path: root/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java b/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java
index 877da13dd..34403a956 100644
--- a/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java
+++ b/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr/BlockContainerLayoutManager.java
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonAbsolutePosition;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.KeepProperty;
import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax;
import org.apache.fop.traits.SpaceVal;
-import org.apache.fop.util.ListUtil;
* LayoutManager for a block-container FO.
@@ -88,6 +86,8 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
private MinOptMax effSpaceBefore;
private MinOptMax effSpaceAfter;
+ private double contentRectOffsetX = 0;
+ private double contentRectOffsetY = 0;
* Create a new block container layout manager.
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public void initialize() {
abProps = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonAbsolutePosition();
foBlockSpaceBefore = new SpaceVal(getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
@@ -119,20 +120,11 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
- bpUnit = 0; //layoutProps.blockProgressionUnit;
- if (bpUnit == 0) {
- // use optimum space values
- adjustedSpaceBefore = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
- .spaceBefore.getSpace().getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
- adjustedSpaceAfter = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
- .spaceAfter.getSpace().getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
- } else {
- // use minimum space values
- adjustedSpaceBefore = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
- .spaceBefore.getSpace().getMinimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
- adjustedSpaceAfter = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
- .spaceAfter.getSpace().getMinimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
- }
+ // use optimum space values
+ adjustedSpaceBefore = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
+ .spaceBefore.getSpace().getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
+ adjustedSpaceAfter = getBlockContainerFO().getCommonMarginBlock()
+ .spaceAfter.getSpace().getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this);
private void resetSpaces() {
@@ -169,8 +161,8 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
private boolean isAbsoluteOrFixed() {
- return (abProps.absolutePosition == EN_ABSOLUTE)
- || (abProps.absolutePosition == EN_FIXED);
+ return (abProps.absolutePosition == EN_ABSOLUTE
+ || abProps.absolutePosition == EN_FIXED);
private boolean isFixed() {
@@ -178,6 +170,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public int getContentAreaBPD() {
if (autoHeight) {
return -1;
@@ -187,126 +180,104 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
/** {@inheritDoc} */
- public List getNextKnuthElements // CSOK: MethodLength
- (LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
- resetSpaces();
- if (isAbsoluteOrFixed()) {
- return getNextKnuthElementsAbsolute(context, alignment);
- }
- autoHeight = false;
- //boolean rotated = (getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() % 180 != 0);
- int maxbpd = context.getStackLimitBP().getOpt();
- int allocBPD;
- if (height.getEnum() == EN_AUTO
- || (!height.isAbsolute() && getAncestorBlockAreaBPD() <= 0)) {
- //auto height when height="auto" or "if that dimension is not specified explicitly
- //(i.e., it depends on content's block-progression-dimension)" (XSL 1.0, 7.14.1)
- allocBPD = maxbpd;
- autoHeight = true;
- if (getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() == 0) {
- //Cannot easily inline element list when ref-or="180"
- inlineElementList = true;
- }
- } else {
- allocBPD = height.getValue(this); //this is the content-height
- allocBPD += getBPIndents();
- }
- vpContentBPD = allocBPD - getBPIndents();
- referenceIPD = context.getRefIPD();
- if (width.getEnum() == EN_AUTO) {
- updateContentAreaIPDwithOverconstrainedAdjust();
- } else {
- int contentWidth = width.getValue(this);
- updateContentAreaIPDwithOverconstrainedAdjust(contentWidth);
- }
+ @Override
+ public List getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
+ return getNextKnuthElements(context, alignment, null, null, null);
+ }
- double contentRectOffsetX = 0;
- contentRectOffsetX += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonMarginBlock().startIndent.getValue(this);
- double contentRectOffsetY = 0;
- contentRectOffsetY += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getBorderBeforeWidth(false);
- contentRectOffsetY += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getPaddingBefore(false, this);
+ /**
+ * Overridden to handle writing-mode, and different stack limit
+ * setup.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected LayoutContext makeChildLayoutContext(LayoutContext context) {
+ LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
+ childLC.setStackLimitBP(
+ context.getStackLimitBP().minus(MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.bpd)));
