path: root/src/documentation/content/xdocs/DnI/preparation.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ -->
+<!-- $Id$ -->
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ "docbookx.dtd">
+ -->
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Phase 0: Preparation</title>
+ <para>This chapter describes the structure of FOP as it was in the
+first quarter of 2004. In the second quarter of that year the top
+level structure was strongly refactored. The new situation is not
+described here.</para>
+ <section>
+ <title>The preparation process</title>
+ <para>FOP's processing model is the SAX parsing model:<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>Construct a suitable content handler object of type
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>create a parser of type
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>register the content handler with the parser,</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>call the parser's parse method on the input
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ <para>From there on the parser takes control. For every XML
+event it passes control to the appropriate content handler methods.
+When these methods return, parsing continues until the next XML event
+is encountered. Once the parser has taken control, its content handler
+is the only entry point into FOP's data structures and methods.</para>
+ <para>The preparatory phase of FOP concerns itself with the
+construction of a suitable content handler object, whose methods allow
+FOP's process to handle the FO elements reported by the parser and
+build the required output document.</para>
+ <para>An application may choose to deal with the whole
+preparatory phase itself, and then call the parser's
+<literal>parse</literal> method.</para>
+ <para>The input source may be an FO file, which may be fed to
+the <literal>parse</literal> method as a string or as an
+<literal>org.xml.sax.InputSource</literal> object. Alternatively, a
+DOM document object may be used as input, e.g. the output of an XSLT
+processor. In that case:<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara> the parser should be of type
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>the input source should be of type
+<literal>org.apache.fop.tools.DocumentInputSource</literal>, created
+with the DOM document as the argument of the constructor.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ <para>The classes <literal>Fop</literal> and
+<literal>Driver</literal> contain methods which applications may use
+as more convenient entry points into FOP.</para>
+ <para>The method <literal>Fop.main</literal> may be called with
+the input and output file names as arguments. This is mainly useful
+for starting Fop from the command line.</para>
+ <para>The class <literal>Driver</literal> contains a method
+<literal>getContentHandler</literal>, which can be used to create a
+suitable content handler. It also contains three
+<literal>render</literal> methods which are convenient entry points
+for applications.</para>
+ <para>These 4 methods may be invoked on a driver object which
+already has the following members: <literal>userAgent</literal>,
+<literal>renderer</literal>, <literal>log</literal>,
+<literal>stream</literal>. In addition, the driver object may have the
+following members: a <literal>TreeBuilder</literal> object having a
+member <literal>userAgent</literal>, and a <literal>Document</literal>
+object, which may have a member <literal>layoutStrategy</literal>.
+Using one's own <literal>TreeBuilder</literal> and
+<literal>Document</literal> objects allows one to customize FOP's
+behaviour in a major way.</para>
+ <para>The <literal>render</literal> methods invoke
+<literal>getContentHandler</literal> to create a suitable content
+handler. They register it as the content handler of the parser. They
+register the member <literal>currentDocument</literal> as a tree
+listener to the member <literal>foInputHandler</literal>.</para>
+ <para>A suitable <literal>org.xml.sax.ContentHandler</literal>
+object for FOP processing is an object of type
+<literal>org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeBuilder</literal> and has the
+following structure:
+ treeBuilder
+ |
+ +--------------+------------------+
+ | | |
+foInputHandler userAgent foTreeControl
+ | |
+foTreeControl driver
+foTreeListeners: usedFonts
+ [foTreeControl] triplets
+ fonts
+ layoutStrategy -- foTreeControl
+ areaTree -- atModel, foTreeControl
+ atModel -- renderer
+ foInputHandler
+ <para>The <literal>driver</literal> and
+<literal>renderer</literal> objects are complex objects:
+ driver renderer
+ | |
+ treeBuilder foTreeControl
+ renderer userAgent
+ foInputHandler fontList
+ ostream ostream
+ userAgent
+ foTreeControl
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>A detailed overview of the objects</title>
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder = {
+ fobjTable: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=589)
+ namespaces: instance of java.util.HashSet(id=590)
+ currentFObj: null
+ rootFObj: null
+ foInputHandler: instance of org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeHandler(id=591)
+ userAgent: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent(id=592)
+ foTreeControl: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ class$org$apache$fop$fo$ElementMapping: instance of java.lang.Class(reflected class=org.apache.fop.fo.ElementMapping, id=450)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foInputHandler = {
