path: root/docs/dist/doc/README-1.9.7.adoc
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+== AspectJ 1.9.7
+_© Copyright 2021 Contributors. All rights reserved._
+_Release info: 1.9.7 available 24-Jun-2021_
+AspectJ (binaries, source code, documentation) is now distributed under
+the https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.txt[Eclipse
+Public License v 2.0].
+Please note, that going forward Bugzilla for issue management is
+deprecated, and new issues should be filed as
+https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj/issues/new[GitHub issues]. The
+list of issues addressed for 1.9.7 can be found
+for Bugzilla] and
+for GitHub issues].
+=== New features
+AspectJ 1.9.7 supports https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/15/[Java
+15] & https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/16/[Java 16] and their
+respective final and review features:
+* text blocks (final 15)
+* records (preview 15, final 16)
+* instanceof pattern matching (preview 15, final 16)
+* hidden classes (final 15)
+* sealed classes (preview 15, preview 16)
+For features marked as preview on a given JDK, you need to compile with
+`ajc --enable-preview` and run with `java --enable-preview on` that JDK.
+Please note, that you cannot run code compiled with preview features on
+any other JDK than the one used for compilation. For example, records
+compiled with preview on JDK 15 cannot be used on JDK 16 without
+recompilation. This is a JVM limitation unrelated to AspectJ. Also, e.g.
+sealed classes are preview-1 on JDK 15 and preview-2 on JDK 16. You
+still need to recompile, no matter what.
+You can find some sample code in the AspectJ test suite under the
+respective AspectJ version in which the features were first supported
+(possibly as JVM preview features):
+* https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj/tree/master/tests/features195/textblock[AspectJ
+1.9.5: text blocks]
+* https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj/tree/master/tests/features196/java14[AspectJ
+1.9.6: records, instanceof patterns]
+* https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj/tree/master/tests/features197/java15[AspectJ
+1.9.7: hidden classes, sealed classes]
+=== Using LTW on Java 16+
+Please note that if you want to use load-time weaving on Java 16+, the
+weaving agent collides with https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/396[JEP 396
+(Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default)]. Therefore, you need to
+set the JVM parameter `--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED` in
+order to enable aspect weaving. This is due to the fact that the weaver
+uses internal APIs for which we have not found an adequate replacement
+yet when defining classes in different classloaders.
+=== Organisational and internal changes
+For AspectJ 1.9.7, we implemented a lot of internal changes concerning
+the build and release process, most of which are not visible in the
+product itself but will help us to more easily maintain and release the
+product in the future and more easily on-boarding new developers or
+contributors. For example:
+* The main repository has been moved to
+https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj[GitHub], i.e. you can open bug
+reports, feature requests and pull requests there now.
+* The Maven build has been improved, i.e. it is now easier to build and
+contribute to the product. Developers can just import the Maven project
+and no longer depend on Eclipse to build and test AspectJ, but can e.g.
+also use IntelliJ IDEA.
+* Continuous integration builds now run on GitHub for different JDK
+versions, also for pull requests. I.e. both maintainers and contributors
+get to know if their changes break any tests.
+* We can build releases and deploy them directly to Sonatype OSSRH
+(snapshots) or Maven Central (releases) with Maven now, i.e. it should
+be much easier in the future to publish development versions in order to
+enable users to re-test fixed bugs or try new features.
+* All tests are portable now, i.e. they correctly run on Windows, too.
+This enables developers and contributors to make a choice if they want
+to work on Linux or on Windows.
+=== Other changes and bug fixes
+* Remove legacy JRockit support.
+* Support Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019 in installer. Those
+versions were not detected until now, which led to bogus Windows batch
+files forwarding only 9 AJC parameters to the Java process via `%1 %2 %3
+%4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9` instead of `%*`.
+* AJdoc (AspectJ's javadoc generator add-on for aspects) now supports
+the JDK 16 javadoc generator.
+* Fix `serialVersionUID` initialization for Java 9+
+* AJC (AspectJ Compiler) usage texts sometimes used to be printed twice
+and they were printed too often, e.g. on top of every compile error.
+This has been fixed. Furthermore, the partly outdated usage text is now
+basically the same as ECJ (Eclipse Java Compiler), which AJC is a fork
+of, plus AspectJ-specific additions which are added during runtime.
+* Source and javadoc JARs distributed together with the AspectJ
+artifacts on Maven Central are now more accurate and more complete with
+regard to what is included (ASM, JDT Core) and how package names have
+been relocated.
+* Fix sample code formatting issues (indentation) throughout the