+ childLC.setRefIPD(relDims.ipd);
+ childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
+ return childLC;
+ }
- updateRelDims(contentRectOffsetX, contentRectOffsetY, autoHeight);
+ /** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
+ public List getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment, Stack lmStack,
+ Position restartPosition, LayoutManager restartAtLM) {
- int availableIPD = referenceIPD - getIPIndents();
- if (getContentAreaIPD() > availableIPD) {
- BlockLevelEventProducer eventProducer = BlockLevelEventProducer.Provider.get(
- getBlockContainerFO().getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
- eventProducer.objectTooWide(this, getBlockContainerFO().getName(),
- getContentAreaIPD(), context.getRefIPD(),
- getBlockContainerFO().getLocator());
+ resetSpaces();
+ // special treatment for position="absolute|fixed"
+ if (isAbsoluteOrFixed()) {
+ return getNextKnuthElementsAbsolute(context);
- MinOptMax stackLimit = MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.bpd);
+ boolean isRestart = (lmStack != null);
+ boolean emptyStack = (!isRestart || lmStack.isEmpty());
- List returnedList;
- List contentList = new LinkedList();
- List returnList = new LinkedList();
+ setupAreaDimensions(context);
- if (!breakBeforeServed) {
- breakBeforeServed = true;
- if (!context.suppressBreakBefore()) {
- if (addKnuthElementsForBreakBefore(returnList, context)) {
- return returnList;
- }
- }
- }
+ List<ListElement> returnedList;
+ List<ListElement> contentList = new LinkedList<ListElement>();
+ List<ListElement> returnList = new LinkedList<ListElement>();
- if (!firstVisibleMarkServed) {
- addKnuthElementsForSpaceBefore(returnList, alignment);
- context.updateKeepWithPreviousPending(getKeepWithPrevious());
+ if (!breakBeforeServed(context, returnList)) {
+ return returnList;
- addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingBefore(returnList, !firstVisibleMarkServed);
- firstVisibleMarkServed = true;
+ addFirstVisibleMarks(returnList, context, alignment);
if (autoHeight && inlineElementList) {
- //Spaces, border and padding to be repeated at each break
- addPendingMarks(context);
LayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
LayoutManager prevLM = null; // previously active LM
- while ((curLM = getChildLM()) != null) {
- LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
- childLC.copyPendingMarksFrom(context);
- // curLM is a ?
- childLC.setStackLimitBP(context.getStackLimitBP().minus(stackLimit));
- childLC.setRefIPD(relDims.ipd);
- childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
- if (curLM == this.childLMs.get(0)) {
- childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_BREAK_BEFORE);
- //Handled already by the parent (break collapsing, see above)
+ LayoutContext childLC;
+ boolean doReset = isRestart;
+ if (isRestart) {
+ if (emptyStack) {
+ assert restartAtLM != null && restartAtLM.getParent() == this;
+ curLM = restartAtLM;
+ } else {
+ curLM = (LayoutManager) lmStack.pop();
+ // make sure the initial LM is not reset
+ doReset = false;
+ }
+ setCurrentChildLM(curLM);
+ } else {
+ curLM = getChildLM();
+ }
+ while (curLM != null) {
+ if (doReset) {
+ curLM.reset();
+ childLC = makeChildLayoutContext(context);
// get elements from curLM
- returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
+ if (!isRestart || emptyStack) {
+ returnedList = getNextChildElements(curLM, context, childLC, alignment,
+ null, null, null);
+ } else {
+ returnedList = getNextChildElements(curLM, context, childLC, alignment,
+ lmStack, restartPosition, restartAtLM);
+ // once encountered, irrelevant for following child LMs
+ emptyStack = true;
+ // force reset as of the next child
+ doReset = true;
+ }
if (contentList.isEmpty() && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
//Propagate keep-with-previous up from the first child
if (returnedList.size() == 1
- && ((ListElement)returnedList.get(0)).isForcedBreak()) {
+ && ElementListUtils.startsWithForcedBreak(returnedList)) {
// a descendant of this block has break-before
- /*
- if (returnList.size() == 0) {
- // the first child (or its first child ...) has
- // break-before;
- // all this block, including space before, will be put in
- // the
- // following page
- bSpaceBeforeServed = false;
- }*/
// "wrap" the Position inside each element
// moving the elements from contentList to returnList
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
return returnList;
@@ -329,9 +300,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
return returnList;
@@ -339,20 +308,15 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
prevLM = curLM;
+ curLM = getChildLM();
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
} else {
- returnList.add(refactoredBecauseOfDuplicateCode(contentRectOffsetX,
- contentRectOffsetY));
+ returnList.add(generateNonInlinedBox());
- addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingAfter(returnList, true);
- addKnuthElementsForSpaceAfter(returnList, alignment);
- //All child content is processed. Only break-after can occur now, so...
