.RIDGE:
- addLine(rx, ry, rx + w, ry, th / 2, st,
- new PDFColor(255, 255, 255));
- addLine(rx, ry + (th / 2), rx + w, ry + (th / 2), th / 2, st,
- new PDFColor(area.getRed(), area.getGreen(),
- area.getBlue()));
- break;
- default:
- addLine(rx, ry, rx + w, ry, th, st,
- new PDFColor(area.getRed(), area.getGreen(),
- area.getBlue()));
- }
- this.currentXPosition += area.getContentWidth();
- this.currentYPosition += th;
- }
- }
- /**
* set up the font info
* @param fontInfo font info to set up
@@ -420,28 +40,17 @@ public abstract class PrintRenderer extends AbstractRenderer {
- Default start renderer method. This would
- normally be overridden. (mark-fop@inomial.com).
- */
+ *
+ */
public void startRenderer(OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {}
- Default stop renderer method. This would
- normally be overridden. (mark-fop@inomial.com).
- */
- public void stopRenderer(OutputStream outputStream)
+ *
+ */
+ public void stopRenderer()
throws IOException
- this.idReferences = null;
- currentFontName = "";
- currentStroke = null;
- currentFill = null;
- prevUnderlineColor = null;
- prevOverlineColor = null;
- prevLineThroughColor = null;
- fontInfo = null;
- this.idReferences = null;