+ collectStatistics: true
+ runtime: instance of java.lang.Runtime(id=595)
+ pageCount: 0
+ initialMemory: 0
+ startTime: 0
+ foTreeListeners: instance of java.util.HashSet(id=596)
+ org.apache.fop.fo.FOInputHandler.foTreeControl: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled.m_logger: instance of org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.ConsoleLogger(id=597)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl = "org.apache.fop.apps.Document@125844f"
+ treeBuilder.foInputHandler.foTreeListeners = "[org.apache.fop.apps.Document@125844f]"
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.userAgent = {
+ log: instance of org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.ConsoleLogger(id=597)
+ defaults: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=601)
+ handlers: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=602)
+ baseURL: ""
+ pdfEncryptionParams: null
+ px2mm: 0.35277778
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl = {
+ driver: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Driver(id=587)
+ usedFonts: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=604)
+ triplets: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=605)
+ fonts: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=606)
+ layoutStrategy: instance of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LayoutManagerLS(id=607)
+ areaTree: instance of org.apache.fop.area.AreaTree(id=608)
+ atModel: instance of org.apache.fop.area.RenderPagesModel(id=609)
+ bookmarks: null
+ idReferences: instance of java.util.HashSet(id=610)
+ foInputHandler: instance of org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeHandler(id=591)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.driver = {
+ NOT_SET: 0
+ treeBuilder: instance of org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeBuilder(id=588)
+ rendererType: 1
+ renderer: instance of org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer(id=599)
+ foInputHandler: instance of org.apache.fop.fo.FOTreeHandler(id=591)
+ source: null
+ stream: instance of java.io.BufferedOutputStream(id=600)
+ reader: null
+ log: instance of org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.ConsoleLogger(id=597)
+ userAgent: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent(id=592)
+ currentDocument: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.areaTree = {
+ model: instance of org.apache.fop.area.RenderPagesModel(id=609)
+ atControl: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ idLocations: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=615)
+ resolve: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=616)
+ treeExtensions: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=617)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.atModel = {
+ renderer: instance of org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer(id=599)
+ prepared: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=618)
+ pendingExt: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=619)
+ endDocExt: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=620)
+ org.apache.fop.area.StorePagesModel.pageSequence: null
+ org.apache.fop.area.StorePagesModel.titles: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=621)
+ org.apache.fop.area.StorePagesModel.currSequence: null
+ org.apache.fop.area.StorePagesModel.extensions: instance of java.util.ArrayList(id=622)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.atModel.renderer = {
+ MIME_TYPE: "application/pdf"
+ pdfDoc: instance of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFDocument(id=624)
+ pages: null
+ pageReferences: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=625)
+ pvReferences: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=626)
+ ostream: instance of java.io.BufferedOutputStream(id=600)
+ pdfResources: null
+ currentStream: null
+ currentContext: null
+ currentPage: null
+ currentState: null
+ currentFontName: ""
+ currentFontSize: 0
+ pageHeight: 0
+ filterMap: null
+ textOpen: false
+ prevWordY: 0
+ prevWordX: 0
+ prevWordWidth: 0
+ wordAreaPDF: instance of java.lang.StringBuffer(id=627)
+ BPMarginOffset: 0
+ IPMarginOffset: 0
+ org.apache.fop.render.PrintRenderer.fontInfo: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ org.apache.fop.render.PrintRenderer.fontList: null
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.userAgent: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent(id=592)
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.producer: "FOP 1.0dev"
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.creator: null
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.creationDate: null
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.options: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=629)
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.currentBPPosition: 0
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.currentIPPosition: 0
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.currentBlockIPPosition: 0
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.containingBPPosition: 0
+ org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer.containingIPPosition: 0
+ org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled.m_logger: instance of org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.ConsoleLogger(id=597)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.layoutStrategy = {