- context.clearPendingMarks();
+ addLastVisibleMarks(returnList, context, alignment);
addKnuthElementsForBreakAfter(returnList, context);
@@ -361,72 +325,19 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
return returnList;
- private KnuthBox refactoredBecauseOfDuplicateCode(double contentRectOffsetX,
- double contentRectOffsetY) {
- MinOptMax range = MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.ipd);
- BlockContainerBreaker breaker = new BlockContainerBreaker(this, range);
- breaker.doLayout(relDims.bpd, autoHeight);
- boolean contentOverflows = breaker.isOverflow();
- if (autoHeight) {
- //Update content BPD now that it is known
- int newHeight = breaker.deferredAlg.totalWidth;
- if (blockProgressionDirectionChanges()) {
- setContentAreaIPD(newHeight);
- } else {
- vpContentBPD = newHeight;
- }
- updateRelDims(contentRectOffsetX, contentRectOffsetY, false);
- }
- Position bcPosition = new BlockContainerPosition(this, breaker);
- KnuthBox knuthBox = new KnuthBox(vpContentBPD, notifyPos(bcPosition), false);
- //TODO Handle min/opt/max for block-progression-dimension
- /* These two elements will be used to add stretchability to the above box
- returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
- false, returnPosition, false));
- returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
- LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
- */
- if (contentOverflows) {
- BlockLevelEventProducer eventProducer = BlockLevelEventProducer.Provider.get(
- getBlockContainerFO().getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
- boolean canRecover = (getBlockContainerFO().getOverflow() != EN_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW);
- eventProducer.viewportOverflow(this, getBlockContainerFO().getName(),
- breaker.getOverflowAmount(), needClip(), canRecover,
- getBlockContainerFO().getLocator());
- }
- return knuthBox;
- }
- private boolean blockProgressionDirectionChanges() {
- return getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() % 180 != 0;
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public List getNextKnuthElements // CSOK: MethodLength
- (LayoutContext context, int alignment, Stack lmStack,
- Position restartPosition, LayoutManager restartAtLM) {
- resetSpaces();
- if (isAbsoluteOrFixed()) {
- return getNextKnuthElementsAbsolute(context, alignment);
- }
+ private void setupAreaDimensions(LayoutContext context) {
autoHeight = false;
- //boolean rotated = (getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() % 180 != 0);
int maxbpd = context.getStackLimitBP().getOpt();
int allocBPD;
+ BlockContainer fo = getBlockContainerFO();
if (height.getEnum() == EN_AUTO
|| (!height.isAbsolute() && getAncestorBlockAreaBPD() <= 0)) {
//auto height when height="auto" or "if that dimension is not specified explicitly
//(i.e., it depends on content's block-progression-dimension)" (XSL 1.0, 7.14.1)
allocBPD = maxbpd;
autoHeight = true;
- if (getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() == 0) {
- //Cannot easily inline element list when ref-or="180"
- inlineElementList = true;
- }
+ //Cannot easily inline element list when ref-or<>"0"
+ inlineElementList = (fo.getReferenceOrientation() == 0);
} else {
allocBPD = height.getValue(this); //this is the content-height
allocBPD += getBPIndents();
@@ -441,243 +352,71 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
- double contentRectOffsetX = 0;
- contentRectOffsetX += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonMarginBlock().startIndent.getValue(this);
- double contentRectOffsetY = 0;
- contentRectOffsetY += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getBorderBeforeWidth(false);
- contentRectOffsetY += getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getPaddingBefore(false, this);
+ contentRectOffsetX += fo.getCommonMarginBlock().startIndent.getValue(this);
+ contentRectOffsetY += fo.getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getBorderBeforeWidth(false);
+ contentRectOffsetY += fo.getCommonBorderPaddingBackground().getPaddingBefore(false, this);
- updateRelDims(contentRectOffsetX, contentRectOffsetY, autoHeight);
+ updateRelDims();
int availableIPD = referenceIPD - getIPIndents();
if (getContentAreaIPD() > availableIPD) {
BlockLevelEventProducer eventProducer = BlockLevelEventProducer.Provider.get(
- getBlockContainerFO().getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
- eventProducer.objectTooWide(this, getBlockContainerFO().getName(),
+ fo.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
+ eventProducer.objectTooWide(this, fo.getName(),
getContentAreaIPD(), context.getRefIPD(),
- getBlockContainerFO().getLocator());
- }
- MinOptMax stackLimit = MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.bpd);
- List returnedList;
- List contentList = new LinkedList();
- List returnList = new LinkedList();
- if (!breakBeforeServed) {
- breakBeforeServed = true;
- if (!context.suppressBreakBefore()) {
- if (addKnuthElementsForBreakBefore(returnList, context)) {
- return returnList;
- }
- }
+ fo.getLocator());
+ }
- if (!firstVisibleMarkServed) {
- addKnuthElementsForSpaceBefore(returnList, alignment);
- context.updateKeepWithPreviousPending(getKeepWithPrevious());
- }
- addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingBefore(returnList, !firstVisibleMarkServed);
- firstVisibleMarkServed = true;
- if (autoHeight && inlineElementList) {
- //Spaces, border and padding to be repeated at each break
- addPendingMarks(context);
- BlockLevelLayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
- BlockLevelLayoutManager prevLM = null; // previously active LM
- LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
- if (lmStack.isEmpty()) {
- assert restartAtLM != null && restartAtLM.getParent() == this;
- curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) restartAtLM;
- curLM.reset();
- setCurrentChildLM(curLM);
- childLC.copyPendingMarksFrom(context);
- childLC.setStackLimitBP(context.getStackLimitBP().minus(stackLimit));
- childLC.setRefIPD(relDims.ipd);
- childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
- if (curLM == this.childLMs.get(0)) {
- childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_BREAK_BEFORE);
- //Handled already by the parent (break collapsing, see above)
- }
- // get elements from curLM
- returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
- } else {
- curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) lmStack.pop();
- setCurrentChildLM(curLM);
- childLC.copyPendingMarksFrom(context);
- childLC.setStackLimitBP(context.getStackLimitBP().minus(stackLimit));
- childLC.setRefIPD(relDims.ipd);
- childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
- if (curLM == this.childLMs.get(0)) {
- childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_BREAK_BEFORE);
- //Handled already by the parent (break collapsing, see above)
- }
+ private KnuthBox generateNonInlinedBox() {
- // get elements from curLM
- returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment, lmStack,
- restartPosition, restartAtLM);
- }
- if (contentList.isEmpty() && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
- //Propagate keep-with-previous up from the first child
- context.updateKeepWithPreviousPending(childLC.getKeepWithPreviousPending());
- childLC.clearKeepWithPreviousPending();
- }
- if (returnedList.size() == 1
- && ((ListElement)returnedList.get(0)).isForcedBreak()) {
- // a descendant of this block has break-before
- /*
- if (returnList.size() == 0) {
- // the first child (or its first child ...) has
- // break-before;
- // all this block, including space before, will be put in
- // the
- // following page
- bSpaceBeforeServed = false;
- }*/
- contentList.addAll(returnedList);
- // "wrap" the Position inside each element
- // moving the elements from contentList to returnList
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
- wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
- return returnList;
+ MinOptMax range = MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.ipd);