+ name: "layoutmgr"
+ addLMVisitor: null
+ org.apache.fop.layout.LayoutStrategy.name: "undefined"
+ org.apache.fop.layout.LayoutStrategy.document: instance of org.apache.fop.apps.Document(id=593)
+ <screen>
+ treeBuilder.foTreeControl.atModel.renderer.ostream = {
+ buf: instance of byte[512] (id=632)
+ count: 15
+ java.io.FilterOutputStream.out: instance of java.io.FileOutputStream(id=633)
+ <para>For the members <literal>fontList<literal></literal>,
+fonts</literal>, <literal>usedFonts<literal></literal> and
+triplets<literal></literal> of treeBuilder.foTreeControl</literal>,
+see under Fonts.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>A detailed overview of the entry methods</title>
+ <para>Already created (e.g. in <literal>Fop.main</literal>): an
+object of type <literal>Driver</literal> with the members
+<literal>userAgent</literal>, <literal>renderer</literal>,
+<literal>log</literal>, <literal>stream</literal>.</para>
+ <para>To create <literal>userAgent</literal> one may use
+<literal>Driver.getUserAgent</literal>: if <literal>driver</literal>
+does not have <literal>userAgent</literal>, create a new
+ <para>To create <literal>renderer</literal> one may use one of
+three methods:<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara><literal>setRenderer(int
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara><literal>setRenderer(String
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara><literal>setRenderer(Renderer
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist> All three methods set the FOP version on the
+<literal>renderer</literal>, and register <literal>userAgent</literal>
+with it, which is obtained using
+ <para><literal>render(InputHandler inputHandler)</literal>:<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>creates <literal>XMLReader parser</literal>,
+<literal>InputSource source</literal>;</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>calls <literal>render(XMLReader parser,
+InputSource source)</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ <para><literal>render(org.w3c.dom.Document
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>creates <literal>DocumentReader reader</literal>,
+<literal>DocumentInputSource source</literal>;</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>calls <literal>render(XMLReader parser,
+InputSource source)</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ <para><literal>render(XMLReader parser, InputSource
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>creates content handler by calling
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>registers the content handler with the parser.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>Adds <literal>currentDocument</literal> as a tree
+listener to <literal>foInputHandler</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>calls <literal>parser.parse(source)</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ <para><literal>getContentHandler()</literal>:<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>if driver does not have a
+<literal>treeBuilder</literal>, call <literal>initialize()</literal>:
+create a new <literal>TreeBuilder</literal>, set the
+<literal>UserAgent</literal> on it.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>if driver does not have a
+<literal>currentDocument</literal>, create a new
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>create a new <literal>FOTreeHandler
+foInputHandler</literal> using <literal>currentDocument</literal> as
+an argument (<literal>currentDocument</literal> is member
+<literal>foTreeControl</literal> in
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>create a new <literal>AreaTree</literal> using <literal>currentDocument</literal> as an argument, and
+register it with <literal>currentDocument</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>create a new <literal>RenderPagesModel</literal>
+using <literal>renderer</literal> as an argument, and register it with
+<literal>currentDocument</literal> and with
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>register <literal>currentDocument</literal> with
+the <literal>renderer</literal> (<literal>currentDocument</literal> is
+member <literal>fontInfo</literal> in <literal>renderer</literal>);
+setup <literal>fontList</literal> in
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>start the <literal>renderer</literal> with the
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>register <literal>foInputHandler</literal> with
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>if <literal>currentDocument</literal> does not
+have a <literal>layoutStrategy</literal>, create a new
+<literal>LayoutStrategyLS</literal> for it with
+<literal>currentDocument</literal> as an argument.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>register <literal>userAgent</literal>,
+<literal>foInputHandler</literal> and
+<literal>currentDocument</literal> with <literal>treeBuilder</literal>
+(<literal>currentDocument</literal> is member
+<literal>foTreeControl</literal> in
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <simpara>return <literal>treeBuilder</literal>.</simpara>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
+ </section>
+ </chapter>
+<!-- Local Variables: -->
+<!-- current-language-environment: UTF-8 -->
+<!-- coding: utf-8 -->
+<!-- default-input-method: TeX -->
+<!-- End: -->