+ BlockContainerBreaker breaker = new BlockContainerBreaker(this, range);
+ breaker.doLayout(relDims.bpd, autoHeight);
+ boolean contentOverflows = breaker.isOverflow();
+ if (autoHeight) {
+ //Update content BPD now that it is known
+ int newHeight = breaker.deferredAlg.totalWidth;
+ if (blockProgressionDirectionChanges()) {
+ setContentAreaIPD(newHeight);
} else {
- if (prevLM != null) {
- // there is a block handled by prevLM
- // before the one handled by curLM
- addInBetweenBreak(contentList, context, childLC);
- }
- contentList.addAll(returnedList);
- if (!returnedList.isEmpty()) {
- if (((ListElement) ListUtil.getLast(returnedList))
- .isForcedBreak()) {
- // a descendant of this block has break-after
- if (curLM.isFinished()) {
- // there is no other content in this block;
- // it's useless to add space after before a page break
- setFinished(true);
- }
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
- wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
- return returnList;
- }
- }
- }
- // propagate and clear
- context.updateKeepWithNextPending(childLC.getKeepWithNextPending());
- childLC.clearKeepsPending();
- prevLM = curLM;
- while ((curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
- curLM.reset();
- childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
- childLC.copyPendingMarksFrom(context);
- // curLM is a ?
- childLC.setStackLimitBP(context.getStackLimitBP().minus(stackLimit));
- childLC.setRefIPD(relDims.ipd);
- childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
- if (curLM == this.childLMs.get(0)) {
- childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.SUPPRESS_BREAK_BEFORE);
- //Handled already by the parent (break collapsing, see above)
- }
- // get elements from curLM
- returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
- if (contentList.isEmpty() && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
- //Propagate keep-with-previous up from the first child
- context.updateKeepWithPreviousPending(childLC.getKeepWithPreviousPending());
- childLC.clearKeepWithPreviousPending();
- }
- if (returnedList.size() == 1
- && ((ListElement)returnedList.get(0)).isForcedBreak()) {
- // a descendant of this block has break-before
- /*
- if (returnList.size() == 0) {
- // the first child (or its first child ...) has
- // break-before;
- // all this block, including space before, will be put in
- // the
- // following page
- bSpaceBeforeServed = false;
- }*/
- contentList.addAll(returnedList);
- // "wrap" the Position inside each element
- // moving the elements from contentList to returnList
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
- wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
- return returnList;
- } else {
- if (prevLM != null) {
- // there is a block handled by prevLM
- // before the one handled by curLM
- addInBetweenBreak(contentList, context, childLC);
- }
- contentList.addAll(returnedList);
- if (returnedList.isEmpty()) {
- //Avoid NoSuchElementException below (happens with empty blocks)
- continue;
- }
- if (((ListElement) ListUtil.getLast(returnedList))
- .isForcedBreak()) {
- // a descendant of this block has break-after
- if (curLM.isFinished()) {
- // there is no other content in this block;
- // it's useless to add space after before a page break
- setFinished(true);
- }
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
- wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
- return returnList;
- }
- }
- // propagate and clear
- context.updateKeepWithNextPending(childLC.getKeepWithNextPending());
- childLC.clearKeepsPending();
- prevLM = curLM;
+ vpContentBPD = newHeight;
- returnedList = new LinkedList();
- wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);
- } else {
- returnList.add(refactoredBecauseOfDuplicateCode(contentRectOffsetX,
- contentRectOffsetY));
+ updateRelDims();
- addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingAfter(returnList, true);
- addKnuthElementsForSpaceAfter(returnList, alignment);
- //All child content is processed. Only break-after can occur now, so...
- context.clearPendingMarks();
- addKnuthElementsForBreakAfter(returnList, context);
+ Position bcPosition = new BlockContainerPosition(this, breaker);
+ KnuthBox knuthBox = new KnuthBox(vpContentBPD, notifyPos(bcPosition), false);
+ //TODO Handle min/opt/max for block-progression-dimension
+ /* These two elements will be used to add stretchability to the above box
+ returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
+ false, returnPosition, false));
+ returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
+ LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, returnPosition, false));
+ */
- context.updateKeepWithNextPending(getKeepWithNext());
+ if (contentOverflows) {
+ BlockLevelEventProducer eventProducer = BlockLevelEventProducer.Provider.get(
+ getBlockContainerFO().getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
+ boolean canRecover = (getBlockContainerFO().getOverflow() != EN_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW);
+ eventProducer.viewportOverflow(this, getBlockContainerFO().getName(),
+ breaker.getOverflowAmount(), needClip(), canRecover,
+ getBlockContainerFO().getLocator());
+ }
+ return knuthBox;
+ }
- setFinished(true);
- return returnList;
+ private boolean blockProgressionDirectionChanges() {
+ return getBlockContainerFO().getReferenceOrientation() % 180 != 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public boolean isRestartable() {
return true;
- private List getNextKnuthElementsAbsolute(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
+ private List<ListElement> getNextKnuthElementsAbsolute(LayoutContext context) {
autoHeight = false;
boolean bpDirectionChanges = blockProgressionDirectionChanges();
@@ -783,7 +522,9 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
vpContentBPD = allocBPD - getBPIndents();
setContentAreaIPD(allocIPD - getIPIndents());
- updateRelDims(0, 0, autoHeight);
+ contentRectOffsetX = 0;
+ contentRectOffsetY = 0;
+ updateRelDims();
MinOptMax range = MinOptMax.getInstance(relDims.ipd);
BlockContainerBreaker breaker = new BlockContainerBreaker(this, range);
@@ -797,9 +538,9 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
} else {
vpContentBPD = newHeight;
- updateRelDims(0, 0, false);
+ updateRelDims();
- List returnList = new LinkedList();
+ List<ListElement> returnList = new LinkedList<ListElement>();
if (!breaker.isEmpty()) {
Position bcPosition = new BlockContainerPosition(this, breaker);
returnList.add(new KnuthBox(0, notifyPos(bcPosition), false));
@@ -819,9 +560,9 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
return returnList;
- private void updateRelDims(double xOffset, double yOffset, boolean skipAutoHeight) {
+ private void updateRelDims() {
Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(
- xOffset, yOffset,
+ contentRectOffsetX, contentRectOffsetY,
relDims = new FODimension(0, 0);
@@ -879,7 +620,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
public int getDifferenceOfFirstPart() {
- PageBreakPosition pbp = (PageBreakPosition)this.deferredAlg.getPageBreaks().getFirst();
+ PageBreakPosition pbp = this.deferredAlg.getPageBreaks().getFirst();
return pbp.difference;
@@ -908,13 +649,10 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
protected List getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
LayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
- List returnList = new LinkedList();
+ List<ListElement> returnList = new LinkedList<ListElement>();
while ((curLM = getChildLM()) != null) {
- LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
- childLC.setStackLimitBP(context.getStackLimitBP());
- childLC.setRefIPD(context.getRefIPD());
- childLC.setWritingMode(getBlockContainerFO().getWritingMode());
+ LayoutContext childLC = makeChildLayoutContext(context);
List returnedList = null;
if (!curLM.isFinished()) {
@@ -992,8 +730,8 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
/** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void addAreas // CSOK: MethodLength
- (PositionIterator parentIter, LayoutContext layoutContext) {
+ @Override
+ public void addAreas(PositionIterator parentIter, LayoutContext layoutContext) {
// if this will create the first block area in a page
@@ -1015,14 +753,12 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
// "unwrap" the NonLeafPositions stored in parentIter
// and put them in a new list;
- List positionList = new LinkedList();
+ List<Position> positionList = new LinkedList<Position>();
Position pos;
- boolean bSpaceBefore = false;
- boolean bSpaceAfter = false;
Position firstPos = null;
Position lastPos = null;
while (parentIter.hasNext()) {
- pos = (Position) parentIter.next();
+ pos = parentIter.next();
if (pos.getIndex() >= 0) {
if (firstPos == null) {
firstPos = pos;
@@ -1041,20 +777,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
//Add child areas inside the reference area
} else if (innerPosition == null) {
- if (pos instanceof NonLeafPosition) {
- // pos was created by this BCLM and was inside an element
- // representing space before or after
- // this means the space was not discarded
- if (positionList.isEmpty() && bcpos == null) {
- // pos was in the element representing space-before
- bSpaceBefore = true;
- } else {
- // pos was in the element representing space-after
- bSpaceAfter = true;
- }
- } else {
- //ignore (probably a Position for a simple penalty between blocks)
- }
+ //ignore (probably a Position for a simple penalty between blocks)
} else if (innerPosition.getLM() == this
&& !(innerPosition instanceof MappingPosition)) {
// pos was created by this BlockLM and was inside a penalty
@@ -1072,86 +795,15 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
addMarkersToPage(true, isFirst(firstPos), isLast(lastPos));
if (bcpos == null) {
- if (bpUnit == 0) {
- // the Positions in positionList were inside the elements
- // created by the LineLM
- childPosIter = new StackingIter(positionList.listIterator());
- } else {
- // the Positions in positionList were inside the elements
- // created by the BCLM in the createUnitElements() method
- //if (((Position) positionList.getLast()) instanceof
- // LeafPosition) {
- // // the last item inside positionList is a LeafPosition
- // // (a LineBreakPosition, more precisely); this means that
- // // the whole paragraph is on the same page
- // childPosIter = new KnuthPossPosIter(storedList, 0,
- // storedList.size());
- //} else {
- // // the last item inside positionList is a Position;
- // // this means that the paragraph has been split
- // // between consecutive pages
- List splitList = new LinkedList();
- int splitLength = 0;
- int iFirst = ((MappingPosition) positionList.get(0))
- .getFirstIndex();
- int iLast = ((MappingPosition) ListUtil.getLast(positionList))
- .getLastIndex();
- // copy from storedList to splitList all the elements from
- // iFirst to iLast
- ListIterator storedListIterator = storedList.listIterator(iFirst);
- while (storedListIterator.nextIndex() <= iLast) {
- KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement) storedListIterator
- .next();
- // some elements in storedList (i.e. penalty items) were created
- // by this BlockLM, and must be ignored
- if (element.getLayoutManager() != this) {
- splitList.add(element);
- splitLength += element.getWidth();
- lastLM = element.getLayoutManager();
- }
- }
- //log.debug("Adding areas from " + iFirst + " to " + iLast);
- //log.debug("splitLength= " + splitLength
- // + " (" + neededUnits(splitLength) + " units') "
- // + (neededUnits(splitLength) * bpUnit - splitLength)
- // + " spacing");
- // add space before and / or after the paragraph
- // to reach a multiple of bpUnit
- if (bSpaceBefore && bSpaceAfter) {
- foBlockSpaceBefore = new SpaceVal(getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonMarginBlock().spaceBefore, this).getSpace();
- foBlockSpaceAfter = new SpaceVal(getBlockContainerFO()
- .getCommonMarginBlock().spaceAfter, this).getSpace();
- adjustedSpaceBefore = (neededUnits(splitLength
- + foBlockSpaceBefore.getMin()
- + foBlockSpaceAfter.getMin())
- * bpUnit - splitLength) / 2;
- adjustedSpaceAfter = neededUnits(splitLength
- + foBlockSpaceBefore.getMin()
- + foBlockSpaceAfter.getMin())
- * bpUnit - splitLength - adjustedSpaceBefore;
- } else if (bSpaceBefore) {
- adjustedSpaceBefore = neededUnits(splitLength
- + foBlockSpaceBefore.getMin())
- * bpUnit - splitLength;
- } else {
- adjustedSpaceAfter = neededUnits(splitLength
- + foBlockSpaceAfter.getMin())
- * bpUnit - splitLength;
- }
- //log.debug("space before = " + adjustedSpaceBefore
- // + " space after = " + adjustedSpaceAfter + " total = " +
- // (adjustedSpaceBefore + adjustedSpaceAfter + splitLength));
- childPosIter = new KnuthPossPosIter(splitList, 0, splitList
- .size());
- //}
- }
+ // the Positions in positionList were inside the elements
+ // created by the LineLM
+ childPosIter = new PositionIterator(positionList.listIterator());
while ((childLM = childPosIter.getNextChildLM()) != null) {
// set last area flag
(layoutContext.isLastArea() && childLM == lastLM));
- /*LF*/lc.setStackLimitBP(layoutContext.getStackLimitBP());
+ lc.setStackLimitBP(layoutContext.getStackLimitBP());
// Add the line areas to Area
childLM.addAreas(childPosIter, lc);
@@ -1180,6 +832,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
* {@inheritDoc}
+ @Override
public Area getParentArea(Area childArea) {
if (referenceArea == null) {
boolean switchedProgressionDirection = blockProgressionDirectionChanges();
@@ -1203,9 +856,6 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
discardPaddingBefore, discardPaddingAfter, false, false, this);
- // TraitSetter.addBackground(viewportBlockArea,
- // getBlockContainerFO().getCommonBorderPaddingBackground(),
- // this);
startIndent, endIndent,
@@ -1213,13 +863,6 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
- /*
- if (getSpaceBefore() != 0) {
- viewportBlockArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_BEFORE, new Integer(getSpaceBefore()));
- }
- if (foBlockSpaceAfter.opt != 0) {
- viewportBlockArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_AFTER, new Integer(foBlockSpaceAfter.opt));
- }*/
if (abProps.absolutePosition == EN_ABSOLUTE
|| abProps.absolutePosition == EN_FIXED) {
@@ -1256,6 +899,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
* {@inheritDoc}
+ @Override
public void addChildArea(Area childArea) {
if (referenceArea != null) {
referenceArea.addBlock((Block) childArea);
@@ -1266,6 +910,7 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
* Force current area to be added to parent area.
* {@inheritDoc}
+ @Override
protected void flush() {
viewportBlockArea.addBlock(referenceArea, autoHeight);
@@ -1277,28 +922,32 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public int negotiateBPDAdjustment(int adj, KnuthElement lastElement) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public void discardSpace(KnuthGlue spaceGlue) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public KeepProperty getKeepTogetherProperty() {
return getBlockContainerFO().getKeepTogether();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public KeepProperty getKeepWithPreviousProperty() {
return getBlockContainerFO().getKeepWithPrevious();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public KeepProperty getKeepWithNextProperty() {
return getBlockContainerFO().getKeepWithNext();
@@ -1313,11 +962,13 @@ public class BlockContainerLayoutManager extends BlockStackingLayoutManager
// --------- Property Resolution related functions --------- //
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public boolean getGeneratesReferenceArea() {
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
+ @Override
public boolean getGeneratesBlockArea() {
return true;